
Games We Play -Shaman

Main world (DxD) Dungeons (GoT, Vanadis, Danmachi) Chaos Incarnate Raynor Valeron sent back to his time as a kid. He was living normally as any weeb would do with a second chance. That's until he saw someone on TV. From here out, his life has spiralled out of control. He unlocked a 'dungeon' and started his grind. Oh, he can't cheat. --- Mc is Neutral Evil, and his magic is Esoteric Shamanism, in other words ritualistic symbolism, including souls, blood magic, and beast taming. He has a partial Game system interface and dungeon, which acts like a doorway to the multiverse --- Tags: Evil Mc, Gore, alot of killing ( I mean alot...he killed over 50k in just 22 chapters, including some important characters), Souls slavery, Hunting, Kingdom building, supernatural, Gods, pillaging of bloodlines, totem magic, pets (Like wolves and Dragons), Harem and wars. Patreon: Patreon.com/DragonsFics Discord: https://discord.com/invite/denoffanfics

Dragon15681 · Anime & Comics
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43 Chs

King's Landing

Tywin Lannister was furious. His son and Heir was dead. He has no idea how this wild brat did it. Not that he cares. He summoned all of his banners. 50 thousand men will be more than enough to deal with this madness whatever is happening in the North.

He does not doubt that Winterfell is gone. The brat may have discovered a means to make wildfire. It was the favourite thing from Aerys' time as the King. Burning people in that diabolical fire.

Regardless, Westerland soldiers are the only thing standing between utter chaos and order.

The Lord of Casterly Rock already received news of bandits and territorial squabbles in Riverlands; Vale has shut its Gates as Jon Arryn's wife retreated to The Eyrie, the capital of Vale.

Stormlords are bickering among themselves as Renly Baratheon tries to reign in control. Then for some reason, Stannis Baratheon is gathering his troops and fleets…

As if he is thinking of declaring war and proclaiming himself the King.

"Gods…what a huge mess this is," Tywin said with a frown as he looked at the Sunset Sea. These were the last days of him being in Casterly Rock. The Old Lion is enjoying the last moments of peace before he will ride out to bring order to the land.

Though he could not stop smirking, as his blood is finally sitting on that throne. Now the only thing he needs to do is keep the throne.


"What is it?" Tywin was brought back from his thoughts

"A message from the Reach, my Lord." The Measter said from behind the doors.

"Bring it in."

The Old Lion turned around and walked back to the Solar, the Grey dressed Measter brought a small letter with a seal still in place.

It was the Rose of House Tyrell.

Tywin knew what this was. The reason why those opportunistic people are on the move. Robert is dead. With his death the Tyrells can move however they please.

And the message is simple, they offer their soldiers for hand in marriage. In other words, Tyrells want their blood to sit on the throne.

The Old Lion didn't need to think much about this. 100 thousand soldiers. All his grandson needs to do is marry this girl.

If this works, he will have 150 thousand men to work with. Tywin doesn't even need to think, he will be the Hand of the King once again. Lannisters rule the Kingdoms in all but name.

~~~~~~With Raynor, a Few Months Later~~~~~~

It took a while but I was finally here. The sewers of Westeros. The shit city of the Continent. The 'great' and 'almighty' King's Landing. The capital of the Seven Kingdoms.

The reason why it took me this long to arrive here was because I needed to hunt. As always, my priority is the hunt.

I hunted down another 10 boars, 15 stags, and 5 bears. Wolves however were an issue outside the North.

The puppies are ruthlessly hunted as they are dangerous, being pack hunters and such.

For that reason I didn't touch much of their population. One unlucky pack did end up attacking me which ended with me killing the Alpha and spreading the rest of the pack around my other three packs.

The other reason is that I was carving bombs for King's Landing.

I was taking my sweet time and listening to the words from merchants.

The situation was something I knew. Being a Greenseer allows me to gaze at my future from time to time. And the word from Merchants in towns and villages tells me of the situation in the Seven Kingdoms.

It appears the situation is quite similar to the books but with some alterations.

The Son of the Bitch Queen is the King. He is to marry Margaery Tyrell. The armies of Tywin Lannister and Tyrells are bringing order to the Riverlands.

Well, more like altering it to fit their needs. This leads to King's Landing with its basic Garrison of Golden Cloaks.

Honestly, I am shocked to learn that Cersei hasn't sent assassins after me or something…

Oh wait she did…but honestly how do you assassinate someone you don't know what he looks like or that he lives in the forest.

Honestly, in this situation, that bitch is just a useless breeding cow.

As I was walking through the streets I needed to watch my steps not to step on a shit or piss. This city is utterly disgusting.

I was feeling some pity that I will be blowing this thing up. But the more I am in this place the less I care about. This cesspool of snakes, shit, and filthiness can go away.

As I was walking through the streets I would pull out a stick with carving and place it on a corner. A few moments later it glows and the people who sensed it would have the urge to leave.

There is a chain reaction as people would eventually walk out of the city because of this urge.

I would do this for the whole city. Eventually leaving only the clueless Red Keep.

'These people are utterly clueless. How long until they realise that people are gone?'

Internally I snorted as I proceeded to walk towards the main keep entrance.

"Halt! Where do you think you walk—Aghhh"

The pair of golden Cloaks collapsed as Ivory knives struck them down.

As I walked over I collected my knives before walking inside the castle.

Any soldier I met I quickly disposed of them.

Before I proceeded to kick the main doors and enter the main hall.

My gaze eventually ended up on the monstrosity at the end of the hall. It was a mountain of swords carved into a throne.

The Iron Throne.

It looks quite grotesque, but… it's a symbol of the conquest of one's enemy. Something I could get behind. After all, humans don't truly leave something behind like animals in one hunt.


"Oh right…" I rolled my eyes, I forgot that I was not alone in the throne room. A court session is in place.

The gold cloaks and Kingsguard moved to apprehend the hand.

Sadly for them, I have enough knives to cut down all of them.

Before long all of the guards were on the ground with ivory knives sticking out. The boar tusks which these knives are ritually made easily put through the plate armour all these fools were wearing.

"GUARDS, GUARDS! YOUR KING COMMANDS YOU TO PROTECT HIM!" Few more Golden Cloaks rushed in but the number was quite small as the majority of the guards already are outside the city.

And whatever is left is something I can deal with easily.

When I was done with them there was a small mountain of corpses.

Stupidly enough none of the people run away or anything. This is utterly ridiculous! Curiosity over one's life? How dull is their instinct to live?

"Who are you? Why are you killing my soldiers? It's treason against your King." Blonde brat around my current physical age said with a haughty look.

"Then it's a good thing I don't have a King. The last time someone tried to command me I killed his whole family and blew up his castle."


"Ah yes…now you all know. Amusingly, I can sense fear now that you know who I am." I said with amusement as I could see people shaking and taking steps back. So now they worry?

"What is it you want?" Cersei said as she was sitting on a throne of her own. Though her one is more like a chair compared to the Iron Throne. Funny enough there was another girl there with her brown hair. I can guess that she is Margaery Tyrell.

"What do I want? Are you dumb? Did you forget that we are at war? Your dead fat King of a husband wanted to cave in my skull. But I put a hole through his body. And now I am here to finish what I started."

"...You think you can kill us all to end this war? Reach and Westerlands are working together. They will find you and end you." The brown-haired girl said elegantly from her side. She is confident that everything will be alright.

"So naive…so cute… sad for you my little lady. It's far too late. Your armies are cleaning Riverlands while I am in King's Landing.

By the time they arrive here this place won't exist anymore." As I said that I motioned with my hand to open the pet interface.

Before long Deimos pack was summoned and everyone quite literally pissed their pants.

"Now you see, you all are in a tight spot. You should be thankful that my wolves are fed." As I said that one of the wolves started to munch on a dead guard. The sounds of him shredding the armour could be heard through the hall. This was where Deimos walked over and smacked on the wolf's head. Making him stop.

"...I can understand that you have taken us hostage, what is it you want? Gold? Territories? Maybe Warder of the North? My son is willing to give all you want."

Cersei said with a straight tone but she was barely hiding her fear.

Especially since the hall is full of wolves and all her guards are dead.

"Yes. It's how my mother said, if you want I could grant you all you want."

"Hmm…I wonder…for being Warder of North I would need to bow to you. Why would I do that?"

"Because I am the King!" Jeffrey said with a slightly angry tone but he controlled himself. He is more than a little bit afraid for his life.

"Says who?"

"My father was the King which you killed!"

"Eh? Are dumb? Look at yourself, show me one part of that fat King on you. You look like that fool Jaime Lannister I killed at the tower."

"YOU DARE!" Cersei screamed at me. I rolled my eyes. Then I had a hilarious idea.


I got the attention of a few of my wolves.

"Boys, why don't you give her a good bath?"

The wolves for a second looked confused before they understood what I wanted. Slowly three of them proceeded to get close to the blonde bitch who was getting more and more terrified.

Everyone watched with bated breath and what I will do. Oh, this is going to be hilarious.

Sure enough, the boys started to pull the blonde by her clothes and the woman tried to resist.

"H-Hold it! I apologise I didn't want to raise my voice!"

Human simply is not strong enough as two wolves ended up pulling her out of her throne and then the wolves proceeded to lick the very daylight out of her.

She will be smelling like wolf saliva for a long time… that is if she will survive long enough.

"As your bitch of a mother is having a bath. I do want to remind you that you are just a bastard, Joffrey Waters."

"...N-Nonsense! My Father is Robert Baratheon!"

"...Right, tell that to people who believe that. Now, everyone, sit tight! I have things to do." I once again did a theatrical bow before walking deeper into the keep.

"Wait!!! You can't just leave us here!!!" Jeffrey screamed at me. The rest of the peanut gallery started to sniff from fear as the wolves started to have their fun.

Fun in other words scares the shit out of them. And even play around which is by accident bite or scratch. Oh and Cersei is still receiving the love from the boys.

~~~~~~Margaery Tyrell~~~~~~

Things just went from extremely great to extremely bad in just a few moments' notice.

One moment she was to marry King Joffrey next moment she was hostage to a magic-wielding hunter from the North.

After seeing him summon wolves from nothing she was convinced he was the real deal which ended the lives of King Robert, and all the famous Swordsmen who served under him. Including Jaime Lannister.

Whatever he does… She needs to find a way to survive this. Her family is maybe opportunistic but they have no qualms with this Magic wielding Hunter. She doesn't want to join his kill count.

Through her eyes wandered to the wolf which was sitting next to her. Well, there were at least four of them around her. She didn't talk or do anything rash as she saw what happened to nobles who tried to make a run for it.

They were bitten and brought back…brutally.

These beasts are not feral or stupid, in truth they are very smart. It is most likely the hunter did something to them to be this smart.

So, she decided to listen to her grandmother's teaching, and moved her hand slowly, very slowly going to the wolf sitting next to her.

The wolf in question looked at her as if she was nuts.

The beast growled at her but she decided not to stop. If she wants to survive this explosion she needs to get in good graces with the hunter.

Eventually, her hand ended on the beast's head. The brown-haired girl started to stroke the fur. The wolf tried to resist but eventually, he started to enjoy it.

After a while, the wolf was like a puppy which made Margaery smile to herself. It appears she was successful but then to her horror, other wolves started to look at her with jealousy. They want this as well.

The girl doesn't know but only the named wolves receive Raynor's affection.

"W-Wait for a moment! I don't have that many hands!!!"

"I see…so I need to pet them. Easy enough."

Jeffrey said with arrogance as he proceeded to walk down from the Throne and tried to pet one wolf.

The key word tried as the wolf sensed the boy's empty superiority. So a wolf nearly bit his hand off. Thankfully Joffrey pulled back fast enough but behind him was the swords of the Iron Throne.

So either way he cut himself quite badly.

"Ahhh… It hurts! I-I am bleeding! Someone get a Measter!" The Blonde almost screamed like a girl. When he started bleeding from cuts.

Only now Joffrey realised that he was in an extremely shit situation.

It takes a while to understand that you are not all mighty when you are in a situation like this.


When Raynor returned from setting the Explosive Totems he was baffled by what he saw.

The blonde bitch was knocked out. She slammed her head hard enough to knock herself out. At least this is what he understood from what the wolves transmitted to him.

Jeffrey was holding his hand while crying like a girl.

While the weirdest of them all is the brown-haired girl.

The girl has been pampering several of his wolves.

"You have no fear or you are crazy enough to pet my boys?" Raynor could not contain himself; he needed to ask her.

"My Lord. I just wanted to know what it feels like to pet a wolf."

He dumbly nodded at her. Of course, she does…he doesn't believe her at all.

"My Lord, if I am to survive this…my family will reward you in any way you want. We only joined Lannisters because it was a great opportunity to do so. As a hunter you know that better than anyone.

Don't they strike when the time is best?"

Raynor had a weird look for a bit. Why is she talking in his language!?

He realised that this girl has been raised to adjust to a guy with whom she is engaged…he remembered a scene where she killed a woman because Joffrey asked her.

It was…hardcore to say the least.

"You are right…"

"Yes…if my grandmother and my escort survive this then you will have Tyrell's support."

"Oh? I am curious. Do you even know what you are getting yourself into? You are still a great house and my enemies are Lannisters."

The girl already had a smile on her face. It appears she has planned something.

Well, if they can do something with the whole Lannister army it will be less hassle for Raynor to deal with and he can return to the things he does.

But then he had a brilliant idea. If she is offering anything he is going to take her for himself. He wants to see if he can break her or if she will adjust enough to be useful enough.

"You should not worry my Lord. As long as you keep me company and save my escort in Kings Landing my family can deal with everything."

For a second he thought about this. Well, he already has set the totems.

"Fine. Find your servants and tell them what is going on. However, you will be staying with me the whole time."

"Of course." She quickly nodded at him.

"Very well."

Sure enough, Margaery noticed how all the wolves at the same time started to move. As if they were controlled by someone.

The brown-haired girl walked over to the few nicely dressed ladies who were terrified of the wolves the whole time.

The sheer contrast between them was absurd. One had confidence the other ones looked like they would piss her pants any moment.

A few exchanges later the ladies were ordered to run into the main keep.

"I have told them to order the household to prepare for leave. Is there anything we need to be aware of?" She asked him respectfully.

For a second Raynor smiled. He loves competence. She might be a good manager or assistant.

"The moment they leave the main castle entrance they will have the urge to leave the city."

"...I see… Then it should be fine."

"Indeed Maegor's Keep is big enough. I am sure they hold all your things there."

"Yes, my Lord, you should not worry." She nodded at him, that time his wolves approached her which made Raynor's eyebrows twitch. He can't believe his mutts have betrayed him like this!

At least he has Deimos. His loyal wolf was standing next to him like a General.


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