
Gangsta's paradise

#r18 #weaktostrong #enemiestolovers #mafia #ceo #bl #yaoi #richfamily #forbiddenlove A young mafia man in his twenties, Miguel, meets another young man of similar age in a bar and like him at first sight. Miguel continues to pursue this young man until he convinces him to work for him as a bodyguard, so the relationship between them develops, and one of them falls in love with the other, then many problems arise between them, and feelings of hatred mixed with feelings of love develop. On the other hand, a young man and a teenager try not to fall in love with each other because of their age difference, but will they wait for each other until age is no longer an obstacle? A lot of interesting events, a lot of feelings and problems, follow the novel until the picture becomes clear to you!

maria_ · LGBT+
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65 Chs

Chapter 20

Chiqui's POV

- 12:00 am

" That is not true "

I said while looking at my novel, I am shy I can't deny it, the silence remained for a moment, damn! this is so awkward

" Where is my brother? "

I asked Pedro after I cleared my throat without looking at him, I just want to change the subject, he sighed deeply and answered in a low voice

" In Mr. Miguel's office, they are talking about some files "

It is midnight already, what are they talking about? I think something is wrong... but Pedro's body language doesn't look like he is lying

" That is weird, I thought you work for shifts "

I said in an inquisitive tone, just to be sure, as far as I know, in any workplace people work in shifts

" We do, but they are talking about something serious "

" What is this serious topic? "

" I am sorry I can't tell you about missions' secrets "

Pedro answered me with a smile on his face, oh my god he is so attractive, his smile is so attractive... anyways, it is not important. I haven't seen Carlos since yesterday I am worried

" Hmm I got it "

Pedro didn't say another word, I am feeling nervous, I am looking at the novel pretending to be reading and this giant doesn't have the intention to stop looking at my bare thighs, this is scaring me

" Why are you wearing this? it is so cold "

" Oh... I just don't like wearing too many pieces of clothing, it is not comfortable "

I am wearing a white oversized T-shirt with some drawings on it, and short shorts, very short... they covered nothing but my genitals

Frightened, I pulled my T-shirt down to cover my thighs, his looks make me feel scared and nervous, I don't want him to harass me...

" You know I am not a pedophile right? and I am just worried about you so stop acting like this and making me feel like I am a rapist or something "

Pedro's features turned angry, and the tone of his voice made me shiver in my place, I could see the anger in his eyes. I misunderstood him and maybe... I overreacted

" I am... sorry you d... "

" At least turn on the air conditioner "

He interrupted me with a calm voice as if he wasn't the one who was angry and giving me that scary look a few seconds ago

He smiled, then unbuttoned one of his top shirt buttons, he fixed his hair as if he was about to go out to meet his girlfriend

" I couldn't find the controller "

I replied silly after I stopped pulling my T-shirt down, but he laughed at what I said and then said out loud after turning his head to the other side

" Hey, Siri! turn on the air conditioner "

And suddenly the air conditioner started working, I feel embarrassed, he will think that I don't know about intelligent assistants, fuck!

" You can talk to Siri when you are bored. You can open your heart to it, and say what is on your mind, it is the most private intelligent assistant "

He continued talking and explaining with a smile on his face, he is nice but weird, freak, I can't understand that the person who is talking to me right now is the same person who was angry minutes ago

Now he looks kind with this warm smile on his face, but when he was angry he looked different; furrowed brows, hostile glare, face contorted with rage, curled lip, clenched jaw

" That is interesting "

I said without even thinking and looked down avoiding any eye contact because I am nervous... I am scared of his reactions, he can act aggressively, I know this type of people

People who have anger issues, seem kind and yes they are kind but when someone pisses them off or something bad happens, they can offend you, they can also be aggressive, and they start trembling and feel dizzy... it is not a wave of normal anger!

The strange thing is that Pedro's feelings quickly turned from anger to joy, this can be a normal response to stress or hormonal shifts but can also signify a mental health disorder like borderline personality disorder or bipolar disorder

" Did you have dinner with the family? "

Pedro asked cheerfully, like a little child, or maybe he does so because I am young and he wants to treat me according to my age, but he doesn't know that my mind is too big for a number

" I didn't eat anything since 8 am "

I replied with a smile, and put my hand on my stomach, it was not a fake smile, I don't like to fake my feelings, he made a surprised face; eyes are wide open and eyebrows are raised

" Are you for real? "

He asked with a serious tone, I nodded slowly while smiling and scratching the back of my head, he straightened up and said with joy

" Let's have dinner together "

" Is it... okay? "

I asked with hesitation, I don't know this house's rules, what if it is forbidden to eat with bodyguards at the same table, Pedro looked confused when I said that, he scratched his neck and said

" What is wrong with it? of course, it is okay "

" Wait I will put on my jacket "

I stood up quickly and headed to the closet to take a jacket, I can't describe my happiness right now, a hot nice guy asking me to have dinner with him, lucky me!!

" Shall we? "

Pedro asked politely and extended his hand toward me as men do with princesses, my life flinched before my eyes at this moment, people usually feel like this when they are about to fall or something but I feel like this when I am shy, even though! I didn't hesitate to put my hand over his

Pedro grabbed my hand tightly, or maybe because his hand is big and his fingers are thick while my hand is smaller than his and my fingers are so slim

We got out of the room and headed to the kitchen, on my way I noticed many things, this house is very interesting!
