
Games Of Thrones: The Lost Hero (ENG)

a reincarnated young man with a system that allows him to develop his abilities, with the condition of fulfilling missions from which he will be able to choose three options or he will have a punishment if he does not comply with the chosen option. Before the final era of the Targaryen dynasty an illegitimate son was born to the lord of the house Dayne. The young man reincarnated after his death in a SWAT operation, at the hands of criminals while trying to rescue a young woman they were trying to kidnap, in this encounter he ended up being stabbed in the heart. (excuse my poor english and grammar (2/10), it's not my native language)

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68 Chs

Chapter 4: First Sword I [EDITED]

[POV Lisa]

My brother has been distracted but still trains well, he looks like he's six years old, my parents say. Since my father works in the forge making swords, my brother has begged him to make him a sword, and my father said he would give him one when he turns four. I also asked for one, and he said he would make me one on the condition that my mother didn't find out, otherwise, she would scold him, even though my father is muscular, he is afraid of my mother, hahaha.

My brother and I practice with wooden swords when our parents are busy working. Since I started practicing with swords, I feel like I should be a warrior, and my brother says I have talent to be one.

"Brother, there are 6 months left until our father gives us the swords," I say, looking at his excitement.

"Yes, but you have to train more, and hide it from my mother," my brother tells me, laughing.

"Yes," I say, smiling.

'My brother seems worried about something I can't understand,' I think about what it could be.

[POV Lancel]

I have noticed that Lisa has quickly developed her consciousness because she has improved in learning quite a bit after two years, and she has grown just like me with slightly abnormal growth, as she looks five years old.

'There is one month left until the last power updates, and I have been increasingly anxious as the time shortens,' I thought. During this remaining six months, I will continue to exercise my physical endurance, and my sister must start exercising in this area as well.

One month later...

<Finishing installation of the spiritual sense in host, as this power is soul, host must experience a great level ten pain for seven days, it recommended to enter coma state alleviate degree pain, which will start minutes>

.'I must pretend I'm sick, and hope that my parents don't worry excessively about what will happen to me when that happens. Also, I must pretend to take something that will leave me unconscious to then allow the system to start the coma state. My mother will arrive in four minutes, so I have to fix this with my sister,' I thought.

[Third-person POV]

"Lisa, when our mother comes, don't panic if you see me fall, I'll just be asleep for seven days, you have to help me this time, and I'll fulfill a promise you want," Lancel tells his sister what he plans to do.

"Okay," Lisa says, confused by what her brother told her.

Lance went to get a vial and made a mixture of liquids to make it look like a failed experiment. Then he stood up on the chair and waited until his mother entered to immediately drink the liquid in front of her. Then he asked the system to put him into a coma. When Mary entered the house, she saw her son Lancel falling headfirst to the ground and fainting, and next to him, a dark vial. She immediately worried about him.

"Son... wake up, don't worry me," Mary said, hugging him, with tears in her eyes. Seeing this scene, Lisa remembers what Lancel told her, so she is not too worried about him and helps calm Mary's concern.

Mary takes Lancel and carries him to the Maester's tower to check his condition, leaving Lisa at home to inform Robert where they are.

On the other hand, although Lancel asked the system to allow him to go into a coma, he feels that the pain he is experiencing right now is worse than death because he feels like he is being burned at a level he cannot bear, but he is not allowed a moment of relief. He believes that this time the system exaggerated with the pain he is experiencing and that he must endure for seven days.

<If the Host cannot endure, they will only have two current powers, and one chance for a new power. Later, system give missions that must complete in way or another, depending on how decide to finish them>

Lancel has no choice but to endure this bitter moment, and now that the system has told him about the missions, he feels he must strive to have these powers to allow him to survive if there is a mission that could cost him his life. He does not want to die without completing a mission, as happened to him when he was a member of the SWAT team.

The Maester told Mary that he is unconscious due to the blow, and the liquid he drank was liquor combined with other beverages that he could not tolerate. She should wait a few days for him to wake up naturally. Even so, Mary returned home worried with Lancel in her arms. When she arrived home, Robert took Lancel and put him to bed, then he talked to Mary about what had happened and asked Lisa to be with her brother while he comforted Mary.

"Lancel drank your liquor, you should keep your things better," Mary scolded Robert for his carelessness.

"I will, don't worry about it," Robert said with a nervous smile.

Mary doesn't go to work until Lancel wakes up, while Lisa spends this time just studying, since her mother is at home and she can't train. At least her brother told her when he was going to wake up.

[POV Lancel]

When I woke up, the first thing I saw was my mother next to my bed, she looked tired and pale, and Lisa was lying on the floor with just a blanket, while Robert was sitting by the window with a frown and drinking wine.

"Mother, wake up, go to your bed to rest," I said in a low voice, shaking her shoulder.

"Let her sleep," Robert tells me as he gets up and carries my mother in his arms to her room, then he comes out and stares at me intently.

"What's wrong?" I ask, my voice trembling.

'This time I really caused them a lot of trouble, I really hope it doesn't happen again, and that the system doesn't cause me more pain like this,' I thought.

"I should be asking you that. Why do you make your mother worry so much? I'll give you the sword you want before your birthday, but if something like this happens again, I'll hit you so you don't do it again," Robert said, his face full of anger for what happened.

"I'm sorry, father, I won't do it again," I say, knowing that I caused them trouble.

"I hope so, it's a promise. Just like I'll make you the sword you want. And so that this doesn't happen again, I'll give it to you when it's ready. Since it's a small sword, it will take me longer to finish," Robert said with a big smile on his lips, then he lifts Lisa and lets her sleep next to me, then he goes to his room.


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