
Gangs And Pains

The Death Dragons are a very known gang in their city. They are known as the most dangerous, and are wanted for many crimes. Melissa just so happens to be in this gang. Everyone in her school knows and avoids her out of fear. Her parents run one of the biggest companies in the city, not knowing about her being in the gang. They never paid attention to her, they just ignored her. She only ever had friends in the gang, that is, until Tyler came along. He was new to the city, so he didn't know about Melissa being in a gang. He was the only person to ever talk to her. He befriends her, and later develops feelings for her. They later start dating. Can she keep her relationship out of her gang life. Or will she drag him into her problems? Join them as they try to stay together and deal with the pain that comes with a being in a gang.

DaoistusATEV · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
4 Chs

2 Melissa

"Shut up!" I yell as I pull the plug of my alarm clock.

I groan as I bury my face into my pillows, I really don't want to go to school. Just before I can fall asleep again, I get a notification on my phone. I lazily check my phone and I'm surprised by what I receive. It is a text from a friend of mine, Luke Cox.

'We are holding the old king's yearly memorial tonight. Killie's orders.' is all it says.

I just text back that of course I'll be there and I get out of bed. I make my way to my bathroom, I brush my teeth, I comb and do my hair, and I put my piercings in. I may be fifteen but I have my ways. I go to my closet and just pull out anything. I take my combat boots from out of my bed and unlace them. Then I put them on and lace them up, then tie them tightly.

I go to grab my jacket and bag that I have hanging on the back of my door but stop in order to see my tattoo again. I was really young when I got it, my parents still don't know and they might not know anytime soon. My parents run the biggest company in the city, they don't really have time to take care of me. I mean, I was on my own since I was six. That was when they gave me PTSD. I don't really like to talk about it, not even to the gang. I made a family with The Death Dragons, and I don't plan on leaving it.

I grab my jacket and put it on. It is just like everyone else's jacket. Our dragon symbol and the words 'Death Dragons' embroidered on the back. I have another one but I don't really wear it unless I have to, which isn't often. I put my bag on and grab my keys and rush out the door. If my parents see my jacket then I am dead. But of course i'm lucky that they are on their computers doing work. I rush into the kitchen and grab an apple. Then I head out to the garage. I press a button on the wall opening the garage door. I put my things in my bike trunk and then grab my helmet off one of the shelves we have. I hop on, kick up the stand, and start the engine. I drive out and onto the street.

I park in the school parking lot. I kick the stand down and get my things out of my trunk. I take my helmet off and run up the steps. I try to make it to my homeroom but I'm stopped.

"Oh Melissa, just the person I wanted to see. I need you for something."

It was Dr.Jones, the head counselor. I never liked him, and I still don't. He always pulls me into his office to ask about why I joined The Death Dragons. Of course I don't tell him anything. It was all part of the oath.

"What do you want?" I ask, adjusting my bag on my shoulder.

He only smiles. "I need you to be the tour guide for the new student." he says. I want to protest but he stops me. "We can discuss this in my office."

I groan. I have been in his office more times than I have been in detention. I hate that place. I follow him to his office but before we can get to the hallway a crowd starts to form.

"Oh, I guess we'll have to wait it out," he says.

Me, not willing to be around him more than needed yell out. "Hey, dead meats! Move will you!"

The crowd notices me and starts to make room. I walk through not bothering to wait for Dr.Jones. When I get to his office door I see him power walking to me.

"You really need to be nicer to your peers. Are you always this mean?" he ask.

I roll my eyes. "Well I'm not exactly the nicest person here. Now can we just get this over with." I tell him.

He nods and opens his office door and invites me in. I walk up to his desk and drop my bag in one of the chairs. Then I put my bag in it and I just stand there with my arms crossed.

"So about you giving the new student a tour-"

"Not gonna happen." I interrupt.

"Well why not? Your parents run the biggest company in this city, you need to represent them. And they personally asked me that they want you to do this."

"What? No! I refuse to do this!"

"Melissa please you have to."

"Why do I have to do it?"

Dr.Jones groans in annoyance, "Melissa we have been over this. Your parents made a donation to the school, and you are representing them by interaction with your peers. You can't do that if you don't socialize."

I am getting sick of this guy. "I have my reason not to and you know it. I won't interact with anyone but-"

"Yes I know! But this student will be a fresh start. You need to get out of your comfort zone. And please take off that jacket. We don't want the new kid frightened by you."

I glare at him and take off my jacket. I stuff it in my bag and cross my arms over my chest. "So when do I meet him?" I ask.

Right on cue there is a knock on the door. Dr.Jones tells them to come in, I am not willing to face the new student.

"Ah you must be the new student, Tyler. I'm Dr.Jones, the head counselor here at the high school. If you have any issues just come to me. This is Melissa." I roll my eyes before turning around and facing the new kid.

He's cute, in a weird kind of way. He has dark black hair like mine. He is kind of pale, and he has bluebell eyes. He is wearing a Minecraft shirt with some of the characters on it. A camo zipper hoodie, faded blue jeans, and red tennis shoes. His eyes keep wandering to my forearm, where I have my tattoo, but I hide it.

"Melissa here will be showing you around the school, you two have the same schedules so it will be easier." At the mention of our schedules my eyes widen but I force a smile. "I'll give you your schedule then you two may leave." Dr.Jones says.

Dr.Jones goes behind his desk and starts to type away at his computer. I unfold my arms trying not to get mad. I notice Tyler glancing at my tattoo. Before he can see it any longer I quickly cross my arms again and glare at him.

"What are you looking at?" I growl.

Before he can say anything Dr.Jones walks away from his computer and makes his way towards us. "Now don't be rude Melissa. I am going to the break room to get his schedule. You two introduce yourselves. I'll be back in a minute." He walks to the door and excites the room. Leaving me with Tyler.

"So can you at least tell me a little bit about yourself?" he ask.

I sigh, "The name's Melissa Cruz. Does my last name sound familiar?" I ask him.

He thinks for a moment before realization hits him like a bus. "Cruz Tech., that's why it's familiar. So your parents are-"

I stop him. "Inna and Lucas Cruz. Yup, that's them. Always putting their company before their own kid." I grip my forearm where my tattoo is. I remember the reason I got it. I remember what made me a Death Dragon in the first place.

"Well," he sure sounds desperate to change the topic. "I'm Tyler Vo. Me and my family moved here a week ago. I heard that this school is known for its crimes but i'm not really sure what that means." I laugh. Oh this kid sure is dumb.

"It's not my place to say. But I can tell you to stay away from the alley on Creekwood Drive. Rumor has it that it leads to the gang's hideout. It may not be true but I recommend you don't take any chances. You never know. You can't trust everyone in this city." I sigh. I mean it's all true, just have to hope he doesn't go snooping around there.

Just then Dr.Jones walks in with a piece of paper. "Alright here is your locker number and classes. You will be with Melissa for the rest of the day. She will tell you when your lunch break is and will show you around the school." Dr.Jones explains as he hands Tyler the paper.

I start to make my way towards the door. When I reach the door I turn around and face Tyler.

"Well are you coming?" I ask annoyed.

He nods and thanks Dr.Jones. I don't bother to wait and already walk out of the room. After a while I hear footsteps and I can tell that Tyler is after me. I just keep walking until I get to my locker.

"Hey, my locker is 103. Not 265." he tells me.

I sigh. "That's because this is my locker. Since I can't wear the jacket I usually wear I have to wear another one." I explain.

I turn in my code and open my locker. I take my jacket out of my bag and put it in my locker. Then I take out my back up jacket that is exactly like my gang jacket but it doesn't have the embroideries.

I slip it on, close my locker, and walk away. He, of course, comes after me.

"I forgot to ask, how old are you?" he ask me.

Well this guy sure loves his questions. "Fifteen and i'm a sophomore." I answer.

From the corner of my eye I can see him grin like he just won the lottery or some crap. "Then that means you're younger than me." I can hear his smile.

"Okay then, that means you're sixteen. Since when?" I ask him.

He shrugs, "Since last month." he tells me.

I shake my head with a smile, "I'm not sixteen till October."

He blinks, "So when is your birthday? '' he asks.

I smile and keep walking. I stop in front of a classroom that I know as homeroom. "This is our homeroom, Mr.Ward." I walk in and he follows me and I think he notices the lack of students. Well it's been like this since I was a freshman. I am pretty much used to it.

"Where is everybody else?" he ask.

I frown, "Not here, almost no one comes to school anymore. The teachers think it's my- I mean that girl that is in the gang, is the one to blame. No one comes here because they are scared of her or they don't want to be in the same classes as her."

I make my way to the back of the class and try to be ignored. I know why people don't like me. If someone wants to try to befriend it is just to get to my parents' money. I have always been an introvert since that one night that has made me who I am. I still do miss them, I would give anything to see them again.

Tyler sits next to me. I glance at him and do what I usually do. I lean back in my chair and kick my feet up on the table. He frowns at me, "Don't do that, you can hurt yourself." He puts my feet down and makes me sit correctly.

I roll my eyes. "You are no fun." I mumble.

Just then the bell rings. Me and the rest of the class get up to leave. Poor little aTyler doesn't know what to do so he just follows me. This will be a fun day.

"So what class do we have next?" he ask me.

"Advanced math." I answer him.

He groans, "I hate math. Why would they give me advanced math?" he complains.

I shake my head at him. "It took me months to get accepted into this class. Mainly because I wanted to not because of my folks." I tell him.

People always think that the reason I want to be good in my classes is because of my parents. Will I couldn't care less about them. I will never do what they say. I do it for myself. And for the gang.

When we get to class I see how confused Tyler is. There are more students here than the last class and I guess you could say that they all fit the 'nerd' stereotype. They have the glasses, the sweater vest, and the ties and bowties. Well, I can't really say anything against it. I am in this class, plus I also have glasses. I sigh and sit in the back, I have basically made the back of every class my safe place so people know not to even sit in the back, or near me. For today, Tyler has to be an exception.

When the bell rings the teacher walks in, late as always. "Good morning class, we have a new student so please be nice and show him the ropes please." The teacher says.

Some people keep glancing at Tyler and I can tell he is uncomfortable.

"Alright class, take out yesterday's notes, Melissa please give Tyler yours. He will need to catch up." the teacher tells me.

I take my notebook out of my bag and toss it over to Tyler. Lucky boy, he catches it. He just looks at it confused.

I sigh, "Go to where the bookmark is." He nods and opens to where I told him. His face is priceless. He must have seen what I meant by advanced math. I let out a small laugh, "I told you it was advanced math."

We leave the classroom and Tyler just seems to be done with life at this point.

I laugh at his expression. "Dude this is just the beginning." I tell him, then I walk away.

When I cross one of the hallways a wave of kids starts to cross into another. I am pretty short so I can't really see over them. I wait for them to pass and when they do I see Tyler standing there. I stand there with my arms crossed.

"What took you so long?" I ask him, then I walk away.

When I get to another hallway another crowd starts to form. Tyler walks up next to me and looks worried. I shake my head and keep walking, the people notice me and make way. Almost all of them do it out of fright. I know I can be strong and scary to some people, but that doesn't mean I want to. I have to, I have to make my place here. Either the nice way or the hard way, the hard way is just easier. I turn around and motion for Tyler to follow me. He looks around before speed walking after me.

We make our way over to Social studies, and I just happen to know the teacher, Luke Cox, a fellow gang member. I grew up knowing him, he has been like a brother of some sorts for me. He's pretty nice but he can be your worst nightmare when tempted. I should know, I saw it happen during the brawl of o'12. I saw a lot of things that day, things a kid should not even know of.

We get to the class and Tyler looks confused again. I smile when I find out what it's about. "He's one of the best teachers here. A lot of kids have his class because he makes learning easy. He has almost forty kids. He's one of the best at this school." Luke makes his class fun. He likes to tell jokes and pull pranks on students. He is the only teacher in this school that can make me laugh.

I walk into the class and walk up to Luke to tell him about Tyler. "Hey, Luke how's it going?" I ask him.

He looks up at me from his computer and smiles. "Oh, hi Melissa. Did you get my text?" he ask me, I nod.

"I'll talk to you about it after class, also we have a new kid. His name is Tyler Vo. He's over there." I gesture over to the door and Luke faces Tyler.

He gets up and walks up to Tyler, "So you are our new student! Nice to meet you. I'm Mr.Cox, I'll be your social studies teacher. Just a heads up, I don't give homework, you will only have to do four tests in my class, we will take notes and it's only for fifteen minutes, and you'll pass if you really like music. So, any questions?" Tyler just stands there trying to take everything in.

"No sir, I have no questions." Tyler answers.

Luke smiles, "Good, now you'll be sitting next to Melissa, alright?"

Tyler nods and follows me to the back of the class. During the class we don't really do work, Luke just tells jokes. Some I grew up hearing, but I still can't get enough of them. In the gang if you want a comedian, you go to Luke. The guy has a way to make things worth the while. I just laughed at one of his newest jokes. After I calm down, I notice that Tyler is staring at me.

I glare at him, "Don't even think you can hold this against me. Don't you dare tell anyone." I warn him.

He holds his hands up in surrender. The bell rings and Tyler walks up to the door, I walk up to Luke's desk. "I said we would talk about the memorial after class, so that's what we're doing." I tell him.

"Okay what do you want to know?" He ask.

I sigh before asking. "Does the queen have to speak at it." I ask him.

He shakes his head. "Yes Melissa. These are Killie's orders. Killie is our former queen, but she still has a say. She was the first queen. I know that this is a sensitive topic for you. But this is how it is traditionally done. I know you cared for him, he basically raised you, but you have to understand. This has to be done. Okay?" he clarifies with a smile.

I don't even notice I'm holding my arm where my tattoo is. Just remembering the day he died, it just makes me more afraid of who we will lose next.

I look up at Luke and smile. "Okay, I understand." I wave goodbye and turn to walk out the door. I notice that Tyler stayed behind to wait for me.

"Come on we still have three more classes." Then I run down the hall.

I weave in and out of the people in the hallways, I manage to dodge a few open lockers. I might have closed some on people, I don't know and I don't care. After a while I stop in front of a darkly lit classroom. This is honestly my least favorite class. But if I want to pass this year I have to take it.

Tyler runs up next to me and adjusts his bag. "So what class is this? '' he ask.

I grin, "You'll see." I tell him as I enter the class room, I motion for him to follow me.

There is only one light, and that is a lamp on a desk in the back of the class. Mrs. Smith likes to keep it dark because 'When you kids fall asleep, the light will hurt your eyes more.' Her words not mine. Mrs. Smith is a middle aged woman that has long brown hair and grey eyes. She has thick glasses with green frames. She would usually wear a green dress with black flats. She also wears a green cardigan. I sit down and from behind Tyler the door slams shut. A lamp turns on on the teachers desk and I instantly take my notebook out of my bag knowing what is about to happen.

"Okay class you have three minutes to copy the board and turn it in."

I start to jot down the notes and Tyler hurrys and sits next to me. He rushes to take out his things and starts to copy the notes. Before we know it time is up and I am already done, but Tyler is barely halfway done. This kid is slow, then again it is his first day. He won't survive this class.

"Hurry up next time." I tell him as I get up and turn in my notes.

Mrs. Smith tells everyone to turn in what they have. Everyone gets up and starts to give her their notes. Tyler gets up and gives her what he has. I sit down and see that she put more notes on the board. Anyone can see why I hate this class. When Tyler gets back I shake my head and rip out a page out of my notebook and start to write down the new notes.

"All this done by the end of class." Mrs. Smith says and the rest of class just goes the same as always.

"Okay, I have no idea what just happened. What class was that?" Tyler ask me. We get in line in the cafeteria to get our lunch.

I get two trays and hand him one. "That was ELA. I hope you can keep up, her class is just notes. She will never give us a writing assignment. If you just turn in all the notes by the end of class you'll be fine." I get to the front of the line and order my food. I hate the food served here, which is mainly why I don't eat here.

"How can you guys eat this?" Tyler asks me when we sit down.

I shrug and push my tray away. "I would usually go to a nearby place and get something but since i'm babysitting you, I can't." I explain.

Tyler glares at me, "I don't need a baby-" someone interrupts him.

"Oh this is the new kid. If he's stuck with Melissa, do you think he'll join her little cult?" It's Adora Ezulike.

She was once part of the Death Dragons. She was kicked out after challenging the Dragon queen for her crown and throne. She lost that fight and we had her exiled. I was the one that had the honor to get rid of her tattoo. The scar is still on her forearm, it makes me smile.

"Hey, cutie. So how about you stay with me the rest of the day? I know a good place to spend the next period." She says winking at Tyler. She takes a seat next to him and starts to twirl her hair.

Tyler opens his mouth to speak but I beat him to it. "Or Adora, how about you go see what other guy you need to lose your virginity to, again." I tell her with a smile. Ador's face is the reddest I have ever seen it.

I grab my fork, stand up, and point the fork at the cafeteria doors, "The door is that way honey." I tell her with a smile. She gets up in a huff and leaves. After she leaves I sit back down and Tyler starts laughing.

"That was hilarious." He tells me through his laugh. I smile and start to gather my things.

"Come on time for the next class." I tell him. He starts to gather his things and follows me to our next class.

Science has to be by far the weirdest class I have. The teacher is weird, so is the classroom. The work he gives us is even weirder. Just fill out a worksheet, and that is basically it. Nothing else. I mean it's easy to pass the class, but it is just not challenging enough. I notice Tyler looking around taking in the room. Poor kid doesn't know what he got himself into.

"What even is this?" he ask me.

I laugh a small laugh, "You'll see."

I tell him. I feel like I've said that a lot today. All of a sudden the door burst open. Tyler jumps out of his chair a little. And there standing in the doorway is Mr.Haskell. This man is the definition of a mid-life crisis. Next to me, he is the only other person that uses a motorcycle to get to school.

"Okay kids, you all know the drill. I could care less about this. So just finish yesterday's worksheet then do what you want for the rest of class."

I smile and do what I did in the homeroom. I prop my feet on the table and lean back in my chair. Tyler doesn't even look like he is going to stop me.

"Aren't you going to finish the assignment? He ask me.

"Nah, I finished it last night."

"Do I have to do it?"

"Nope," I answer, popping the 'P' "You're new, you get a pass."

The rest of class is quite as usual. Not much ever happens in this class since Mr.Haskell will just sit at his desk and just goes on his phone and tells us to do our worksheets.

When the bell rings we all get up to leave, and Mr.Haskell says that same thing each time. "Leave you heathens!" This guy is my second funniest teacher.

Tyler follows me to our next class, Spanish. I honestly don't know why I have to take this class. I am of Mexican descent. I can speak, write, and read Spanish fluently. If you left me in a Spanish speaking country for the rest of my life, I would easily live. So my solution, skip Spanish and go to another class. Only come to this class when there is a test. I have done this since I was in middle school, why waste almost nine weeks learning something I already know, when I can learn something else.

When we get there I tell Tyler to go in and that I'll be in in a while. "I have to go to the library for something." I tell him.

I turn around and run off. I run until I am near the library. As i'm about to walk in I bump into someone who is going out. I was going to apologise but then I realize who it is.

"Oh, it's you." I say in disgust and am faced by Adora.

"Oh, yeah I know, lucky aren't you?" she ask twirling her hair.

I scoff, "Yeah lucky to not have caught a disease." I say and turn to walk into the library. Adora pulls me back.

"Listen, stay away from the new kid. He is mine." she says through gritted teeth. I laugh at her.

"Oh please, you know I won't listen to you." I slap her hand away from my arm and take a tight hold of her neck, she starts to gasp for air. "The next time you touch me, I will be removing more skin than that of your tattoo." I tap where her tattoo used to be. "Do you understand me?" I ask her innocently. She nods. I smile and let her go.

I walk into the library and am immediately tackled to the ground by several small kids.

I laugh. "Okay, sorry i'm late guys! Please get off me." I tell them. All the kids look at each other before letting me get up. As I dust myself off I feel a tug at my jacket sleeve. I look down to see a little face I know too well.

"Melissa, why don't you have that jacket with that big lizard on it?" Madison ask me.

Madison Magill is a little girl of about four years old. She is African American and has her hair in tiny little pigtails. There are a few beads here and there but not too many. She is the cutest little girl I have ever worked with. She is smart and understands what is going on better than others.

"My jacket was ripped, Madison. It will be fixed before you know it. Trust me." I tell her patting her head. I don't like lying to any of the kids here. But I have to, they can't know the truth. If they did they would be scared of me. And I don't want anyone else to be afraid of me.

"Melissa, do you think I can maybe get a jacket like yours?" Madison asks me, I freeze.

I kneel to her height, "That depends, why do you want one?" I really don't want to know the answer to this.

"Because I want to be just like you!" she says. I shake my head with a smile. "Trust me Madison," I place a hand on her little shoulder. "You don't want to be anything like me." I tell her. I then tell her to take a seat and I start the class.

"Does anyone remember where we left off in our book?" I ask the kids. I look around to see who has their hand raised. I call on a boy who keeps waving his hand.

"Yes, Jackson?" I ask him.

"We were on page twenty." He answers proudly.

I smile, "Very good. Now everyone turn to page twenty so we can finish the book." I tell them.

The rest of the class goes as I usually do it. We read at least three pages of the book, we play a little game, and then we do some math. When the bell rings I escort them all to the front of the school so their bus can take them back to the elementary school. I smile as the wave goodbye. I notice all the other students starting to leave the school so I go back inside and look for Tyler.

I wait by Tyler's locker until he shows up. And with him is Dillian Wallace. An old friend of mine. When he found out I was part of the Death Dragons, he stopped talking to me. That was six years ago. We really haven't talked since.

"I'll take care of him from here Dillian." I tell him.

He only nods quickly and walks away quickly. Tyler turns and faces me. "Why is everyone afraid of you?" he ask me. I go still for a moment. Everyone is scared of me for one reason. All because I'm a Death Dragon.

"That is none of your business." I tell him. The bell rings.

"Well it's time to go, do you have a ride because the busses left at that bell." I tell him. He stands there for a moment before his eyes widen. "I don't. My car is at the mechanics, and my little sister is sick so my parents are too busy taking care of her." He tells me. He groans and hits his head against his locker. I wince, that hurts and a lot.

"I can give you a ride." I offer him.

He perks up, "Really?" I nod. "Yeah, just let me get somethings out of my locker then we'll go. Wait here." I tell him, then I turn and run off to my locker. I spin in my code and take out my jacket and my extra helmet. I put some of the books I don't need in there and close it. I run back to where Tyler is. I stand behind him until he turns around.

He jumps in surprise when he sees me. "What is it with this school and scaring people?" he complains. I laugh, I hand him one of the helmets.

"You'll need this." I tell him and turn around and walk away. He follows me until we get to the parking lot, and I take him to my motorcycle.

He looks confused, I smile. "Have you ever ridden one before?" I ask him with my eyebrows raised. He shakes his head, I giggle. "Just put your things in the trunk then hop on." I say. I open the box on the back of my bike and put my bag in. As I put my helmet on Tyler puts his bag in the box. He hops on the bike and puts on his helmet. I kick up the bike stand and start the bike. "Hang on." I say with a smile. He feel his arm hug my stomach and tightly, but I deal with it. I start to speed through the parking lot and start down the road.

When we get to a stop light I yell at Tyler over the engine. "Where do you live?"

He's quiet for a moment before yelling back, "Adams Pointe.Third house on the left." I nod and the light turns green.

I drive on and when we need to make a turn I yell to Tyler, "Lean left!"

When we lean left we make a turn onto a forest covered street. As we continue I continue to tell him in which way to lean. Soon we end up in Tyler's neighborhood. The houses are very spaced out so I have to drive faster to get to his. I make the bike go faster and Tyler's grip on me tightens.

I count the houses and when I get to the third house I start to slow down. When we are in front of the house I stop my motorcycle and turn it off. "You can let go of me now." I tell him.

He lets me go, "Sorry."

His face is redder than a tomato. He gets off the bike and goes to get his things. I take off my helmet and shake my head to make sure all of my hair gets out. I kick down the bike stand and get off. Then I go to the back of my bike to get my things.

I take off my jacket and put it in the box. Then I take out my gang jacket, but I fold it so Tyler can't see the symbol. I get his helmet and put it in the box too. "Are your parents home? I don't see a car." I ask him. There are no cars in his driveway, so his parents must not be home.

"I think they went to the doctors. I mean my sister was throwing up last night. Poor thing, I'm worried for her." he says frowning. He must really care for his sister. I mean if my sister were here, I would feel the same.

"Well, it must be fun to have siblings. Some you can care for." I just suddenly feel sad.

"Are you an only child?" Tyler ask me.

I nod, "I was once an older sister, but fate had other plans." I tell him. I look down at the ground. I remember that night, the kicking, the screaming, and the pain. Their faces as they were taken away. The reason I joined the gang.

I notice that I have started to cry, so I look up and hastily wipe my eyes. "Well I have to go. I'll see you tomorrow." I tell him as I slip on my jacket, careful to not let the back face him. I put on my helmet and get on my bike. I kick up the bike stand and start it. I wave at him and then leave. His neighborhood has two exits so I take the second one, it works as a shortcut for where I'm going.

I drive downtown to the alley on Creekwood Drive. As I drive down the alley a lot of weird things are all over the place. There is graffiti on the walls, old beat up posters, and rats coming out of cracks. The weird part is that I'm used to this. I actually did some of the graffiti. I reach the end of the alley. Fun fact, the wall in front of me is fake. Someone from the other side has to open it for me. I stop my bike and kick down the stand. I get off and make my way over to the wall. I knock three times, then someone knocks back five times.

A piece of the wall slides away and I see a pair of eyes. "Tattoo, or no entrance." Another piece of the wall slides over below me. I roll up my sleeve and put my arm through the slot. The person's eyes widen when they realize who I am. "You can come in." I smile and get my bike. I get on and kick up the stand. The wall slides over fully and I drive in. I drive down the path, nodding towards the guards. After a few minutes, I start to drive into a cave-like road.

"Why do we still have this?" I ask myself.

This cave road has been here ever since the gang was established. That was a long time ago. It's not that I don't like it, it's just that it's not the safest thing to have when people are always speeding in and out of here. Once I cross the cave I make it to the mansion. It is a blinding white with black pillars at the entrance. It has a huge front yard and a spacious backyard where all the younger kids of the gang like to play. In the front yard are the adults. Most are smoking and drinking or just talking.

I make my way over to the bike rack we have and take off my helmet. I kick down the bike stand and get off. I place the helmet in the trunk and take out my bag. I walk through the front lawn, waving and smiling at my family. I step inside the mansion and go to the living room. There are people playing poker with a few of the little kids running around. I walk up to one of the guys, who just so happens to be Luke.

"Hey, can you tell me where Killie is?" I ask him. He nods, "She's in her room. But she's stressed, it's easy to tell." he tells me.

I frown, "Don't tell me she's..." Luke nods.

I sigh and thank him. I turn towards the stairs and start to climb. I climb all the way to the fourth story where Killie's room is. I turn left and go down her hall. I reach the last room at the end of the hall and knock.

"Come in." says a voice.

I slowly open the door and step inside. I softly close the door behind me and go to the center of the room. The room is quite big, queen size bed off to the side, across from it is a large black vanity. I am standing on a circular carpet with the gang symbol on it. And in front of a large window is a chair. In the chair is a figure. The figure has a cigarette in their hand and is smoking. I walk up to them.

"Hey, Killie. Luke said you wanted to talk." I tell her.

Killie nods, Killie is our former queen. She was our first queen. She joined the gang when she was seventeen. She was the king's pick, so she had to literally fight for her position. She married the king, Ernesto Di Glori, when they were twenty. But the king died six years ago today. So we hold his memorial, and Killie and the queen give a speech in order to remember him.

"It is about the memorial." she says as she puts out her cigarette. Killie has glowing green eyes and pitch black hair. Her eyes have aged with wisdom and her hair has a long grey streak from over the years. her hair reaches her waist. Her skin is a tan sandy color. She is wearing the traditional dress that the king's widow must wear. A laced black skirt, a red and black blouse, and red combat boots with red shoelaces.

"Well what do you want to talk about?" I ask her.

She faces me with sad eyes. "I don't think it should be done."

My eyes widen, "Why? We must, we have to remember our king."

"Yes I know. And I know you cared for him, but we have to let the past die now. I know he found you in the alley that day. We made you our daughter, we made you the princess. But I am former queen, I still have more power than the current queen. His death is in the past. It pains me my dear, but it mustn't be done. I don't believe I can bear another year of this. So I say no."

I stare at her eyes wide. I notice I started to cry, I take off my glasses and wipe my eyes. "Killie please," I beg her. "I loved him, I know you did too. We all did. He was our king. He was your husband. My father, Hunter's father! You can't just forget a man like him. I know it hurts you, it hurts me too. But please, just one more year. Then we can let it go. Please." I am on my knees. I am at my former queen's feet, asking her for a favor. Just like I did when I was twelve.

She thinks for a moment before facing me, "Rise child." I do as she says. I put my glasses back on and look at her. "Alright, we will do it. But this is the last year. Like always the queen and I will give the speech. The sun is setting now. Go gather the others I will be down momentarily." she tells me. I smile and hug her tightly.

"Thank you mother." I whisper.

She hugs back, "Of course my princess." I pull away and run out of the room and down the hall.

I stop at a certain painting that I have seen time and time again. It was Killie and Ernesto, back when they got married. That was twenty-seven years ago. I smile remembering all the stories they told me and Hunter when we were younger. Ernesto was our first king, our best king. He was the one that made the gang. He just wanted to help his family. He was only ten. He didn't think that he would have to commit such grand crimes. He didn't expect the people of this gang to be feared. He was just a kid whose family needed help. And he gave it to them, but they didn't want it. He had copper tan skin, light brown hair, and bright emerald eyes. He was a man that cared for his family. He was that man that saved my life.

I run down the stairs and into the living room. The guys are still playing poker so I find a way to get their attention. I jump on the table. "Okay, all of you! Go to the back yard! Luke and Jake, start the bonfire! We are honoring our past king tonight!" I shout at them.

They all cheer and get to work. I run outside and tell everyone to head to the backyard. I then go to my bike and drive all the way back to the entrance. The guards are still there and look tired.

"Hey guys! We are starting the memorial. Afterwards you can switch shifts." I tell them smiling.

They nod in excitement. "Thank you m'lady." they say.

I wave and drive back to the mansion. I park again and make my way to the back yard. Everyone is here. The bonfire is rising and people are starting to take their seats. I go back inside and meet with Killie. She hands me my jacket.

"What is a ceremony without the royal family?" she says. I smile. I trade my gang jacket for the ceremonial jacket. It is like all the other jackets, just with a different embroidery on the back, and with zippers on the sleeves and a belt at the waist. We get in line in the order we enter the ceremony. The queen, the queen's right hand, Luke. Then the former queen, Killie. Then it's the prince and princess. Since Hunter isn't here I have to walk out alone. We wait for a few moments before we hear the dragon's horn. It is a ceremonial horn.

As we walk out, everyone stands up and bows. When we get to the front of the bonfire, the queen signals for everyone to sit. Then we all wait for Killie to start. "You all know the story. My husband died six years ago today. But he died as your king, the first king, the founder of this gang, and this family. He was a man that cared. He was the one that made us who we are now. For some who never got the chance to meet him, I will let the queen speak to you about him. He was her mentor after all." Killie takes a step back as the queen steps forward.

One day, when I'm ready, I'll be the queen I want to be. And I'll be able to protect the gang the way I am meant to.