
Legendary Pokemon

Unknown voice talking in the house

Female: Honey wake up

Male: What time is it

Female: It's 7:12 am

Male: Thank you

They get up and start getting ready for work.

Male: Our son is still sleeping

Female: Yes, I have to wake him up before he gets late for school

Male: That kid, ok I'm heading out bye

Female walks toward their child room and try to listen if her son is awake, but all she hears is snoring sounds coming out of the room.

Knock, knock, knock someone she hitting her son door.

Female: Richard time for school.

Richard: zzz

Knock, knock, knock while keeping knocking on the door he still does not wake up

Shriek the door open the female walks toward the boy on the bed. Still sleeping looks around the room and there was nothing that she could see to make her son sleep for a long time. Raising her hand hitting the sleeping boy on the bed, wake up! You be late for school and walks toward the door to leave.

Richard: It hurts grabbing his head

Richard: Mom stop waking me up like that will you

Mom: Then wake up earlier so I won't have to wake you up. I knocked at your door for like two minutes. You still have not wakened up from all that noise.

Richard: I don't hear dad

Mom: Your dad left for work and I am about to leave for work it's getting late see you later while leaving the room.

Goes toward the bathroom(flush), brushes my teeth. Walks toward the closet look at the clothes grab a blue shirt and some jeans. Went to unplug the phone saw a text on my phone, of course, ignore. Walks to the door to leave the room oops forgot my backpack, went back grab my bag and open the drawer and grab a blade that I hide under some papers so my mom will not find it, I put the blade in my pocket and looked around one more time noticing I have everything I left the room went down the stairs.

Did not see mom in the kitchen or the living room. Just woke me up and left the house already. Old man still does not want to talk to me after he found out that I ditch school. Oh well, I will make sure next time I would not get caught.

Went to the front door to leave the house, turn around and locks the door. Reaching for my pocket to grab my phone and turn it on and went straight to the message. From Tony: 1st message, I be in the front gate 2nd message yo where you at making wait this long man I going in. Replying back to Tony I'm on my way just woke up late I be there shortly, so don't wait for me alright.

After that done to move my screen to the right and click Pokémon Go and start using it while walking toward the street light, it was red. I look around to see if there is any Pokémon nearby me and there was none the light finally turns green start walking to the other crosswalk. Since I already going to be late might as well look around to find some Pokémon. I went down to the store went in grabs some chips and some drink and kept looking around still with my phone.

While on my phone trying to find Pokémon, I bump into someone and said my bad and kept walking. While I was walking, I felt a hand grab my shoulder and turn me around I saw a guy that you find around the store waiting for people. What do you mean my bad, apologize: said a thug? Man, you heard me I said my bad: said, Richard

Thug: What we have here a tough guy huh

Looking at me ready for a fight. These type of people pisses me off they take a small thing and turn it into something bigger then it was. I'm sure a lot of people run into this type of people all the time. Everything will have been over if he accepted my bad, but nope they want to start barking.

Richard: I guess we have a problem then while putting the phone away

Thug: Then step up big man I'm all here throw a punch. I can't wait to beat the crap out of you. What you are afraid then apologize I will let it slide.

Man, I got tired hearing his bullshit I swung my fist hit him in the face. He moves back surprise then starts throwing punches right back at me. We kept it for 30 seconds until he went for the grab and throw technique that everyone uses in a fight. I hold on and hit him on the side to let me go and knee him in the face.

While he was in the ground, I kicked him in the face four times until he stopped moving. Everyone was looking at me and recording the fight and some people approach us trying to make me leave, they saw me going back to the thug in the ground trying to kick him one more time. I walk towards a guy recording with his phone I told him to send me the video I want to show off to my friends, so he sends me the video, thanks, man. As you bet that guy that on the floor, he going to try to find me and get me back for what I did to him.

I will like to say this happens a lot to me the reason is simple I look for them. To test my fighting skills and get a rep while fighting people in the streets. People like them will find you if they want to find you and that why rep is a good thing and a bad thing. It's a good thing most people will ignore you and a bad thing people will start looking for you for revenge and take you down so their rep goes up.

While walking with the Pokémon go app running, I kept my search for Pokémon. Found a pidgey, ponyta, growlithe, but I was running out of poke ball. I went to a poke stop and bought some more poke balls. Looking at the time its really getting late, so I started walking toward the direction of my school, don't want them to call home and let my parents find out I skip school again.

Still walking and looking around I saw a group of people in front of me I avoided them. Why you ask of course 1 vs 6 you must be dreaming you will win a fight against six people. Still looking at my phone one of them bump into me knowing I'm like too far away from any one of them to even bump me so they went all there way to bump me to start something with me. I kept walking forward act like I didn't even notice the bump, they stopped and looked at waiting for me to say something to them, but they only saw my back walking away.

They look at each other smiling knowing what the other people are thinking they surround me pretty quick. I took my blade that I always have on me when I'm about to get jump like I said an everyday thing you got to be prepared.

Richard: We have a problem while holding my knife looking at them making sure if one them makes a move, I will be ready.

Guy1: What with the knife we just want to talk to you about bumping into my friend and want you to apologize to him that's all.

Richard: Then why you guys surrounded me, this is not something that people do when they want a apology.

Guy2: Just apologize to me then we go

Richard: I ain't apologizing for something that I didn't do

While I was replying to him his boy behind me moved and went for the knife. I swung the knife hitting him in the face. Then swung the blade to the other person trying to leave the circle while they are confused about what happened to there friend. I put the blade on my side ready for another slash and start looking at them.

Richard: You still want that apology

Guy5: My face screaming while blood is dripping from the wound on his cheeks.

Guy3: You going to jail for what you did to my friend

Guy6: Grab him so he won't run away

Nobody moved forward they don't want to be the same as their friend in the ground screaming with blood all over his shirt and the ground. I moved back slowly while keeping my eyes on them lucky no one was recording this or I will defiantly be in jail. Putting the knife away while running away from the scene making sure going the direction to a different school so they would not know what school I go to. Looking back, I noticed I was not followed I slowed my pace and try to recover my breath, time to head to school so I will have an alibi, just in case they find me.

20 minutes later I finally arrived the location of my school just need to walk one more block to arrive at my school, I did a long circle toward my school so those guys would not find me with the cops, I'm sure the cops got my profile that why I want to hurry and make it to school. Took out my phone and went back to play Pokémon go you know trying to catch more Pokémon trying to act like nothing happen while I was going to the direction of my school. Then out of nowhere, I hear the Pokémon battle music sound…. a wild Pokémon appears. Looks toward my right direction with my phone and there was nothing then looks to the left with the phone and yup the one and only legendary truck-kun appear.

Richard vs Truck Kun

Richard: Use run away

But his body could not move while he screaming in his mind, dodge damn you.

Truck-kun: Use run over sending mortals to the otherworld it was super effective

Richard blackout

Truck_kun Escape