
Gang Leaders and Public Schools DON'T MIX

Jia and Jinx are Triad Heiresses that have a taste for bloodlust and trouble BUT, have not quite yet learned how to deal with situations like proper leaders. After being expelled from another private school due to impulsive public fighting, both their parents decide to send them to a Triad members worse nightmare: public school—the spawn of multiple fights, bullies, and the overall temptation to beat the absolute shit out of everyone. The catch? Neither of them can get expelled, or get exposed fighting in public. With the right to succeed their Triads on the line, these two are going to have to learn to deal with the reality of Public School while balancing their duties. Though, when you want to kick the shit out of anyone who dares put themselves above you, how much self restraint can you really show?

marmarii_ · Teen
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11 Chs

[8] The Fang Clan

"Master Chian, Lady Jiana" a butler bowed as they walked towards the front doors.

"Who has arrived?" the Dragon Head inquired.

"The leader of the Fang clan, his heir and his servants are awaiting to be welcomed in" the butler addressed, "your American associates are on the way"

"What is the progress on the food and preparation in the event room?"

"The food will be done soon, and the maids have already finished all the necessary decorations"

"Jiana" her father glanced sideways, "I trust you know the proper protocol?"

"I almost feel offended that you think I'd forget" the girl crossed her arms.

"Do not whine" Chian chided, "you know why I ask"

'Just because it's been six months since we've used the event room doesn't mean I would easily forget protocol..'

How could she have forgotten when her father drilled etiquette into her mind whenever she wasn't holding a sword.

She pouted subtly as Chian opened the two front doors.

Standing there awaiting was a tall man wearing a white blazer, dress shirt, pants and shoes—his tie and waistcoat were black.

'I forgot their clan colour is white.'

His black hair was long and tied back in a high bun.

The Fang Clan was more traditional than the clans that resided in Japan, but like the Yen Clan, it mixed in Japanese and Chinese customs—the Leader however, being from Chinese descent, made the clan adapt to his culture more.

The girl respected him for that, not many had the audacity to do such a thing—the residents in Japan had an increasingly high dislike for the people of China due to feuds between the countries, yet the Fang Clan was respected.

Despite the hate crimes and disdain, they had made their place and no one had dared challenged them.

They were strong enough to crush those who opposed their culture, or clan.

Jia wondered how hard it must've been, her clan mixed Yakuza and Triad members, and the result of such a thing created controversy in the form of attacks and murders, and those petty actions had still been ongoing.

To entirely adapt to a different culture in a country that frowns upon it; the idea required a great amount of willpower.

The strength and perseverance the clan leader possessed is something that the young girl knew her father looked up to greatly—as a result, they were good friends.

Beside the leader, was who Jia assumed to be his heir.

'Oh.. so that's what he looks like..'

He also had long black hair, though his was a tad shorter and reached up to his collar bone.

He wore a similar suit to his father.

He stood poised—almost elegantly. Though, there seemed to be a cold aura around him.

He did not seem to be the talkative type.

He was certainly a handsome young man, the girl thought his skin was fair being white and peachy.

His jawline was quite defined and even matched the build of his body.

As her eyes wandered, they stopped at the sudden realization that he too, was looking at her.

They met eye contact.

His chocolate brown eyes were similar to a fox's, and that cautious glint was something she was intrigued by.

'So.. he's examining me. He's well trained, in the presence of another clan you shouldn't let down your guard, even if they aren't a threat. He should be wary of me anyways.'

Behind him and his father were two servants dressed in matching white suits.

"Welcome" Chian spoke before they bowed.

The two in front of them returned the gesture.

"Chian!" The man chuckled heartily, "it has been a long time, hasn't it? How is the Yen Clan"

"As you would expect" the Dragon Head responded, "I assume your clan's progress is going well, Xun?"

"I don't think this would be the appropriate place to discuss that, let us go inside shall we?"

"Ah yes" Chian went on, "gentleman, this is Jiana, she is the heir of the Yen clan as well as the Deputy Dragon Head"

Jia bowed her head instinctively and looked up, "welcome to the Yen estate, leader Xun"

"Heiress and Deputy Dragon Head at such a young age" Xun mentioned with a fixed gaze, "I expect you have great potential, like my son Xian"

On queue, he too bowed, though did not say anything besides a small greeting.

He stood beside his father silently.

'He is definitely not social.. but, I must follow protocol'

"Xian," Jia met his eyes, "come with me to the event room, unless you just want to stay standing"

The heiress then turned around and began walking back, Xian following close behind.

'I probably shouldn't take him to Jinx and the boys if he isn't talkative..'

She heard about the heir to the Fang clan from her father, who attended meetings and business discussions.

The things she had heard were nowhere near what this boy was like in person.

'I'm curious' she thought, 'is he really the 'jaded swordsman' like people say he is?'

Good-looking, a good reputation, and has excellent swordsmanship skills—he can even play instruments.

A clan that gets a heavy amount of backlash from other clans and people must have a capable heir, an heir equally as strong as its leader.

Xian Fang fit that description perfectly.

'The only way I'd know for sure is if I asked about him.. but would he even reply?'

She internally sighed, of course her antisocial habit got in the way.

Once she opened the door, she saw the three teens sitting at a table talking.

They seemed to stop and stare once they noticed who she was with.

Nevertheless, Jia went to his designated table and motioned for him to sit.

"your father will come in a moment" she informed before walking off.

She kept her gaze low as she sat down next to her best friends.

"So that's the heir to the Fang Clan?" Jinx snickered, "he seems pretty awkward to me"

"He's not a talker for someone with such high reputation" Jia revealed.

"Maybe he's antisocial" Hart suggested, "wow.. someone is actually more antisocial than Jia"

"Oh shut up Hart" she nudged him, stifling a smile, "don't judge a book by its cover, when I first met you I thought you were a crybaby—and you were, but look at you now"

He stuck his tongue out and grinned confidently.

A soft clack drew Jia's attention, Jericho had put something on the table.

"that's your ear piece," he pointed out, "you should wear it, we need to get into position soon"

Jia turned towards the door and saw her father and Xun walk in, behind them was a blonde man wearing a grey suit—body guards and a young lady were following him.

'The American associate..'

Chian's eyes immediately locked with his daughter, giving her a discreet nod.

She stood up with Jericho and Hart as her father took his seat with the CEO; Kaien sat with Jinx.

Leader Xun had already joined his heir.

The three of them walked to their initial spots—Jia was placed at the door, Jericho and Hart were nearby the Dragon Head.

The girl stood straight as she put in the ear piece—she could automatically hear most of the conversations in the room.

"Mr. Yen" said the foreigner, "I have come a long way to discuss the contract with you, I prefer if we get down to it"

A calm expression washed over Chian's face, "Mr. Evans, you must be hungry after your trip, we can discuss this over food"

On queue, a knock interrupted,

"The food is ready, Leader Yen!" a voice announced behind the door.

"Chef Mato is at the door, I'm opening it" the girl stated while touching her ear piece.


"Copy that"

The boys acknowledged.

Jia opened the door with a friendly expression, the servants and chef bowed in respect.

Oddly, she noticed Chef Mato darted his eyes around frantically.

'Something seems.. wrong.'

"Chef Mato"

The man jolted at her voice and turned back, "yes, lady Jiana?"

"What have you prepared" she inquired, peering down at the serving trays.

'He's acting suspicious straight off the bat.. it's almost like he wants to be caught'

"Bento boxes that contain sashimi, tempura, tamago, and many other foods as well as your favourite—chicken teriyaki" chef Mato said refusing to meet her eyes, "did you want something?"

"no, I just hope there is a bowl of miso soup for me"

"O-of course there is, I will place it at a table for you" he offered, directing his eyes towards the ground.

Jia narrowed her eyes as she observed him.

The way he gripped the tray seemed firm, and his expression was unreadable, she wondered what could've possibly happened that set his nerves ablaze.

She watched closely as the chef and his servants continued placing dishes on the tables.

"Jericho, Hart, when the food arrives at my fathers table, be sure to keep an eye out"

"On it, it looks like he's nervous about something"

"But Mato wouldn't do something stupid like poison our clan leader" Hart countered, "I think this is something else—what idiot would come into a room full of people being obviously nervous if they WERE planning to poison Master Chian"

"Hart has a point, if anything the person would act discreet as possible, Mato stands out too much to consider him suspicious" Jericho admitted.

"I should speak to him then, father said that he wanted someone to be lured out the other night, we should be on guard"

After the dishes were placed with care, the chef wiped the sweat off his forehead, "please enjoy the food!" he exclaimed as he bowed and began taking his leave—'faster than normal', the heiress thought.

Jia stepped in front of him, "Chef" she said in a honeyed tone, "father recently ordered a few soft drinks for the kitchen but I don't remember where they are, could you show me?"

Mato gulped, despite her sweet voice, the look in her eyes made it clear he could not refuse—they pinned him down with a threatening glare, a warning not noticeable to others with Jia's 'friendly' expression masking it.

"O-of course" he looked away, "this way if you please"