
Gang Leaders and Public Schools DON'T MIX

Jia and Jinx are Triad Heiresses that have a taste for bloodlust and trouble BUT, have not quite yet learned how to deal with situations like proper leaders. After being expelled from another private school due to impulsive public fighting, both their parents decide to send them to a Triad members worse nightmare: public school—the spawn of multiple fights, bullies, and the overall temptation to beat the absolute shit out of everyone. The catch? Neither of them can get expelled, or get exposed fighting in public. With the right to succeed their Triads on the line, these two are going to have to learn to deal with the reality of Public School while balancing their duties. Though, when you want to kick the shit out of anyone who dares put themselves above you, how much self restraint can you really show?

marmarii_ · Teen
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11 Chs

[7] initiation

The man drifted to the sword wall while Chian walked up to his daughter and handed her a sheathed katana.

"I know that look" he spoke, "do not put his life in danger Jiana, your goal for everyone's first attempt is solely to witness the peak of their strength"

'And by doing that, each time they try again I can help improve them to our standards,' she thought with a sigh, "yes I know, but I wouldn't mind breaking a few bones"

"No" her father shook his head, "the most you may do is—"

"—Knock him unconscious" she finished, "yes father, for the second time, I know"

'If I do break a bone, it's not my fault.'

"Good" Chian nodded, "now, show him why you're Deputy Dragon Head"

"Of course, father" Jia smirked widely.

Chian gave his daughter a firm nod and went behind the rectangle, contrariwise Jericho stepped forward as Yuan took his blade and stood across from Jia.

"Aside from my regular position, I happen to also be the Incense Master, as you know I supervise these initiations" Jericho started, "any foul play or breach of the rules will result in immediate termination of the match, and you will no longer have the opportunity"

"If you do anything to harm me or others" Jia added, "Jericho will not hesitate to shoot you"

Yuan put his shoulders back and stood straight.

"Participants" Jericho called, "when I say begin, the initiation has officially started"

Jia remained calm, and confident.

Her opponents sword was unsheathed, and she couldn't help but beam with anticipation, knowing she would finish the initiation without a single scratch.

Jia breathed in and locked in her focus on the person in front of her, excitement pulsating through her veins.

Like how her father had two sides, sometimes she felt like an entirely different person when it came to her Clan's business.

Jericho looked at the two before clearing his throat, "BEGIN!"

Yuan instantly lunged towards the girl with his sword, but she smiled wide as she moved to the side when he was close and knocked him down by hitting him with the bottom of her katana.

"Too hasty" she mocked, "do you really have genuine combat skills, or were you trying to convince yourself you do?"

Her provocation seemed to have worked, he swiftly got back up and tried to slice her cheek, but Jia saw a huge opening and kicked his stomach hard, knocking him on the floor.

His face was contorted with anger, "even if you kick me down you'll never be accepted as the Dragon Head because you're a girl! A high schooler! Do you really think that all of your clan members like the idea of you as their future leader?"

The man got up and pointed his sword at the girl, "you may be the heiress, but you will never be as good of a leader as your father"

Jia grit her teeth.

She felt fury ignite a fire in her nerves.

She trained every day for her entire childhood, endured the hate and underestimation from most of her clan, and even sacrificed a NORMAL childhood, just so she could follow in her fathers footsteps.

Chian was like her idol.

She was born as an heiress, but she always knew she had a choice whether or not to take over, even if Chian didn't say it.

In the end, she has grown up wanting to embrace her birthright.

She wanted to be strong, respected, and dependable.

Jia liked and had gotten used to being the heiress.

She wasn't like a normal little girl.

She was fond of training with her best friends, she found it funny when she won spars, and she liked trying to beat her father in a duel.

But more importantly, she loved proving people wrong; the ones who made her mad, saw the most of her skill.

When she was given the Deputy Dragon Head title, she proved herself to those who doubted her—more so when she began helping with clan initiations.

She had true skill, and now, mostly everyone could see it.

Though, she would be lying if she said people like Yuan didn't piss her off anymore.

"You crossed the line" she hissed.

Despite being enraged, she smiled nonetheless.

She was hardly trying, but now, her emotions clouded her mind—this initiation wouldn't last another five minutes.

'This is gonna hurt,' she thought with a small chuckle.

Yuan came at her with his sword, but she countered him with her unsheathed katana and pushed him back.

After dodging another swing, she swung at his wrist hard, making him drop his sword completely.

She hit him hard in the face with end of her katana, kicked him in the stomach again which pushed him further back, and finally round house kicked him in the face—he almost tumbled out of rectangle as he hit the north wall with a loud thud.

Some weapons fell from their holders.

She stood, silent.

She left her opponent unconscious with a bloody nose, bruised face, and cut lip.

He coughed up some blood, I might've broken a rib or two.. she thought.

"I did say he crossed the line" Jia mumbled to herself, "father is going to kill me for this..."

'He told me to test the peak of his strength.. but if I'm being honest, I really think that was the limit.'

Chian cleared his throat, making Jericho walk back inside the rectangle, "erm, the winner is of course, our Deputy Dragon Head!" he announced.

The audience watching clapped enthusiastically afterwards, shouting kind things, which made the girl smile.

"That's our Jiana!"

'I've made it this far.. I can't lose my title. Not when I've struggled so much to get here..' she thought.

She wouldn't let something as irrelevant as public school determine her fate. She couldn't.

Jinx happily ran up to her, Hart following close behind.

"You really thought that piece of shit could lay a hand on Jia?" Jinx scoffed as she held her hand out to the boys.

"I should've never bet on an arrogant prick" Hart rolled his eyes as he reached into his pocket and put the money in her palm.

"From what I saw earlier today.. he seemed very capable" said Jericho, "he must've gotten flustered, seeing as Jia is a girl.."

"Anyone who loses focus just because of their opponents gender is not worthy to even pick up a sword" the girl spoke harshly, "he's a pathetic man with a pathetic mindset"

'He deserved it.'

"I knew he was finished once he said those words" Jinx remarked while Jericho handed over his money, "people still have the guts to be like that around you of all people, huh?"

"They don't do it as much anymore" Jia said taking off her mask, "but.. it still makes me mad"

"Of course it does" Hart smirked, "if Jinx still slaps anyone who makes a misogynistic comment in her clan, then obviously you'd beat the crap out of someone who does it here"

"Yeah, you really did some damage" her best friend chuckled.

Misogyny was a difficult problem, and though their clans were like family, anyone who dared to disrespect them was asking for a consequence.

No one was allowed to get away with such an action, and many who tried ended up regretting it.

Jia and Jinx were not soft-hearted and did not tolerate getting looked down on.

They learned the hard way that if they wanted to be respected, they needed to show people why.

"Perhaps if he decides to try again.." Jericho trailed off, "you might have a longer battle"

"Depends if he's mature enough not to act like a twelve year old," the girl retorted, "otherwise his tiny brain is going to keep thinking I have cooties every time he tries to strike"

"Jiana" Chian's voice interrupted.

The girl gulped and quickly bowed once he and Kaien approached the group.

"Father, I can—"

"—Your reaction time is as I've expected of you, I'm quite pleased" Chian cut her off.

The girl stared blankly, "..you're not mad?"

"Must I be mad?" he humoured, "I would prefer it if you defended your title, rather than continue to be slandered"

The girl grinned widely at her fathers praise.

"You did the right thing" Jinx added, "if it were me I would've knocked him down the second he started talking"

Suddenly, Jericho pulled out his phone and glanced at the screen for a moment.

He looked at the two Dragon Heads and bowed, "Master Chian, Kaien, the guests have arrived at the estate entrance"

"Thank you" Jia's father nodded, "you two make sure the training room is locked and hidden, no one should be inside at this time, that's an order"

Jericho and Hart bowed, "yes sir" they replied in unison before walking to the other clan members.

"Jiana" her father called, "you will stay with me to greet the guests, there is someone who you must meet, as you know it is part of your duty as my heiress to get along with potential businesses associates"

'Of course I know that, I've met most of them already... who else could there be?'

Sometimes she had wished people knew she was the Red Reaper, then the guests she had to meet would be too scared to go near her regardless if she was the heiress.

But unfortunately, that was a secret that needed to remain hidden.

"Do I come?" Jinx asked her father.

Kaien shook his head, "we will meet them later on in the celebration"

"Guess you're on your own" her best friend snickered, "don't be too antisocial, okay?"

Jia rolled her eyes and followed her father out the training room.