
Gamers' Strategy in Venice

Editor: Atlas Studios

Leather Shoe observed the Goblins and Orc finish their discussion. Then the Orc took out a small piece of Magic Stone from his pouch and gave it to one of the Goblins.

The Magic Stone was the size of a fingernail. It wasn't a complete Magic Stone, so it was of little value. The Goblins actually obtained municipal management fees from the Orc.

Was there such a thing as municipal management fees? Leather Shoe took out a booklet with the words "Municipal Management Handbook" on it.

He found street vending regulations very fast by referring to the contents page.

He discovered that if a vendor was vending his goods outside the designated vending zone, the vendor would have to pay a municipal management fee.

The designated vending zone was created after some research. Venice was a commerce-based dungeon, so commercial activities formed a large portion of its economy.