
Gamer ROB in a Multiverse? Maybe?

So, I am trying to do this out of boredom and to start writing in English again. I got this idea literally while showering a few days ago, so don't expect much because I have absolutely no idea where to take the plot and will also make a shit-ton of mistakes regarding characters and world-building. So, this guy finds himself in a room, with a ROB, and is thrown in an entire Multiverse made to be his playground. Oh, there's a system and he's not so sane, but those are details, right? I own jack shit, and you know that perfectly well. I mean, I guess that I got the idea for the MC? Maybe? Does that count?

Random_Random_3433 · Anime & Comics
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14 Chs

Chapter 13

We decided to go back down to the Avengers to share a quick chat. After that, I think that we will disappear for a bit until Thanos arrives. It will be just a few seconds with Fifth Magic.

On the surface, I found Stark, Rogers, Thor, Hawkeye, Romanoff, and even Banner talking among them.

"Hello there! How is life going?"

"It would go better without an alien invasion. Other than that, it's going pretty damn well." said Stark.

"Your suit… Is ancient. Dude, get up to speed with stuff: the future is nanotech and Vibranium. Even better if you get Adamantium."

"Nanotech, huh?" he started contemplating whatever the hell was racing through his mind. I am sure that he will be able to complete the Mark L much faster. Hm… You know what? I want to see how far he can go with a benchmark.

I bought the Mark 85 armor and threw it to him since it was encapsulated into the Arc Reactor. "Use this as a benchmark and develop better ones. I will wait to see your developments. I might even ask you to make me a suit for myself."

I then turned to Thor. "So, big lug, how about we take your brother back to Asgard and I repair your Bifrost?"

"I would appreciate that, strange man. But, I am afraid that we can't without the Tesseract, so we should get it."

"No need for that puny little object, I have much better means to travel. Like teleportation or Maanna."

"Oh God, another strange name…" I heard Romanoff say. Well, Mjolnir and Maanna certainly are strange names to those that don't know of their etymology and origin.

Anyway, I quickly got Loki, then teleported me, my girls, and the Asgardian step-brothers to Asgard.

We arrived on that shiny, broken bridge.

"Wow… Surely better than the Tesseract…" said Thor. Well, not exactly. I can teleport here because I saw it in the movie, otherwise I would need to check Thor's mind for the location.

"Indeed. Now, your brother is pretty messed up, so you might want to throw him in a healing chamber or at least get him checked up. Also, I think that your father is coming here." I said and pointed to the army of Aesir arriving.

"Yes, indeed. Couldn't you go a little easier on Loki?"

"Nah, the cunt deserved it." said Artoria.

"I agree." said Jeanne.

"Count me in as well." said Ishtar. She also kicked the guy.

While we were literally kicking a man while he's down, Odin arrived with his Aesir forces. He stopped around five meters from us.

"Thor, who are these mortals?! And what happened to Loki?!" he asked.

"Hm? Mortals? Who could he be referring to? The Asgardians are the only mortals here." asked Ishtar.

"Don't mind him, dear. He is just an old man that has almost reached the end of his life. Let him ramble nonsense."

I am sure that I could see a tick mark on his face. He pointed his spear at me and fired. I swatted the Odinforce ray out of the way.

"Oi, old man, don't think that I wouldn't kill you all. Dismount this instant and kneel. I might just forgive your insult just now." I sent out my aura and knocked out the Aesir contingent that followed the old fool.

"W-wait! Strange guy, he's my father! As you said, he is just an old man!" said Thor.

"Hm… Right. I will just deprive you of your powers, including the Odinforce." I used the skills stored in the True Akashic Library to steal his powers and his 'stats'. I also levitated Gungnir into my hand. "A fine spear. It would be a shame to leave it in the hands of a rambling fool." I stored it and turned to Thor.

"On the account of you being willing to fight for the safety of Earth, I won't kill Odin. He might be able to regain his power with time, if he works for it, though I would exclude it. Work hard to become a good king, Thor."

I was about to teleport away when I remembered two things: Hela was kept in Hel by Odin's power, there's the Tablet of Life and Time in the Treasury so I remembered about the existence of serums, and I needed to repair the Bifrost.

Just as I was about to deal with the Bifrost, a black vortex appeared and Hela appeared out of nowhere.

"Ah! So good to be back! Hello, Father. I find you… Weakened, but not dead…" She went on to ramble about this and that. Something about how she was betrayed.

"Hey, my dears, what do you think about getting another companion?" I said. Why? Because I had the impulse to. Hela is crazy, no doubt about that, but I don't mind it one bit. Plus, I do find her imprisonment to be unfair.

"Fine by me. How will you convince her?" said Artoria.

"The only thing that she will understand: a beating."

I stepped in front of the woman and smiled at her. I had long removed my armor.

"Oh? A Human? What is an insign-" I slapped her, hard. "You-" I slapped her again.

"Shut it, woman. You will be following me. Consider yourself my trophy representing my conquest of Asgard."

"Yo-" I slapped her again.

"I said shut it, woman. If you need to express your opinion, you can nod or shake your head. Is that clear?" I even brought out Gungnir to assert dominance.

Her eyes widened and she nodded her head. I caressed her cheek and cupped her chin. "Good girl~. Now, I should repair the Bifrost as promised." I clapped my hands and a massive magic circle appeared as my eyes turned green. To be honest, the magic circle was just a precaution in case the energy from the Rainbow Bridge goes haywire. It basically would act as a fuse, so that it would blow and not Asgard. I reversed time until the Bifrost was intact once again. Oh, how good it is to have God-like powers! But something that ticked me off was that Odin could have done the same with his Odinforce.

I turned around to face Thor once again. "Thor Odinson, I will see you again in the future. Go to Nidavellir and have Eitri forge Stormbreaker for you. You will need something much stronger than Mjolnir for the foes you will face." I then teleported myself, my dear companions, plus the recently domesticated Hela to the Moon.

Once we reached the Moon, meaning instantly, I brought out the couches and armchairs I had in my inventory. Oh, of course we can breathe on the Moon. Actually, we don't need to breathe, so the problem is automatically inexistent. I sat down with Ishtar, Jeanne, and Artoria, while Hela remained standing. I could hear her heartbeat going faster due to tension.

"You can sit down, you know? While I did say that you were my trophy and all that, it was only to give a metaphorical slap in the face to Odin."

Hela took a seat on an armchair. "Then what am I?"

"I would like you to become our companion. Of course, I don't expect you to decide immediately. Anyway, I just wanted to tell you that I find your imprisonment unfair and that your ambitions can be fulfilled."

"Pfft! While you are strong, I doubt that you could conquer the cosmos alone. I wanted to use the entirety of the Nine Realms as manpower, but what do you have? Three girls and me."

"You are right and wrong at the same time. I can easily conquer the cosmos alone. While I am only accompanied by my three beautiful girls, they are all as strong as me, except on the physical side. Also, I can easily create trillions of golems or beings like the Destroyer to use against the other sentient races in the Universe." Until now, I have yet to tell a single lie.

"Then I accept. I am Hela Odinsdottir, Goddess of Death."

"Let's clear this misconception: you are not a Goddess. Ishtar here is a Goddess, though she can't exactly use the Omni powers due to reasons. You are simply a very strong being with a Divinity related to Death."

"And what's the difference, you smartass?"

"Should I slap you some more?" She stiffened and shook her head. "Good. The difference is that, while your powers related to Death are quite good and could even be called 'Godly', you do not have full control over Death, so you are not the Goddess of Death. Don't worry however, because I am on a quest to obtain a Divinity and finally true Godhood. As my companion, you are included. Now, as for our names…" I released a bit of aura. "I am Jules Dumont, Transmigrator, professional bad guy, Universal traveler, Transcendent being."

"I am Ishtar, Mistress of Heaven, Goddess of beauty, good harvests, war, lust, discord and fertility. Also a Universal traveler, gem connoisseur, and Transcendent being." she said as she released her own aura.

"I am Artoria Pendragon Alter, Queen of Knights. Also a Universal traveler and Transcendent being." another burst of aura. Hela was already having difficulties breathing, but she hid it well.

"I am Jeanne d'Arc Alter, Dragon Witch. Also a Universal traveler and Transcendent being." and she released her own aura. By now, Hela was almost losing consciousness, only hanging on through sheer willpower.

We retracted our auras and let Hela breathe a little. After a few minutes, she spoke again.

"If you are that strong, why would you want more companions? Do you have any idea how long it would take me to get that strong?"

"First of all, I will create a Soul Corridor between us, so that you will become immortal and have access to many of my powers. Secondly, there is this 'saying' where I'm from: 'never stick your dick in crazy'. While it is intended with the obvious sexual connotation, it also invites people to not associate with 'crazy'. Well, I am not so sane and you most certainly have a few screws loose after your imprisonment in Hel."

"I guess that we make a pretty good team: a cruel, cold-hearted Queen, a raging Saint, a weakened Goddess who loves shiny stuff, a Transmigrator and future ROB, and a betrayed, crazy Princess from another world." said Artoria.

"Sounds like the beginning of a good joke." said Jeanne.

"So, Hela, I will ask only one time: are you sure that you will come with us and seek out Godhood?"

"How could I deny your offer? I'm in, where do I sign?" she said with a barely noticeable smile. I smirked and created the Soul Corridor between us. There is also another aspect of this skill that I didn't know of until only a year ago, when I tested it on a 'willing test subject': it makes the target somewhat loyal to me. At least, Hela will surely not betray me now. Might not help and might leave, but she won't actively try to oppose me.

"This is only one of the benefits that you will gain. I am giving you this power so that you do not drag us down. When you gain my trust, when I am willing to put my life in your hands, you will get the best benefit of them all." Like hell I will give her access to the Gamer system so easily. My intuition tells me that Hela will never betray me and that I could already trust her, but things change easily with power. Well, I always have the Soul Corridor as an insurance, plus she is weak without my powers.

I then thought for a moment about Gungnir. I took the spear out and bought a shit-ton of Blood of Samel, then started re-forging and re-enchanting the weapon. It now had a black and green color scheme. I tapped the Moons surface with it and cracks spread, giving off a green glow.

"Hela, this is a weapon fit for the strongest of Asgardians and the real Goddess of Death. Take it, it's yours now." She took the spear and a wave of green light entered her body. "Like it?"

"Very much so… What are we doing here, by the way?"

"Introducing you to the group, chilling for a bit with some snacks, and then skipping in time."

We started by telling her a little about us, including the fact that I might become a future ROB, someone on the level of One Above All or maybe stronger, and that my three girls are in reality Heroic Spirits born from Human history. I told her about how we can travel through Universes and are currently taking a break from our 'home' Universe. She was shocked and confused, to say the least.

After we were done with the explanations, it was about time for us to get the rest of the Infinity Stones, then skedaddle.