
Gamer System in Uchiha World

In the dark and complex world of Konoha, Uchiha Shisui's bold defiance against Danzo sets off a chain of events that reshapes the village. With cunning and determination, Shisui gradually seizes control of the council members, bending Konoha's politics to his will. Amidst this political turmoil, Kushina Uzumaki discovers the manipulation of her husband, Minato, and confronts Shisui in a fierce battle. The conflict results in the tragic deaths of Fugaku, Kushina, and Minato. In a desperate attempt to protect his children, Minato splits the Kyubi's chakra, sealing Yin and Yang into Naruto and his sister Himawari. In the shadows of these monumental events, an overlooked and talentless member of the Uchiha clan meets an untimely demise. However, this is not the end for him. A soul from Earth takes over his body, giving him a second chance at life. This soul inherits a unique power, navigating life with the aid of a mysterious Game System, setting him on a path of growth, discovery, and power. This is the story of Horyu Uchiha, a character marked by pragmatism, neutrality, and a thirst for knowledge. His journey is one of self-improvement and strategic maneuvering in a world rife with conflict and intrigue. Caught between the legacy of his clan and the machinations of the powerful, Horyu must carve his own path, all while keeping his biggest secrets - reincarnation and the Game System - closely guarded. 1. Smart MC: Expect a protagonist who is both intelligent and strategic. Horyu, the main character, uses his wit and knowledge to navigate the complex world he finds himself in. His decisions are often based on logical reasoning, providing a cerebral aspect to the story. 2. Selfish MC: Horyu is characterized by a certain level of selfishness, often prioritizing his own interests. This trait adds depth to his character, making him a more realistic and relatable figure, especially in the cutthroat world he inhabits. 3. Complex Political Landscape: The novel delves into the intricate political dynamics of Konohagakure, including power struggles, betrayals, and alliances. Readers can expect a detailed exploration of how different characters vie for control and influence. 4. Dark and Mature Themes: "Gamer System in Uchiha World" is not a light read. It deals with darker themes, including manipulation, betrayal, and the consequences of power. The story's tone is mature, catering to an audience that appreciates a more serious narrative. 5. Reincarnation and New Beginnings: The novel features the theme of reincarnation, with the protagonist Horyu getting a second chance at life. This element adds a unique twist to the story, allowing for fresh perspectives and developments. 6. Intense Action and Combat: Fans of action will not be disappointed. The novel features intense combat scenes and strategic battles, showcasing the skills and abilities of various characters, including Horyu. 7. Emotional Depth and Character Development: Expect a narrative that explores the emotional journeys of its characters. Horyu's growth, his interactions with others, and the personal challenges he faces add a layer of emotional depth to the story. 8. Unexpected Twists and Turns: "Gamer System in Uchiha World" is full of surprises, with plot twists that keep readers engaged and guessing. The story's unpredictable nature adds to the excitement and intrigue. 9. Moral Ambiguity: The novel doesn't shy away from exploring morally grey areas. Characters, including Horyu, often face dilemmas that challenge conventional notions of right and wrong, adding complexity to the narrative. 10. Romance: Light romance. Harem is a possbility, and matching is still in the air. I will see how it goes. Nothing certain. 11. R-18: Maybe. Not heavily, but possible.

TheFanficGod · Anime & Comics
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193 Chs

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Toru, looking around the library filled with scrolls and tomes, added, "It's like they knew they had to leave... but how? And why didn't they take any of these with them?" The mystery deepened with each unanswered question, painting a picture of a sudden and unexplained exodus.

Horyu pulled out several scrolls, laying them out on a table. His eyes scanned the contents, searching for any clues that might explain the situation. "There has to be something here... a record, a diary, anything." Yet, despite his thorough search, the answers remained elusive. The texts were rich in knowledge, detailing sealing techniques, history, and culture, but silent on the reasons behind the Uzumaki's disappearance.

The silence of the library was oppressive, a stark reminder of the village's deserted state. "Could it be that they sensed their end was near? Some sort of forewarning?" Horyu mused, his thoughts racing. The Uzumaki were renowned for their sealing prowess; perhaps they had sealed not just the Shinigami but also their own fates within these very walls.

Toru fluttered his wings, uneasy in the heavy silence. "Maybe they found a way to escape... another dimension, or a hidden place?" The idea wasn't far-fetched, considering the Uzumaki's capabilities. But without concrete evidence, it remained just that—an idea.

Horyu looked at the bird and thought, It seemed possible. The Uzumaki were masters of seals. Both the Second and Fourth Hokages could teleport through dimensional shifts, a technique that heavily relied on seals. The Flying Thunder God technique allowed its user to briefly enter another dimension, using seals as anchor points for instantaneous travel. This technique, while mainly used for its speed, implied a genius application of seals and dimensional manipulation. 

Turning to the system, Horyu checked the next step of his quest, hoping for a lead or an insight into what he was missing. The next objective was clear:

-Subquest 2: Ruins of Whispers

Objective: Explore the ruins of the Uzumaki Village, seeking out the hidden archives and artifacts.

Looking at the wording of the quest, Horyu frowned. "Hidden archives and artifacts, huh?" He knew the system was no joke; if it claimed something was hidden, then it definitely was. But where? This suggested that the Uzumaki had either hidden these items before disappearing or that these places were always concealed, only accessible when needed. Exiting the library, Horyu gazed over the island, his eyes scanning every inch for hours, but no temple or secret entrance caught his attention. He even activated his Sharingan, yet no trace of chakra or anything unusual revealed itself. "Could they really have escaped to another dimension? And if so, how do I find them?"

Toru, sensing Horyu's growing frustration, offered a piece of simple advice, "Why not start with what you know? This village is full of secrets. Maybe it's not about finding a hidden place but unlocking it."

Horyu considered Toru's words. "Unlocking, huh?" It made sense. The Uzumaki were masters of seals; perhaps the key wasn't about finding but about activating something already in plain sight.

They decided to start at the village center, where the feeling of ancient power was strongest. As they walked, Horyu kept his eyes peeled for any signs or symbols that might hint at a hidden seal or mechanism.

Horyu returned to where Shinigami was sealed, his gaze fixed on the foreboding structure that housed the deity. Freeing the Shinigami wasn't in his plans. The creature, though bound and immobile, remained immortal, its stomach a prison for various beings, feasting on their emotions in an endless cycle. 

Shinigami could feast on their emotions until the end of time, or until those trapped within made peace—a scenario that seemed next to impossible given the nature of conflict and resentment that usually landed one in such a predicament. Recognizing the futility of hoping for reconciliation among the souls.

Horyu sighed, a mix of frustration and determination in his breath. "Let's head back to the Twilight Realm. Could use some practice," he said, half to himself and half to Toru, who was already eyeing him with that 'about time' look.

With a swift motion, Horyu sliced a small line across his palm, the blood serving as a catalyst for the summoning jutsu. "Time for a bit of shadow dancing with Yoru," he mumbled, almost looking forward to the challenge. Toru, with a final hoot, vanished in a puff of smoke, reverse-summoning Horyu back to the realm of perpetual dusk.

Landing softly on the forest floor of the Twilight Realm, Horyu deactivated his Sharingan, letting the darkness engulf him. By now, the absence of light no longer hindered him; it had become another aspect of his training, a way to sharpen his other senses.

As he waited, the familiar shape of Yoru emerged from the shadows, its large eyes gleaming in the dim light. "Yo," greeted Yoru, a hint of amusement in his voice. Remembering Horyu's previous attempt at humor, he quickly added, "And don't you dare."

Horyu couldn't suppress a snort. "Fine, straight to business then. Let's start," he declared, shifting into a ready stance.

Without warning, Yoru vanished from sight. To Horyu, it seemed as if the owl had melted into the night itself. Owls, especially those from the Kurohana Tribe, were naturally adept at the fourth stage of the Feather-Wing Kata. Their innate ability to adjust their flight against the wind and glide silently made them masters of evasion and counter, an art they didn't need to train for; it was as natural to them as flying.

Horyu, despite his growing proficiency in the Feather-Wing Kata, found this stage particularly challenging. Evasion and counter weren't just about moving out of the way; it was about blending with your surroundings, using minimal effort to create maximum effect, and then striking back with precision.

He focused, trying to catch any hint of Yoru's movement, a whisper of wings against the air, a slight displacement of the night's ambient sounds. Nothing. Then, just as he was about to step forward, a gust brushed past him, a warning of Yoru's silent approach.

With barely a moment to react, Horyu pivoted, drawing on the kata's teachings to evade what would have been a decisive strike. The move was clumsy, more luck than skill, but it worked. Yoru's form reappeared, a silent shadow that seemed both impressed and eager to press the advantage.

"Good. Again," Yoru commanded, already preparing for another pass. Horyu nodded, resetting his stance, his mind racing to anticipate Yoru's next move.

The training was grueling. Yoru's attacks came from every conceivable angle, each one a lesson in the owl's mastery of air and shadow. Horyu, for his part, was learning. With every dodge, every narrow escape, he felt his understanding of the Feather-Wing Kata deepen.

Toru, watching from a distance, couldn't help but be impressed. Horyu was no natural at this—no human was—but his determination was clear. He was adapting, growing stronger with each exchange.


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