
Gang Leaders and Public Schools DON'T MIX

Jia and Jinx are Triad Heiresses that have a taste for bloodlust and trouble BUT, have not quite yet learned how to deal with situations like proper leaders. After being expelled from another private school due to impulsive public fighting, both their parents decide to send them to a Triad members worse nightmare: public school—the spawn of multiple fights, bullies, and the overall temptation to beat the absolute shit out of everyone. The catch? Neither of them can get expelled, or get exposed fighting in public. With the right to succeed their Triads on the line, these two are going to have to learn to deal with the reality of Public School while balancing their duties. Though, when you want to kick the shit out of anyone who dares put themselves above you, how much self restraint can you really show?

marmarii_ · Teen
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11 Chs

[10] consequence

"Jiana" Chian's cold voice made the girl look up.

She immediately put her shoulders back.

"Yes father?"

"Jericho gave me a brief explanation," he began, "but would you care to tell me what exactly has disrupted my event and why I needed to be involved?"

The girl still had a storm of emotions inside her; for once, she was hesitant to speak.

She was the Deputy Dragon Head, when her father could not deal with clan affairs, she had to.

As it became apparent, when executions were involved, Jia became no longer confident due to her recent behaviours, and it was obvious people around her felt the same.

'Hart even had to stop me.'

Out of the blue the boy bowed, "Master Chian, sorry for my rudeness but this situation involves a possible execution, that is why Jericho has asked for your help"

"Execution?" Chian mused, rubbing the stubble on his chin.

He glanced at the nervous-looking chef Mato on the ground and crossed his arms, "Jiana, report"

The girl gulped and began explaining the events that had occurred moments before.

Chian's eyes widened, and by the time she had finished, his expression was appalled.

"What makes you incapable?" Chian asked with a thick tone, "what do you think should be done, Deputy Dragon Head?"

The emphasis on her title made her nerves jitter and her heart race.

"I couldn't have executed him here" she defended, "well.. actually I was going to do it anyways.. until Hart stopped me and said that you should decide"

Chian walked towards the fallen gun on the ground and handed it to her, "take it" he ordered, "tell me, do you think this man deserves execution? If you think that is the right decision, you may shoot him."

Mato sat silently.

Those were the rules.

He had his chance to explain, people who were under suspicion of betrayal had to simply await their fate.

They were not allowed to talk unless they were told to.

Jericho and Hart stood surprised at these words, both of them almost speechless.

An execution in this moment was not something Chian would endorse.

After a minute, Jericho opened his mouth, "Master Chian—"

"—Do not speak unless you are ordered to" he cut off with a dark glare, "and do not interrupt, am I understood?"

Both boys kept their gazes down and replied with "yes sir"

Jia almost held her breath at her fathers outburst, 'he's definitely not in a good mood'

"What about the people inside the event room?" The heiress asked, "I-I can't do this here"

"You have a silencer" her father retorted, "they will not hear a gunshot"

'What is he talking about? It's still loud.. and the clean up time will take awhile, I have to think.

It would be better if we were in the punishment room, but we can't go in it right now.'

As the girl pondered, she figured there was a reason her father pushed her to do such an act, she simply had to find the reason herself.

Jia forced her anxiety down and looked at the chef with determined eyes.

She held the gun out aiming at his head, but hesitated to squeeze the trigger.

She saw it clearly in that moment, 'execution is not the answer.'

Mato had been faithful and loyal, but he made a mistake.

Just by glancing at his eyes, she could tell he felt guilty.

He had not wept, or cried, or begged, like the rules opposed when a life was being debated over.

Death was something those in a clan were expected to acknowledge, not fear.

Even Jia knew death was possible for everyone around her, whether be in action or in a mission.

But if one has wronged the clan they must take responsibility, not flee—even if they were to be executed.

Cowards were not tolerated in the Yen clan.

If a person feared dying, they would not last a second in a dangerous encounter.

'Death is something everyone here must be prepared for.' She thought to herself, 'you either die for your clan in honour, or die because your fear prevented you from fighting. Weak-hearted people are not meant to be in something like a Triad.'

Mato was aware of his actions, despite his personality being overly nervous he showed that he was willing to die for his mistake, and for the Yen clan.

He was willing to accept the consequences.

'Those who are not loyal would not do that.'

With this in mind, Jia sighed and put the gun back in the strap against her thigh.

'Father really had to try and convince me to kill him just to make me realize it.

'I guess he was confident I would do this.. if not, I probably would've been yelled at afterwards, or worse, punished.'

Jericho and Hart had been watching carefully, their chests rising and falling as they both breathed a sigh of relief.

Jia turned, her back facing all of them.

"Mato is loyal" she spoke, "he did not mean to slip up, and while his actions will cause more problems, it is nothing we can't handle... but" she paused, "it is still nonetheless an idiotic mistake, to ensure this never happens again I must inflict punishment"

She bit her lip for a moment.

This punishment was going to be painful, but a consequence is a consequence, and she could not be soft when it came to discipline.

She had received something close to this punishment before, though she never told anyone.

And she wasn't sure if she ever would.

Saying it and contemplating it brought up unwanted emotions.

She breathed in, and turned around.

Her face was expressionless, her tone nonchalant, "five whip lashes in the punishment room, then Mato must rest for the duration of his recovery." She directed her gaze to him, "we will find a way to fix that habit of yours after, otherwise you will no longer be in the Yen clan, do you understand?"

The chef got up and bowed, "yes I do"

The girl dug her nails into the inside of her palms, feeling the anxiety begin to creep up on her again, "if you understand, go to the lounge and reflect until Jericho comes to get you, we still have an event going on."

With that, Mato bowed once more and went up the stairs.

Jia pinched the bridge of her nose.

"Next time do not consult me unless it is necessary" her father said looking at her from the side.

This would be another lesson Jia had to learn from.

The subtle nod Chian gave her as he left told her she made the right decision, but she needed to have a clear mind.

If Hart hadn't stepped in, she probably would've ended a life that did not necessarily needed to be cut short.

'I really have to work on my temper.. but how do I do that?'

Something like this could not be repeated, and she knew she would get lectured if she needed her fathers help again.

It was easy for most leaders like him to think straight, even when every inch of their body wanted to wreak havoc.

Jia was a hot-headed girl that succumbed to her emotions too easily to be level-headed.

She needed to focus on that habit, the last thing she wanted was to be more of a burden to her clan.. and her father.

Though, she did have his temper, and part of her wanted to blame him.

'Maybe public school will help..' she pondered with faint hope.

"We have to get back to our post" Jericho rubbed his neck, "..are you going to be alright, would you like to take a few minutes before coming back in? I could get Jinx"

The girl forced the corner of her lips into a smile, "the clan comes first, I'm okay.. I'll be inside after a few minutes"

The boys seemed unconvinced, both with furrowed eyebrows and sympathetic expressions.

"Just go" she waved her hand with a dry laugh, "shoo, my father is probably already expecting you guys"

Jericho shook his head, not saying another word.

They took their leave, Hart looking back briefly before they went inside.

Once the click of the door was heard, the girl's smile disappeared.