
Gantz Relife

A man fall from a tall building after he got hit by a comic book and died. Soon, he woke up only to be the main character of that comic. He did not dwell over his death and just lived his life as the new mc.

Thundertroy · Others
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90 Chs

Chapter 44: Are you a Japanese?

On a certain restaurant, four men was discussing about a newly received information. These people are the vampire bosses.

"Do we have any new information about the Vampire Hunters here in Tokyo area?"

"I've heard that these guys are very capable at running away. Some of my subordinates was really annoyed when two of the Vampire Hunters killed some of his friends, and still managed to run away."

"Hahaha. You subordinates must be some weakling." The dark haired boss laughed, causing the short haired man to look at him unfavourably. The short haired man suddenly created a blade and stabbed it to the man with the dark hair.

The man smiled and also created a blade and parried the stabbing blade.

"Okay you two. Stop before it turns into infighting." said Hikawa, the blonde guy. The two then retracted their weapon.

"Let's continue with our discussion. Just yesterday, I received intel from my subordinates. Here, take a look at this two." said Hikawa, showing a pictures of two person.

"A girl, and a boy named Kei Kurono?"

"Are not there someone among us got the name Kurono? I think we already met him and let him drink blood personally." said the man who looked older then the rest. This man is Yukichi Yamada.

"I will go talk with him whether he knows this boy or not." said Hikawa. "Anyway, among this two, the girl is like any other Vampire Hunters. She is strong with the suit, and she is armed with some special weapon.

As for that boy named Kei Kurono, Saitou who died at his hand managed to send some information about him. That boy practice some psionic powers, and very strong at that. He killed more than 60 of our people by burning them with his psychic powers."

"That is certainly a dangerous man. So, should we go and kill him?"

"...it might not be necessary. The Oni alien already planned to take them down. Let's wait for them to fight. If they still survive the Oni guy, then we go and kill them personally." said Hikawa.


In the afternoon, once again the Gantz Fighters were having a meeting at Kurono's house. Right now, the are discussing about the two dangerous opponents that they needed to fight, the aliens and the vampires.

"How do we handle those blood sucker?" asked Sakata.

"Did you get attacked by those vamp too?" Sakuraoka asked.

"No. But I already saw many of them walking around my area. That's so unnerving."

"These vampires are not that dangerous. Although they are annoying that they keep on attacking us, we still can beat them. On the next alien hunting mission, I'm sure we are going to meet their bosses once more. At that time, I'll personally go and kill them all." said Kurono.

"Talking about the next mission, leader, do you know what kind aliens we are going to fight?" asked Sakurai.

Kurono pondered for a bit, then briefed the team about the alien in the next mission. "The leader of the alien this time is Oni Alien. He got so many minions, and he himself is very strong. There are also the sub-leader with their dangerous abilities. I remember there are three sub-leader under the Oni Alien. The three of them has this abilities; Shapeshifting, Flame Control, and Body hardening. there must be more of them this time."

"Are they really that dangerous?"

"Come on. If leader said so, it must be very strong opponents." said Sakata.

"Sakurai, in my timeline, you will die in the next mission." informed Kurono, looking seriously at Sakurai.

This statement caused everyone to turn very serious, and start to ponder the graveness of the next hunting mission. Sakurai himself was especially very nervous. If what Kurono said is true, then he will be the one in the most dangerous situation.

"Leader, can you tell me how I died?" asked Sakurai.

Kurono said, "You and Sakata met the alien who can control fire. You tried to kill it but only manages to make the alien lost it sense of sight.

In the end, that alien scorched you to cinder, and Sakata avenged you by completing what you didn't manage to do. After that, Sakata revived you back to life."

"...I see. Then, sensei wasted his chance to gain freedom then." Sakurai looked at Sakata as if the story already happened, and he is in debt to the current Sakata.

"What are you looking at? What leader said has not happened to us. Now that we know it, we will do our best to prevent it from happening." advised Sakata.

"You are right, Sensei. Thank you for reminding me."

Kurono wanted to tell them that they are already more powerful than their previous self, and that they will be able to win against those aliens easily. However, he refrained to do so when he saw the team were training earnestly, and trying harder to improve themselves.

After watching and giving some assistance to the others in their training, Kurono then started his own training.

<Yo, host! It's been a long time since we met. Nice to meet you again. What have you been up to?>

"Ark! Rose? Why are you here? Didn't Freya already replaced you?"

<Who said that I got replaced? I'm still your valid System Entity. Right, Administrator?>

_Rose, I already tell you to go back. I already replaced you with Freya._

<What? How could you do that? Uncle, you are too much. If you wanted to make a decision, you should at least informed me first.>

_You caused that mistake, and got yourself arrested. So, it should be alright for me to replace you._

<I will not accept this. I'll go complain to Mdm. Fuu.>

_Even if you complain, you won't be able to be the host System Entity once again._

<I'm not sure about that. Anyway, I got this picture of a man trying to seduce his subordinate. Mdm. Fuu will be very glad to see this.> said Rose. She took out a picture and showed it. In the picture, there is Mr. Shujin, the Administrator who was kissing a beautiful girl.

_What!? How did you get that picture?_

<I'll be on my way. See ya.>

_Hei, wait..._

Rose Instantly disappeared away.

_Shit! Dammit! How in the hell did she get that picture? Ooh F@#k! I need to stop her before she give my wife that picture._

"Er...you are cursing so many times there. Are you doing alright, Administrator?"

_Sorry host. I need to go. See you soon._

Next, Mr. Shujin also disappeared into thin air.

"...look like these guys also have their own problem. Anyway, lately, I haven't gotten any mission from them. Are they afraid that I'm going to plunder their System Points?"

*You are worrying too much host. Do you want some mission desperately?* said Freya.

"Oh Freya. You are back. Did you see an uncle and a niece running around?"

*Nope. Why do you ask?*

"No reason." replied Kurono. Seems like Freya didn't see the two. "So, i won't say that I'm desperate for any mission. But, can you give me some?"

*Sure. Here's your mission.

*Mission 5: Help the Hong Kong team slay Xiangliu

Mission Conditions:

1. Kill the nine headed monster alien, Xiangliu.

2. Survive in the Hong Kong hunting mission.

Rewards: 100 System Points*

"Wow your rewards is quite generous. That's mean, those mission must be very hard right?"

*Host, you will know when you see it. Let me send you to their battlefield.*

"Huh? You mean right now?" Kurono was stunned. Why was the mission needed him to go Instantly?

{Hei Freya, wait. I heard you wanted to send him towards Hong Kong.} Light suddenly appeared.

*Make it short. Those Hong Kong team is already have gone to their mission.*

{Okay okay. I'm in those area just now. Host, here's your new mission.

*Mission 3: Save the Hong Kong team.

Mission Conditions:

1. Save as much Hong Kong team as possible.

Rewards: ???}

*Alright. Let's go host.*

"Hey wait. I haven't prepared yet..."


Instantly, Kurono disappeared from where he was standing.

"Hey! Guys, did you see that?"

"See what?"

"Leader vanished instantly." said Sakurai.

The others expression changed. Kishimoto said, "Did the Gantz start the transfer?"

Sakurai shook his head. "I don't think so. Leader was like swoosh, and he disappeared wholly."

"Is he using his power to move or teleport?"

"Let's try calling him."

Sakuraoka took her phone and called. However, the phone call was not answered, or out of range.

"It's not getting through." said Sakuraoka.

"What happened? Where could he be?"



At this time, Kurono appeared on the sky, and dropped down.

"Aaaahhh...just kidding." Kurono used his power to let himself be suspended in the sky. "Where is this place?"

*Used the Gantz radar to change frequency. Otherwise, you won't see them.* advised Freya.

Kurono nodded and changed frequency. As soon as he did that, he could see down below, many monsters were fighting some Gantz Fighters.

"There are too many enemies here. I don't think these people can win." said Kurono. He could see their weapon were only the X-Gun, and Y-Gun. "Did these people didn't know about the Gantz Bike, and the Gantz Sword? If so, they are really in for some trouble. Sigh. Let's just start saving these guys."

Saying so, Kurono dived down towards the battlefield.



On the side of a river, a group of two-headed wolves surrounded a group of Gantz Fighters.

"Oh no. What should we do?" a girl looked at the oversized wolf with fearful eyes.

"Be on alert everyone. Try to survive their attack, and look for opportunities to shoot them." said a man.

Right then, one of the two headed wolves moved forwards speedily. It tried to bite the girl who was looking terrified the Instant the enemy moved.



The girl tried to shoot her gun. However, the wolf evaded the shot. After that, it used it's right head to bite Yufei's legs, and it's left head to bite her upper body.

"Guys. Let's save Yufei!" one of the male fighter alerted the others, and hurriedly rushed to save Yufei. However, another wolf jumped forward.

"Liang Tu, watch out!!"

The warning came a little late. The wolf swiftly bit Liang Tu on his torso. After that, the wolf tried to much the man.


Another girl hurriedly run after the man with a pale face. She tried her best to shoot the wolf. Surprisingly, she managed to blast one of the head of the wolf. The wolf roared in pain, and let go of Liang Tu.

The girl hurriedly caught the man. "Liang Tu, are you alright?"

"Hey, Shi Lian, Liang Tu, they are coming hurry and run." One of the men at the back called.

At this time, they managed to open a way to escape from the encirclement of the wolves.

"But Yufei is still there."

"We can't do much about her. Let's go!"

The man didn't wait, for the two. He and another four Gantz Fighters hurriedly run away.

"Let's go! We need to escape first." said Shi Lian. She then followed the others to run away.

Seeing her, Liang Tu felt helpless. He wanted to save Yufei, but there are too many wolves. In the end, he decided to also run away.


At this time, Yufei was in a pinch. The wolf tried to rip her apart by pulling her legs apart from her upper body. She was about to shout for a help, but saw her teammates were running away from that place. Several wolves also were running after them.

'Am I going to die here?' thought the helpless girl.

At this time, she suddenly saw a glint of light in the sky.


Instantly, a man appeared next to the wolf who was biting her. The man punched the side of the wolf, and an explosion was generated from the punch. A beam of light instantly incinerated the body of the wolf. The only body parts of the wolf that was not incinerated were the heads, and it's hind legs.

The remaining body parts dropped down, and Yufei who was still in the mouth of one of the head dropped together with the head to the ground. She hurriedly wriggled away from the dead wolf's head.

Yufei was still feeling fear and was nothing yet able to chat. She just bowed towards her savior to thank him.

"*Can you tell me the situation here?*" the man said, but Yufei was unable to understand. However, she knew which language the man was using. She then spoke in English. "Are you a Japanese?"

Kurono who heard her was first stunned, then remembered that he was now in another country.