
Gangster Godfather

Blood-stained youth, regretless vows, young love, sincere friendship, the dangers of society, and the complexity of human nature. A turbulent time that cannot be forgotten! A piece of unofficial history that has been passed down to this day! A group of brothers who share weal and woe in life and death! An out-of-print era that carries the flag and stands at the top! Watch the storm with a smile and move forward side by side! Brothers, let's go together.

aotianwuheng · Urban
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286 Chs

Chapter 280 Hu Ma’s Question

"Zhang Zonghe!"

 Wang Yan slammed the table: "If you tell me one more thing, get out of here immediately, do you hear me? This is Shuifeng, not a place for you to run wild!"

 Zhang Zonghe became popular instantly, and he had to ignore it immediately.

 Wenwen was very close to Zhang Zonghe, and she raised her head: "Is there a problem with this arrangement? What do you want to express?"

 Zhang Zonghe glanced at Wenwen, then at Wang Yan, and finally nodded vigorously: "Okay, okay, okay, no problem, I won't say anything, okay!"

 Wang Yan was obviously a little angry.

 But so many people were watching. He also doesn't have seizures.

 Wang Yan ignored Zhang Zonghe and continued: "The managers of the massage department are Qing Qing and Luo Ningxin."

 Luo Ningxin was Tianjiao's former manager, and together with the technicians, they were poached by Wang Yan!

 Not much is known about this person's background!

 So when talking about Luo Ningxin, many people are still very surprised.

 "The managers of the finance department are Xiao Xiaozhe and Liu Tong."

 "The managers of the logistics department are Tiger and Jin Ling."

 "The managers of the security department are Chen Jimao and Guan Xiang."

 "Each department has monthly assessments, quarterly assessments and annual assessments."

 "You can only get the year-end bonus if you meet the annual assessment standards. Otherwise, there will be no bonus."

 "In addition, the company encourages all employees to buy shares and receive dividends from all employees!"

 "If you want to develop with the company, you can purchase certain company shares according to regulations!..."

 After Wang Yan read out all the personnel appointments and various rules and regulations of Shuifeng Shengshi, he came to Henglong Hotel without stopping.

 Xia Xing and others have been waiting here for a long time. Li Bo and Liu Kaihao, who had just submitted their petitions, were also there.

 All the famous brothers in Tianbei Street are here!

 Seeing Wang Yan, everyone hurried forward, full of false politeness.

 Wang Yan's face was full of kindness, and he greeted many big and small forces to take their seats.

 There were nearly ten tables in the small hall.

 As soon as Wang Yan sat down, he was greeted by a wave of cheers and applause.

 Wang Yan quickly thanked him. Then he motioned for everyone to be quiet.

 After a while, the small hall became quiet, and everyone's eyes were focused on Wang Yan.

 Wang Yan smiled calmly and said generously: "Everyone must know what happened these days. I won't repeat it one by one."

 "To sum up briefly, there will be no more conflicts and disputes on Tianbei Street from now on. Everyone will be a family!"

 "Yes, a family!"

 The crowd clapped and cheered again.

 Wang Yan smiled and continued: "As a family, we can't just talk. We must use actions to implement it in practice!"

 Wang Yan took a sip of water: "After careful discussion and negotiation by our board of directors, we have decided to share Tianbei Street's cargo control dividends with all the bosses present!"

 "As for the amount of dividends, it still has to be based on the previous one!"

 "In the final analysis, just one sentence, as long as you follow us and do what we do, we will definitely not let you suffer!"

 "All your efforts will definitely pay off!"

 "Thank you, Mr. Wang!"

 As soon as I heard that the water seal was to be paid, the atmosphere at the scene changed instantly, and everyone was very excited.

 Seeing that the atmosphere was almost over, Wang Yan nodded and continued: "Now that we've talked about interests, let's talk about rules."

 "As the saying goes, nothing can be achieved without rules."

 "Nowadays, since everyone has to work on Tianbei Street and receive dividends from Tianbei Street, they must act in accordance with the rules of Tianbei Street!"

 "We can no longer be like this, a mess."

 "As for the rules on North Street today, there are actually two points."

 "The first point is that we must unite and not fight among ourselves. If anything happens, we should solve it peacefully. If it can't be solved, then go to us to solve it. Private fighting and killing each other are not allowed. Similarly, if outsiders come, If Tianbei Street is looking for trouble, or if they want to take advantage of Tianbei Street, we must work together to drive them away!"

 "The second point is that we must obey the command and not be allowed to obey the orders."

 "Normally, nothing happens. Everyone is busy doing their own thing, and no one is affected."

 "But if one day we are needed for water sealing, please do your best."

 "Shui Feng is not a fool. We know who is sincerely helping and who is fooling around."

 Wang Yan suddenly became more serious, and his voice was loud and clear: "I swear to you, Shui Feng will never let down any of his friends!"

 Having said this, Wang Yan raised his wine glass and stood up: "From today on, if anyone sitting here has any trouble that cannot be solved, you can go to Shui Feng and come to me. If you can help, I will definitely help." Let's solve it!"

 "But there is a premise, that is, it must be reasonable!"

 "If you go around killing people and setting fires, and someone comes to your door, we will definitely not be able to control you."

 "But if someone dares to bully us, it will definitely not be allowed."

 "I, Wang Yan, never talk empty words. Let's see you later!"

 Wang Yan was majestic and his voice was loud: "Remember, from this moment on, Shui Feng will be your backing!"

 "Finally, I wish all the bosses good luck and good luck! All for Tianbei Street! Cheers! Brothers!"


 All the people roared together.

 Wang Yan pointed at the food on the table: "I won't go home until I'm drunk!"

 "You won't come home until you're drunk!"

 The atmosphere at the scene reached a climax instantly!

 Everyone was laughing loudly and eating and drinking wildly!

 Wang Yan naturally became the focus of the entire dinner. The entire Tianbei Street, big and small, came to Wang Yan to toast and chat.

 Wang Yan also has no airs at all.

 The elder brother is the younger brother, and he is extremely humble, giving everyone enough face.

 This is exactly what makes Wang Yan so powerful.

 When you need to be ruthless and pretend to be ruthless, you are tough enough that no one will get used to it!

 When he should be cowardly or low-key, he is also kind enough to make everyone feel comfortable!

 He did not become arrogant because of the change in his status.

 Instead, keep your head clear at all times!

 This has exceeded many people.

 Zhang Fenglei stayed beside Wang Yan and carefully observed Wang Yan's every move.

 In a daze, it felt like Wang Yan had grown a lot.

 Now Zhang Fenglei has become Wang Yan's personal driver and bodyguard.

 Zhang Xuan stayed with Xue Qi.

 But Wang Yan returns to Xue Qi almost every day.

 Therefore, the two brothers Zhang Fenglei could see each other almost every day.

 In the middle of the wine, Wang Yan's face turned red. He took the initiative to pick up the wine glass and toasted from table to table, deepening his impression with everyone one by one!

 Try to mingle with everyone as much as possible!

 After paying homage to five tables one after another, Wang Yan felt a little overwhelmed.

 He burped and adjusted his mentality.

 Just as he was about to continue toasting, a familiar figure appeared in front of Wang Yan.

 Wang Yan was stunned for a moment and quickly handed the wine glass to Zhang Fenglei.

 He rushed to Hu Ma with a smile on his face: "Master Ma, why are you here and you didn't even say hello!"

 With that said, Wang Yan hugged Hu Ma's arm. He hugged Hu Ma and walked to his table.

 "Brother Lei, quickly give up my position."

 Zhang Fenglei nodded and motioned for the person to vacate the main seat.

 Hu Ma pushed Wang Yan away: "If you don't want to sit down, are you busy?"

 "I'm not busy. I have nothing to do."

 "Then you come out with me."

 "Okay, okay."

 Wang Yan turned around and left, followed closely by Zhang Fenglei.

 After walking a few steps, Hu Ma stopped: "Why, can't I walk now?"

 Wang Yan could feel that Hu Ma was in a bad mood. He quickly shook his head at Zhang Fenglei, and then followed Hu Ma alone into his Land Rover.

 Wang Yan was smiling with a hint of coquettishness in his words: "Master Ma, what's wrong with you? Why do I feel that you are unhappy?"

 "You have become the second-in-command of Tianbei Street at such a young age. I have nothing to be unhappy about. I am happy, proud of you, proud of you."

 Wang Yan: "Tsk": "Master Ma, do you think I can't tell the difference between a good person and a good person?"

 "If I have offended you, just tell me. Is there anything we can't say?"

 "Why did you offend me? Don't you know it in your heart?"

 Hu Ma was obviously a little excited: "Don't you know the relationship between me and Liu Gang?"

 "Don't you know that is my best brother? Tell me how you offended me!"

 Wang Yan's eyes widened, his face full of innocence: "Master Ma, what does Liu Gang's matter have to do with me?"

 "What does it matter? If it weren't for you, would he have died?"

 "He was killed by artillery, not me!"

 "Then who put him in a sack and sent him to the artillery?"

 Wang Yan was shocked inside, but nothing showed on his face: "This is Xue Qi's idea and has nothing to do with me!"

 Hu Ma said "hehe": "I knew you would say that!"

 "No, Master Ma, I wasn't awake yet."

 "Oh? You didn't wake up, did you?"

 "Yes! I just woke up two days ago!"

 Hu Ma smiled: "Then you just woke up and came here to drink? Don't you take good care of yourself?"

 "Hey, there's nothing we can do about it. She insisted on letting me come. So I have no choice but to come. Then if everyone drinks, it wouldn't be appropriate for me not to drink. Isn't it?"

 "Okay, stop pretending. Don't I know what's going on with you?"

 Hu Ma stared at Wang Yan: "By pretending to be unconscious, we can lure Mr. Song, we can avoid the suspicion of plotting Zhang Pei, we can avoid offending the big and small forces in Tianbei Street, and we can deal with Liu Gang in an honest way."

 "You planned everything, you were awake a long time ago!"

 Wang Yan's reaction speed was extremely fast. He subconsciously looked at Hu Ma: "Have you seen the artillery?"

 Wang Yan's game of chess is highly confidential. Except for him, Xiaoshou, Xue Qi and Zhang Pei, no one else knows about it!

 Even people like Zhang Zonghe, Li Wudi, and Zhang Fenglei didn't know, and Hu Ma was even less likely to know.

 And according to Hu Ma's mind, it's impossible to guess this!

 But now Hu Ma has accurately told so many inside stories.

 Someone must have told him.

 It's definitely impossible for Xiaoshou, and it's impossible for Xue Qi at least now.

 It is impossible for Zhang Pei in this life.

 Then we can only guess from insiders.

 After all, insiders must know more than outsiders.

 Think about it this way. Only the artillery was left.

 That's why Wang Yan asked like this.

 Hu Ma's face was full of anger: "I am asking you now, not you asking me!"

 Wang Yan's expression changed instantly, and he didn't even bother to answer Hu Ma: "Master Ma, get out of here quickly!"

 While shouting, Wang Yan quickly lowered his head and began to hide under the car!

 Hu Ma's eyebrows stood up, and just as he was about to curse, he heard a "boom~" sound from a sniper gun.

 The bullet penetrated the Land Rover's windshield and punched a hole in the passenger seat.