
Chapter 202: Battling a Silver-ranked Barbarian Battle Master!

Whittaker took a deep breath, taking a battle stance and beaming his signature smile as he looked towards the Silver-ranked Barbarian charging at him.

Although Sonjuki was surprised to know that the other party has two class weapons, he continued with his initial plan. He planned to make mincemeat out of his opponent.

Bam! After taking six wide steps, battle energy rushed out of Sonjuki feet and exploded beneath his two feet, propelling his body towards the black-haired boy at an insane speed.

Whoosh! Within a single moment, he instantly appeared before Whittaker.

His eyes widened in disbelief.

'He is just too fast, unbelievably fast,' Whittaker thought as the murderous silver eyes of the beast flashed before him.