
[Bonus Chapter] 178 - Duncan family fishing

Since the preparation scenes for the fishing trip would be shot tomorrow, today we concentrated only on the fishing scenes.

The shooting started with the four of us in the car, Steve, Martha, Harley and Jack, driving to a "perfect" fishing spot according to Steve.

Harley only wanted to go because she wanted to spend more time with Jack, while Martha went to make sure Jack and Harley didn't do anything inappropriate.

We got out of the car in a place full of bushes and trees that looked quite picturesque and looked around a little confused while Steve just acted like the place was perfect.

Realizing that this was the place, Jack helped Steve get the fishing gear out of the car and the two of them started preparing the rods for fishing while Harley and Martha set up the tables.

Once everything was set up, Jack and Steve sat next to each other holding the rods and looking out over the lake.