
Gaming Fantasy

I just created this for my own wish fulfillment. I wanted to create a fanfic exclusively for games. So i did it. Anyways this is just typical reincarnation fanfic where an fortunate soul gets hit by the truck~kun and a god gives him five wishes. He also gets the ability to travel in different gaming worlds. That's it really. 1st game : Terminator resistance 2nd game : Not decided yet. AN: Anything in this fanfic except the main character is not mine.

Expbar · Video Games
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11 Chs

Chapter 10

I analyzed the body of three women in front of me. Then I buried them and gave them a funeral. I didn't really care for them but it was the least I could do for these poor girls.

When I analyzed them, I found the wounds and scars on their body. The men raped them and did unforgivable things. Even a black hearted person like me was horrified.

I looked at the three men. They were surrounded by a lot of terminators. And each of them was grappled by a T-800 Arnold. They could never escape from them.

Arnold could lift more than 10 tons with ease now. And this was the limit. I merged more of them but it didn't increase their powers anymore.

I guess I need new type of metal. To make them more stronger. Anyway I looked at the three men. Yes, three I killed the leader. I did analyze his body.

I actually didn't want to kill him but I tortured him a little bit too much. I wanted find out the healing limit of the human body.

I did find out. My healing ability accelerates the natural healing of a normal human. So after a lot of healing it won't work anymore.

I could heal broken limbs and organs. But I can't bring back the dead. This was the interesting thing. I could heal only the living.

I can't heal a dead body. So my healing ability is not just simple acceleration of human cells. It has more to it.

Because their cells was technically still working. It takes a lot of time to stop all the functions of the body. Some corpses move after a little time. It is called Rigor Mortis.

Anyway I think when the soul of human leaves the body I can't heal it again. But if that was true then wouldn't I be a immortal?

Does my wounds heal because I have my soul within my body? I need to more research on souls. I also need to implant a soul in Kristy as I can't seem to place my slave seal on her. Because she doesn't have a soul. And I also have three specimens in front of me for my research.

But I think I need one of them for other purpose. And I took one of them. I created T-800. I want to create a cyborg like Marcus.

I hope it works. I looked at the man and the machine. I used my merge ability and started fusing them. This fusion wasn't not like my clone. The man was screaming and crying. There was blood and gore everywhere. The T-800 slowly merged with the man. It took a lot of time. I even used my healing to keep the man alive. But the merging was successful.

I saw the cyborg in front of me. But something was different with him. I checked it's brain and saw the programming.

Everything was fine but there was additional data. It was the memories of the man. I looked at the cyborg's memories. The man was truly scum. This man along with the other three toyed with the girls. They raped them in front of their family. They even fed the girls their families flesh. They were truly cannibals. And after they ran out of food they killed them and started eating them.

I was very disgusted. Skynet was right to some degree. Some humans are better dead. But even if someone was this cruel, there was some saints among the humans. So Skynet really had a poor research team.

Anyway I now wanted to test something. I created a clone of the human and merged it with T-800. I now had two cyborgs in front of me. But there was a difference. One of the cyborgs had a soul. And how did I know? It's simple really. The clone human that I created was the same as the human. But why was it so passive?

The cyborg clone had all memories of the human. But it was like a husk or a doll. It was not a human. And the only reason it was different was because of it's soul. I looked at the first cyborg. I was going to do something that was a little risky. I removed the cyborgs loyalty programming. Now it was a free cyborg. And what did it do when it was free?

Simple it attacked me. But I ordered it to stand still. But unlike Kristy who would listen to my orders this cyborg was actually fighting it. My plan worked. I found out something about souls. While I can't create soul? I could still merge it.

Now I need to test if I can analyze the soul of a human. And I have two of them with me. So I am going to do a lot of experiments. As for the cyborg, I let it keep fighting my orders. I want to see if the soul is truly that powerful that it can resist my control. So I worked on these for a few days.

-Scene Change-

Meanwhile in a meeting room. John Connor was seeing a footage along with other generals. In the footage there was the Skynet base. But it was in complete chaos.

There was explosions and fire everywhere. But it wasn't the most shocking thing. The shocking thing was that terminators were fighting other terminators.

"What the fuck is happening? " a female voice spoke. This was Jessica Baron.

"Is this some kind of joke? Why are the terminators fighting each other?" she said again.

John Connor heard her and replied " Don't know anything about it. But if this footage is true than we have find the cause of this."

John Connor was now in serious thought. You see this John Connor had something interesting going on his mind. When John was just a young boy, a certain terminator came to protect him from the future. So John Connor knew a lot of thinks in the future. He did prevent Skynet from being built or at least he thought he did.

You see when John along with his mother and the T-850 terminator stopped skynet from being built, it was just a false effort. Skynet sent more terminators from different timelines to stop John and it succeeded.

But John was still a wonderful leader and a smart man. He knew he couldn't stop Skynet from being built. So he changed his plans. He gathered information from all the terminators that was sent to him from different timelines.

And he gained a lot of future knowledge. So he decided to defeat Skynet the old fashion way. The direct assault. So he secretly gathered some people and money. He built an army and weapons. And when Judgment day hit John Connor hid all his weapons and army.

He knew the future so he knew that he could defeat Skynet. But he still needed to send some people back to the past to have a balance in the timeline. Especially three people. Well one is not a person.

They were Kyle Reese who is his father, a certain T-850 terminator and Jacob Rivers. Jacob Rivers would be his trump card. As Jacob was the one who destroyed Skynet.

But now John Connor was in huge problem. He knew information about the future and there was different versions in the future. But in all of them humanity would win. This is the reason Skynet sent so many terminators after him. So John was always confident that no matter what he would save the humans. But now his confidence was shaking. He never heard anything about terminators hurting another terminators.

In no future this ever happened. He had all kinds of thoughts. Maybe the terminators gain a conscience like how his T-850 did and they revolted against Skynet. Or this was some kind of plan of Skynet. He didn't know. But John was still a smart leader.

This situation in front of him maybe a blessing or curse. He hoped it wasn't the latter. He will try his best to solve this mystery.

-Scene end-