
chapter 2

As Alex continued his journey through the forest, he eventually stumbled upon a small clearing. To his surprise, he saw a group of humans gathered around a campfire, cooking and talking.

He approached them cautiously, unsure of how they would react to a stranger in their midst. As he drew closer, one of the humans noticed him and stood up, holding a spear defensively.

"Who are you?" the human asked, eyeing Alex warily.

"I'm just a traveler passing through," Alex replied, holding up his hands in a gesture of peace. "I mean no harm."

The human considered him for a moment before lowering his spear. "Very well. You can stay for a bit, but don't cause any trouble."

Alex thanked him and sat down by the campfire. The humans continued their conversation, and Alex listened in, hoping to learn more about this new world and its inhabitants.

He quickly realized that these humans were not like the ones he had known in his previous life. They spoke in a strange dialect and had a different culture and way of life. But despite their differences, Alex found that he could understand them quite well and even converse with them in their language.

As they talked, Alex couldn't help but notice the differences in their physical abilities. He had the advantage of his Gamer System, with its status window and various attributes, but these humans had years of experience living and surviving in this world.

Alex was fascinated by their stories and insights into the world around them. He knew that if he wanted to survive in this new world, he would have to rely on his intelligence and adaptability, as well as the tools and skills he had acquired through his Gamer System.

As the night wore on, Alex bid the humans farewell and continued on his journey. As Alex continued his journey, he came across a small town on the outskirts of the forest. The town was bustling with activity, with merchants and craftsmen selling their wares, and adventurers and travelers coming and going.

Alex was intrigued by the variety of people and goods in the town, and he decided to explore it further. As he wandered through the streets, he noticed a blacksmith's shop and decided to check it out.

Inside, he saw a variety of weapons and armor on display. He approached the blacksmith, a burly man with an impressive beard, and asked if he could buy a weapon.

The blacksmith looked him up and down skeptically. "You don't look like much of a fighter," he said. "What do you need a weapon for?"

Alex explained that he was a traveler in this new world and needed a weapon for protection. The blacksmith nodded and showed him a few options, each with their own attributes and skills.

Alex settled on a simple sword with an attribute that increased his agility. The blacksmith also gave him a few tips on how to wield it effectively, and Alex felt grateful for the advice.

As he left the blacksmith's shop, Alex noticed a notice board with various quests posted on it. He approached the board and examined the quests, each with their own rewards and challenges.

He decided to take on a quest to clear out a nearby cave of monsters. The reward was a decent sum of gold, as well as some experience points and attribute points.

Excited by the prospect of leveling up and gaining more power, Alex set off towards the cave, sword in hand. He felt a surge of adrenaline and determination, knowing that he was now equipped with the tools and skills he needed to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

As Alex approached the cave, he saw a group of adventurers gathered outside, discussing their plan of attack. He overheard them talking about the different types of monsters inside and their strengths and weaknesses.

Alex decided to join them, hoping to learn more about the monsters and their behaviors. He introduced himself and explained that he was new to the world and eager to gain experience and knowledge.

The other adventurers were skeptical of his abilities, but they agreed to let him join their group. They gave him some advice on how to fight the monsters and assigned him to take care of the weaker ones.

The group entered the cave and began their descent. The air was damp and musty, and the ground was slippery with moss. Alex kept his sword at the ready, listening for any sounds of movement.

As they turned a corner, they came face to face with a group of goblins. The goblins were small, but quick and agile, and they attacked with ferocity.

Alex held his own, using his sword and agility to dodge their attacks and strike back. He was surprised at how natural it felt to fight, almost as if his body was adapting to this new world.

After defeating the goblins, the group continued deeper into the cave, encountering more monsters along the way. Alex felt a rush of excitement with each battle, gaining more experience and attribute points as he fought.

As they reached the end of the cave, they discovered a large chamber filled with treasure. The group split the loot and made their way back to town, victorious and enriched.

Alex felt a sense of pride and accomplishment, knowing that he had successfully completed his first quest and gained valuable experience. He also felt more confident in his abilities, knowing that he could hold his own in battle and contribute to a group.

As he walked back through the town, he noticed that some of the shops and buildings had changed. New merchants had arrived, and some of the buildings had been upgraded.

As the sun began to set, the streets of the town started to quiet down. The street vendors closed their shops and the villagers went back to their homes. The MC was walking through the empty streets, still lost in thought about his situation.

Suddenly, he heard a faint voice calling out for help. He followed the sound to a nearby alleyway where he saw a young girl being cornered by a group of hoodlums. The girl looked no more than ten years old, and tears streamed down her face as she tried to back away from the thugs.

Without a second thought, the MC charged towards them. The thugs turned their attention to him, but he was prepared. He drew his sword and unleashed a flurry of strikes, easily dispatching them.

The girl stared at him in amazement, and he offered her his hand to help her up. She hesitated at first, but eventually took it. As she stood up, she looked at him with grateful eyes.

"Thank you," she said, her voice trembling.

The MC smiled at her. "It was nothing. Are you okay?"

The girl nodded, wiping away her tears. "I'm fine. Thank you for saving me."

The MC nodded. "What's your name?"

"My name is Lily," she said softly.

The MC introduced himself and they walked together for a while, chatting. He learned that Lily was an orphan who lived on the streets, and she had been targeted by the thugs because they knew she had no one to protect her.

As they talked, the MC noticed a small pendant around Lily's neck. It was a simple design, but there was something about it that caught his eye.

"Where did you get that pendant?" he asked.

Lily looked down at it, her fingers tracing the edges. "It was my mother's. She gave it to me before she died."

The MC nodded, understanding the significance of the pendant. He made a mental note to keep an eye on it, as it could hold some importance later on.

Eventually, they arrived at the entrance to the town's orphanage. Lily thanked the MC again and said goodbye, disappearing through the doors.

As he walked away, the MC couldn't help but think about Lily's situation. He knew that in this world, strength was everything. And he vowed to do whatever it takes to protect the innocent, no matter the cost.