
Gantz Relife

A man fall from a tall building after he got hit by a comic book and died. Soon, he woke up only to be the main character of that comic. He did not dwell over his death and just lived his life as the new mc.

Thundertroy · Others
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90 Chs

Chapter 4: Confronting the Adult Onion Alien

Kurono jumped to the side and evaded the attack from the Adult Onion Alien. The alien turned to the side and slashed it's long and sharp claws downward on Kurono's head. On the side, Kurono evaded once again.

"Graa! Hef thli hebn, hhde deen djgu!!"

The alien got enraged and shouted when it didn't manage to cause any injury on Kurono. Although Kurono, cannot understand the language, he somehow able to deduct the meaning from the alien's gesture.

"You want me to act like a man and receive your attack? I'm not that dumb." Kurono smirked and looked condescendingly at the enemy.

The alien was ticked when it say Kurono's expression. It then started to attack him madly. In return, Kurono just tried his best to avoid every strike or slash from the big guy. Somehow, he could feel that his reflexes were improving. This led him to think, 'Is this the effect when someone is wearing the suit?'

Kishimoto was stunned as she looked at Kurono. She didn't expect him to be so agile, and able to evade the fast attack from the alien. This guy really is not simple!

After some times, Kurono was already used to the alien movement and attack. "It's time to end this." He then jumped away to distance himself, while taking out his gun. He then aimed at the alien, and pulled the trigger of the gun. However, it as if the adult Onion Alien know the function of the gun. It jumped to the side to avoid the shot.



There is a delay, before an explosion caused a pole to broke and fall to the ground. Kurono showed a little frown. "Look like I need to train my marksmanship first before I could shoot."

"What are you doing? Why do you want to shoot him? People will think that you are a murderer!" Said the girl, who screamed in fright when the pole got blasted.

"This thing is not human. So, what I did cannot be called a murder. It technically mean that we are disposing some alien?"

"Not human? This is alien?"

"Use the scope on your gun and you will understand what I mean."

Kishimoto took out her gun and pointed at the alien. Through the scope on the gun, she saw the Adult Onion Alien in an X-ray mode. She then got shocked when she saw that that guy has a very different bone frame from a normal human.

"Ah! This guy is really not human?"

She almost cried in shock when she looked at how big of a difference in that guy's overal body frame. At the same time, the Adult Onion Alien showed an angry look at her for pointing her gun at it. Suddenly, it changed it target. The guy charged at Kishimoto and clawed at her.


Kishimoto hurriedly jumped away and tried her best to run away from the alien. However, the alien was fast. It only took seconds to reach the girl.

"Not so fast man."

Right before the guy could attack Kishimoto, Kurono tackled the big ugly alien, causing it to stumble some distance away to the side. Before it could stand up, Kurono stepped hard on it's back and pointed his gun at it.


This time, the shot killed the alien. It's head was blasted into pieces, and it's brain matter splashed on the ground.

Seeing the dead thing caused Kishimoto to feel nauseated. She turned away and kneeled on the ground, retching. Although Kurono said it to be an alien, she still couldn't tolerate the sight of a sudden death.

Kurono approached her, and gently clapped her on her back, letting her to calm down.

"Are you okay?" Kurono asked after she calmed down a bit.

"I'm okay. It just too sudden for me."

"I feel you. Well, just think like this; we all are already dead. I mean we are still alive? More like we are a walking dead right now. So, you need to get use to seeing something like this."

"Walking dead, huh."

In that Instant, Kishimoto have a sudden realization. What's there to be afraid of? Didn't she tried to kill herself, and really died? Then, what's the difference when she saw someone else dying? Thinking like that, it helped her to calm herself.

Kurono took this time ro remind her, "Let's go. We need to leave this place as soon as possible. They might be other alien who is lurking around in this area."

The two then hurriedly left the place.


Back at the other group, another Adult Onion Alien was looking at everyone with a red eyes.

"Grree gheu HMGFF!!"

The alien roared in anger and yelled at the group of five people in it's foreign language.

Yamada, the teacher almost wetted his pant in fear as he looked at the angry guy. "Oh no! That 'dad' seems to be angry because we killed it's 'son'. What should we do?"

"What? You are afraid of him? Hah, What a chicken you are." The yakuza leader looked disdainfully at Yamada. He then walked bravely, and approached the big alien.

"I killed your son. What are you gonna do?"

"Whwa dreelk hoa!! HEOR SNEO HHSA!!"

"Huuh? You think I'm afraid of you? Fuck you!"


The yakuza suddenly headbutted the alien. However, the alien didn't even move. Instead, the head of the yakuza guy got injured, and some blood flow out between his eyebrows.

"Argh! Dammit! This shithead has a hard skull. Kill it!" The injured yakuza asked everyone to act while he tried his best not to fall down, as he felt lightheaded.

Hearing the yakuza's shout, everyone pointed their gun at the alien. They are about to pull the trigger of their respective guns, but suddenly halted. This is because, the alien swiftly gripped the injured yakuza on his head. At the same time, the five finger that gripped the head turned into a sharp blades.

"Ho...hold on. Everyone stop!" The yakuza was shocked when he felt the sharp blades on his face. "Hey man, sorry. It was actually just a misunderstanding. We can discuss this."


The big alien didn't understand, nor did it care. It suddenly tightened it's grip, and caused the sharp blade to cut a deep wound on the yakuza's face.


The man screamed in pain and fear. Blood started to gush out from those wounds on his face.

"Oh no. Everyone, attack!"

The other yakuza's expression changed. He hurriedly asked everyone to shoot. The silver haired youth shoot first. To his fright, as he pulled the trigger, the alien blocked his aim using the injured yakuza's body.

"Ah! Oh no!"

The others also paled when they saw this.

"Ah!? Did you just shoot me?" The man screamed in fright.

"I...I didn't mean it. I...sorry."

"Did you just fucking shoot my body?" The man's eyes turned red as he looked back. The realization terrified him so much. However, what's done is done, and he was destined to die.


A moment later the man's torso exploded, leaving a lifeless upper and lower body. The alien didn't show any surprised expression. It first gripped the head into a meat paste, before throwing it to the ground.

"Bastard! Kill it!!"

The other yakuza got enraged. He led everyone to shoot at the alien with his short gun. Everyone else followed, except for Kato, who was looking at the situation with a mixed feeling.

"Why? Why is this happening? What's the point of all of this?" He stood blankly on his foot, questioning the current even unfolding in front of him.

A while later, the situation ended with everyone got massacred by the Adult Onion Alien. After killing everyone, the big ugly alien turned and looked at Kato with a menacing gaze.

"I know that you were saddened with the death of you kid. However, shouldn't you stop now? You already killed everyone." Kato looked at the alien, a bit fearful. However, he still tried to reason with it.

The alien didn't listen! It directly attacked Kato. Kato who was in alert mode felt the adrenaline rush on his body. He hurriedly evaded the attack. However, the attack still managed to cause small injuries on his side, and pushed him, falling at the side.

Coincidentally, there is a slope on the side which made him stumble quiet far down.

Right at this time, Kurono and Kishimoto also reached the place.

"Oh no! Look." Kishimoto exclaimed while pointing out her finger towards the many dead body on the road. Kurono also looked at the scene in surprise. In the end, the even in this world still followed the original timeline. The only difference is that there is an additional Adult Onion Alien this time, which Kurono already killed.

Hearing the exclamation, the alien who is not too far from them turned around and looked at this new target. It glared angrily, and dashed speedily towards the two newcomers.

"Hey, that guy is heading to our direction. Hurry, hide on that building."

Kishimoto nodded and quickly run toward the building not far away. Kurono on the other hand rushed towards the alien.

When the two was about to reach each other, the alien used his hand blades to slash at Kurono. Kurono ducked and slide pass through the gap between the alien's leg. After passing the alien, Kurono kicked the guy on the back of it's knees. The alien fall down on it's back.

"Catch me if you can, ugly Onion." Kurono sneered at the guy. After that, he run away. The alien got angry, and run after the young man. Seeing that, Kurono smiled and thought, he got baited!

As Kurono reached a stairs, e felt some familiarity when he saw it. Is not this the stairs where the original Kurono made his jump debut to avoid the alien chase?

As if recreating the same scene from the original story, the big guy found a boulder, lifted it and throw it towards Kurono. Coincidentally, when Kurono avoided the boulder, he tripped down, causing him to unintentionally jump down the stairs.

Not far from the base of the stairs, Kurono can see Kato looking at him with a sparkle on his eyes. F@#k! Are you a gay? scolded Kurono in his heart.

Unlucky for Kurono, as he dropped down, he tripped once more and landed face down first. It caused both the alien and Kato to be stunned, and showed a weird expression. Such a thing can happen twice?