
Gamers Industry

Lainey_Jaxkson13 · Games
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BackStory Of Lynn

When Lynn was little she was abused and because of that she was in and out of the hospital all the time, she went to school and got Bullied but made friends.

Her best friend was named Kyler, he stuck by her through everything.

Until one day he told her he had to move and Lynn thought she was going to die. After Years of abuse her father forced her into a marriage with a man named Isaiah.

Lynn and Isaiah almost never spoke until one night they both got drunk and well to be blunt the "Got it on."

The next morning after that Lynn woke up remembering what had happened and flipped out and ran to the bathroom.

Isaiah had woke up also remembering what happened and he stormed in and started yelling rude things and horrible things to her while he slapped her across the face.

She started to cry and that's when he left her alone. She got dressed and grabbed her wallet and left the house...