
Gangsta's paradise

#r18 #weaktostrong #enemiestolovers #mafia #ceo #bl #yaoi #richfamily #forbiddenlove A young mafia man in his twenties, Miguel, meets another young man of similar age in a bar and like him at first sight. Miguel continues to pursue this young man until he convinces him to work for him as a bodyguard, so the relationship between them develops, and one of them falls in love with the other, then many problems arise between them, and feelings of hatred mixed with feelings of love develop. On the other hand, a young man and a teenager try not to fall in love with each other because of their age difference, but will they wait for each other until age is no longer an obstacle? A lot of interesting events, a lot of feelings and problems, follow the novel until the picture becomes clear to you!

maria_ · LGBT+
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65 Chs

Chapter 19

Pedro's POV

- 11:03 pm

" Go take a shower, I will finish reviewing the files, and I will go find Chiqui, I haven't seen him in a while "

Miguel didn't raise his head, I feel sorry for speaking to him harshly but it is my duty, Miguel is my boss but I am his only friend and I have to remind him... to remind him who he is, I don't want him to get harmed mentally or physically

Miguel is the one who saved me when I was in the most vulnerable stages, I was a teenager at that moment, and an orphan...

I remember that day very well, I was on the street barefoot, Miguel who was almost the same age as me and his father passed in front of me, they were strolling, spending time together

Miguel didn't take his eyes off me and his father noticed that so he came over to me and patted my head

He asked me about my parents, I told him that I am an orphan and I don't have any relatives, at that moment Miguel asked his father in a polite tone to take me with him

Fortunately for me, the father agreed. I spent about a week in this house. I felt that I was of no use to the family that gave me everything

I wanted to leave, but Miguel suggested that I work for him when he took over his father's position, and of course, I agreed.

If Miguel hadn't paid attention to me in the first meeting, I wouldn't have arrived here, I am grateful to him...

" Ey... Miguel "

I stopped Miguel by my loud voice when I saw him leaving, he looked at me with empty looks, I can't even know what is going on inside his head

" What now? "

" Give me a hug "

I opened my arms and smiled, and Miguel didn't hesitate to hug me tightly, I stroked his back lightly and said next to his ear

" Always remember that I am by your side no matter what, and also... if you love Carlos, stop thinking about him sexually. I will tell them to bring your dinner to your room "

" Thank you, Pedro "

I felt strange when Miguel thanked me because it was the first time... He does many things for me but refuses to thank or apologize... He is a good person and appreciates what people do for him but he doesn't like to show it to maintain his charisma and always shows his cold side

He pretends to be strong in his weaknesses, works hard to see the smile on the face of the other, and then pretend being not caring about his smile. This is Miguel... Strange by nature and I don't blame him

I don't blame him because I know his intention, I know how good he is with everyone and he doesn't expect anything in return, no matter what, and most importantly... Miguel aspires to perfection

" It is late already I have to see Chiqui, I will review the files tomorrow okay? "

I asked him in a different and slightly louder voice, he nodded his head and left, and I did the same thing too

It is 11:20 already, Chiqui may be sleeping right now, I don't know, I will go to him anyway, something inside me wants him so bad

I stood in front of his room door and knocked on it, he didn't answer me so I opened the door without permission

I stepped inside to see him sitting on his bed listening to music while doing his homework... he is so cute

" Oh, Pedro! "

Chiqui straightened up quickly after he removed his earphones and walked toward me with little cute steps

" You are still awake, you should sleep it is 11 pm already "

I smiled nervously, not knowing how to act in front of him, I have never dealt with anyone of Chiqui's age, this is awkward... extremely awkward

" Don't you know? it is the holiday "

" Oh? I didn't know that, so this is not... homework, right? "

I wondered pointing at the book on his bed; which he was holding when I came in, Chiqui laughed as he pulled me by the arm to sit on his bed

" No, I am just reading a novel "

" Y... ye... s that is... good "

I felt some heat rising in my body, he looks relaxed but I feel tense and nervous, and I literally don't know how to act or what to say

" What is going on with you? Are you okay? "

" I am just... tired "

" It is 11 pm already you should sleep "

Chiqui said sarcastically, repeating what I told him a few minutes ago, he laughed in a low voice, I didn't speak, I just kept looking at him and his light-hearted behavior, he looks a lot like his brother but his features are childish

" You are so petite Chiqui, don't you eat well? "

He looked at me while smiling, he closed the novel and started playing with his wavy blond hair, and said in a low voice

" Trust me you don't wanna know how much food I eat, and above this... I am just 16 so it is normal, isn't it? "

" When I was 16/17 I was tall and had a well-built body, just like now "

" Don't exaggerate! you were just like now? but now you are literally a giant, come on man! I don't believe this "

Chiqui said out loud not believing what I just said, his reaction sounded cute. I looked at him surprised and shocked to ask him

" A giant?!? "

" You are very tall and I bet you are muscular, in fact, I can see your muscles even though you are wearing very revealing clothes, your body must look just like a Greek God "

Chiqui started explaining seriously even though I asked him just for fun, I know very well that my body looks too big compared to his, but I like his talks, the way he talks makes me laugh even though he is seriously talking

Chiqui is a good boy like Carlos, of course... Carlos raised him, but there are slight differences, for example, Carlos gets angry quickly and over the smallest of reasons, while Chiqui likes to laugh and talk a lot, Carlos is pessimistic, and Chiqui is optimistic, but they are both kind and wants the good for everyone, and their intentions are good

" Which one? "

" Hercules "

Chiqui answered with a voice full of energy and happiness, I laughed out loud when I heard his answer, my sixth sense tells me that he always wanted to tell me this but he didn't find the right opportunity

" You look like a fairy "

I told him after a silence that lasted for about a minute or maybe less, but he opened his novel and started looking down shyly and didn't speak until a few seconds later

" That is not true "
