
Games at the Witching Hour

What if children's games were real? What if, ashes ashes we all fell down? What if when you were tagged, you really were IT? Any normal person might wonder why these games are played, or what they mean, eventually passing it off as "just a game", but, dear reader, whether you are a child or an adult, understand that these are not just games. They are the difference between life and death, inclusion, and exclusion, and most importantly, your ability to survive. Read as Zane-Ashburn and his friends the Children of the Moon leave England and discover life is beyond their imagination's limits! Co-Written with my friend Izzy! Remember to give them credit as well!

Aerie_Artemis · Fantasy
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11 Chs

Chapter 3 Part 1 - In Which Zane-Ashburn Gets Very Lucky

"Anddd," Gill drawled, "Milieta is our first fox!!"

All the children lined up at a point, each turning into bite-sized chickens. Zane-Ashburn had firmly decided he didn't like being a bird after the last game played, but he was determined to figure out how these games were transforming them.

Milly stood a simple 10 feet in front of them, but since they were so small, it felt like 100 feet. Her brilliant red coat shone in the sun, making her obvious. She turned, faced away from the fowl children, and sat, waiting to declare the game started.

She let out a hearty Robin call, which Zane-Ashburn had come to find meant start. He started slowly and awkwardly moving his stick-thin feet forward to Milly. He felt like he was making progress in the game, sure he had made it at least a foot forward. His heart lurched as Milly suddenly spun around quicker than his brain was capable of understanding.

Her hazel eyes gazed at him with an evil grin. They had thin slits in them, and it looked like her incisors had grown sharper as she licked her lips.

"No eating anyone, Milly," Gill squeaked in a tiny chicken voice. Milly disregarded Gill and turned back around her posture straight and alert.

Zane-Ashburn took a couple small steps, for his size they were tiny, and waited, looking to see if Milly was making a move. Nothing. He turned around and saw that no one else had moved. He looked at them and cocked his head, confused. Everyone just gave him a blank look. He shrugged and kept moving.

After a couple more steps, Milly turned around as Zane-Ashburn just put his foot down, He slightly wobbled as she stared at him. His now tiny heartbeat so fast he thought it was going to explode. He made eye contact and she started to laugh. It was a barely audible laugh, but it was there. She turned back around, and all was silent again.

Margarie suddenly took a step forward and confidently marched past Zane-Ashburn, her mini chicken face giving him a smug look. He looked at her, stunned. She wasn't being careful at all and she was being, as it seemed for their size, extremely loud, rustling through the grass. She promptly stopped a good two feet in front of him and waited.

Milly turned around a couple seconds after Margarie stopped, perfectly timed. Milly turned back around and Margarie smiled at everyone else, telling them something with her expression that Zane-Ashburn couldn't decipher.