
Games Of Thrones: The Lost Hero (ENG)

a reincarnated young man with a system that allows him to develop his abilities, with the condition of fulfilling missions from which he will be able to choose three options or he will have a punishment if he does not comply with the chosen option. Before the final era of the Targaryen dynasty an illegitimate son was born to the lord of the house Dayne. The young man reincarnated after his death in a SWAT operation, at the hands of criminals while trying to rescue a young woman they were trying to kidnap, in this encounter he ended up being stabbed in the heart. (excuse my poor english and grammar (2/10), it's not my native language)

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70 Chs

Chapter 9: Arrival at King's Landing [EDITED]


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[POV Lancel]

Six hours after setting sail, the boat is moving swiftly with the currents and the wind at our back. According to the captain, we will arrive at King's Landing two hours before dawn.

"Rest, Master. I will wake you when we arrive. We will need all the strength we can muster, and we will have to move quickly, as the Lannister forces will not be far behind," I say, noting his anxiety.

"I cannot sleep or rest; I am deeply worried about my sister. Furthermore, I still think that by not believing you, I made the wrong decision and put my sister in danger," Oberyn said to me with a sad expression.

"I knew we couldn't convince Lord Doran, and he could have had me beheaded on the spot, so you still made the right decision. I feel we will still make it in time," I tell him with some certainty. 'I assert this because the system would have already notified us of the mission's failure,' I thought.

Oberyn remained silent, his hands on the spear he had taken from a trusted guard before our meeting at the dock.

[Third-person POV]

Tywin Lannister stood outside the castle gate, waiting for it to open. Within minutes, he sent a letter to the King requesting the order to open the gates.

"Be prepared, when the gates open we will plunder and kill any men, women, and children we find along the way. Remember that the war is already in favor of Robert Baratheon, and if we don't achieve something, he won't allow us to join his cause," Tywin told his commanders.

In the castle, Maester Pycelle went to convince the King to let Lord Tywin Lannister in, as he was a trusted man to the King. The King accepted his request and ordered the gates of the landing to be opened to let Tywin Lannister pass.

Jaime was eager to kill the King, as he had ordered the castle to be surrounded with wildfire to kill all the traitors if they lost the war. He only muttered, <<May he be King of the ashes.>>

On the other hand, Lancel and Oberyn disembarked on the shores of King's Landing with a boat they took from the ship. Lancel said they should enter where there are fewer obstacles that could stop them. From outside the castle, on the shores, the lamentations and battle cries could be heard.

"We must hurry," Lancel said, then entered a tunnel that connected to the castle, with Oberyn following closely behind.

In the throne room, Aerys II Targaryen, upon learning of Tywin Lannister's betrayal, shouted to Jaime, "Kill the traitor!" He ordered the new Hand, Sapiencia Rossart, to ignite the hidden wildfire in the city, saying, "Let him be king over charred bones and cooked meat. Let him be the king of ashes." As Jaime approached the new Hand, he stabbed him in the back and killed Rossart, then proceeded to kill King Aerys II Targaryen on the Iron Throne. Jaime then took the crown and ascended the Iron Throne to await his father's arrival.

While outside the castle, Tywin Lannister sends Gregor and Amory to kill Elia and her children to present them to Lord Robert Baratheon to gain his favor, as well as an alliance with him.

As Oberyn and Lancel search for Elia and her children by climbing Maegor's Holdfast, they encounter Amory and Gregor.

"Master, we should leave them unconscious, not kill them," Lancel says to Oberyn with seriousness in his tone.

"Agreed," Oberyn responds without further thought to Lancel's suggestion.

Oberyn faced a young Gregor, while Lancel fought against Amory, defending himself with his short sword. The force behind each of Amory's sword strikes was more than Lancel could bear due to his physique, so he only wielded the sword to defend himself and deflect the trajectory of each cut. Oberyn didn't take long in his fight against Gregor Clegane, as he had more combat experience. Moments later, he also knocked out Amory Lorch.

"Master, take their bodies and drag them to Lady Elia's chamber," Lancel said, then he ran to Elia's quarters. Upon entering, he found Elia sitting on the bed with two-year-and-one-month-old Aegon in her arms.

"Wait for Prince Oberyn to come; we'll leave after sorting everything out before we depart," Lancel told Elia. Oberyn then entered, dragging two bodies.

"Sister, are you alright?" Oberyn said to Elia, approaching to embrace his sister.

"Yes, I am," Elia said. Then she got up and pulled out from under the bed a little Rhaenys, three years old.

Lancel went to the bodies of Gregor and Amory and touched their foreheads, then he stood up and began to throw clothes and paintings around the room.

"What are you doing?" Oberyn asked, bewildered.

"Simulating the death of Lady Elia and her children," Lancel replied. Then he dragged Gregor and Amory's bodies out of the room and closed the door, then scattered the embers from the fireplace around the room.

"Lord Oberyn, trust me, embrace Lady Elia and take my hand. Lady Rhaenys, take my hand as well," Lancel said, showing them his hands.

Oberyn immediately embraced Elia and took Lancel's hand, while asking Rhaenys to listen and take Lancel's hand. Rhaenys took his hand, and they all immediately felt a slight dizziness. When it stopped, they were on the coast of King's Landing, with Lancel breathing heavily.

"What kind of magic is this?" Oberyn asked, surprised, as he remembered Lancel placing a hand on the boat and leaving a star-shaped mark.

"Go by sea, Master, along with Lady Elia and Prince Aegon. I'll go by land with Lady Rhaenys, and we'll meet at Sunspear," Lancel said, then took the Princess's hand and headed towards the royal forest.

"See you later, lad," Oberyn said, taking Elia and Aegon and boarding the boat, sailing out to sea where the vessel awaited. Even though he didn't yet understand why Lancel was doing this, after the magic he had shown, he would follow all of Lancel's suggestions.

"Will they be alright?" Elia asked, concerned.

"You noticed what he did, so they will be," Oberyn said, noting how pale his sister was.

...On the other hand...

Upon waking from the genjutsu, Gregor and Amory only saw the room burning with Valyrian fire and only remembered that after murdering the children and raping Elia, the room had exploded in flames, and they ran out of it.


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