
Final Evaluation

The final moment of the last round was replayed above the ring with a holographic board created by Principal Helen using her ability [Countdown].

The visual imagery of Neo using his newfound technique [Electric Burst Evolved] was so clear it reminded him of the graphics used in the high end games he played back on earth.

The princess rose from her seat and left the scene; she had seen and as well made up her mind on which participants that qualified for the final stage would officially be reinstated in the kingdom's force.

"That is it for the second stage!" Principal Helen exclaimed.


[1. Vanessa Leonheart]

[2. Reo Elwin]

[3. Stephanie]


"As a result of their outstanding performance in the exams, these three were hand selected by the princess herself to become official Aenist of Silvercrest."

The names of the top three candidates were displayed by the holographic board which prompted the participants, who were to go through the final stage in order to become a full fledged Aenist to applaud them loudly.

"They really are something aren't they?" One of the participants moving on to the final stage whispered to the man besides him.

"Yeah…especially that Reo guy, such power." The other participant responded.

"What kind of Aen do you think he uses?" He asked again.

"Beats me, I thought it was the Elementalist Aen. But there is no way that could ever beat the Knight Aen class." The other participant responded again as well.

"He really is a beast, to take down the prince himself…Just who the hell is he..." Another participant muttered to himself.

The three qualified Aenists were to move directly to the next hall for the final evaluation which would determine if they were ready to become Aenists of the Silvercrest kingdom.

Neo fell on his buttocks drained mostly of the energy he had left. "Heh…Heh..." He gasped slowly for air.

"Damn it..." He muttered softly to himself, his newly acquired technique [Electric Burst Evolved] is now currently considered his most powerful ability. However, his frustrations rested on the fact that he only had two attempts with it at his best.

Theoretically, it wasn't enough if he actually planned on ending the war.

"That was actually quite impressive." Vanessa commended his efforts as she approached him.

"I got lucky..." Neo replied standing to his feet slowly.

"That's not the way I see it, you defeated the crown prince of Silvercrest." She spoke.

"Barely…" Neo replied to her statement.

"That is an achievement very few has been able to attain, honestly I am truly surprised you were able to do so." She spoke bluntly.

Neo rolled his eyes; her constant mocking was something he was getting rather used to. He stared at his palm and the memories of his ability [Electro-regeneration] was constantly replayed. Even he was shocked as to the nigh limitless potential the assassin, Neo Tempest possessed.

"By the way Neo." Vanessa intruded on his thoughts.

"How did you do that?" She questioned one of the impossible attributes of Neo during his battle with George.

"How did I do what?" He asked in confusion given he did so many impossible things during that fight.

"How you were able to quickly regenerate after being seriously hurt by George." She replied.

"Oh..." Neo spoke softly; it was rather difficult for him to explain that particular ability when he himself didn't understand how it works all too well.

"It's called Electro-Regeneration, I don't understand much but all I do know is this. It replaces damaged tissues with new ones using the minor electrical currents my body produces." He responded.

"..."Vanessa was speechless, mainly because she didn't understand a single word Neo said. But who could blame her, biology and chemistry hasn't been invented in this era yet.

Not wanting to waste any more time, Neo dragged a visibly confused Vanessa by her right hand towards the hall besides them. "Come on, we'll be late for the final evaluation."

Inside the evaluation hall were the three participants the princess hand-selected herself, and in front of them was the supreme leader of all of Silvercrest, Princess Bridget herself.

"I must first commend you on your performance." She walked by each of them several times as she addressed them.

"Especially you, Reo Elwin." She stopped in front of Neo as she called his name.

"You didn't only stand out and emerge victorious in the battle against my brother, a Knight Aen user. But you have also gained my respect." Bridget complimented him.

She moved on and stood in front of Vanessa. "You have also gained my respect as well, Vanessa Leonheart. Your unbreakable resolve demonstrated just how far your willing to go to in order to protect your kingdom, not to mention your one of the rare ones to awaken the Knight Aen class although not a member of royal blood."

Bridget spoke as it was somewhat uncommon to find people not belonging to royal blood that had awakened the Knight Aen class.

However, there has been multiple cases of such phenomenon occurring thereby reducing the suspicions of infiltrating princesses.

"Given your overall performance, you are henceforth an Aenist of the Silvercrest Kingdom!" Bridget exclaimed giving her final verdict. The three Aenists being Reo, Vanessa and Stephanie all let out a sigh of relief. Their hard work had paid off.

"Now that you have attained the rank of the Aenists, you shall all be immediately enlisted into the Silver knights. With your power, abilities and sharp intuition, we can finally win this war and rid ourselves of any external threats. Peace will reign once again after decades of violence!"

Bridget exclaimed given her excitement after witnessing the power of these three individuals.

Neo on the other hand wasn't pleased; his smile was turned upside down after hearing what the princess had said.

"Peace?" He spoke in a dark tune, all eyes turned towards him.

"Yes Reo...Peace and justice will finally reign in our kingdom." Bridget responded.

"Stop screwing with us!" Neo's outburst took Vanessa and Stephanie aback, his sudden reaction to the princess was unexpected.

"Excuse me?" Bridget asked in confusion.

"How do you hope to gain peace with violence?" Neo asked with his eyebrows lowered in frustration.

"How do you hope to end this war that has already taken so many lives with more killing?" He grunted after speaking before grinning his teeth with irritation.

"You speak of justice yet you shed the blood of the innocent in the name of peace...how?" He asked.

"How do you hope to gain peace using the same cycle of vengeance that leads to calamity!?" He shouted at the princess who was already pissed off.

Light emanated from her body slowly reflecting her rage as she stared down at Neo. "My mother and father were killed by a pointless war and you dare speak of the innocent? There is no one innocent in a war, there is only the concept of the vanquished and the victors. If you cannot learn respect Reo Elwin…"

The evaluation hall trembled at the influx of power generated by Bridget who Neo pissed off by dishonoring her parent's death. Her eyes glowed white as she stared down at him. "I will drill it into your skull." She spoke in a dark voice.