
Gangster's paradise

In "Gangster's Paradise," secrets and danger intertwine as Chelsea and Claire navigate a world of deception and betrayal. When their lives collide with those of Eugene, Marquez, and Derek, they find themselves thrust into a dangerous game where trust is a luxury they can't afford. As hidden truths come to light and loyalties are tested, the sisters must confront the dark forces that threaten to tear their family apart. Set against the backdrop of a seedy underworld and the glittering facade of luxury, "Gangster's Paradise" is a thrilling tale of survival, redemption, and the bonds that hold us together in the face of adversity.

Fantasy_babe2015 · Urban
Not enough ratings
11 Chs


Chelsea's P.O.V)

July 12


The summer heat was on the arisen and didn't care how badly it would affect us and to make this summer worst my least favorite Aunt is coming to stay.

She's a greedy, fat, gossiping bitch and yes I said what I said. When she gets here I'm going to lock myself up inside of my room so that I won't have to communicate with her.

But that's gonna be real hard because my dad will try to convince me that I should bond with her.

By the way i forgot to mention that I have a older sister who also joins me on the hate train for our aunt.

My dad said 1 hour until she gets here and in the meanwhile we should clean our rooms. Why? Because she's going to barge in there when she feels like. Not to mention destroy it with her slob ass.

"Alright girls please behave" Our father begged us right before opening the front door, revealing the witch herself.

She wore a smug smirk on her face as she walked inside. I just want to smack it off of her face so bad.

The first thing she did since she arrived here was explore the house and judged it from top to bottom.

This bitch never lived inside of a house this luxurious and has the audacity to say. "I've seen better"

Oh now it's on."Um girls why don't you show Aunt Valerie to her room?" My sister and I looked at each other deciding who should do it and I know for a fact that I'm not doing it.

"Fine, I'll do it but you owe me big time" She muttered to me pointing her finger in my face.

I smile widely giving her a thumbs up as she flashes my the finger.

In the meantime while my sis Claire did my dirty work, helping the witch with her bags.

I look at my father who was all tensed up. "How long is she staying for?"

"Until the end of August"

My eyes bulged out of my head in shock. How can she stay so long.

"You're just kidding with me, right?"

He shakes his head. "Serious as a judge"

I pout my lips and put my hands up in defense.

"I'm running away and for real this time"

"You said that last Christmas"

He wasn't wrong.

Fast forward to two hours later. We all were ready for dinner. Dad made chicken Alfredos because he loves chicken and pasta. We ate like it was our last supper.

After eating we found out that dad made mom's famous fruit cake. If she were here she'd break down in tears because it reminded her of her late mother. Our grandmother. She passed away before I was even born. Claire got the chance to spend time with her. She would always tell me how grandma spoiled her with gifts even though it wasn't her birthday.

My mom passed away in a hit and run when I was 6 and my sister was 8 years old. We tried our best to act like a regular family as much as we could but as you know a mother figure was missing.

I would expect her sister, Aunt Valerie to be my role model just like my mom did but she's nothing like her. I'm surprised that they are even sisters.

Everyone got their own slice and dug in. Expected Valerie. She had a disgust look on her face after taking one bite. "Something's missing. I don't know if it's the wine or the prune but it's lacking something."

"Oh my fucking god. All you do is complain, complain, complain. Shut the fuck up. Damn." Claire stood up from her seat.

"Ooh, scary. I'm shitting myself." Valerie said sarcastically.

"Claire Gonzalez you are grounded for the entire weekend. No going out with your friends to clubs or going out with Daniel." Dad yelled at her

Claire huffed and gave Valerie the finger before storming upstairs.

"So sorry about that Val. She can be a little feisty sometimes." Dad chuckled.

Valerie chuckles lightly. "She's eight teen right?" Her mom was like that until I put her in check. Sometimes they take getting older to a whole different level."

I just dismissed myself from the table because I've had enough of her talking smack about my sister and our deceased mother.

Plus our father who is supposed to address her is just standing there.

I'm fed up right now. While walking to my room I hear sobbing noise coming from Claire's room. I stop in my tracks and knock on her door. "It's me Chelsea"

I hear her sniffle before telling me to come in. I open her door immediately going for her to hug her. "Chels, you won't believe what this bitch did to me this morning when I helped her with the bags"

I grew concerned more than ever when she said that just now.

"When we made it up stairs to her room and she asked me a question, if I had a boyfriend. I said yes obviously. I have nothing to hide. She continued questioning me, asking me how old is he. After I told her that he was 19 years old she gasped as if I told her about her mama. Then she had the audacity to say that I'm a hoe for dating someone older than me and why couldn't I date someone who was 18 like me. Then I told her that I might be a girl with daddy issues but at least I can count on one hand how many bodies I've had."


"She smacked me." She said.

"Why didn't you tell me right after it happened?!"

"Because it wasn't that big of a deal." She shrugged.

"Ugh, I swear. It should've been me because I would smack a bitch back. Periodt."

"I know that's right! Hey wanna listen to some Cardi b? I feel a little dancey tonight." She suggested

"Of course. Where's you're speaker?" I asked.

"Look inside of my, um. Dresser. It's somewhere in there."

Whenever one of us were sad we'd let the music take us away. It was a thing for us to express our selves. Who needs a therapist when there's music in the world.

"Claire, I know you're grounded but that doesn't mean you're gonna create a mini party." Our father shouted over the music as he barged into the room without knocking.

"There is a thing called knock before entering" Claire sassed.

"And there is also a thing called turn the volume down. Now goodnight" He stated before slamming the door shut.

"Anyways who's next on shuffle?" She mumbled to herself as she picked up the phone.

Suddenly a slow song came on with a smooth drum line. "This sounds good who is it?" I asked bopping head back and forth.

"Time moves slow by BADBADNOTGOOD" She replied.

"What kind of name is that?" I asked laughing.

"I don't know ask them, they're the ones who made it up" She cackled

"I like it but it sounds old." I Cringed.

"It's not actually, this came out in 2016" She informed.

"Either way it slaps." I said plopping into her bed.

"This song does things to me." I sighed

"Like what? Makes you wanna running away?" She asked annoyed.

"Yea, but with the love of my life to a foreign country, like France for example. As a matter I might go to France in real life" I said gazing into the ceiling

She looked at me with a pout and shook her head. "You're letting that doja cat song get to your head are you?"

"Claire I'm not kidding. I'm deadass. I'd love to learn French and always wanted to experience the Eiffel tower"

"Mm, whatever. I'm going to bed which means this is your cue to go to your room" She said pulling me up from her bed and pushing me out the door.

"Hasta luego"

"Hija de perra" I said playfully pouting

"Chinga a tu madre." She laughed before closing her door.

I did go to my room but was still bored. It's a Friday night and I'm not grounded maybe I can go out. Like it's still early around 7 something so I'll give it a try. I'm showering just incase he says yes.

I took out my outfit and everything cause when I'm ready to go it's time to go.

Asking my dad for permission to go out is like easy peasy. He knows I'm a good child, which I really am. And will without doubt let me out the house.

"Excuse me" I said interrupting him and Valerie's conversation. "Can I go to the movies tonight, it's still early and I promise to be back by 11"

He paused. "Is someone taking you?"

"Yes, my friend that is a girl her name is Kim" I Informed.

"Okay then back by 11 and travel safely"

I nod and skip away up to my room. As I enter and close the door behind I did my victory dance then began getting ready.

And putting my hair in a slick back bun to the side.

I called my friend Kim who lives right down the street from me to meet outside along with my other friend who is a boy, Ryan. He has the transportation to take us there so yes he's useful.

Kim and Ryan agreed to the idea and I made it my cue to leave out now.

Before leaving I went to Claire's room to let her know that I'll be out for a while. "If you're buying nacho, save back a little for me, please" She pouted and I laughed. "Sure thing, see you later"

I was this close to touching the door knob when my father stopped me. "Don't forget to turn on your GPS, I wanna know exactly where you are" He said sternly and I nod in anticipation.

They're outside hiding well just Ryan is waiting in his car because my dad doesn't know he's coming only Kim. We ran to his car getting in quickly.

"That was so sneaking of us!" Kim shrieked making Ryan laugh.

"I can't believe that I just lied to my father." I cackled.

"Calm down ladies this will be fun, if you don't panic then nothing will happen" He assured us

About 30 minutes later we were at the movies. Everyone got of the car and went straight to buying the tickets to see 'kissing booth 3'

"Just so you know I hate this movie I'm only here because of you" Ryan stated as we bought our food and walked into the theater and took our seats.

Kim bought popcorn and a cup of sprite, I bought nachos with the cheese dip, popcorn with a cup of dr pepper and Ryan bought popcorn with a diet coke.


"Marco looks so hot in this one" Kim gushed.

"Ew, I think Chloe's the hottest" Ryan stated.

"Is it because she has that soothing accent?" Kim teased him.

"It doesn't matter right now just keep it down" I scolded at them as I realize people glaring at us

"Oh sorry" they whispered in sync.

It's 10:30 now and with Ryan being fast we'll be home in no time. We got in immediately fastening our seat belt because we know he is going to do some speeding. In no time I was home. A minute before 11. I assumed everyone was sleeping because all the lights were off so took the key from the flower's pot and unlocked it.

As I close the door the living room light suddenly switched on and footsteps were heard. I turned around slowly and was met face to face with my father. He looked furious. "You lied to me!" He yelled, leaning into my face

"What are you talking about? I turned on my GPS." I said with a confused expression.

"You told us that you were going out with one of your girlfriends but from what I heard a guy was involved" Valerie snitched.

"First of all why were you listening to my conversation?" I snapped at her.

"Hey watch your mouth young lady!" My dad scolded.

"It's my job as a Aunt to look out for you and keep you out of trouble" she said trying to sound caring.

"Looking out for me, hoe you should be worried bout them kids that don't respect you" I hissed.

Her devious smirk faded and she stormed towards me to hit me but I dodged her. My father grabbed her, holding her back against the wall as I stood there looking at her.

"You little shit!" She yelled at me.

"Like yourself" I laughed.

"Stop it you two!" He shouted between us.

"Valerie why don't you do us a favor and die!" I yelled at her and stormed up the stairs.

Claire stood outside her room and I walked right passed her. "Chels, where's my nachos that you promised?" She asked making me stop in my tracks. I give it to her and she went back into her room like nothing happened.

"Chels I'm not done with you little girl!" He barked, marching towards me.

I didn't move once. Right now I'm pissed at both of them for accusing me of doing something with a boy. I can't understand why I can't a guy friend without sexual relationships involved.

"Leave me alone!" I screamed and walked into my room slamming the door in his face, locking it.

He began banging on it and shouting all whiletryingto open it. "Chelsea Gonzalez open this door right this minute!" He ordered.

"No!" I shrieked and cried into the pillow.

Eventually he stopped and I hear his footsteps trailed off.

Continuing my mental breakdown to let out the anger for this woman. She literally came into our lives to cause trouble. The devil himself in disguise. I wish she was leaving tomorrow but no she'll be here until September.

Really wish my mother was here to comfort me instead of leaving me to cry. Even though I was the one that pushed him away I still needed parental guidance from him.

But I know I'm not in the wrong. He should've lowered his voice. Anyways can't turn back time it's already done so let me move on and get some sleep besides I have work in the morning.

Yes I work and so does Claire. We can't depend on our father's money even though he's a millionaire not a billionaire. When adult life hits us we can't run back to him asking for money are you crazy. Times like these you must have something for yourself.

I work as an shelf stocker for a elderly man that goes by the name Mr Jefferson he's also my god father. My mother was good friends with him when she was alive.

So hiring me wasn't hesitated because he loves me but now I'm planning on quitting. Probably tomorrow. The reason I'm quitting is because he's starting to creep me out in every single way.

First it started with catching him jerking off when I'm around to him being a little too friendly with me like for example he'd tell me about his sex life of his prime days. Like ew, I know I'm getting older but I'm also 16, a minor.

If this gets more serious then I can bring police into it but for tomorrow I'm doing with his little shop.

I clocked out for the night since it's midnight. I threw on a comfortable night gown then literally in no time I feel asleep.