

After a long days of work, Unlocked the door, closed it, and plopped myself onto my couch.

"How was work sweetheart?" A voice called out from the distance.

"Same as Usual." I called back mentally exhausted,

Alright, let's continue this.'


Gamer's Mind (Passive )

Description: Allows the user to calmly and logically think things through in most circumstances. Allows a peaceful state of mind. Immunity to psychological and mental status effects.

[Gamer's Body] - (Passive )

Description: Grand's a body that allows for the user to live the real world like a game. Pain from damage does not last after a few seconds. Sleeping restores HP, MP, and heals all temporary status effects.

Variants: [Mostly normal body], [Locked]

[Fiction Adaption] - (Passive )

Description: This ability allows you to adopt functional knowledge and skills to your life and to use them as if they were 'truths.'

I gave off a silent Cheer, 'Yes, I've always wanted to have the fiction adaption ability!

The only thing that was different that I didn't get to were [Perks] and [Traits]

My eagerness and excitement far outwayed my curiousity.

Basically all of my problems are solved with this one thing.

"I pulled out a game case I saw lying on the ground and looked at it, , 'Dragon ball Xenoverse 2'

I smirked,

[You have acquired a skill disk, would you like to learn?]


I clicked Yes, and instantly a flood of knowledge of the dragon ball multiverse and how it works poured into my brain.

Things I knew, and things I didn't.

I was incredibly shocked and eager to visit.

I also felt a power within me stir as if it had been awakened from a long sleep.

It was a sudden rush, and I felt strong, like I can take on mike Tyson in his prime and win with just one punch to the face.

[You have leveled up by 3

[Your DEX have Leveled up by 3

[Your STR have leveled up by 3]

Your END have leveled up by 3]

[Due to a special action, a new skill has been created

Ki manipulation/Dragon Ball Variate: the ability to manipulate the physical part of your energy to do various types of supernatural feets."

[You now have the ability to choose which race you would like to be apart of.

The Human Race; A race created by the supreme Kai Shin, resides on the planet Earth, though it may seem from that hip that they are strong, they are weakest race in the Dragon Ball Multiverse.

[The Majin Race; do to bring extremely lonely, Majin Buu created another of his own kind, which created more and so on, this led to the creation of the Majin race.]

[The Namekian Race; A race of intelligent beings that hail on the planet Namek

[The Saiyan Race; The strongest warrior race in the Dragon ball Multiverse, do to the fear of the legendary Super Saiyan, and how quickly the saiyans were rising in power; he destroyed them in one devestating attack whipping out the entire planet.]

'So about the same Selection as Dragon ball Xenoverse 2' Shiro thought before he clicked Saiyan.

[ Are you sure you want to be of the Saiyan Race.]

The Saiyans have infinite potential when it comes to strength and Power, so that is a confirmed yes.

Although it would be nice to have the regenerative capabilities and the ability to survive deep in space with ease like the Majin has.

Or be incredibly adept to Magic like the namekians do.

It would be an easier climb to Power as a Saiyan.

I clicked yes, and sure enough, I could feel my body shifting in power.

I suddenly cringed as answering pain rippled throughout my body before I felt something inside of me shift.

Within moments a tail suddenly sprouted from my ass.

I could also feel that feeling in my body increase dramatically

Congratulations, you are now a a full blooded Saiyan.

[ Due to this special action you have now gained to e following perks]

[Zenkai boost; when a Saiyan is near death, there powerlevel increases exponentially.]

Increases all levels by 4

[You have unlocked a new category; Transformations,]

You have unlocked a new transformation

Ozaru: Because of Gamers mind, you will have instant control of your Ozaru form.]

[Gamers mind Activated]

'Oh shit that's right, Super Saiyan requires great deals of stress to transform right? With Gamers mind how will it be possible?'

[Because of this Gamer's mind, the Transformation; Super Saiyan will only be required after you have done certain quests.]

"Interesting… " I muttered, "Let's try Naruto, next."