
Gamer of the Void

After being rescued from the Void by a passing Love Fairy, Axton enters the world of Highschool DxD with the power of the Gamer. His life of adventures and a sexy harem start here! Smut and a morally grey protagonist. View per chapter Character Sheets(starting at Ch.12) at tinyurl.com/axton-cs Please consider supporting me on Patreon at patreon.com/shiftysword

Shifty_Sword · Anime & Comics
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42 Chs

DxD: Weaving Threads 08

As she did every morning, Sakuya entered the bedroom of her Master with a laundry basket in hand. Inside of it was a stacked pile of sheets. Her Master needed his sheets replaced and cleaned daily after all.

The smell of sex washed over her as she stepped into the room. The smell caused her to shudder as her groin lit up in arousal, a pulse of heat emanating from her core. She had tried to ignore her steadily increasing arousal focused on her Master, but it only became more pronounced every day.

At first, she thought that her new Master had been playing a prank on her, asking her to come and wake him up every morning knowing he'd be naked each time she did so. But as time went on and she observed his habits, she realized that he just didn't care. He was utterly shameless about his body and his sexual activities. Her walking in on the aftermath of a small orgy didn't phase him at all.

On top of that, he really did need to be woken up. She had no doubt he would sleep in if she, or one of his girls, didn't wake him up. Perhaps it was his cat-like nature? She still hadn't learned what exactly he was, outside of the fact that he was touched by the Void. But that was primarily because she hadn't asked. It did not impact her duties as a maid, she was simply curious.

She set down the laundry basket next to the bed and pulled out the new sheets, placing them on the bedside table before turning her attention to the bedsheets themselves. They were...she couldn't come up with the words to describe them, too many conflicting adjectives rising in her mind. Objectively, they had been soaked with cum, sweat, and other sexual fluids, which had dried into the sheets. They looked like a mess, and the smell was potent.

But that smell was too much for her. She stood rooted in that spot as it washed over her and she struggled with her libido. She felt her lower body pulse with desire and need, an impulse she refused to act on, as she had every morning.

But a little thought made its way to the top of her mind. What if she did act on it? It wouldn't be proper for her to do so, but if her Master never found out, then there wouldn't be an issue, right? Unlike nearly every other room in the house, there were no cameras in here. She knew her Master's senses were sharp and reached much farther than they should, but she was sure he wouldn't be looking here at this time of day, not when he had just arrived at school. And she'd be cleaning the sheets afterward anyway…

Before she realized what she was doing, she had already made her way to the door and locked it. Her heart beat loudly in her chest as her excitement and nervousness grew. This was a risk, she knew that, but a part of her mind that was only getting louder told her it didn't matter, that she needed this.

The last remains of her restraints broke, and she threw herself onto the dirty bed, her face pressed into the sheets as she breathed deeply. The concentrated smell of her Master's nightly activities sent a jolt through her, and she was unable to hold back the quiet moan that escaped her lips.

Before she realized it her skirt had been pulled up, her hand had slipped under her panties, and she had started playing with herself. If anyone had walked in at that moment, they would have been treated to the sight of her ass in the air, lower body fully exposed and showing her panties where her black stockings were held up by a garter belt, and they'd clearly be able to make out the bulge of her fingers furiously stimulating herself.

But she was already too far gone to think about any of that. The only things in her mind were the smell she took in with every breath, the physical stimulation her fingers thrusting into her sopping entrance and brushing against her clit, and the fantasies in her mind about her Master taking her into his bed. Her back arched as a lightning storm washed over her and she came as she bit into the bedsheet to muffle her moaning.

Thirty minutes and a dozen orgasms later, she slumped over and finally stopped to catch her breath. As her arousal slowly faded away and clarity returned to her, she sat back up in shock as she realized what she just did. Masturbating on her Master's used bedsheets was not proper for a Maid. No matter how good it felt, or how good she still felt.

She pulled up her panties, which had ended up around her ankles and were completely soaked, got off the bed, quickly washed her hands in the master bath, and then changed the bedsheets as normal.

As she left the room she tried not to think about how enjoyable the experience was, and how much more relaxed she was now. She tried, but she was not successful. A small part of her whispered that she'd be doing the same exact thing tomorrow morning, and she wasn't confident that it was wrong.


After an exciting weekend, spending a normal day at school is actually pretty nice. I'm eating lunch with Aika and Atsuko in our classroom, the three of us not bothering to go to our clubs to eat and just spending some time with each other. Asia is with the Student Council though, as Sona needed her for some school business. I'm actually glad to see how much work she's doing, it seems to make her a lot happier.

Between the Student Council work and her improving sword skills, Asia is changing from the clueless maiden sheltered from the world to a young woman with social, business, and fighting skills. She's still utterly devoted to me though, seeing me as the one who led her to her growth, so I'm not worried about losing her, and instead, I'm proud to see how much she's grown.

As we're eating lunch boxes I made myself, pulled from the few dozen I made recently and keep in my inventory, Aika asks me a question.

"Hey Axton, you have all sorts of sex spells right?" she asks casually as she eats. "You know, like the thing with your hands you use in training, and the cum flavor changing one."

"Sure," I reply easily. "I know some spells meant for bedroom use. Why?" Atsuko is looking up from her food now, listening to the conversation. Once upon a time, she would be blushing right now, but the two of us have managed to rid her of that shame.

"Do you have anything that makes people have sexy dreams?" she asks. I pause. I keep most of my lewd skills quiet, relying on their subtlety to get more girls. If girls got horny around me, but then learned I had a skill like [Erotic Pierrot], all the careful manipulation I had done would fall apart.

But I trust Aika and Atsuko and know they wouldn't spread the fact around. And if [Erotic Dreams] was revealed it wouldn't be that bad, I could pass it off as a prank.

"I do actually, yeah," I reply. "If I use it on someone, the next time they sleep they'll have a sexy dream focused on me."

Aika grinned, but it's Atsuko that replies. "So that's why I dream about you every night!"

I shrug. "Well, just because we have to sleep, doesn't mean the fun has to stop."

Atsuko shakes her head. "Oh, I'm not complaining, I definitely enjoy them."

I turn back to Aika, who is grinning. "Why'd you ask?"

"Oh, I was just curious," she says. "Like Atsuko, I noticed how consistent it was."

"I'll have to be more subtle then, space them out," I reply. "Except for you two of course." It would slow down my leveling of the skill, but honestly, that's not much of a concern. Leveling it only changes how many people I can use it on at once, and that number is already higher than I need.

"Can I request specific scenarios in my dream?" Atsuko asks.

I shake my head. "No, I don't have that much control over it. But try thinking of what you want before you fall asleep, the spell is based on your desires and what you find erotic, so you might be able to influence it."

She nods, excited. "I'll try that tonight then," she says. After that, the conversation drifts to other topics, and our school day continues as normal.


At first glance, Reya Kusaka is a simple girl. She's not plain, but her attractiveness is of the everyday sort, with brown hair in braids and a kind face. She has a sort of older sister vibe to her that her personality also matches.

Which is why I'm nearly caught off guard during our training when her first move is to turn half of the room I was in into a vacuum as she tries to deprive me of oxygen. It's a surprisingly brutal move, and deadly effective. Or it would be if my CON didn't mean I could operate without air for some time.

Still, I dash at her. The downside of her technique is that even if she continues to move the air away from me is that if I get close to her she'll have to choose between keeping the air away from us both or giving in and dropping the spell.

To my approval though, she does neither. She starts backing away, but as soon as she realizes she's too slow to get away she takes all the air she had removed from around me, now condensed behind her, condenses it further, and fires a wall of sharpened razors of air at me.

It's a cunning plan. Lead the enemy to attack you, making them think they're taking advantage of a weakness of your technique, only for you to turn it around on them. Unfortunately for her, I recently acquired the perfect tool to handle something like this.

I use [Conjure Void-Light] and [Shape Void-Light] in conjunction to create a shield made of purple and black energy, one big enough to cover the entire front of my body. The projectiles slam into my shield made of Void, and they promptly disappear without ceremony.

Void is a weird element, and it has a lot of different properties depending on the skill I use. And after collecting and using so many different ones, I'm starting to piece together the logic.

The big Void, the True Void, is all of it and everything. It's infinite potential as a singular energy that is also a lack of energy. The Void is a contradiction of every possibility.

But then I look toward the skills that I recognize, the ones that don't pull from the same place that I was stranded in. [Void Beam] which glows a brilliant kaleidoscope of colors to match the infinite energies of the Warframe Void is one of those. And the Void-Light skills are another. More than any other Void skill I have, the Void I summon with those skills is hungry.

Void-Light eats magic at an impressive rate, even faster than what I can do with [Void Drain].

I use [Shape Void-Light] to reshape the shield I made into an orb the size of a basketball and throw it at Reya. It seems like she was prepared for me to block or evade her attack, but the counterattack catches her off guard, and the ball of Void-Light hits her in the chest and explodes, sending her flying back.

I quickly check on her and see that she's not seriously injured, just a little bruised. She gets back to her feet quickly, a determined expression on her face.

"I didn't expect that," she admits as she takes a moment to catch her breath. This is training, so I allow it.

"No, you didn't," I reply. "That's because it's a skill I've never shown before. Planning is important, you led me into your trap perfectly. But you need to work on your reactions for when the plan fails and things go off the rails. The attack I sent back at you was relatively slow, and with a faster reaction time, you could have avoided it. But because it was unexpected, it slowed down your reaction."

She grimaces, not liking what I'm saying, but that's because it's true and she knows it. She nods and straightens her back. "Well, let's work on that then," she says, determined. I grin, and we start sparring again.


Once Reya leaves I teleport to my Alchemy room. I'm tired of waiting, the first results of my [Brewing] should be done fermenting by now. I turn my attention to the barrel there.

My [Brewing] skill gives me detailed information about the best way to make alcohol. But it also lets me skip some of the most annoying steps, smoothing out the process so I can prepare it, and then let it ferment. But even so, I still went with one of the easier and quicker types of alcohol for my first batch, mead. Honey, water, and yeast were all I needed to get started, and I quickly had a barrel of fermenting mead.

A barrel isn't optimal in normal conditions, but the skill seems to be designed for making alcohol in low-tech settings, so it works perfectly fine for me. The aesthetic is also nice. Though as I crack it open, I wonder what I'm going to do with all this mead.

Barrel of low-quality mead

A barrel filled with the most basic of meads.

Well, I didn't add any flavoring or anything, so I guess that's to be expected. But I look at my skill list and smile. Quantity combined with how easy the early skill levels are made up for the lack of quality.

[Brewing] - Level 27(14%)

The process of creating alcoholic substances by fermenting ingredients. Use the skill on fermenting alcohol to speed up the process using your MP.

Good, now I don't need chronomancy or a dozen barrels just to level the skill up at a decent pace. I store the mead in my inventory and pull out another empty barrel and a load of grapes. I have all sorts of ingredients for different kinds of alcohol, but wine is what I'm most interested in making. It's the most popular, and I can sell it for the highest prices.

I was going to wait to start making it, but the ability to speed up the fermentation process with mana means that it's now a much more viable product. So I spend an hour or so preparing the base for the wine and sealing it in a wooden barrel.

I spend another fifteen minutes pouring MP into it. It's a boring process. Halfway through I pull out my phone, which is when I remember I need to contact Serafall soon. I mentally go over my schedule for the next few days and text her, telling her to meet me at my place tomorrow evening. It's time for our threesome with Sona.

I get an immediate and excited response, followed a few minutes later by a 'reward', a selfie of Serafall completely naked and her legs spread so I can clearly see where she has her fingers deep in her snatch. I save the picture and thank her.

Alright, feeding MP to this wine is boring. I take out a sapphire, enchant it with the ability to store and infuse mana, give it as much mana as I can in five minutes, and then set it on top of the barrel. It will keep it going while I'm gone, I have better things to do.

Like Ravel, for instance. Right now she's alone in my office, working on some paperwork. There's something I've been meaning to give her for a while now. Besides my dick. I do that regularly now.

Ravel doesn't even flinch as I suddenly appear in the office in front of her. She just casually looks up with a smile. "Hello, sir. Is there anything I can help you with?"

"Maybe later, but I actually came here to give you a gift," I tell her. "Or maybe you should consider it a reward, for all the hard work you've done. You've been critical to the success of my business."

She blushes. "I don't need anything as a reward, I'm happy to do it. The work is rewarding enough itself."

"I insist," I state, and I place an item on the desk in front of her.

Devil Fruit(Bird-Bird Fruit, Model: Phoenix)

A strange fruit that can grant the eater a special super-human power, at the cost of the eater's ability to swim.

The fruit itself is teardrop-shaped with a skin segmented into feather-like sections. It's a beautiful sky blue with gold trimmings.

Ravel looks at it in confusion before looking back at me. "What is it?"

"Power, at a small price, and one I can mostly mitigate," I reply, dropping the other Null Bracelet I made next to it.

I give her the same spiel I did to Momo, explaining to her what the fruit is, what it does, and how the bracelet I made offsets the downsides to eating a Devil Fruit.

"But why me?" she asks. "Being able to turn into an actual Phoenix made of fire is a dream come true for any member of the Phenex clan. But the benefits of this fruit overlap with our already formidable healing. It would be wasted on me."

I shake my head. "I strongly disagree. Rather than overlap, I believe that the abilities the fruit gives you, and the abilities of your bloodline, will meet to create something even greater. If all it does is give you the ability to rapidly heal from even Holy effects, I'll call that worth it. But I expect it to be much more effective than that."

The flames of the Phoenix fruit could easily heal even damage done by Seastone, the weakness of any Devil Fruit user. I have no doubt it'll heal Holy damage just as easily, Devil or not.

"I can't accept something so valuable though-" she starts, but I raise my hand and cut her off.

"Ravel, if you don't take this, which you are fully in your right to do, it will sit in my pocket space without being used. There's no one I'd rather give it to than you."

Not entirely true, I'd find some use for it. But I really want her to have it.

She hesitates for a few more moments, biting her lip as she deliberates, but eventually, she nods. "If you're sure, then I'll gladly accept it."

I smile. "Good. Now, before you do, here." I take a cup of grapefruit juice out of my inventory and place it on the desk as well.

"Sir?" she asks, confused.

"There is one more price to that fruit," I tell her. "You have to take one bite of it, but it'll be the worst thing you've ever tasted. The juice is to wash the taste out of your mouth."

"I see," she says a little nervously, but she picks up the fruit. "Should I eat it now?"

"Let's head down to the training room first," I say. "While the Phoenix's flames are restorative rather than destructive, there's no reason to risk fire near a bunch of important paperwork."

She nods and stands up. I grab the juice and the bracelet and then take her by the hand before teleporting the two of us down to the training room. Once we are there she takes a few steps away from me, turns to face me, and then takes a bite out of the fruit.

She immediately grimaces, but I see her throat move as she swallows. I quickly hand her the juice, which she chugs down.

"I- I didn't know it was possible for something to taste so bad," she comments after she's drained the entire glass. "I don't even have the words to properly describe it."

I take the empty glass from her and stash it into my inventory. "Well, hopefully, it'll be worth it. How do you feel?"

"Not any different- no wait," she says. "There's a feeling in the back of my head, one that I normally associate with making my wings appear. But it feels different now. Deeper, maybe?"

"That's probably it then," I say. "Go ahead, give it a spin."

She nods and focuses, and a moment later she's engulfed in blue and gold flames, though she's still humanoid in shape. That doesn't stay true for long though, as the flames surge, and massive wings spread out from her back, and a few seconds later her body grows as well, forming a full Phoenix made of that fire.

"How's it feel?" I ask.

"Strange," she comments, her voice changed by her transformation. Her bird-like head looks over herself. "The flames that make up my body now are solid, yet not. They have mass, and I feel like I could ram into someone. But at the same time, I feel like they would part like gas should someone attack me."

"Would you like to experiment now?" I ask.

She nods. "Better to find out how it works in a controlled environment than in battle," she agrees.

The experimentation is simple, we just see how much she can regenerate in her different forms. In her full form, she definitely does have mass, and she's able to hit me with her wings. But my attacks, even Holy ones, pass through her. She says they make her a little tired though.

It turns out that she doesn't have a standard halfway transformation. Phenex Clan members already have wings made of fire in place of the normal black bat-like wings, but now hers are much bigger and are blue and gold instead of the red and orange they were before.

She can also summon as much of that blue and gold flame as she wants, though large amounts tire her out. She can form them into 'attacks', though they're still healing flames. Or she can coat herself in them. She doesn't heal Holy damage automatically, but it takes her less than a second to summon a bit of blue flame over the wound. We even roped in Siris and tested it on her, and Ravel was able to heal a small wound made by Holy damage on Siris as well, though it took more effort and time.

And to top it all off, she still has access to her ability to summon offensive flames that she had before eating the Devil Fruit, meaning she hasn't sacrificed any firepower.

By the time we're done experimenting, Ravel is over the moon. She throws her arms around me and hugs me tight.

"Thank you, Axton," she says. "Thank you so much. I never imagined I would gain power like this, that I could become a true Phoenix."

+1 Affection with Ravel Phenex

For helping her accomplish her families far fetched dream

Perk rewarded for 100 Affection with Ravel Phenex

[Undying Flame] - If HP drops to 1, further damage is done directly to your MP instead. User cannot die so long as they have MP.

I hug her back even as I grin, excited about the new skill. I was almost unkillable before, but now? It would take a truly massive amount of damage to kill me. In one move I had made one of my most important girls happier than she's ever been and made myself even safer. And I feel ready to take on the world.


The next day, during lunch, Momo and I are standing in front of Sona's desk as Sona glares at us. The rest of the room is silent at our announcement, watching the scene with bated breath.

"You're pregnant," Sona repeats what we had just told her, looking at Momo. Her gaze shifts to me. "You got her pregnant."

"I confirmed it this morning," Momo says with a nod. "It took a few days, so I was starting to worry, but the spell returned a positive result finally."

Sona narrowed her eyes. "A few days? So when was…?" She shook her head. "No wait, it was Friday, the night of your date, wasn't it?" The two of us nod, and Sona looks at me. "I assume you used your fertility potion? On Momo I hope?"

I grimace. "No actually, I drank it." Sona's eyes widened so I raise my hands to stop her from getting mad. "Don't worry! I took another potion that reversed the effects the morning after. I'm currently temporarily sterile." I stop and think about it. "I'm actually not sure if it would have worked if I gave it to Momo, I was on a sterility potion before then too. I'm not sure how they would interact. They'd probably cancel each other out and there'd be a normal chance of conception."

Sona sighs. "So this was a deliberate thing, not an accident? Despite the two of you being high school students?"

"After a random conversation a couple weeks ago, I decided I wanted a kid," Momo explains. "So I selfishly asked Axton. We had a serious discussion and brought up all the reasons why it would be a bad idea, but we also came up with solutions for each of them and came to the decision that it wasn't as bad of an idea as it sounds."

Sona relaxes a bit at that, sitting back in her chair. "So you didn't rush into it?"

Momo smiles sheepishly. "Axton pointed out that we didn't need to rush. And I agree. But there's also not a good reason to wait either. We're more than capable of raising a child, and I'll be able to finish high school while pregnant, and do college after I give birth."

Sona mulls that over for a while, thinking it over. Eventually, she gets up and approaches Momo. "While I'm a little sad you didn't involve me in such a big decision...I can't be mad at you." She smiles fondly at Momo. "I know how stubborn you can get sometimes, and I'm glad you thought it through and didn't act on impulse without properly thinking things through. I still think you should have waited, but I understand not wanting to. Congratulations Momo, I'm really happy for you."

The two girls hug and the whole room breaks out into excited chatter as the others in the room also get up and approach Momo. Tsubasa gives me a slap on the back and congratulates me, and Asia can't stop gushing, excited over the baby.

Work is quickly forgotten as we have an impromptu celebration there in the Student Council room with food and drinks laid out on the table in the middle of the room. I watch Momo as she chats with some of the other members, all of them so excited. I guess even if they're reincarnated, getting pregnant as a Devil is still a really big deal. Or maybe it's just because they're teenage girls?

"And how do you feel about all this?" Sona asks from where she's standing next to me.

"I'm not entirely sure if I'm being honest," I reply. "Doesn't feel real. I planned on having kids eventually, that was never not an option, not with how many lovers I have. I didn't expect it to be so soon but…" I shrug. "Momo's right, we're in a fine position to have kids right now. Any kid I have will have at least a dozen mothers and ten times that many people doting on it. They'll turn out okay."

"Not excited to be a father though?" Sona asks.

I shrug again. "Not sure. Like I said, it doesn't feel real. I don't think it will until I see a bump in her stomach."

Sona snorts in amusement. "I suppose that's fair."

"Oh right," I say. "Could you come over to my place tonight? Around eight or so? I want to make some equipment for you and your Peerage."

She looks at me. "You don't have to-"

"Nope," I cut her off. "It's part of the training package. Rias got it, and I'm making equipment for Ravel's group too. This will keep you on par with them."

She looks at me a moment later before shaking her head lightly. "Well, for the sake of keeping things fair, I suppose I'll have to accept. I'll be over at 8pm and I'll bring the plans I've been working on for our combat uniforms."

"That would be helpful, thank you," I say. I take a sip out of the cup I'm holding to hide my grin. While I do plan on making gear for Sona, I don't think it'll happen tonight. If things go to plan, we'll be far too busy fucking Serafall.


My skin smolders with the energy of the Solar-Light that I'm channeling through my body, and my arms cross to block another heavy blow from Tsubasa. With our difference in stats, using [Channel Solar-Light] really isn't necessary, but I'll take any chance to train with it, and Tsubasa seems to be enjoying working up a sweat.

Her expression is mostly as impassive as it always is, but there's a small smile on her lips and a glint in her eyes that only increases the more we spar, both of us brawling with no finesse. Tsubasa's fighting skills far outstrip mine since I have such little experience in fist fighting, but by observing her I'm able to learn quickly, and I make her work harder and harder for each blow.

Though I don't sit there and passively take it. Whenever she extends too far or I see an opening, I take advantage of it, landing body blows of my own, each one sending her reeling. But each one only makes her smile a little bigger and her attacks become even more aggressive.

By the end of it, she's collapsed on the ground, covered in bruises and chest heaving as she catches her breath. But she's grinning and looks happier than I've ever seen her.

+16 Affection with Tsubasa Yura

For the best fight of her life

I toss her a water bottle and a towel, both pulled from my inventory, and she gratefully accepts them. She immediately chugs the entire bottle, so I give her another. That one she just dumps on her head.

"Feel better?" I ask in amusement as I look at her, now soaked.

"Better than ever," she replies. "I had no idea you could fistfight like that, I thought you were the sneaky magic type."

"I like to think I'm a man of many talents," I say. "Though in truth, I'm not really a fighter, I just cheat."

She nods. "You were definitely amateurish at the start, but you learned quick. A few more sparring sessions like that and I think I can turn you into a proper brawler."

I chuckle. "Well, having a backup fighting skill isn't the worst idea. Maybe I'll take you up on that."

"Hell yeah," Tsubasa cheers. "Though I need to hit the gym. I want to be the one to leave bruises on you next time."

Speaking of which. "Want a potion to help clear those up?" I ask.

She pauses and then sighs. "Yeah, I should. I don't mind letting 'em heal normally, but the girls in gym class might ask questions."

I take out a Minor Health Potion and hand it to her, and she drinks it gratefully. The bruises clear up almost instantly.

"How much time do we have left in our schedule?" she asks as she hands me back the empty vial.

I glance at the time. "A bit over fifteen minutes."

She nods and gets up, tossing the towel to the side. "Let's keep going then."

"What do you say to changing things up a little?" I ask. "This time with you focusing on defense. I've got a technique I want to teach you."

"Oh?" she says, interested. "You're going to teach me something about fist fighting?"

"Not fist fighting," I say as I use [Mentor] to teach her [Iron Body], one of many skills I've been neglecting, though [Void Cloak] is a better choice for me in pretty much every serious scenario. "Just how to take a hit. As you saw, I'm pretty good at that."

She nods. "Guess that's true. Alright, show me."

I walk her through activating the skill, and the rest of our time is spent power leveling it as much as we can.


That evening I'm in my second bedroom, the one with the cameras, and I'm sipping at a glass of the mead I made while sitting on my bed. It's not very good, but I didn't expect much from my first attempt at alcohol with a level one [Brewing] skill.

I shake my head and put the glass back into my inventory. I'm nervous and procrastinating, despite having every reason to not do so. It's time for a moment I've been working towards for weeks. No, this is something I've been working towards since I arrived here. How long ago was that? Two months? The time has simultaneously flown by and dragged.

I push aside the thoughts that threaten to keep me distracted and pull out my phone. Twenty minutes until Sona is supposed to get here. I send Serafall a text, telling her to come over wearing something sexy.

Serafall arrives almost immediately, teleporting into the secret entrance in the closet.

"I'm here!" Serafall exclaims as she throws the door to my office open.

"Have you just been sitting next to your phone, waiting all day?" I ask.

"Of course not, I was doing work," she replies. "I just had my phone volume turned way up and was ready to leave at any moment."

She closes the closet door behind her and skips over to me, her chest bouncing with every hop. I wonder for a moment if she's going to spill out of her outfit. Her top is much shorter, showing off a lot of underboob, and her skirt doesn't cover anything at all with the way she's bouncing, which only shows off her lack of panties. Her thigh-high pink and black striped socks are normal though, and so are her gloves that almost reach her shoulder.

Instead of sitting next to me, she chooses to straddle my lap, pushing her boobs into my face with a mischievous smile. "So what's the plan?" she asks.

"Sona is used to group activities, dominating other girls, using a strap on, and she barely blinks at trying new things," I reply casually as I put my hands on her hips. "She's as ready as she's going to get for this." I can feel her arousal increasing even further, most likely as she imagines Sona with a strap on.

"The actual plan itself is pretty simple," I continue. "When she comes in, she just needs to see you in a sexually submissive position." I stash all my clothes into my inventory, leaving me naked and my erection rises up so the topside of my shaft presses against her entrance. "And I'm sure we can think of a couple possibilities for that."

She shivers in anticipation, and I feel her arousal drip onto my cock. "I've waited so long for this," she breathes. "When does she get here?"

"In about fifteen minutes," I reply. "Though she'll probably arrive a few minutes early."

"Let's use those fifteen minutes then," Serafall purrs in my ear. She climbs off of my lap, her pussy lips running along my shaft as she moves away, and kneels on the ground in front of me. "A titjob to start should be fine, right? A bit of semen to cover me, to sell the image, and to put the smell in the air."

Without taking off her top, she positions my dick so it glides right between her tits. "Good thinking," I say as I relish in the feeling. Her shirt is tight enough to keep her breasts squeezed together and causing those soft and warm mounds to wrap around my dick.

Her collar goes up to her neck, so my dick isn't visible above her tits, but it does press against the fabric of her top as she starts moving her chest up and down, stroking my dick. I lean back and relax, enjoying the service.

Serafall takes her time, drawing out the process as she slowly massages my dick with her soft tits. It doesn't take long for space between her boobs to come slick with sweat and precum, and there's a stain on her shirt from where the tip of my dick keeps repeatedly pressing against it.

[Void Detect] picks up Sona arriving in the teleportation room next to the entrance hall. "Sona's here," I tell Serafall as Sakuya greets Sona.

Serafall grins. "Let's finish this then," she replies, and she pulls up her top, letting her tits hang free. She grabs them with her hands and speeds up her movements. Fifteen minutes of slow teasing had me close to my limit already though, and it only takes her seconds to make me cum, my hips bucking as I shoot my load all over her tits and face.

"Now-" she starts, but I interrupt her by grabbing onto the base of one of her ponytails and pulling her face down onto my cock.

"Now it's time for you to be nice and submissive, she's nearly here," I reply as I force my cock deep into her throat. She struggles at first, surprised and caught off guard, but it only takes her a second to transition. She glares at me first, but I just smirk and start guiding her motions with my grip on her head.

Is doing something like that to a Satan risky? Not really, no. I have a pretty good feel for Serafall by this point and I knew she wouldn't mind, not really. Besides, the feeling of someone so important and powerful deepthroating me is an indescribable experience.

I keep track of Sona as she approaches, led here by Sakuya. I asked Sakuya to lead Sona here to make the reveal smoother, and also to give Sakuya another glimpse of my sex life. I haven't given up on seducing her, even if it doesn't seem like waking me up is doing much to her anymore.

So when they arrive at my office and Sakuya knocks at my door, I grin and casually give them permission to enter. Serafall tenses slightly, but her arousal increases.

The door opens and Sakuya barely blinks at the sight of Serafall taking my entire cock down her throat, though I can feel her arousal spike. She has a good poker face, but I can see past it. "Lady Sitri has arrived for your meeting," she informs me with a small curtsy. I can see Sona there behind her, eyes widening.

"Thank you, Sakuya," I reply as I continue to guide Serafall's movements. Sakuya nods and leaves, leaving just Sona standing here. "Sorry about this Sona, I was giving this slutty magical girl her reward, and I must have lost track of time."

Sona steps into the room, closing the door behind her. "You and my sister are-?" She cuts herself off, shaking her head. "No, of course you are. I shouldn't even be surprised at this point."

"Wanna join us?" I ask casually. "She's surprisingly submissive once you get her going."

Sona pauses. "My sister, the overbearing and overprotective Satan that does whatever she wants no matter the consequences, is submissive?"

I force Serafall further down on my cock and hold her there. "Seeing is believing, no?" I say. Sona nods slowly at that as she watches Serafall struggle to breathe. "I have your strap-on if you want to plug up her lower hole before she soaks my rug." Sure enough, Serafall was dripping with excitement, her cunt on clear display to Sona due to her short skirt and her position. The longer that Sona stood there and watched us, the wetter she got.

Sona hesitates. She's tempted, but unsure about crossing that line. I know incest isn't much of a taboo with Devils from my talks with Serafall. It's a little frowned upon, but only insofar as pairings and marriages. Siblings getting married to each other? No good. Even for Devils, incest babies are bad news. Though cousins are fine, apparently. But if it's a pair of siblings just fooling around and having fun? Most Devils shrug, uncaring, and the rest are actively turned on.

So she's not hesitating because of that, but because of the history between the two of them. Which means I just need to turn that to my advantage.

"Don't you want to work out some frustration?" I ask, and I immediately get her full attention. I start using [Erotic Pierrot] on her as well, increasing her arousal. "All those years of dealing with her, don't you want to take this chance to do some venting?"

That does it, I can see it in her eyes as she makes up her mind. "Hand me that strap on," she says as she starts stripping, her clothes forming a pile on the floor."

Serafall moans around my cock and I feel her shiver. A spray of fluid shoots from her entrance as she has a small orgasm just from Sona agreeing. She hasn't even touched herself.

I take note of her reaction with a raised eyebrow before turning back to a now naked Sona. "I can give you the normal one you use, or I can give you a special one. I haven't tried it yet, but it's supposedly enchanted to basically become a real dick. It feels real for you and her, and it can even cum."

Real Dick Strapon

A strapon that provides an authentic dick experience. Dick feels completely real to the touch and provides real stimulation to the wearer. It can even cum real semen matching the genetic code of the wearer!

I got this ages ago from a chest in a dungeon, but I've never used it before. But giving it to Sona so she can fuck Serafall with it? That's a pretty good use of it, and from the way Serafall is looking up at me with hungry eyes, she agrees. Though I've used [Alter Fertility] on both of them to lower their fertility as far as I could make it. There's no need to take any risks like that.

Sona hesitates, and then sighs. "Screw it, give me the magic one," she says as she gives in to the temptation. I grin and pull it out. At first glance, it looks like a pretty normal dildo, a silicone facsimile of a penis with a suction cup base. I hand it to Sona, and she looks at it in confusion for a moment before she tries placing the base of it against her skin, just a couple inches above her clit.

Sure enough, the dildo immediately changes. It sticks to her skin and changes color to match her skin tone. It grows slightly to just over six inches and in seconds it looks like a very real penis rather than a cheap sex toy.

"Oh, my," Sona says as the new feelings wash over her. "That- I don't know how to describe that. I'm fairly certain it works though."

I grin. "Then why not give it a spin?" I ask, and Serafall wiggles her ass invitingly.

Sona smiles as she positions herself behind Serafall and rubs the dildo against the magical girl's ass. Before she inserts it though, Sona raises her hand and brings it down hard on Serafall's ass. Serafall's muffled yelp is drowned out by the noise of the slap itself.

"You reacted to that pretty well, Sister," Sona comments. There's a slightly manic grin on her face as her arousal starts rapidly rising, the feeling of dominance over her older sister finally kicking in. "Is what Axton said true? Are you just a slutty magical girl looking to be punished?"

Serafall tries to pull back from my cock, presumably so she can speak, but keep my grip tight on her and don't let her move my cock from her mouth. "You don't need to speak," I tell her. "It's a yes or no question."

Serafall desperately nods her head. She can't move her head very far up or down with my dick in her mouth, but she makes up for it by nodding rapidly in small movements.

Sona spanks Serafall again, this time on the other cheek, and the noise Serafall makes is more of a moan than a yelp. "I don't know why I even asked. Between your outfit and the smell of cum in the air, the answer is obvious." Sona positions herself so that the dildo lines up with Serafall's entrance. "But fine, I'll give you what you want, you slutty sister of mine." And with that, Sona presses forward and penetrates Serafall.

Serafall screams in pleasure around my dick as she immediately cums. Her entire body tenses as Serafall has what I believe is probably the strongest climax of her life.

+6 Affection with Serafall Leviathan

For bringing her the greatest pleasure that she waited so long for

[Hydrokinesis] has been upgraded for 100 Affection with Serafall Leviathan

[Hydromancy] - Level 1(0%)

Water-based magic. Summon, control, shape, and use water and ice.

I'll look more at that later. Right now, I'm more focused on the climaxing Satan and the look of wonder on Sona's face. Sona and I trade looks, and I can tell we're thinking the same thing. We simultaneously look back at the pink-haired magical girl between us and start thrusting. I shove my dick deep down her throat as Sona pounds her pussy with the strap-on.

Sona's face grows flushed as we spitroast her sister, and her movements only get more frantic as we go. Serafall is lost in her ecstasy, and I lose track of how many orgasms she has. Or maybe she never stops orgasming? It's hard to tell. And that's without me even using my lewd skills.

Sona and I fervently continue to fuck Serafall, all three of us have completely given in to our lust, and I can sense it as Sona's orgasm approaches. I speed up my own movements, fully fucking Serafall's face now, and when Sona thrusts her hips forward one last time, so do I. The two of us cum at the same time, depositing our loads into Serafall's throat and pussy.

Serafall reacts viscerally, cumming even harder than she did at first at the feeling of Sona's seed inside of her. Her moans are muffled by my dick, so I pull her off of it so I can hear them echo through the room. Serafall slumps over, twitching and letting out pleased noises.

I stand up and move next to Sona, giving her a kiss. "How was the strap-on?"

"It was nice," she replies, her tone casual. "I think I prefer you inside of me, or someone giving me oral, but it was a novel experience."

"Speaking of oral," I say as I turn back to Serafall. "She was pretty good with her tongue for me."

"Is that so?" Sona says with a grin. "I think I'll try her out. Why don't you take my place here?"

"Gladly," I say, dick throbbing in anticipation. I've upheld my end of the deal, and it's finally time to claim my reward and fuck this hot magical girl cosplayer.

Sona removes the strapon and places it on a nearby table, and it returns to looking like a dildo when she does so. The two of us then reposition Serafall on the bed so that Sona can kneel above her and I can get between her legs.

Sona doesn't hesitate to lower herself on Serafall's face. "Put that mouth of yours to good work Sister," she orders. From the way Sona arches her back slightly and bites her lip, I can tell Serafall is doing exactly that. Seeing that Sona is set, I focus back on my own enjoyment.

The other day I was talking to Momo about Devils reproduction and she mentioned an interesting fact. While Devils and Humans are pretty close to being the same, biologically speaking, Devils have a few quirks. Some of this I knew already from when we discussed how Devils have bodies that are built for sex, such as how they lack hymens and they're able to accommodate far larger penises.

Another interesting little tidbit is what happens to semen. I had noticed before how, no matter how much cum I pumped into a girl, it never spilled out nor did I feel it inside of her. I never really thought about it in detail, distracted as I was in those moments, but it struck me as weird. According to Momo and her own research, because she had also noticed it, Devils have a unique property of absorbing semen extremely quickly.

They don't get much from it, but it apparently helps conception, making sure not a single drop of semen goes to waste. But it meant that I could keep cumming inside of them without having to worry about fucking a cum filled hole. And more important to right now, it means I don't have to worry about Sona's remains, all the semen she released having already been absorbed.

So I don't hesitate to activate [Touch of Pleasure] and [Increase Sensitivity] on a high setting and thrust my entire length into Serafall's sopping snatch in one go.

Serafall screams in pleasure once again, and once again it's muffled, though this time by Sona's crotch instead of my own. Sona lets out a low moan, the sound of Serafall's reaction adding to the pleasure she feels.

Serafall feels amazing. Not especially unique, but her insides are tight and warm and they squeeze around me. I can feel them shudder as she cums again.

I waited until now to activate my lewd skills for a reason. I'm more than happy to share her with Sona, in fact, it's a big turn-on, but at the end of the day I want Serafall to be mine. She might get off on fucking her sister, but it's me her body is going to learn to crave.

So I grab Serafall by the hips and pound her hard, causing her entire body to ripple and her boobs to bounce each time I hilt myself inside of her. Serafall is moaning loudly, muffled as it is by Sona's cunt, and her pussy convulses around me as she continuously climaxes.

Sona is panting hard and letting out her own little moans as she grabs Serafall's twintails and uses them as handlebars as she grinds on her face. I can see the way her back hunches as Sona tries to push more of herself onto Serafall's face.

That hunch disappears as Sona suddenly arches her back and moans loud and clear, orgasming from Serafall's enthusiastic cunnilingus. Sona slouches over, but her moment of rest doesn't last long as Serafall almost immediately dives back into Sona's pussy, tongue working into every crevice. Sona moans again, a low and beautiful note in my ear. I speed up my movements and then finally let myself orgasm again, thrusting one more time into Serafall as I cum inside of her.

"Do you want to change position?" I ask Sona after I finish shooting every last drop of semen into Serafall's womb.

"Not- ahh!" she moans again due to Serafall's ministrations. "Not yet," she finishes. Then she grins. "She's got another hole, doesn't she? Try that one out."

I grin as well. I love this girl. "With pleasure," I reply. I feel Serafall tighten around me in anticipation.

Sona return's her focus to grinding on Serafall's face as I slowly pull out of Serafall. But I don't go far, instead, I just lower the angle of my dick slightly and press it against the tight entrance of her asshole. I'm pretty lubed up already, but it doesn't hurt to be more so. I take out a vial of Moderate Aphrodisiac and pour it over my dick.

I stash the empty vial away, cast [Imbue Elasticity] to make the process easier, and then slowly push myself into her anus. I have to go extremely slowly because it's so fucking tight. Serafall starts moaning again, this time higher-pitched, as I stretch out her ass. It takes over a minute to get my full length in, and I just sit there for a moment, getting used to the crushing tightness of it.

Sona's back arches as she cums again, though this time she doesn't stop to enjoy it. Instead, she just goes straight back to grinding on Serafall's face, looking to eke out as much pleasure as she can. I think she's getting off more on the fact that it's Serafall under her than the physical sensation.

Well, I can't let myself fall behind, can I? I start moving, slowly pumping my hips in small motions as I loosen Serafall's insides inch by inch. It takes some doing, but before too long I'm pounding her just as hard as I was before, but this time my dick is sliding in and out of the much tighter passage of her asshole.

Serafall is reacting strongly to it as well, her muffled moans are higher pitched and she's squirming under my touch. [Empathy] tells me the only emotion she feels is ecstasy though, so I keep going harder and harder.

A few minutes later I grunt and cum again. She shudders as I unload my seed deep into her ass.

A moment afterward Sona cums for her third time, fingers digging into Serafall's scalp.

We take another moment to catch our breath, and I slowly pull out of Serafall. [Imbue Elasticity] makes sure that Serafall's asshole doesn't lose any of its tightness, and it closes completely instead of gaping.

"Axton," Sona calls out, causing me to look back up at her. She's leaning forward now, crotch lifted up a few inches from Serafall's face. "Why don't we give her a break?" she asks, looking at me from over her shoulder as she reaches back and spreads her lower lips. "I need to feel you inside of me."

I gladly accept her invitation, changing position so I'm straddling Serafall as I insert myself into Sona. Sona and Serafall's insides feel pretty similar, now that I have a chance to compare them like this, but there are subtle differences between the two.

Sona moans out sweetly as I penetrate her and start to rhythmically thrust in and out of her. Serafall, who had been mostly insensate from her continuous climaxes, seems to come back to her senses as I thrust into Sona's tight hole just inches above her face. I feel her arousal spike at the close-up view she has, and I notice her fingers move down to her snatch as she masturbates.

I reach forward to grope Sona's small breasts as I pound her from behind, pinching her nipples lightly between my fingertips. Her moans increase in volume as I do so, and they get louder again as I feel a tongue run up my member and onto Sona's clit. It seems Serafall got tired of just watching and is using her tongue to contribute to things.

Serafall kisses the both of us, her soft lips pressing against my shaft, my balls, and every inch of Sona's pussy that she can reach. Her tongue also darts out and tastes us and collects the sexual fluid our actions are making.

When I cum, I cum hard, with Serafall's lips latched onto my churning ballsack. Despite this being my fifth time cumming, my orgasms only seem to be getting bigger. I keep thrusting even as I cum, squeezing out every last drop of my semen.

"No faaaaaiiiir~," Serafall whines. "You two are leaving me out of things."

"Needy, isn't she?" I comment to Sona.

"Very," Sona replies. "But fine. Axton, lay on your back. Sister, you climb on top of him. Let's see how you like both of us at once."

Serafall's face lights up as the three of us get up and change position. I lay on my back, comfortable on the bed, and Serafall wastes no time in climbing on top of me and lowering herself onto my dick, moaning in pleasure as it enters her.

Sona once again positions herself behind Serafall, and once again she has the magical strapon attached to her groin. Once Serafall is settled on my dick, Sona lines herself up and pushes her dildo into Serafall's waiting asshole.

Sona's strapon isn't nearly as big as I am, but with how tight Serafall's ass is, with the help of [Imbue Elasticity] keeping it tight, that doesn't seem to matter much. Both girls moan in pleasure, their voices harmonizing, and I can feel Serafall's pussy tighten around me as she climaxes once again. Serafall is on a hair-trigger when it comes to Sona it seems.

This isn't the first time Sona and I have double penetrated a girl, so we quickly fall into a comfortable rhythm as we alternate thrusting and pulling out. Serafall throws her head back as our combined actions drive her wild with pleasure.

"So noisy," Sona comments, but her grin shows how pleased she is. She places her hand on the back of Serafall's head and pushes her towards me. "Axton, keep her lips busy."

Serafall's eyes widen, but I don't give her a chance to react before my lips have captured hers. I feel a flash of annoyance, but it's quickly lost in pleasure as Sona and I increase our speed. I place a hand on the back of Serafall's head and keep her lips on mine as I kiss her, smugly satisfied that I got to kiss her before Sona did.

I force my tongue into Serafall's mouth, turning our kiss into a sloppy makeout, and despite her initial reluctance, Serafall quickly becomes enthusiastic about the action and is actively kissing me back.

I feel the pressure of an orgasm building up inside of me, so I change my pace to match Sona's rather than alternate with her. Sona notices of course, and the two of us increase our pace. I can tell she's close to her own climax, and we carefully work towards reaching it at the same time.

I break my kiss with Serafall just in time for Sona and I both to cum, filling both of Serafall's lower holes at once. Serafall cries out, her voice echoing through the room as she screams in pleasure at the sensation.

As our orgasms peter out, Serafall slumps down on me, her boobs pressing against my chest as she breathes hard, and Sona collapses onto Serafall's back.

"This is...the best day...of my life…" Serafall manages to get out between catching her breath.

Sona moves her head so it's next to Serafall's, causing the pink-haired girl to look at her. Sona, to the surprise of both of us, kisses Serafall as well, tongue pushing into her older sister's mouth. I feel Serafall clench around me even as my dick throbs at the sight.

Sona pulls back, a sultry smile on her face. "It's not over yet," Sona replies. "That much isn't enough to satisfy me, and the night is still young."

Serafall and I grin, and the three of us quickly devolve into another round of sweaty lovemaking, work and reason long forgotten.


The next day I eat lunch with the Occult Research Club, though it seems that not many of the members are there. Atsuko and Aika are both busy helping a teacher with something, Gasper is at my house, eating with Valerie, Akeno is apparently in the Underworld for some reason, and Kiba is upstairs training. Apparently, he's been pushing himself a lot harder lately, though Rias assures me he's not overdoing it.

But it leaves just me, Rias, and Koneko in the Occult Research Club room. Koneko's head is in my lap. I was feeding her earlier, but after we finished and I started scratching behind her ears, she quickly fell asleep.

"You spoil her," Rias comments, though she says it with a fond smile as she watches us.

I shrug. "There's no reason not to," I reply.

"I admit, I was a little unsure when I realized she had joined your harem," she comments. "But she's been much happier lately, and I can't thank you enough for that."

"She's a great girl, and I care for her a lot," I say.

"I know," Rias replies. "That much is obvious, and it's why I'm okay with her staying at your place at night. Though I'm afraid I'll be turning down your offer for all of us to move in. Kiba is fine with it, he spends some afternoons there anyway training with your butler. But Akeno…"

Rias trails off before shaking her head. "Well, for personal reasons, she doesn't want to move out of our current home, and I want to stay wherever she is. However, I've told my other peerage members they're free to stay wherever they want."

Huh. Akeno lives in some sort of shrine, right? My metaknowledge of her personal life is kinda fuzzy. Maybe she doesn't want to move out of there for some reason? "That's perfectly fine," I say to Rias. "It's an open offer, if you'd rather stay in your current homes that's perfectly fine with me."

Rias nods, but then she gets a strange look over her face. "Speaking of my Peerage members, Gasper had some news that he shared with the rest of the Peerage. Or perhaps I should say, she shared with us."

"She was already pretty girly, that's why I offered her the potion in the first place," I reply casually. "I wasn't sure if she actually wanted it or not, and it seems neither was she. But I didn't push it. If anything, you can thank Valerie for her decision."

"I know," Rias says with a sigh. "It's not like I'm upset either, I'm happy for Gasper. But I'm not sure I like one of my Peerage members undergoing such a big change without me having any clue of it happening." She shoots me an amused look. "Though I suppose I can empathize with Sona now, seeing as you got Momo pregnant."

"Ah, you heard about that?" I ask. "Word spreads fast."

"Sona was really excited," Rias explains. "It can be hard to tell with her sometimes because she did grumble, but she was also kicking up a fuss about getting ready, making sure Momo had everything she needed, and starting to look into baby things already."

I chuckle. "That does sound like Sona."

"Congratulations, by the way," she says. "I know you can cheat, but it's a big moment when a Devil gets pregnant. Everyone is pretty excited."

"Thank you," I reply. "I think Momo is the most excited of all." A sound of a bell rings, signaling the end of lunch. "I guess I need to get back to class now. That means a certain little kitten needs to wake up." I gently shake Koneko's shoulder. "Wake up Koneko."

Koneko slowly rouses, stretching as she sits up. "Hmm?" she says as she blinks, still not fully awake. "Can I have some cream?"

I ignore Rias's confused expression. "No, not right now, we don't have time for that," I tell her. "Lunch is over now, you need to get back to class."

"Oh," she replies, disappointed. "Okay then." She gets up from the couch and stretches.

"Cream?" Rias asks.

I stand up. "I'll see you girls later," I say, ignoring Rias again. "Make sure to stay awake during class Koneko." Before Rias can protest, I [Void Travel] to a bathroom near my classroom and make my way back to class.


Today's one on one training session is with Saji, and it makes me realize that, despite going out of my way to genderbend her when I arrived in this world, I really haven't bothered with her much. True, I did it more out of a desire to remove potential romantic rivals, though in hindsight it wasn't really necessary. But still, she's cute, and it's a shame I haven't interacted with her much.

But as she angrily fires a line of darkness at me from her Sacred Gear, I think that maybe there's a reason for that.

Kagetsu Saji

Arousal: Low

Perversion: High

Affection: 53

Orientation: Lesbian(Bi-curious)

Fetishes: Pregnancy

The last time I used [Lewd Scouter] on her, her orientation had only read "Lesbian". I guess, like Atsuko, even genderbending only changed their characteristics so much. And when one of their defining traits was their love of girls, it stuck. Though now she's open to the idea of guys as well. Because of me? I can't think of any other reason.

Though it's hard to believe due to how frustrated she is. She hasn't talked to me much, despite my attempts at lighthearted conversation, and she's been extremely aggressive in our sparring. It's strange behavior for someone with more than 50 Affection.

I consider pushing the topic, try to get her to explain why she's acting like this...but the truth is, I just don't want to right now. I have a lot on my plate, and there's not really a reason why this issue can't wait. Despite her attitude and emotions, she's improving and listening to my advice. Whatever her problem is, she's not letting it get in the way of anything.

So I decide to let it sit for now. I'm sure it'll come to a head sooner or later, but that's fine. I'm close to having a few things settled down. I'll address her then.

I admit, a lot of my reasoning is just an excuse to be lazy, but I've been doing a lot of things lately, I think I'm allowed to be a little lazy about a few things.

The actual training itself is uneventful. Saji is sweating and tired at the end of it, but she's shown improvement in her use of her Sacred Gear. She thanks me for my time and leaves. Well, that's fine with me.

I don't leave the training room myself. It's been a while since I've used my gacha tokens and I have a handful saved up. So I go into my Inventory and start using them.

[Finger Pistol] - Level 1(0%)

One of six techniques used by the World Governments secret agents. Push your finger forward at high speeds to penetrate an enemy's defenses. Effectiveness scales with level.

Oh, another one of the Six Powers from One Piece, and this one is much more suited to my fighting style. I know I mentioned having a backup fighting style to Tsubasa with the implication of it being fist fighting, but this suits me far better. I'll have to make sure to train with this as well.

Archer's Black Bow

A bow custom made by Counter Guardian Emiya to be strong enough to fire Noble Phantasms multiple kilometers.

Ooh. I don't use bows, but this is a pretty good one to have. There's a good chance of me finding a companion or ally who does use bows, and I can arm them with something nice, especially once I put some enchantments on it.

Bottomless Lava Bucket

A bucket of lava with no bottom that can be dumped endlessly

That is actually remarkably dangerous. What if I tip it over somewhere? Well, no. If it's realistic lava it wouldn't spread that far, unless there was a downwards slope. It would spill out, sure, but it would stop before it got too far, cooling as it hit the air and turning into rock.

But if it isn't realistic lava, and it flows more easily...well, I'll just keep it in my inventory for now. I don't know when I'll need a large amount of Lava, but when I do, I guess I'll have it.

One last token means one last spin.

Random Reality Warp

Something about the world you're in has retroactively and drastically changed.

...what the fuck? No seriously, what the hell? Something like this is on the gacha? More importantly, what changed? Is there any way I can even tell? Is it something nice? Something not? Ugh. It just activated all on its own too, it wasn't an object I could choose to use.

I want to put out some feelers...but I have no idea how. "Retroactively" implies that everyone else is going to think it was always that way. Literally, the only way to discover what happened is to discover it naturally, as it comes up and contradicts my knowledge. Assuming it's something I even have metaknowledge about it.

And 'drastically changed' is both worrisome and relieving. At least it won't be something subtle I'm likely to miss, like a character having teal hair instead of cyan hair or some other bullshit like that.

Dammit. Whatever it changed, the biggest effect of that pull is how much it's stressing me out. With no way of figuring out what changed, I put it out of my mind, and spend some time mindlessly practicing my [Telekinesis] skill. Most of what I told Tatsumaki was more than just lip service. Telekinesis is awesome, and it can be used in a lot of ways.

Of course, it's not easy at first. Right now my limit is controlling one object. I'm not sure what my upper weight or size limit is though, mostly because I don't have anything too big or heavy in my inventory.

I get the skill to level 17, which is enough for decent control over a single object, before Aika texts me.

Aika: Hey, can I bring someone over to your place right now? They want to meet you.

Axton: Sure? I don't see why not. Is this harem plan related?

Aika: Sorta. You'll see when we get there. I'll bring her to that living-room like place near your bedroom, okay?

Axton: Alright, I'll meet you there.

I have no idea what Aika's up to, but I'm definitely interested. I head to the showers to clean up before I meet Aika and her guest. I wonder who she's talking about?


-Bonus Scene-

Hibiki tensed as she heard a knock on her door. She hadn't ordered anything recently, and no one should have a reason to bother her. So it was probably just a door-to-door salesman. She ignored it and went back to drawing, but a few moments later, the knocks came again.

She stood up with a sigh. She should go see who it is at least. She silently tiptoed to the door and peeked out of the peephole. To her surprise, it was Aika. She checked her phone, but she didn't have any new messages. Hadn't she told her to message her?

Hibiki opened the door. "Why are you here?" she asked. "You were supposed to text me."

"Aww, don't be like that," Aika replied with an easygoing grin. "I've got the info you wanted, but I thought it would be safer to give it to you in person. Besides, I've got a plan."

Hibiki frowned. "Fine, whatever. Just come in, I don't want to talk about it on the doorstep."

Aika nodded in agreement as she stepped inside. "Probably a good idea, you never know what nosy neighbor might be listening in."

Hibiki narrowed her eyes at the Devil girl, wondering if she was reading too far into that comment, but she decided to ignore it as she closed the door. Aika immediately made her way back to Hibiki's bedroom, not caring at all about her privacy or manners.

"So, what did you find?" Hibiki asked as she followed the Devil girl into her own bedroom. Now that the moment of truth was here, she was starting to get a little nervous.

"A lot, but there's something I need to tell you first," the girl said, already sitting on her bed. "Why don't you sit down?"

Hibiki nodded obediently. That was probably a good idea. She sat down in her computer chair and pulled her legs up and crossed them.

"First, I have a confession to make," Aika started with a nervous look. "The truth is, I knew who he was as soon as you pointed at his house, I've known him for a while now actually."

Hibiki blinked. She hadn't expected that. Unless… "Is he a Devil too then?" she asked.

"No, he isn't," Aika shot down that theory. "I know him because he's my boyfriend."

Hibiki reeled internally at the unexpected revelation. "Ex-excuse me?" she replied, confused.

"Ah, before you get mad, don't worry, he's not cheating," Aika replied. "Polygamy is pretty normal for Devils, and even if he's not one, he fits in really well and most of the other girls are Devils."

"That's not what I'm concerned about!" Hibiki shouted. "Oh god, I must have sounded like an idiot." She paused, remembering something. "Oh my god, you were one of the girls I heard, weren't you!"

Aika laughed awkwardly. "Probably yeah. The first one most likely, unless you missed that one. It's really hard to remember to be quiet when you're having sex with him."

Hibiki slumped back. "So what now? You laugh at me for somehow summoning the one Devil that knew him?"

"Actually, I don't think there's a Devil in Kuoh that doesn't know him," Aika confessed. "But no. The truth is, I have no idea why he's making you dream that every night. I know he can do that, but not why. And I don't know what's up with the spaceship either. The rest I can explain, but why bother, when we can just go ask him ourselves?"

"Wait, what?!" Hibiki asked in a panic. "Meet him? No way!"

"Aww, come on, it'll be fine," Aika encouraged her. "Axton's a big sweetheart. I'm sure he's just pranking you. He probably noticed you listening in and decided to have a little fun. We can just ask him to explain and ask him to stop." Aika grins. "Or we can give you some first-hand experience if you want."

Hibiki blushed at the implication. Her mind was running a million miles an hour. She didn't actually know what she wanted. She just knew that she didn't like not knowing. And this definitely wasn't how she expected finding out, but maybe talking to him wouldn't be a bad idea?

And the idea of 'first-hand experience' in no way impacted her decision, and the tingly feeling such fantasies sent through her was completely unrelated.

"O-okay," Hibiki agreed. "If you say he's fine with it, then I'll get my answers from him." It wasn't like she hadn't fantasized about storming to his front door and confronting him directly, but they were never more than fantasies.

"Great!" Aika said as she pulled out her phone. "Let me just text him and make sure he's not busy right now."

That struck Hibiki as a surprisingly mundane thing for a Devil and a...whatever Axton was. Shouldn't they be using magic spells or whatever? Speaking of which. "Why couldn't I take pictures?" Hibiki asked as the girl finished typing her message.

"Privacy ward around the perimeter of the estate most likely," Aika answered. "I don't know the details of how they work, but us Devils are very aware of the risk of being exposed by technology, and we've taken steps to prevent that." Aika frowned. "I don't know why you can see past them though. Not unless Axton excluded you from them."

"But why would he do that?" Hibiki asked, confused. "I mean, even during construction?"

Aika shrugged as she stood up. "No idea, but he's not busy right now and agreed to meet me and my 'friend', so let's go ask him."

"L-l-like l-leave? And go over there?" Hibiki asked, suddenly very nervous.

"I guess I could ask him to come over here," Aika mused, causing Hibiki to panic.

"No no!" she protested. "We'll go to him." The thought of having him in her bedroom...she couldn't process the emotions that elicited in her, so she shoved that aside. She got to her feet. She was already dressed, wearing a simple t-shirt, a comfortable pair of shorts, and a pair of white thigh-high socks. "Let me grab my keys and put on some shoes-"

"No need," Aika stopped her. "I know it's just across the street, but we're not gonna be walking." A magic circle made of red light appeared beneath their feet, causing Hibiki's eyes to widen.

"Wait-" Hibiki started to protest, but before she could she felt something inside of her lurch, and the next second she wasn't standing in her room anymore.

"Welcome to Axton's massive mansion!" Aika said. "Or, well, the room where we teleport into."

Hibiki looked around with wide eyes. That- what was actual magic that just happened there. Sure, she had seen Aika teleport into her room when she summoned her, but actually teleporting herself? That was a completely different experience.

The room itself was nice. The center of the floor was stone and had a teleportation circle inlaid into it with some sort of metal. The rest of the room was stone tile. There were a handful of chairs and tables around the edges of the room, but for the most part, it was pretty empty.

Hibiki felt Aika grab her by the hand and started pulling her from the room. "Come on, it's a bit of a walk from here to where I said we'd meet him. It's a big house."

Hibiki continued to look around in wonder as Aika led her through the house. She'd never been anywhere like this, it looked like the western kind of mansions she saw in movies. At one point they passed a pair of maids, both dressed in skimpy outfits that barely covered their chest and with skirts that didn't even reach below their butts. But more surprising than that were the cat ears on top of their heads.

The two of them noticed Aika and Hibiki and waved. Hibiki waved back, half in a daze, without really thinking about it.

"Do all the maids here dress like that?" Hibiki asked.

"Nah, those two are just slutty and wanted skimpy uniforms," Aika explained.

"And the cat ears? Are they into that too?"

"Oh, those are natural," Aika said. "They're Nekomata that were turned into Devils."

"Oh," Hibiki replied, half surprised but also not really. What's one more bit of supernatural weirdness after all?

"Here we are!" Aika said. Hibiki's nervousness spiked, but Aika was already opening the door and entering the room. "Aww, he's not here yet. I guess we beat him. Well, we can wait for him here." Aika said as she sat down on a couch.

Sure enough, the room was empty. Hibiki breathed a sigh of relief and sat down with Aika. She looked around the room. It looked like some sort of recreational area. There were a handful of tables, some with board games on them, and a few large couches facing each other, and a large TV mounted on the wall. One side of the room even had a fridge and a row of counters and cupboards.

"Sorry about that, I was training and I wanted to wash off the sweat," a new voice said from behind her, causing her to stiffen. She slowly turned and looked at him, the man who had been haunting her dreams. Axton.

He was a familiar sight that she had seen in her dreams countless times. His dark black hair, his golden eyes, and that confident look on his face were things she had drawn a few dozen times by now. Though his expression was more curious than anything else right now.

"It's fine, I did ask you last minute," Aika said as Hibiki stared at Axton. "I just thought the two of you needed to meet face to face finally."

Axton cocked his head as he walked around the couch to sit across from them. "Finally? What do you mean?"

Aika blinked. "Do you not recognize her?" the girl asked. Hibiki stiffened as Axton's eyes roamed over her. Confusion and nervousness built inside of her gut as his expression remained confused.

"Oh wait!" he said, recognition dawning on his face. "You're that girl that saw me creampie Atsuko at the park!"

Hibiki deflated, and Aika seemed shocked. "Wait, that's the only place you know her from?" Aika asked. "I mean, that's a pretty crazy coincidence, but-"

"It's not a coincidence!" Hibiki shouts, jumping to her feet. "You! You've been terrorizing me with these lewd dreams for nearly two months now!"

Axton frowned. "No, I haven't?"

"Are you sure?" Aika asked.

"Is that why you asked me if I could do something like that?" Axton asked Aika.

Aika nodded. "I got summoned by Hibiki here to do a contract, and she wanted me to look into you because ever since you moved in next to her she's been having those sorts of dreams."

"Wait, moved in?" he asked, brow furrowed. "As in, to my old apartment? Were you my neighbor or something?"

"Do- do you really not know?" Hibiki asked, energy leaving her.

He shook his head. "I didn't really pay attention to my neighbors. I guess you were the girl that lived next to me? I knew you were there, but I never saw you. You said you've been having these dreams since I moved in?"

"Technically a few days later, after you started bringing girls home," Hibiki answered, sitting back down and slumping over.

"Well, then I'm definitely not the one responsible for your dreams," Axton says. "I only learned that spell a few weeks ago, shortly before that training camp for Rias. If you've been having dreams longer than that, then I have no idea why that is."

Hibiki leaned forward, putting her face in her hands and rubbing her eyes as she despaired. She was so certain that he was the cause.

"But she's been dreaming about you," she heard Aika say. "Are you sure?"

"That definitely doesn't seem like a coincidence," Axton agreed. "Hold on, let me ask Kyu. She's the one that taught me the spell after all."

Hibiki looked back up. "Kyu?" she asked.

"The woman with the fairy wings you said you saw," Aika answered as Axton typed away at a phone screen. Though he looked up sharply at Aika's words.

"Wait, she saw Kyu? When?" he asked, a serious expression on his face.

"When you crashed a spaceship in your backyard," Hibiki answered.

He sat up even straighter. "You saw that too?"

Aika sighed. "Let me explain it really quick," she said.

Axton held up a hand. "Actually, wait until Kyu gets here, I think she needs to hear the explanation too. I suspect she's definitely involved with this, somehow."

The door to the room opened and a pink-haired woman dressed in a skimpy outfit and with two fairy wings on her back burst into the room. "Your booty call has arrived!" Kyu shouted. She then stops and sees the other two girls in the room. "Ooh, and you have a new playmate too? I prefer bustier girls, but snack-size is also fun."

Axton rolled her eyes. "It wasn't a booty call," he said. "I said as much in my message."

The fairy girl shrugged and floated over to join them. "Honestly I just saw the words 'come here' and didn't bother reading the rest of it."

Axton sighed. "Of course you did. Whatever. Tell me, do you recognize this girl?"

Kyu turned to Hibiki, who stiffened under her gaze. "Nope. Should I?"

"I'm not sure," Axton said. "Aika, if you could explain now?"

Aika nodded and started explaining everything that Hibiki told her already, from the first time she had heard him having sex to just a few days ago when she summoned Aika.

"Weird, I was definitely cloaked that night," Kyu said after Aika finished explaining. "You being able to see me is really weird."

"Not to mention she could see past the privacy wards," Axton added, but Kyu shook her head.

"No no, you don't understand. Seeing past some wards is nothing compared to being able to see me. I could hide from any of the gods in this world without breaking a sweat." Kyu looks closer at Hibiki, floating right in front of her.

"There's only one explanation I can think of," Kyu declared. "Hibiki, was it?" Hibiki nodded. "What are your parents like? Are either of them sexually adventurous?"

"What?" Hibiki asked, thrown off by the strange question.

"Are your parents kinky?!" Kyu pressed. "If so, which one is kinkier?"

"I- I don't know!" Hibiki said, backing up. "I tried not to pay attention to their sex lives you know? What does it matter?"

"What about your grandparents?" Kyu continued. "Are any of them notably sexual?"

"No!" she protested, before pausing. "Well- no. Maybe. My mom does have a lot of siblings. And I overheard some rumors about my mother's mother from my father's side of the family. Nothing specific, and I was a kid so no one would tell me anything, but I got the impression it was related to sex."

"Hmm," Kyu mused with a hand on her chin. "I can't be certain, but there's a pretty good chance your grandma, or maybe her mother, was a Love Fairy like me."

"Huh," Axton said, the first to react as the two girls were caught off guard. "No yeah, that makes a lot of sense."

"Wait, you're a Love Fairy?" Aika said. "You introduced yourself as just a fairy though?"

Kyu waved her hand dismissively. "Yeah, some people are weird about the love fairy thing. But you're cool, I don't mind you knowing."

"No, no wait, hold on," Hibiki finally interrupted. "What do you even mean?"

Kyu shrugged. "I mean what I said. The only possible explanation is that you're part Love Fairy. Love Fairies are beings made by the Goddess Venus to spread love through the multiverse. We're also powered by it. It's why I stick with Axton here, he generates a lot of love." She shrugged. "Most likely one of us hooked up with your grandpa or great-grandpa and had kids. Normally Love Fairy blood is pretty passive, and the kids will be humans that are just a little more sex-focused than usual. But in the presence of an actual Love Fairy, some of that blood must have turned on."

"Which is why she can apparently see through privacy wards and even your own invisibility," Axton concluded. "After all, why shouldn't a Love Fairy be able to see another Love Fairy?"

Kyu nodded. "Right. Being able to see more stuff is pretty common for Love Fairy kids. It also explains the dreams. They're probably like super realistic, right?"

Hibiki nodded. She wasn't sure how to take this news. "I saw you teleport in them before I even knew there was something strange about you," she said. A thought occurred to her, and she looked up. "Do, do you have cat ears? I've been seeing that lately."

Axton raised an eyebrow, but sure enough, a pair of cat ears appeared on his head and a tail snaked around from behind him.

"Yep, that confirms it," Kyu said with a satisfied nod. "Sexy dreams that contain accurate details she has no way of knowing? That's classic Love Fairy shit."

"So we just happened to move in next to the one person in Kuoh that was descended from one of your siblings?" Axton asked.

Kyu shrugged. "They're not as rare as you might think. Love Fairies, remember? There's probably a handful here in Kuoh. Though in Hibiki's case, her abilities only manifested because of her proximity to me and her fixation on you."

Hibiki blushed, but she couldn't bring herself to deny it. Aika had described it, hadn't she? How Hibiki used to listen in on Axton having sex, her ear pressed against the wall, and how she had drawn it.

"Oh, speaking of which, you need to check out her art," Aika said as she got up and moved over to Axton.

The blood drained from Hibiki's face. No no no, she could not let him see the pictures she drew of him fucking her. "Aika, wait!"

But it was too late, she had already handed her phone to Axton and he was scrolling down. He let out a whistle of appreciation. "Damn, these are really fucking hot."

Hibiki groaned and hid her face in her hands. "I can't get married anymore," she moaned.

"But you drew that yourself and put it on the internet?" Kyu asked in confusion as she looked over Axton's shoulders. "Fuck, it's really hot too."

Hibiki just blushed harder, but she could feel herself getting more excited. Her core pulsed with a familiar warmth, and each pulse was stronger than the last. Was she getting off on this?

"There's nothing to be ashamed of here," Axton commented. "It's genuinely good art, and while I prefer the real thing, I gotta admit, seeing high-quality art of myself having sex with a cute girl like you is really turning me on."

""Me too,"" the two other girls said in unison before exchanging looks and laughing. Hibiki herself just blushed harder, even as she could feel her panties starting to get damp. Dammit, she really was getting turned on by this. It shouldn't have been that surprising, the man she had been fantasizing about for weeks was finally in front of her and possibly flirting with her. Any girl would find the situation exciting as it was embarrassing.

Axton handed the phone back to Aika and turned his attention back to her. "So, now that we've unraveled what's happening here, is there something you want? Do you want to stop the dreams? I'm not sure how to do that if they're part of your own abilities."

"There are a few ways," Kyu said, but Hibiki shook her head.

"No, I mean…" she trailed off. She was trying to figure out how to put it into words without embarrassing herself more. Unfortunately, she took too long.

"She uses those dreams as inspiration for her art," Aika explained. "Her popularity really spiked once she started drawing you."

Hibiki blushed but nodded in agreement. "I-I don't really mind them," she says. "It was the not knowing that was driving me crazy, and all the other weird stuff I could see from my balcony. Now that I know...well, I'm not sure." She looked at the pink-haired fairy. "But out of curiosity, how would I get them to stop?"

"Well, right now you're focused on Axton," Kyu explains. "I'm the one that woke you up, but it was Axton you were listening in on, and that formed a link between the two of you. To break that link, you just gotta put some emotional and physical distance between you and him."

Hibiki tilted her head. "As in, move somewhere else? That's all I need to do?"

Kyu shook her head. "No, you'd also need to stop being interested in him too. No more drawing him and no more schlicking yourself thinking about him. You'd still have sexy dreams, but with no target, they'd be less frequent and more generic."

Hibiki blushed again. It felt like she'd been doing nothing but blushing since she got here. "Easier said than done," she muttered.

"What if she did the opposite?" Axton asked, confusing Hibiki. Seeing her confused expression, he continued with a small smile on his face. "What if, for example, she moved in and she got to experience the real thing?"

Hibiki stiffened as she realized what he meant, even as her panties rapidly became a mess from how aroused she suddenly was.

"The dreams probably wouldn't become more realistic or anything," Kyu explained. "But she might develop more abilities." Kyu grinned and floated behind Hibiki before wrapping her arms around the white-haired girl. "But more importantly, she'd feel the highest pleasure she ever possibly could. Her blood is drawn to you, and fucking you would feel better than she could ever imagine. And that's before we take into account your experience and your skills."

Hibiki felt frozen in place, wanting to deny Kyu's words and change the topic of conversation. But her arousal was like a fire inside of her, burning away her reason, and a part of her knew that what Kyu said was true, that fulfilling those fantasies would feel amazing.

Axton grinned wider. "That sounds pretty nice to me," he said. "I wouldn't mind deepening our relationship a bit. What do you say, Hibiki?" She shuddered as the sound of him saying her name fanned the flames of her arousal, sending a pulse of warmth through her. "I know we technically just met, but why don't we turn those fantasies into a reality? I'm sure we'll both enjoy it."

She opened her mouth to say no, or to ask to think about it. Her emotions were a mess, she wasn't sure what she wanted. But a thought occurred to her. Isn't this what she actually wanted all along? After all, after seeing how big he was in the dream, she had started using bigger toys to prepare herself. She had told herself that it wasn't ever going to happen, that she was just preparing in case she ever did somehow end up in a relationship with someone who was too big for her.

But that wasn't the case. She'd been longing for him. He was the one in her dreams and in her fantasies, and he was the one she had drawn. And now he was offering to make that real, to actually sleep with her? And he was definitely interested. It was subtle, but she could almost feel his lust for her, almost as if it was a physical thing.

So she closed her mouth without saying any of that. She could feel Kyu's boobs pressed against the back of her head as her arms wrapped around Hibiki's shoulders, a comforting and encouraging presence. Somehow it felt normal, it felt right for Kyu to hug her like this. Because of their shared blood?

Wasn't it fine then? She was part Love Fairy, right? Normally she'd never just agree to this, to have sex with a man she'd just met, no matter how long she had fantasized about it. But that was by normal standards. If there really was some sort of weird supernatural connection between the two of them, wouldn't it be fine to indulge in it a bit? Besides, she was an adult. It was about time she started having a little bit of fun.

"You're right," she finally said. She was still embarrassed but...it just felt ignorable now. Like something to acknowledge and then move past. "I do want that. I want it a lot. That might be crazy but...if you'll have me, I want to experience that."

Axton smiled warmly at her, and the sight of it sent another pulse of arousal through her. "Why don't we go somewhere more appropriate then?" he said, standing up. Hibiki's heart pounded in her chest as she approached. Kyu stopped hugging her and moved away, but she barely noticed it as Axton stopped in front of her and held out his hand.

She hesitated for one last moment, making sure she really wanted to do this, before stretching her hand out and taking hold of his. His hand felt strong and confident, and it held on tightly to hers.

"Have fun you two~" Aika teased with a smug look on her face.

"I wanna join next time!" Kyu says from behind her.

Hibiki barely heard them over the beating of her own heart. Using Axton's hand, she stood up from the couch, and when she did, the world changed around her. She looked around in shock. She wasn't in that common room anymore, but instead a large and lavish bedroom. One she had seen before, looking in through the window. Axton's bedroom.

"Was that-" she started to ask.

"You said you've seen me do that, right?" Axton asked. "Or I guess, technically Aika said you told her you had seen it."

"Yeah but...that was nothing like what Aika did," Hibiki commented.

Axton pulled her a little closer to him. "Well, I know a few tricks that she doesn't," he replied. "But rather than explain my magic to you, I'd rather show you what kinds of magic I can perform with my fingers."

Hibiki became very aware of the bulge pressing against her stomach as Axton pulled her against him. He was definitely as big as her dreams said he was. "Can- can we take it a little slow?" she asked, stammering slightly. "I don't really have a lot of experience."

"That's fine, we don't need to rush," he replied. "Why don't we start with some kissing on the bed?"

God, even just imagining turned her on more. "That sounds perfect," she agreed. Then she let out a little yelp of surprise as Axton picked her up and carried her, princess style, to the nearby bed, where he placed her down before laying down next to her.

Her heartbeat was drumming in her ears. She looked up at his face, only to see it approaching hers. Before she could react, his lips softly pressed against her, and she lost all ability to form coherent thoughts.

The feeling of his lips on hers sent electricity arcing down her spine, and the arousal she felt before was nothing compared to what she was feeling now. Her mouth opened as she unwillingly let out a small moan, and Axton took that as an invitation it seemed. His tongue pushed into her mouth and she could taste his warm breath.

Despite her surprise, or maybe because of it, she didn't pull away. Instead, she pressed up against him and returned the kiss, her hands on his chest. She felt so hot, like she was burning up with indescribable pleasure.

She was vaguely aware of it when Axton's hands worked to pull off her shirt, and she allowed him to do so, moving her arms and temporarily breaking their kiss so he could remove the layer of clothing. She didn't even notice when he had taken off his own shirt, but neither did she really care. She simply pressed back against him, her chest pressed against his. She sometimes wore a bra, but her boobs were just small enough that she didn't really feel the need to most days, and today was one of those days where she had gone without.

She felt his hand reach between them to cup one of her boobs. She moaned into his mouth as he caressed her, the feeling of his hands on her sensitive skin was far better than anytime she had ever touched herself while masturbating.

The shocks of pleasure that jolted through her body grew more frequent under Axton's hands, and each one was stronger than the last. She could feel herself building up, twitching and shuddering. When her orgasm came, she moaned so loud she was practically screaming. Her body convulsed as she came.

"Looks like Kyu was right," Axton commented in a soft voice after she recovered from that mind-blowing orgasm. "You react stronger to me. Or you're just especially sensitive."

She shook her head numbly. "That was...the best...ever…" she panted between breaths.

"I see," he replied, a slightly amused tone in his voice. "Well, you should brace yourself. It'll only get better from here on out." Before she could finish processing that, his hand moved from her chest and slipped down into her shorts. He rubbed against her panties, and both of them could feel how soaked they were.

"How about we get these off of you?" he asked. She was nervous but determined to see this through. She needed it by this point, a hunger had awoken in her deeper than anything she had ever felt. So she nodded and watched as Axton took hold of her shorts and panties and they just disappeared. More magic, no doubt.

She shivered slightly as the cool air brushed against her exposed and soaked crotch, but that sensation was immediately forgotten as Axton ran a finger along her slit. She moaned, quiet but drawn out, as the action sent tingles through her core.

He leaned back down to kiss her at the same time as he gently inserted a single finger into her. Her back arched slightly as she tightened around his invading digit. Her toys were bigger, but even just his finger brought her ten times as much pleasure as any of her toys or her own fingers ever had. There was no uncomfortable feeling of stretching either, even as he pushed his middle finger into her up to the second knuckle.

"You're tight, but you stretch pretty well," Axton commented, whispering in her ear. "I can even do this without issue, can't I?" With that he pulled his finger out, only to push two back in. She cried out in pleasure as they stretched her further.

"I- I use toys, sometimes," she admitted as he slowly moved his fingers inside of her. "Especially after the dreams. I saw how big you are, and I knew I needed to work my way up to that."

"So you got used to stretching yourself?" he asked. She nodded shyly. "That's so fucking hot." She blushed, but then let out another moan as Axton's fingers started moving in earnest. He didn't thrust in and out like she did with her toys. Instead, he started moving in short but fast thrusts, rapidly hitting the same spot over and over again.

He split his fingers into a V shape, stretching her insides even further. She could feel herself reflexively tighten around him, trying to force his fingers back together, but Axton's fingers refused to budge.

That is, until one of his thrusts hit against a slightly different spot, the spot that she had found early in her masturbation career. She squeaked as he hit it, and she saw him grin.

Her world became nothing but flashes of light as Axton rapidly hammered that spot, precisely striking it with every push into her. Her back arched and her muscles tensed and she lost track of time, but she knew it wasn't that long before everything came to a crescendo and she really did scream this time. She came hard, her vision white as fire replaced her blood and muscles and all she could focus on were Axton's fingers inside of her.

She lay there in a daze, breathing hard. Eventually, details came back to the world. Above her, she saw Axton's face, too blurry to read his expression at first. But as she slowly calmed down, she could see that he was watching her, amused and aroused. The hunger in his eyes that had been subtle before was now blatant. She knew that foreplay was over, but she wasn't sure she could take another orgasm like that.

"Can- can I be on top next?" she asked him. If she was going to do this, and she was, then she wanted to be able to set the pace. Or else she knew from her dreams that he'd gladly pound her into this bed, and with how sensitive she was right now, she was sure she'd actually pass out from that.

"Whatever you want," he replied easily. He rolled over, no longer leaning over her, and laid flat on his back. Which was when she noticed that he was also now fully naked, and his dick stood straight in the air.

She stared at it as she sat up. Her dreams had been accurate so the size of it didn't surprise her. But now that she was facing down the real thing, she was a little intimidated. But even so, her body craved it, and she wasn't about to back down now.

She was acutely aware of the way Axton watched her as she positioned herself over him, taking in every single detail about her, and she could feel his arousal and anticipation. She lowered herself onto him so that her lower lips pressed against his shaft, grinding on him in small motions.

Even just that much contact caused her to take a sharp breath. His cock was so hot and hard against her sensitive skin, and she could feel it throbbing. She lowered her upper body onto Axton's chest so she could kiss him once again, his lips parting easily as their tongues met. She changed position so the tip of him lined up with her entrance and slowly, ever so slowly, she pushed downwards, forcing him into herself.

It was hard, harder than anything she'd ever experienced. None of her toys were as big as he was, she hadn't worked up to that point yet. But it also felt better than any of her toys ever had. The usual uncomfortable feeling that came with being stretched so widely was completely absent, and in its place was more pleasure.

She felt Axton's hands sinking into the flesh of her ass, cold on her hot skin. He gently helped push her further down. But even with his help, she had to stop before she could take all of him in. She could feel him reach that limit inside of her, the tip of his dick pressed against the wall inside of her.

The feeling of him inside of her was like having a rod of pure pleasure right on her most sensitive spot. A constant stream of warmth emanated from where he filled her, and she couldn't even think about trying to stop herself as she started moving her hips in small motions, slowly riding his dick.

Axton matched her pace, moving from below her as she did, adding to the stimulation she felt. She lost the ability to think in words, focusing only on the way he filled her and the way he tasted as they kissed. The sensations only grew stronger as the two of them increased their speed, their need for more rising alongside the pleasure, creating a feedback loop of desire.

Their lips parted as Hibiki could no longer hold in the moans and noises of pleasure that her body wanted to make. She cried out repeatedly in pleasure as she bounced up and down, Axton's dick hitting her deepest spot over and over again.

She felt a change in Axton, a difference in his movements and something else she didn't have the focus to identify. But somehow she knew what it meant, and she wasn't surprised when he grunted and thrust up hard into her and he came. She felt her belly fill with a comforting warmth, and once again her vision went white as she climaxed at the sensation of his seed filling her.

All of her energy left her, and as she blinked the confusion away, she realized she came very close to passing out, just as she feared. As it was, she was now slumped over onto Axton's chest, breathing hard as she felt his dick twitch inside of her. She was having trouble keeping her eyes open, deep fatigue settling into her.

She felt fingers running through her long hair and along her scalp. Axton was petting her. She let out a tired snort at the irony of being pet by the catboy, but it felt nice, so she didn't protest.

"Why don't you live here, with me?" she heard Axton say in a soft and caring voice. "You could have your own room, do your art here, go to school, do whatever. Anything you want I can provide. And we can do more of this, whenever you want."

Hibiki was too tired to really think about things, but her already half-asleep mind painted the picture that Axton described, and she smiled at it. Yeah, that sounded nice. "Okay…" she murmured, barely loud enough to be heard. But she could tell he heard.

Later she would berate herself for agreeing without giving it any thought. But she wouldn't regret it.