
Gantz Relife

A man fall from a tall building after he got hit by a comic book and died. Soon, he woke up only to be the main character of that comic. He did not dwell over his death and just lived his life as the new mc.

Thundertroy · Others
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90 Chs

Chapter 55: Long time no see.


'Incubation finished.'

Just as the incubation was finished, a blue worm comes out through the hole on top of the Spectrum Cocoon in Kurono's hands. As soon as the worm comes out, Kurono suddenly felt some kind of connection between him and the Nanobite Worm.

"Is it because I'm the one who incubated it that it has some kind of connection with me?" mumbled Kurono.

"You are wrong dad. I was born because of you." said the worm.

"Ack!? What the hell? How are you able to talk?" questioned Kurono, feeling shocked that this worm actually talked to him. "And why are you calling me dad?"

"Are not you my dad?" asked back the worm. "While I was being incubated, I overheard your conversation with mom."

"Overheard our conversation? Mom? What are you talking about?" Kurono was even more confused.

"You know her. You called her name just now. Er...my mother's name is Fuu, right?" asked the worm.

"Nonono. Stop stop!" Kurono stopped the Nanobite Worm. "First of all you are not my chid. Second, Lady Fuu is not my wife."

"Father! Why are you disowning me now? I'm your child!" yelled the worm.

"Hei listen!" Kurono wanted to explain, but the worm spoke again. "I can testify the even of my creation. It was even recorded in my memory. Dad, you put four of your sperms inside mom's womb. Then, in two shortened years, I was born.

Although, it was a little bit longer for me to be born, that's because I devoured the genes from those four sperms. If that's the reason for you to disown me, then please stop. You should be happy for right now, I'm very special. Much more special than someone that born from one sperm. Please own me as your son, dad."

"AARRGGHHH!!" Kurono yelled in frustration. How in the hell did this 'thing' manage to arrive at such conclusion? Why did he knew how he was created, and concluded those process insanely very different? Moreover, the incubation period was only two minutes. How did it suddenly turned to two years?

"Are you okay, dad?"

"Shut up!"

"Hey, that's not how you teach your child. That's so mean."

"Gah! Just shut up!"

The worm then stopped talking. This way, Kurono can relax his mind and calmed down. Kurono tried his best to not think about all the things that the worm said.


"Ahh!!" the calmness in his mind was thrown away instantly, when he heard the worm. "WHAT?"

"Why are you yelling again? I just wanted to ask something."

"What is it?"

"I was born not too long ago. So, I still don't have a name. Can you give me one?"

Kurono was about to throw away some incoherent curse but stopped to do so when he saw the worm. That little guy looked at him with a sad eyes, and said, "Please."

Dammit! Why am I feeling sympathy towards this thing? Fine. Let's just do whatever he ask. After he entered into the Gantz body, he will no longer be able to call me dad, thought Kurono. He then tried to come up with a name for the worm.

"Let's just call you as Tensho." said Kurono.

"Tensho...so, my name will be Tensho then. Thank you dad."

"Okay, hurry up and do your task." Kurono was feeling impatient. This thing is too talkative. It was best to leave him busy in controlling the Gantz.

"Task? Er...Dad, can you tell me what should I do?"

"It's like this. I want you to control the guy inside the black ball. Can you do that?"

Tensho then turned it's little head towards the guy inside the ball. After that he looked back at Kurono, and said, "Leave it to me dad. I will do my best to fully control him."

After that, Tensho floated and arrived at Gantt left ear. He then slowly wriggled into the hole in the ear. A moment later,he disappeared inside the head of Gantz without alerting the guy. Not long later, a telephatic message was sent to Kurono's head.

"Dad, I already entered. However, this guy is a lot more complicated than what I thought he would be. It will take sometimes before I can fully control him. So, I'm sorry, but you need to wait some more time."

"How long will take?"

"It's up to one week. No, I would be able to control him after five days." replied the worm.

"Alright. Just remind me when you are already have you control over the Gantz." said Kurono.

He then decided to walk out, but suddenly remembered what he said to those girls. Obviously, he was telling lie to them. So now, he was trying to come up with a reason to please the girls.


"Hey, what taking him so long?" asked Rei.

"Don't worry about it. Maybe he is checking something with the Gantz." said Reika.

Right after Reika said that, Kurono comes out of the Gantz Room. He approached everyone and said, "let's go home."

"What taking you so long?"

"Well, look at this." said Kurono, and moved to the side. At his back, there was a dog standing there, wagging it's tail.

"Huh? Rice?" the two Kishimoto exclaimed in surprise. Rei hurriedly hugged the dog lovingly. "Ooh, I missed you, Rice."

Fei patted the dog's head. She said, "Poor Rice. You died in the third missions."

Rei looked at Kurono and said, "Is this the reason you come back there?"

"Well, I thought that you might miss this guy. After all, he is always liked to follow you." said Kurono, lying about his reason.

"Thank you, Kei."

"Let's just take him to our house." said Sakuraoka. She also have a little recollection about this dog called Rice. However, at that time, she didn't really care about anything, except for Kurono.

After that, all of them headed back to Kurono's house. They no longer used any kind of transportation to go home. They instead asked Kurono to take them to the sky, and flew back to his house.


A boy was humming a tune while walking relaxedly towards a building.

"This should be the area. So, which one was the club that they have entered?"

He looked around but not sure because there are several clubs in the area. "Should I wait for my 'brother' to appear?"

The boy then walked towards an Ice cream shop nearby to eat some, while waiting for his brother. As he paid for the ice cream, he saw a group of girl students following two tall young man.

"There they are. Ah, hei...whelp. They already entered that place. I better be hurry."

The boy hurriedly run over towards the club. Midway, he turned invisible, and approached the club. However, the club doors were closed, and guards were assigned to guard it. There were registration place near the door, but only members were allowed to enter.

"Now, how do enter this place?" mumbled the boy.

Inside the club, the two young man and the group of school girls saw many black clothed people inside. Some of them drinking, some are dancing, and some of them even have a fighting competition.

"Huh? What's going on?" asked one of the girls.

"It's for the show in this club." said the long haired young man.

"Is it a competition?"

"A little like a first round K-1, fight for your pride match."

The two men fighting in the open area was trying to gain the upper hand over each other. As the fight goes on, one of them finally won the fight.

"That was impressive." complimented the school girl.

One of the girls waa still wondering about the club, and asked, "What kind of club is this?"

"The Fight Club." answered the long haired young man. The long haired young man then approached the counter, and asked, "How many victories did that man win?"

"5 so far." said the one at the counter. The young man nodded when he heard it.

Seeing the long haired young man was talking on the counter, the other young man looked at the girl beside him and said, "Alright. Let's leave."

"Aww...but why?" asked the girl, still want to stay.

The long haired young man constricted his eyes slightly when he heard the other young man. He approached that guy and said, "Kurono, enter the fight."

"What? You thing I should go fight?" asked Akira Kurono.

"Yeah you should." said the girl, supporting Kurono.

"Go on, Kurono. Do it."

"This is impressive. Go."

With everyone urging him, Akira have no choice but to go into the open fighting ring.

"Akira Kurono..." murmured the girl who stood beside Akira Kurono just now. She watched as Akira walked forward and fought the man who won five times.

Akira fought the man and win. Another man came into the ring, and challenged him. Akira just accepted the challenge and fought the man. After exchanging some blows, Akira once again emerged victorious.

"Kurono! Kurono!"

"Akira Kurono!"

"Fight! Fight!"

The people around cheered when they saw Akira Kurono was able to win against the five times winner, and even defeated another veteran fighter. More fighter come to challenge him for a fight, and he defeated them all.

Right then, many of the black clothed men come forwards encircling the school girls. Seeing them, the long haired young man smiled, and showed two sharp canines.

"What the..."

"What's going on?"


All the girls now feel nervous, and feeling insecure when they saw all of the men were looking at them as if looking at a prey.

"Hey, what are you guys trying to do?" asked the girl that always with Kurono.

"We want some junk food." said one of the men. After that he and a couple of the black clothed men pulled a girl. They then forced the girl to lean forward above a basin.

"Ah! What's wrong with you people? Let me go!" yelled the girl. Right now, she was frightened by the action of these men.

"Okay. Ready, one, two, go!"

Ching! plop!

With a swing of a sword by one of the men, the neck of the girl was cut, and her head rolled on the floor. Bloods started gushing out of the headless body, and flowed into the basin below the body.



All the girls screamed in fright when they saw the killing happened right in front of their eyes. All of their faces turned completely pale as they saw the gore scene.

After that, one by one of the girls were captured and forced to lean forward, like the first girl. Seeing this, the girl that came with Akira felt weak on her legs. Suddenly, a hand grabbed her.

"Leave. You need to get out of here." said Akira. Seeing that she was too flustered to move, he pulled her away, and started leaving the place.

"Akira. Where are you going?"

At this time, the long haired young man blocked Akira. Some more black clothed men walked forward and encircled Akira, and the girl, whose name is Chiaki.

"She is my winning prize. I will be taking her away." replied Akira.

The young man looked coldly at Akira. He said, "Let's take him down, and get the girl."

The young man was the first to rush forward, wanting to take down Akira. The other black clothed men followed behind him.


At this time, a lightning suddenly appeared out of nowhere. It just appeared, and it already struck the body of the long haired young man. The young man was electrocuted, and got scorched by the lightning.

"Finally, I was able to come in." said a voice. Out of thin air, a boy come out and landed in front of Akira. He turned around and smiled at Akira.

"Yo, little brother. Long time no see." said the youth. "Look like you are in a pinch here."

Akira saw the boy, and got shocked. Of all places, he never expected to see this guy in this place, and in this kind of situation.
