
Gangster System in One Piece

When push comes to shove, would you be willing to put your life on the line for what you want? With life continuously steering him toward a life of crime, upon awakening the Greatest Gangster System, his purpose became crystal clear. Follow as Jordan overcomes trials and tribulations on his journey to becoming the Greatest Gangster in One Piece!

Warlordin_King · TV
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Chapter 3: Be the Best!

Looking into the mirror for his final look he was astonished he looked amazing he looked like a Mafia Boss from the 1960s even in One Piece he was just missing the signature Mafia suit and he would look like a Gangster from the earth.

Walking out of his neatly cleaned cabin he finally made it to the door of his cabin twisting the door-nob he finally made it out." Let's go quickly escort me to the meeting room" Jordan told Zack with a smirk on his face.

Walking up the stairs leading onto the deck the fresh sea air invaded Jordan's nose the open blue ocean his trench coak fluttering in the wind.

"So this is One-Piece the world of pirates" Jordan muttered with a smile on his face.

His amazement was short-lived as he continued to follow Zack, through the hallways and corridors of the ship before finally making it to a room with half fallen wooden board with the words Meeting-Room.

Opening the door and walking in fifteen other people were inside the room each having different sizes and widths but each stood out in their way.

Two of the other people in the room had the same silver emblem Zack had and the rest had bronze only one other person standing out.

This was Korgan standing at 2m tall with his burly body and handsome face along with his golden emblem which was the only other person Jordan had on his ship.

Coughing to gather everyone's attention Korgan began his speech." Brothers, and Sisters I'm sorry to gather you here today but I have an announcement that's going to determine the fate of our beloved ship, Goldcrest, and her lovely crew the Jormsburg PIRATES!" He screamed his voice rocking the ship.

"HORRAY THE JORMSBURG NATION" One crew member screamed this was like dominos with everyone on the ship either cheering or clapping.

All but one which was Jordan because only Jordan two knew why this was happening "They were broke" Korgan as strong as he is was never very smart and left all of the money management to his Vice- Captian "Jordan".

They were in debt and owed a lot of money to the Small organizations who worked for the Donquixote crew they owed 200 million berries in total.

Korgan went into debt because of his father's addiction to "Opioids" and other strange drugs he owed a lot of money to help pay for his addiction nobody knew why he did this but he did he also used the money to fund the Jomsburg Nation and their many endeavors on this expanding sea.

He used the berries to fund their first mission out of the "South Blue" they gained no sort of treasures butt he experience was worthwhile it took 12 days from where they were to get out of the south blue and enter the north.

He even used the berries to help fund the Jorms-Ville Orphanage where many of the crew members lived during childhood including Jordan who was dropped off there at a young age by a wandering traveler who wore a straw hat.

Continuing his speech Korgan announced this part with extreme sadness coursing through his voice..."Everyone, The Jormsburg Pirates have to be disbanded everyone here will be given One thousand berries when we reach Jorms-Ville I-" Korgan announced he couldn't say anything else the sorrow in his heart is too much sitting down in his specially made chair the mood in the room instantly reached -10000 as everyone ushered into sadness talking about how will they survive without this crew how will they're families eat.

Even though Jordan was experiencing his sort of sadness as he still held the emotions and memories of this body he only had one question on his mind, How to save the Ship and how to become Stronger.

These two words were the main topic on his mind even though both he and Jordan 2 were smart physically based they aren't the strongest in the world and this just doesn't sit right with him what if someone stronger than him just takes all his money or takes everything he owns? what can he do sit around and hope someone saves him NO! this cannot be accepted he needs to become stronger than everyone.