
Games Aren't the Same Anymore

Video game developer and workaholic, John Locke, gets transported to a different reality from the one he knows. In this world, there are many games, but they aren't the same ones he remembers. The technology seems to be more advanced, but why are the games so...

TMHisOurSavior · Games
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3 Chs


After Jason(?) calmed himself down a little bit, he asked his co-worker(?) some questions.

"Are you sure you're okay Jason? You looked like death itself just a second ago. Want me to go get you some water or something?"

"...No, just can you tell me about my game or whatever?" Jason asked, still holding his head.

James decided not to ask too many dumb questions to his co-worker as he didn't want to worry him about his head pain. It would also be weird to explain suddenly having the memories of two people in your head.

"Ah, yeah, you know already. But, *sigh*, your game came out a week ago and no one liked it, besides maybe some people who are really into graphics.

You've been laboring away for the past week and I came over to tell you to take a break, because frankly-its unhealthy, Jason. You need rest, stop working on your game for now. Maybe go home and rest?"

"Ah, yeah, right, thanks umm..." Jason said, slowly sitting up from his chair and grabbing the coat that hung off of it.

"...Adam," Adam replied.

"Right, right, I'll head home. Thanks again, Adam." Jason said.

Jason finally got up, clearing some of his thoughts, and only looking to head home as he did feel a bit sluggish.

But, as he got up and thought about home, he realized one thing.

"Where's home again?" Jason asked aloud.

"... I'll drive you," Adam replied.


The drive home with Adam was quick. They lived in the same apartment complex. The two of them were somewhat of a duo. Although they produced games separately, they would often help each other out and even co-produced a game. Their co-produced game was called Jelly Ride, but that ended up failing to meet any sort of popularity as well.

Adam's parents actually owned the apartment complex where the two of them lived. His parents owned a total of 3 apartment buildings, earning enough money to retire off of, but after their first complex earned them enough money, they made another, eventually repeating the process for their third. The saying is true that the rich get richer.

Adam and Jason met at an expo for game developers where Adam played one of James' games. He thought that James had some talent and wanted to befriend him, hoping they could help each other. James wasn't opposed to it as he needed someone to bounce ideas off of and James ended up moving into the apartment complex, Adam offering him a good deal.

James and Adam would end up renting an office space not too far from their apartment building, wanting to have more space to work with. The office, although small, was a good place to fully devote themselves to game development.

When Jason got home, he decided his body needed some much-needed rest. He went straight to his room, took off his pants, and lay under the covers.

He slept for a whole 16 hours before getting up.

Feeling hungry, he ate 3 bowls of cereal, and 2 apples, then cooked himself 2 chicken breasts he had in the fridge an hour later, still feeling hungry.

He even turned on the TV in the background, occasionally listening to whatever he put on.

Jason did this to distract himself before finally thinking about his life.

He really has transmigrated to another world. Seemingly in the body of another person, whose memories he still has in his head. Even his emotions have been influenced by this "Jason," whose full name was Jason Locke. Luckily, they had similar goals and dreams- making good games.

Games flooded both Jason's and James' minds. Their thoughts combined, trying to make the best games possible. Jason felt like his dreams have become wilder and more ambitious. Wanting to make the best games possible, wanting to fill this world with as many of these games as possible. He desperately wanted people to enjoy his games, as well as to enjoy them himself.

With their newfound knowledge and experience, these dreams seemed possible. It was very exciting, to think about the possible ideas and themes that could make a good game.

Maybe even, in the near future, EVERYONE would be playing their games.


"Jason! You in there?! You hear me, or what?! Don't tell me you're still sleeping!" Adam said, knocking on Jason's door.

Jason opened the door after Adam called on him two more times.

"Come in," Jason said.

"Ah, Jason. You look better, I'm glad you've got some rest... Woah, what's that?"

Adam walked in, looking at Jason's neat apartment, which was surprising because usually, it was pretty messy. But, the most surprising part was on Jason's setup.

Jason had a large desk in one corner of the living room. He had a 4 monitor setup, with two monitors hung up and the rest sitting on his desk.

The surprising thing was what was displayed on each monitor.