
Gangster Godfather

Blood-stained youth, regretless vows, young love, sincere friendship, the dangers of society, and the complexity of human nature. A turbulent time that cannot be forgotten! A piece of unofficial history that has been passed down to this day! A group of brothers who share weal and woe in life and death! An out-of-print era that carries the flag and stands at the top! Watch the storm with a smile and move forward side by side! Brothers, let's go together.

aotianwuheng · Urban
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286 Chs

Chapter 103 Fighting for two families

"In addition, arrange for people to rent excavators from other cities and transport the excavators directly."

 "Brother Thorny Cat, if you are in such a hurry to rent, it may not be easy to rent."

 "Find a way to overcome it. Tell everyone to work harder and race against time."

 After hanging up the phone, Chen Jimao sighed and hurried to the next room to greet the maintenance master for breakfast.

 No matter what, the maintenance master must be taken care of first.

 Nowadays, Chen Jimao is really living like a year. He is looking at the project site worried and has no idea what to do.

 If it really cannot be completed on time, he will be the one to pay liquidated damages.

 All the money he earned over the years has been basically divided, and he has no savings at all.

 Therefore, this liquidated damages is definitely not something he can afford.

 The more he thought about it, the more depressed he became, and the more he thought about it, the more depressed he became. Unknowingly, he became distracted again.

 In the afternoon, Liu Tong, who was physically and mentally exhausted, came back.

 He was lying on the kang, his face full of fatigue, and his words were full of helplessness.

 "Wang Yan's group of people are so ruthless. They not only bought all the accessories in Baoshi, but also bought accessories in all the cities around Baoshi. This really blocked everyone's mouth."

 Chen Jimao handed Liu Tong a cigarette: "How's the rental of equipment going? We can't rent it at a higher price."

 "It's already two to three times the usual number, and there's no news yet."

 As soon as he finished speaking, Liu Tong's cell phone rang. He said a few words and then sat upright.

 "Okay, okay, hurry up, hurry up, no problem!"

 Putting down the phone, Liu Tong's eyes rekindled hope.

 "Brother Ci Mao, our people have rented the equipment, but it was five times the price."

 "It's okay. Five times is five times. It won't take long anyway. How many units have you rented?"

 "Wutai." Liu Tong stretched out five fingers and said, "It should be enough if you just grit your teeth and do it."

 Chen Jimao narrowed his eyes and thought for a moment, "Can I rent more? I think time is a bit tight."

 "Brothers have already traveled 500 kilometers away to rent equipment. This is already the limit."

 Chen Jimao sighed, "Okay, that's it, let's get over this hurdle first."

 Just after he finished speaking, Chen Cimao's cell phone rang again, and it was Wang Yan calling again.

 Chen Jimao adjusted his breathing and answered the phone: "Why are you calling me again?"

 "Brother Thorny Cat, I heard that you are buying drive shafts and camshafts at high prices?"

 "What's wrong? Do you want to sell it to me?"

 "Of course I sold it, otherwise why would I call you?"

 Wang Yan smiled "hehe": "I happen to have it here."

 The corners of Chen Jimao's mouth raised slightly, with a teasing expression: "Tell me, how much do you plan to sell this time?"

 "The old rule is, one hundred thousand yuan per pair, okay?"

 "Okay, you send it to me first, and then I'll give you the money."

 "Are you kidding? If I enter Dapo Town, I can still come out."

 "If you want to buy it, let Liu Tong come out with the money."

 "Wang Yan, I swear, this matter is not over yet! Let's wait and see!"

 "Oh my god, what kind of conscience do you have? Aren't you asking for a high price? I'm here to help you."

 Chen Cimao was so angry at Wang Yan that he simply hung up the phone.

 Liu Tong took a deep breath: "This little bastard is a little too complacent."

 Veins flashed on Chen Jimao's forehead and his fists were clenched.

 "It's better not to make me anxious, otherwise it will be the same for everyone!"

 "Damn it, this is the first time in my life that I've encountered something like this."

 Liu Tong yelled and cursed, then fell back to sleep.

 Chen Jimao sat on the sofa, smoking heavily, full of unwillingness.

 "I can't even resist Guo Han, how can I still resist such a brat?..."

 Soon it was dinner time.

 A whole room of people gathered around the dinner table and devoured their food, but Chen Jimao didn't have the slightest thought.

 "Liu Tong, where is the equipment?"

 "I just asked, we are about to enter the insurance market."

 Liu Tong held the bowls and chopsticks.

 "Brother Thorny Cat, you should have something to eat. You will definitely be able to return to work tonight."

 Chen Jimao took a deep breath, still full of worries.

 "Eat quickly, and take your brothers to pick it up after you finish, to avoid any further accidents."

 "Okay, Brother Thorn Cat, I'll go after this bite."

 "Bring more people with you and contact us in time if anything happens."

 "I got it, Brother Thorn Cat."

 Liu Tong was so impressed with the meal that he took a few subordinates and left.

 Chen Jimao didn't eat in the end and returned directly to the construction site.

 He wandered around the construction site alone, wondering how to distribute the excavators when they arrived.

 As he turned around, he began to worry again.

 The more than ten excavators that Wang Yan had scrapped were in very critical positions.

 If you want to continue construction, the first thing you have to do is get rid of these more than ten excavators.

 It is not easy to get rid of these behemoths.

 Not only do you have to find a trailer, but you also have to find a crane, and you can't just find an ordinary trailer and crane.

 Thinking of this, Chen Cimao started to call again, and within a few minutes, dozens of people came over.

 For them, the only advantage nowadays is that there are more people.

 Chen Jimao took a deep breath.

 "Everyone is trying to figure out how to get these excavators out of the way."

 "If you really can't think of a way, just push it manually. Everyone move, don't be busy."

 After Chen Jimao finished giving instructions, he walked aside and started calling to borrow a crane.

 To be honest, before Chen Cimao called, he felt guilty.

 He always felt that Wang Yan might have blocked this road, but in fact the result was still very smooth.

 Chen Jimao borrowed the crane easily.

 In order to prevent unexpected events, Chen Ci Mao personally took people to pick up the crane.

 For more than an hour, Chen Jimao took the crane back to the construction site.

 While arranging for people to handle the excavators, he looked at his mobile phone.

 "Why is it that it's already this time and the excavator hasn't been brought back yet?"

 Thinking of this, Chen Cimao called Liu Tong several times, but no one answered.

 Chen Jimao immediately had a bad premonition and called Liu Tong's entourage, but no one answered.

 Seeing this situation, Chen Jimao couldn't sit still anymore and immediately started calling for people to gather.

 As soon as the gathering was completed, the shouts of "Brother Thorny Cat, Brother Thorny Cat!" were heard.

 Liu Tong was disgraced and rushed to Chen Jimao in a very embarrassed state. His eyes were blood red and half of his face was swollen.

 "It's over, it's over, this time it's completely over!"

 Chen Jimao quickly supported Liu Tong: "What on earth is going on? Where is the excavator?"

 Liu Tong was emotional: "I don't know where that bastard Guo Han got the news."

 "He laid ambushes on all the roads and alleys in Bao City."

 "Our excavator was violently hit by an ambush vehicle before it entered the boundary of the city."

 "They deliberately caused serious traffic accidents and then declared insurance!"

 Liu Tong kept shaking his head: "All the excavators we rented, including transport vehicles, were damaged by them."

 "Even we almost fell into their hands!"

 Chen Jimao's eyes widened immediately, and he froze in place.

 He never dreamed that Guo Han would show up at such a critical moment.

 This is tantamount to stabbing Chen Jimao in the heart.

 Because of this project, Chen Jimao and Guo Han have become incompatible.

 In Dapo Town, Chen Jimao is really not afraid of Guo Han. There are brothers everywhere in the country. Just a few phone calls and there are people all over the place. At the door of his own house, the big guys are full of confidence.

 But after leaving Dapo Town, the gap between Chen Jimao and Guo Han became apparent. Chen Jimao could not bring a hundred and eighty villagers with him every time he entered the city, nor could he call anyone at will in the city. .

 If this really happened, it would be difficult for Chen Jimao to take advantage.

 The best example was the Shuxiang Teahouse two days ago.

 The surrounding area became completely quiet, and everyone was dumbfounded.

 After more than ten minutes, Chen Jimao gently pursed his lips.

 He drove his vehicle back home and locked himself in his room.

 He smoked heavily, and in a short time, he finished the whole box.

 The door opened and Liu Tong walked in. He sat next to Chen Jimao.

 "Brother Thorny Cat, all the roads are blocked now, tell me what to do."

 "Or just gather the brothers and fight with them! How about that?"

 "Fight? Now it's no longer just a matter of artillery or Guo Han."

 "If we want to fight, we must be prepared to fight with two families."