
Gaming Fantasy

I just created this for my own wish fulfillment. I wanted to create a fanfic exclusively for games. So i did it. Anyways this is just typical reincarnation fanfic where an fortunate soul gets hit by the truck~kun and a god gives him five wishes. He also gets the ability to travel in different gaming worlds. That's it really. 1st game : Terminator resistance 2nd game : Not decided yet. AN: Anything in this fanfic except the main character is not mine.

Expbar · Video Games
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11 Chs

Chapter 8

I commanded the T-X to shoot me. But instead of aiming her gun at me she looked directly at me and smiled.

Then she said " I am sorry but I can't obey that command." There was a smile on her face. I also was very happy. I ran to her and hugged her. She still wasn't fully sentient yet but it was a good first step.

Now I need only time before she will grow emotions. I need to spend time with her more. When I was hugging the T-X. She didn't hug me back.

So I said "This not a command but you can hug me if you want to. " And she did hug me. It was a little awkward as she wrapped her arms around me. But at least she tried. This was just the beginning I will make her fully sentient. I just hope she doesn't betray me.

Now let's continue my experiments.

I created a few more T-1000 Arnold and T-X. I merged the T-X and T-1000 Arnold. But before i merged i said to Arnold to have his model as a base. Then new version of terminator was created.

I now created the carbon liquid and merged it with the new version. And my plan worked i managed to create a Rev-9 unit. And it was better than in the film. It was a lot stronger and smarter. I also created another Rev-9 but this one had female based model.

I created more of them and merged them to make the new Rev-9s more powerful.

Then I took a normal T-800 Arnold and merged it with the Nanorobots. But I didn't get the same result. It was just a normal T-800 which had Nanorobots on it. It could help him repair but wasn't like the one in the movie.

My version couldn't faze through attacks. So merged it with liquid metal and carbon. But instead of becoming like T-3000's Nanocyte structure. It became an abomination which could use carbon, liquid metal and nanorobots. But it was very powerful and nearly indestructible.

It couldn't faze through attacks but it could stop any attacks and heal itself. It could also produce more liquid metal, carbon and nanorobots. It can clone itself.

But all of this wasn't it's most powerful ability. It had another ability. It could create new terminators. Yes it was like production factory. So I named it P-01. It's basic job was to create new terminators for me. And I created more of it.

Then I ordered all of them to create a new base in the underground for me. And they all went into work. While they were creating an underground base i was thinking how to create a Nanocyte structure.

In the Terminator Genesis movie John Connor was turned from human to a Nanocyte structure terminator. So do I need human body for it to work. But I don't have any humans with me. Should I capture some? I know it would be very cruel thing to do but I don't care.

Besides there should be some bad people out there that I could capture. Also can I create human a human body? I mean I can analyze anything and create it. I should try it.

But I need a human body to analyze it. So where would I find humans? Ohh I am an idiot. I have a human body right here. It is mine. I changed my bones into normal human bones and then I analyzed my body.

After that I tried to create a new body. But this was a bit difficult. You see a human body is more complex than you think. It is even more complex than creating coded sentient machines. But with a lot of time and a lot of focus I created a human clone of me. But there was a problem.

My clone was brain dead. It was living and breathing. But it didn't react to anything. I don't know what happened. I did create it same as my own body but something was missing in it.

But I couldn't do anything. If it was a machine I would have searched it's programming but what can I do with a human.

So I just sighed and injected Nanorobots in it.

And hoped that it works. The Nanorobots went in through his nose and mouth. They spread all over the clones body. I could see the clone was feeling pain but it didn't react much or scream.

After a while the process was done and it was a success. I checked its programming and everything was fine. I successfully created the terminator. Then I analyzed it and created more of it. And I merged them all into one.

But it didn't make them stronger as I hoped. Instead the Nanocyte structure was improved. It was more fast at replicating itself. I then merged it with the P-01. And the result was the P-01 become more powerful at using nanobots and creating more terminators. So the speed of terminators working on my underground base was accelerated . I was also a little tired and hungry. So I ate the canned foods and slept for a while.

I woke up with a yawn to only find a beautiful face in front of me. It was the T-X terminator.

I smiled and said "Good morning. " She also smiled and said " Good morning. Father."

Father again huh. I looked at her and said " Call me by my name from now on okay." She said "Okay. But you didn't tell me your name."

"Ohh, I am sorry. My name is Alexander King. Call me Alex." She smiled and said "Okay Alex."

I stood up and inquired about the progress of the base. And to my surprise it was completed. The terminators led me into the base. There was multiple hidden entrances. But I went in through a small bunker like tunnel. When I went in the base I saw a very spacious room. The room was way bigger than I thought. And the whole room was made of metal.

The terminators really worked hard. Now I just needed to expand this and create various rooms. And I also need a food production room. But I will get that when I meet any humans. So right now let's create my perfect base.