
Gang Leaders and Public Schools DON'T MIX

Jia and Jinx are Triad Heiresses that have a taste for bloodlust and trouble BUT, have not quite yet learned how to deal with situations like proper leaders. After being expelled from another private school due to impulsive public fighting, both their parents decide to send them to a Triad members worse nightmare: public school—the spawn of multiple fights, bullies, and the overall temptation to beat the absolute shit out of everyone. The catch? Neither of them can get expelled, or get exposed fighting in public. With the right to succeed their Triads on the line, these two are going to have to learn to deal with the reality of Public School while balancing their duties. Though, when you want to kick the shit out of anyone who dares put themselves above you, how much self restraint can you really show?

marmarii_ · Teen
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11 Chs

[9] loose lips

"Mato" Jiana called once the door shut.

Her tone was ringing, and seemed to send shivers down the man's spine, he likely recognized it—it was the same tone Chian had when he needed to assert his authority.

The tone of a leader.

She pressed her lips together, awaiting his response.

"Y-Yes.." Mato stammered, "I-I.. I'm glad you came.. I knew you were the only one who'd come..."

The girl walked forward, away from the door and from potential ears that could eavesdrop.

She leaned against a wall as her gaze softened, her tone however remained low. "What is going on, you were way too obvious inside the room, even if you weren't going to do something treacherous you made it seem that way. It isn't respectful to do such a thing in the presence of important people, let alone our clan's foreign business partner"

The Chef bowed deeply, "I-I'm so sorry!" he apologized breathily, "I didn't know how else to do this, I couldn't simply pull you aside.. that would draw attention.."

Jia parted her lips as an exaggerated sigh escaped them, "just tell me why you were acting like that"

"You see," Mato elaborated, "while we were preparing the food.. a man walked in, he said he was a 49er and he wanted to look around the kitchen.. I didn't think anything of it, and he looked familiar so I continued working" he paused for a moment, his eyes looking down and away, "but then he asked questions about Leader Yen and what the event was.. he was so persistent I started getting nervous and spouting out random nonsense.. but then I accidentally mentioned that our clan was expecting overseas visitors.."

The girl leaned forward, staring like a deer caught in headlights.

Terror washed over her, "what happened after?!" she demanded.

Her tone had gotten threatening.

"H-he left!" Mato squeaked out, "but.. that's not the part I am concerned about.."

Jia bit her lip, compensating for the unreleased fury she felt inside.

Slowly, she breathed out and tried to ease her emotions, "what more is there?"

"When I went to check where he went, the two members in the Vangaurd rank who were placed as security near the compost bins outside... had disappeared" Mato grimly reported, "everyone was wondering where they went, and we were going to report to Leader Yen but before we knew it, we were called to bring in the food.."

The members had been placed there since the door to the compost bins was also a potential exit and entrance near the back of the estate. As the chefs were cooking, some liked to open the door for fresh air or go on a smoke break and chat.

If the members guarding it were gone, an intruder could've gotten in while the staff was busy.

And as Jia processed, someone had managed to infiltrate the estate.

"Oh.. my.. god" Jericho muttered through the ear piece.

She had almost forgotten the boys could listen on their conversation.

"How much of a fucking idiot does he have to be" Hart ranted, "do no people in our clan have common sense?"

At that point, Jia's anger had risen to its peak.

Her face darkened as a flash of irritation passed her eyes.

Moments of silenced had passed, with the heiress trying to comprehend the utter stupidity of this situation.

With all the recent attacks, this man had the audacity to fan the flames that were beginning to burn the Yen clan.

Jericho's voice echoed in her ear, "Jia"

"..Do you copy Jia" followed Hart.

"Mato" she growled, balling her hands into fists, "do you know what situation this puts us in?"

In a panic, the man began bowing again, "I-I'm so sorry I-"

He was cut off by Jia grabbing the collar of his shirt aggressively.

"You have just dug a bigger grave for us" she spat, disgust seething through her teeth, "you have the guts to call yourself a member of this clan when you have basically given information to the hands of a possible enemy! Tell me, what is more important? Interrupting something or alerting my father of a threat, why did you not call for help the second you noticed the members were missing!?"


"—SHUT UP!" she yelled, "even if I let this go because of your nature, my father will not! Your mouth will spout out whatever information it knows when you even feel the tiniest bit of nervousness, and my father hates loose lips. He will label you a traitor and do you know what happens to those who betray this clan?"

Mato stared with terror-filled eyes, sweat profusely dripping down his forehead.

His mouth twitched, looking like he wanted to speak, but Jia's burning gaze froze him in place.

He stayed silent, the fear silencing whatever voice he had.

Jia reached for the silencer strapped to her thigh and pulled it out, enunciating two clear words that made the chef's heart drop, "they die."

"Shit," Hart cursed.

"Hart go to her, I'll inform Master Chian" Jericho stated.

Suddenly, the event room's door opened with a loud thud—it was Hart.

He ran over to the two, yanking Mato out of Jia's grip then grabbing the wrist that held the gun.

Meanwhile chef Mato fell onto the floor, burying his head in his hands.

"Jia" Hart coaxed, "I know you're mad - Jericho and I are pissed too, but think"

The girl almost growled as she tried to pull her hand free, but Hart's grip was as hard as iron.

"Jia" Hart firmly called, "if you shoot him here, you bring the attention of everyone inside that room, and that isn't what your dad wants you to do, right? You can't execute someone like this. Even if it is his fault, you know your dad is also reasonable—he should decide, not you when you're like this. You should at least get his approval first."

The girl unconsciously grit her teeth, tears threatening to spill from her eyes.

Her initial aggravation dissipated at his words.

Instead, a sense of frustration burned a hole inside her chest.

'I almost messed up again because I lost my temper..'

She realized that her father was right.

She was impulsive.

If someone provoked her, she would easily kill them on the spot, disregarding who and what was happening around her.

Her rage clouded her sense of logic, and her temper sparked the urge for bloodlust too easily.

If she had shot Mato, the American CEO as well as the Fang Clan would see something messy, the end result would not be in her favour.

Their reputation might've gotten tainted, or the CEO would feel horrified by the act and leave, ruining the partnership.

No one should witness a person being killed. She had to do it where no eyes could see it, and she had forgotten that fact, again.

Suddenly, Hart embraced her.

Caught off guard, she dropped the gun next to her feet.

"Jericho, can you get Mato and bring him somewhere else, and did you talk to master Chian yet?"

"I did, he said that he will deal with this matter after he finishes eating so I cannot come yet, standby and keep Jia away from Mato"

"Copy that" Hart responded.

Jia hugged the boy tightly, blinking the tears away.

'Heiresses don't cry over small things.'

The boy patted her head reassuringly.

She smiled faintly, burying her face in the crook of his neck.

Having also been raised beside her, Hart had seen things that Jia tried to hide.

Her anger when her and Chian got into a fight, the weight of the pressure put on her, but most of all, the pain she had whenever she messed up or disappointed Chian.

She hated messing up most of all.

The pressure she put on herself was far greater than most would think.

In front of Jinx and Jericho, she wouldn't hide her emotions, but she had trouble talking about them.

She didn't like admitting what was wrong, it made her feel like whatever bothered her was small, when in reality they were valid reasons.

With Hart, sometimes, she could say them.

She did not know why, but she could.

Other times, the two boys made her say it regardless—forced it out of her sometimes.

While it was difficult, they knew she needed to in order for her to calm down.

But in Hart's arms, she almost felt safe.

As the sound of footsteps grew near, the two separated.

Her father and Jericho had come out, closing the door behind them.

Jia immediately gulped and bowed in respect.

Her heart pounded anxiously as she caught a glimpse of her fathers face—though his expression almost seemed calm, his eyes flashed a familiar emotion.

Chian had the intent to kill.