
[Bonus Chapter] 114 - Show

The recording of the song went much smoother than I imagined. 

Lila was very calm, as was I.

In the same way that our two agents argued like crazy about how much the song was worth, how much we should be paid, how much our names were worth.

Lila and I just focused on singing well and in less than two hours we had the song recorded and ready to go.

So after we left the studio and had a coffee, we went to where her show was going to be and I started getting familiar with the place.

This would be my first gig that wasn't in a bar or at a wedding, but in a place where the audience's attention would be 100% on me, so I was excited.

Since Lila would have her backing band for the show, it would be very strange if I didn't have anyone, so I called Mark and he confirmed for him and Frank that they would come and play with me.