
Gamer System: Marvel [Dropped]

A young Man travels the world of marvel experiencing the dangers and beauty of the world he resides in

Timoteo_Cubero · Fantasy
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18 Chs


After general Bernard introduced himself another person walked into the office.

"Hello young man my name is Winston Churchill general of the British army" Winston Said to Leon.

"Hello General my name is Leon colonel of the army" Leon said.

"You're a great young man. a colonel in your 20's that's a great accomplishment" Winston Said.

"Thank you for your praise general" Leon said.

"Bernard when will the attack start?" Winston asked.

"In about five days when we'll proceed the plan" Bernard said.

"How many troops did the us send to support the war?" Winston asked.

"There's about half a million troops sent by the military" Leon said.

"That's not enough troops to compete with the German army will the us military lend us more troops?" Winston asked.

"The military will send more troops based on the severity of the war" Leon said.

"That's great" Bernard said.

After the conversation Leon was escorted to the room prepared by the general.

*Five days later*

In these five days Leon,Bernard and Churchill discussed about where to attack next when the attack on Normandy will be successful.

"Colonel Leon are you ready?" Churchill asked.

"I'm ready general" Leon said.

"Ready the landing crafts" Churchill ordered to the personnel.

In a few minutes 6000 landing crafts were ready to be operated.

After the landing crafts were ready the 150,000 or so soldiers boarded the boat.

"Colonel Leon I hope you all survive this operation" Bernard said.

"I promised the military to be victorious in the war, so I will not break the promise" Leon said.

"I hope so" Churchill said.

After Leon got on the landing craft Churchill ordered the operators of the landing crafts to start the engine.

*A few hours later*

After 3 hours the army has finally landed on Normandy beach. After landing the army we're bombarded by mortars,turrets and gun fire from all sides.


After Leon landed he ordered the soldiers to attack the German army while the ships support with bombardments.


"Ahhh!!" A German soldier screamed while holding his abdomen.


[You gained 100 exp for killing a soldier]


[You gained 100 exp for killing a soldier]


"That's a hundred killed" Leon said.


"Another one" Leon said.


Leon kept killing German soldier's left and right front and back everywhere he goes there's always a massacre.

*A few hours later*

In the few hours since Leon landed almost a quarter of the German army we're killed either by Leon the army navy or planes. After the battle has somewhat subdued a German general ordered a German soldier to report to Hitler about the situation of the battle.

*In Hitler's office*

*Knock knock*

"Come in" Hitler said.

"What's the matter?" Hitler said.

"Sir there's a soldier coming to report the battle in Normandy" the person said.

"Let him come in" Hitler said.


"Sir I'm here to report the battle in Normandy" the soldier said.

"Say it" Hitler said.

"Sir 1/4 of our soldiers on Normandy has been defeated" the soldier said.

"And how many have we killed?" Hitler asked.

"About 5% of the army" the soldier said.

"Wait how many soldiers did they send?" Hitler asked.

"About 150,000 soldiers sir" the soldier said.

"Why didn't you tell me sooner, call the general of the army here" Hitler ordered.

"Yes sir" the soldier said.

*A few minutes later*


"What's your orders sir?" The general asked.

"How many soldiers do we have in our reserves?" Hitler asked.

"About a million sir" the general said.

"Send them all to Normandy" Hitler ordered.

"But sir if we send the reserve's to Normandy our defenses will weaken significantly" the general said.

"I don't care Normandy is crucial to our invasion into Britain" Hitler said.

"Now go" Hitler ordered.

"Yes sir" the general said.

While this was going on Leon was discussing with Captain Gerald in a house in Normandy.

"Captain Gerald when will reinforcements arrive?" Leon asked.

"Why?" Captain Gerald asked.

"I think the Germans will sent reinforcements of there own" Leon said.

"Lieutenant general henry said that reinforcements arrive in two days" Captain Gerald said.

"How many did they send?" Leon asked.

"A million soldiers" Captain Gerald said.

*The next day*


In the morning of the second day of the attack the Germans are already lunching mortar and cannon attacks.


"Ahh!!" A German soldier screamed.

While Leon and the army we're killing German soldiers a allied scout saw a german army composing of tanks soldiers and planes coming to the battlefield unannounced.

After the scout saw the German reinforcements he rushed to see Leon to report what he found.

"Sir! Sir! Sir Leon" the scout said screaming.

"What's the matter?" Leon asked.

"Sir! The German reinforcements are coming" the scout said.

"How many are there?" Leon asked.

"I don't know sir as soon as I saw the giant army I knew I had to report it to you" the scout said.

After the scout spoke there was another soldier running to him.

"Sir! The German reinforcements are here" the soldier said.

"How many are there?" Leon asked.

"About a million sir!" The soldier said.

*Shiww!! Bang!!*

"Call Captain Gerald and notify the army to defend the base" Leon said.

"Sir yes sir" the soldier said.

*A few minutes later*

"Captain Gerald can you call the military to hasten the arrival of the reinforcements?" Leon asked.

"I will call them" Captain Gerald said.

"You call them I will help the army" Leon said.


Thank you for reading the chapter😃😃😃