
System Doesn't Joke Around

In a certain school there a young teen with the passion of reading novels while hiding from everyone else knowing that they will make fun of him for reading novels. He has a friend that does not care he reads right in front him and everyone else his name is Rikuo, I admire him being himself so that why this is not my story is his I just narrating that's all in the sidelines. This time he was reading in class like every day that everyone in the class got used to it so they never bother about him reading but there some boys in class that will always pick a fight with him for no reason. Rikuo comes toward me and said you ready to go to the store, yeah let's go.

Rikuo: I cannot wait to buy the new novel of the Nura: Rise of The Yokai Clan volume 25. What are you going to buy?

Teen Boy: I going to buy the Naruto and keep updating my novel collection.

Rikuo: Man, you still collecting them how many do you have the last time I went to your house your whole bookshelf was full of them.

Teen Boy: I am volume 61 in the Naruto novels

Rikuo: You sure are a wasteful person you going to take forever in collecting them so what you going to do when you are done collecting the Naruto series.

Teen Boy: I am going to go collect some other novels that I liked once I finish collecting the Naruto.

On our way to the store, we got stop by three kids that belong to our class they saw us and walked toward us.

Teen Boy: Hey they are coming toward us look like we are in deep trouble again.

Rikuo: Huh you mean them those cowards that only come to look for trouble for other people when they are a group but when you catch them by themselves, they act scared. Annoying baster if they there come look for trouble, I will not hold back make sure you have my back.

Teen Boy: I will try

Hoodlum 1: Look we have here a bunch of virgins that are only interested in books than girls.

Hoodlum 2: hahaha you right I am sure they never saw a woman naked out all

Rikuo: What do you guys want, so stop yapping and tell us why you stop us.

Hoodlum 1: Well you see Rikuo I never liked you, you act like you are better than everyone else in the class so that pisses me off each time I see your face.

Rikuo: That why you stop us that dumb don't you think, so a guy cannot read in his class and read his book that he bought instead he has to be friends with everyone in the class to make them feel special get the fuck out here with that bullshit.

Hoodlum 3: Less chit chat

He swings his fist to his Rikuo face connecting, Rikuo falls down to the ground and gets back up and start swinging to the hoodlum that punched him, the other just started watching but then they saw their losing so they jump in attacking Rikuo in every direction. I was just standing there looking and not helping Rikuo out until I saw him spitting blood out of his mouth but they never stop they keep going until Rikuo stayed in the ground barely breathing and when they saw him in the ground they knew if they did not help each other they will definitely lose the fight.

Hoodlum 1: Look at this coward did not even help his only friend he has in school.

Hoodlum 2: I am sure he will have no friend after this and once everyone found out what he did to his only friend then nobody will be his friend.

Hoodlum 3: let's go

While they left walking in bruises and some blood of their nose and mouth. I looked at Rikuo that is in the ground I walked toward him and shake him to wake him up.

Rikuo: Next time I will win getting up from the ground spitting some blood from my mouth, let's go the store should still be open for us to buy the books that we want.

Without looking at his friend that he thought was his friend. While we are walking a lot of people kept looking at us especially me since clothes are dirty and I am still bleeding from my mouth.

Teen boy: maybe we should go tomorrow to the store and get you clean up

We went into the store we bought our novels and left the store to go to our house. We walked to the street since it was just turned green but out of nowhere a truck comes speeding down the street and I all saw was that I was pushed back and seeing Rikuo smiling at me

Rikuo: Sorry bud, I hope you lived a happy life

Bam he was hit with the truck after that I blacked out until later I woke up and looked at my friend body in the ground walking slowly to him and crying from my eyes why?

Truck-Kun: Huh that two in a row I should just lay low I might hit someone again if I keep driving.

Once, all who knew the Yokai knew: The Fear

When the Yokai set out on the Night Parade of a Hundred Demons, one stood at their vanguard.

Humans called him the Supreme Commander of Yokai. They also called him…

Nurarihyon, the Lord of Pandemonium.

In a village on the Kanto Plain…

… called Ukiyoe Town…

There is said to be

…a Yokai clan feared by locals, even today.

In the Nura clan headquarter a young boy that is 8yrs old is laying down with a woman next to him taking care of him.

Yokai: Madam I brought the ice you asked for

Madam: Thank you and could you bring some towels as well. Then she looked at her son and putting the ice in his head my little boy you will better soon.

Opening my eyes and looking around ain't I supposed to be dead by that truck. Boom a lot of memories comes straight to my head, ah my head what are these pictures in my mind. Wait ain't that Rikuo Nura from the novel that I read, he real wow this is all some and I become him this is one of the best days ever, but why do I feel weak.

Searching for a new host, host has been found binding to new host


Binding completed, Hello host I am the game shark system to help you in this world.

Huh, a system, I also have a system this is just getting better, so how do I use your system.

GS System: Just say show status

Rikuo Nura: Show status

Name: Rikuo Nura

Age: 8yrs old

Hair Color: Brown top hair and dark brown bottom half

Eyes Color: Brown eyes

Mother: Wakana Nura

Father: Rihan Nura

Grandfather: Nurarihyon

Species: Human/Yokai

Fear Type: Displacement

Bloodline: 25%/100% Yokai, Human 75%/100%




Health: Weak (fever)

Rikuo: Wow is there a way for me to upgrade my bloodline system

GS System: Yes, there is you could buy it in the store or do missions.

Rikuo: For now, I should rest and get better I am sure there no mission since I am sick, wait don't I get a package.

GS System: Host has received beginner package

GS System: Mission 1: Overcome the fever and show it who is boss?

Reward: 10 points/ Failure: None

Mission 2: Do pranks to the Yokai in your household?

Reward: 10 Points/ Failure: None

Mission 3: Gain more knowledge from your grandfather what is a Yokai?

Reward: 15 points/ Failure: None

Rikuo: What are the current missions that I have seems easy and I get at least 35 points well let's try to do the mission then, but first let get some sleep and try it tomorrow when I all rested.

While Rikuo has fallen asleep his mother came in with his grandfather

Wakana: It will take some time for him to heal father

Nurarihyon: Looking at his grandson if only his bloodline was more then he will have not gotten sick from this. I should tell everyone to not make that much noise where Rikuo is at so he could sleep peacefully. Walks out of the room with Wakana.

Wakana: Thank you, Father

By the way system, you said before you binding me with you, you said found a new host what happen to the other host that was using you.

GS System: He died by thunder in the weakest world Pokémon. Where death is kind of rare.

I thought system keep your host from dying like shielding them or teleporting them away, should I be worry.

GS System: No comment

I should be worry not only from other Yokai and human but from my own system.

System opens the beginner package.

GS System: Opening beginner package

GS System: Ding! Host has received: Shirasaya blade (one piece), Random Pet Summon, Weight Set, Cloak of Invisibility (Harry Potter), Random Bloodline, 5,000,000 points, Random Devil Fruit (One Piece), Special Summon.

Holy shit I going to be fucken op as hell looks all these items there no way, I must be hallucinating because of the fever yes that must be it. How the hell did the other person died if had a beginner package like this, oh well thanks bud whoever you are for dying and giving me this system, I should pray for you in the afterlife. Wait system I see different anime names when I received the items so that means in the store there should be items from different anime, that means I could revive my father if I find the right items. That is one thing I could do for you Rikuo Nura is to bring your father back to live in this world again. System the weights are they special weight or just some random weight you buy in the store for a couple of bucks.

GS System: They will adjust to your body and adjust its weight each time you could move freely with the current weight.

So magical weights then, time to rest I will just open the items tomorrow and see what I get time to sleep.

Pokemon World Richard: Hey everyone I ain't dead does not let that system say otherwise because next chapter is back to me, so I know you guys were to worry about me. Huh, you ain't worry and you want this story instead of mine, well up yours then mine will continue and this one will be lost in a different dimension.