
Don't Fall in Love

Everyone runs to meeting room.

In Meeting Room

Agent 001 welcomes all agents.

" Today urgent meeting is about world most wanted gang BULLETPROOF. From our information we found that gang leader is doing part time job where Agent 003 also work and his name is JK."

An was shocked because JK is her friend.

" In this group there is 7 member. And this mission will complete by agent 003 because she also work there and I wish they know each other." ( Agent 001 look at Agent 003).

" Yes sir, I know him."

" That's good and agent 003 your mission will start from today." " Okay sir." " And last thing Agent 003 don't forget to give information to us." " Okay sir." After then meeting dismissed and everyone went and Agent 005 came and said, " Good Luck agent 003." An just nodded her head. " What's wrong An??" " Nothing." " An don't lie to me, I am agent 005 and most importantly I am your best friend. So, what are you thinking?" " I never thought JK will be Bulletproof gang leader." " Why??" " He is so sweet and kind boy." Leah look at An and whisper in her ear, " Don't Fall in love. Don't forget past." After saying that Leah leave meeting room. An was shocked by Leah words. Someone come in meeting room and said, " Agent 003, go to agent 001 cabin." "Okay."

An went to Agent 001 cabin and knock at the door 🚪.

" Come in. " " Sir you called me." " Yes, I called you to said that don't betray us like someone did and most importantly DON'T FALL IN LOVE." " Okay sir." " Now you can go." An left room and went to rooftop. She laid on bench and started to look at sky.

An P.O.V

"Don't Fall in Love. Don't betray them. ( An chuckle)."

End of An P.O.V

" Why did you chuckle?" " Omo ( An look at her left side) and said, " yah Leah why don't you make sound when you're walking huh?" Leah chuckle and said, " are you telling me and asking yourself?" An make her annoying face and Leah smile. "Anyway why were you chuckling then." " Just thinking about my life." Leah look at her and said, " What happened to your life. I think your life is cool." An look at Leah and said, " cool ( in disbelief way)." Leah look away and said, " your life issssssssssssssssssssss." An sigh and said, " are you snake huh??" " aishhh just let's go from here. " Leah started to pull An. After doing some paperwork, An left for part time job and Leah also went for her part time job .

Every Top 10 agents always do part time job so, nobody can found out their real identity especially their enemies.