
DxD: Weaving Threads 02.5

I see the sweat glisten on Kyu's bare back as I pound into her from behind. Fucking Kyu never gets old. The way her pussy squeezes around my dick as I roughly pound into her can't be compared to any other girl. Thankfully, it was merely unique instead of way better, or else sex with other girls wouldn't be as enjoyable.

Kyu moans in a low voice as I fuck her. She's currently bent over my office desk right now, having come to bother me as I prepared for the meeting with Ravel's Peerage. And I was horny, so it inevitably led to this.

Seeing her bent over my ornate desk is a thrill though. The papers knocked aside by her desperate and grasping hands, her face pressed against the wood, the way her voice echoes through the room. It's all such a turn-on. I grip her hips tighter and kick it up a notch.

I almost don't notice it when the door opens. I do notice because I keep [Void Detect] up nearly constantly at this point. But I'm distracted enough that it barely registers, and it certainly doesn't cause me to stop.

Ravel steps quietly into the room, and her reaction surprises me. Or rather, her lack of one. Enough so that I let myself get distracted and focus on her with [Empathy]. I feel a little bit of surprise from her, but not much else. The only other emotion of note is a slowly rising amount of arousal. No disgust, no annoyance, nothing negative at all really. Now isn't that interesting?

I slow down my thrusts for a moment and look at Ravel. "Give me a minute to finish up," I tell her. To which she nods, standing up straighter.

Kyu, slightly out of it, looking slightly confused. "Huh?" she asks as she looks around before noticing Ravel. "Oh, hi!" she says. I'm not sure if she would have said more though, because I pick that moment to pick up my pace again, thrusting into her even harder than before. She yelps a little in surprise, but she immediately follows it with moans.

The flesh of her ass and back ripples every time I slam into her hot depths, and the sound of flesh slapping together echo alongside her noises of pleasure. And as it does, Ravel stands there, dutifully waiting and watching, her own arousal growing. I decide to give it a little nudge with [Erotic Pierrot]. Her being aroused by this on her own is great, but that just means it's easy for me to encourage that.

I'd already been fucking Kyu for a bit before Ravel came in, so it doesn't take me long to reach my climax. With a grunt I slam once more into Kyu and cum, shooting my seed deep inside of her. She cries out sweetly, and I feel her body shudder underneath me and her walls writhe around me as she cums as well.

When my orgasm finishes I slowly pull out of her inch by inch, enjoying the feeling of her tightness on my sensitive erection. As my dick pops out of her, I pull my pants up and take a moment to appreciate the sight of her bent over my desk, her pussy on display and soaked with sweat and sexual fluids.

But I can't appreciate it all day. I give her a light spank, causing her to shoot up. "Come on Kyu, get up. I have work to do."

"You wear a girl out and then kick her out, I see how it is," she grumbles, but there's a teasing tone to her voice. She makes a gesture with her hand and her clothes reappear on her. Not that they provide much modesty.

"I'll spend some more quality time with you tonight," I tell her as I kiss her lightly. "But for now…"

"Yeah yeah, I'm going," she says. She flies away, passing Ravel on her way out through the door, giving her a wink as she does so. Once the door closes behind Kyu, I turn my attention to Ravel.

"Sorry about that, I guess I took a little longer than I planned," I apologize.

She shakes her head. "It's no problem, I arrived earlier than you asked me to come," she says. "If you'd like, I could start knocking before entering here."

"Nah, this is your office too, so you shouldn't have to knock to get in," I reply. "I don't care if you walk in on me having sex, and from the looks of it, you didn't really mind either."

She blushes very slightly, but she keeps a straight face. "No sir," she says. "I'm used to finding my brother similarly occupied, and seeing you like that is considerably less awkward since we aren't related. Besides, it's only natural for someone like you to act like that."

I tilt my head. "What do you mean by someone like me?"

She panics a little. "I didn't mean anything bad by it," she insists. "Just that you're strong and powerful, and you're surrounded by attractive women who are under you. Satisfying your lust with them only makes sense."

Is that how she sees it? Powerful men get women? Well, it makes sense for her to think like that. The conversation I had with Sona the other day comes to mind, about how Sona and Rias are nicer than most other Devils. This is likely a case of Devils having different values than humans.

But I can work with this. After all, I am strong, and I'll only get more powerful. If that's what she thinks is universally attractive, then that just makes my job easy. Still, I don't want her to have the wrong impression. Or at least, I don't want her impression to not match the one I've spent so much effort cultivating.

"To be clear, I don't force anyone to have sex with me," I say. "I don't bribe or coerce them either." That's less true, but no one knows that. "If a girl is interested, I'll gladly and enthusiastically have some fun with them. But I don't push it. I don't need to."

"I'm sorry," she says with a short bow. "I didn't mean to imply otherwise."

"It's fine," I wave off. "Just wanted to make that clear. But enough about my sex life. We should get to work."

Ravel nods. "Right. The girls are waiting in the sitting room you asked me to put them in. I told them that you wanted to talk to them one at a time." She pauses. "A few of them asked if they could go in groups. Specifically, Ile and Nel, Ni and Li, and Marion and Burent."

"That's fine," I say as I walk towards Ravel. "It makes sense for those ones to want to stick together too." That would be the two sets of twins and the pair of maids. I place my hand on Ravel's shoulder. "Let's go then," I say, and I push her forwards as I take a step, using [Void Travel] to teleport the both of us to the sitting room adjacent to the one I had asked Ravel to bring her Peerage to. There's a door connecting the two rooms directly.

Ravel's eyes widen at the sudden teleportation, but she gets her bearings quickly. "Before we start, there's something I want to ask you," she says.

"What's that?" I say as I move to one of the couches and sit down. I pat the seat next to me, inviting her to join me. She does so with a small smile.

"Mostly I want to know what your goals are for these meetings," she says. "The girls were asking, and it'd set them more at ease if I could give them an answer."

I shrug. "Nothing sinister. I just want to get to know a little about them, what they do, and what they want. Also, I'll be giving each of them a choice. Do some work for me around here, or go to school. I know some of them are of school age. But I don't want them idle every hour that I'm not training them personally, so they'll either educate themselves or work."

"I see," she says. "Does that extend to me as well?"

"Sorta," I tell her. "I already have you working though, don't I? If you want to go to school as well, you can, but you would need to do both."

She shakes her head. "No, I don't believe I would learn much at a human school. Working on your potions business sounds much more interesting." She stands up. "If that's all, then I'll get the first girl now." I nod in approval, and she exits the room.

While I wait for her to come back, I pull out The Heart. I haven't really used it since I got it, but that's mostly because I already know most other people's secrets. I don't need a haunted clockwork heart to reveal them to me. But for a meeting like this, it'll be useful. These girls were fairly minor characters, so I don't know a lot about them.

Thankfully, I know the Heart is invisible to others. I even tested that it's invisible to Devils. I know some people can see it. Both Yua and Kyu can. But so far, those are the only two. That means I can easily use it without looking like a creepy dude holding a human heart in his hands.

A few moments later, Ravel enters with Yubelluna in tow. Ravel has her sit down on the couch opposite to me, and then she sits down next to me. Good, that's why I invited her to sit down next to me earlier. I want Ravel on my side during these conversations. It'll help cement the image of Ravel being mine in the minds of her Peerage.

Just looking at her face, I can immediately tell we're starting off with a tough one. I don't need [Empathy] to tell me that her expression means she isn't very happy.

"Nice to meet you Yubelluna," I greet her. "As you probably already know, I'm Axton, and I'll be responsible for you girls for the foreseeable future."

<First Impressions Perk Activated>

<+10 Affection with Yubellena>

She doesn't say anything and just continues to stare at me. I hold back a sigh. "The purpose of this meeting is for me to get to know you a bit better, and to decide how to go from here."

"Whatever," she replies dismissively, looking away. "You'll just do whatever you want with us. Because apparently, we're just commodities to be traded around."

"That's the unfortunate truth of being part of a Peerage," I reply cooly. "Living practically forever and magical powers come with a cost, and you know what they say about making deals with Devils."

"Riser was different," she argues. "He cared for me."

"And he agreed to trade you away out of greed, arrogance, and anger," I shoot back.

"You egged him into it, and were the one who asked for us in the first place!"

"He asked for a lot, I had to ask for something of equal value," I reply. I'm honestly starting to get tired of giving that excuse. "And my words before weren't lies. You girls are wasted on someone like him."

"I don't care!" she says, nearly shouting. "I was happy with Riser, and you took that away."

I sigh. Yeah, this is certainly not the best of starts. Ravel looks pretty nervous, unsure what side she should be taking. While I would like for her to pick my side and be loyal only to me, I am glad to see that she's torn between that and being loyal to her new Peerage.

"Look, is that your issue? Do you want to be back with Riser?" I ask her plainly, voice calm.

She calms down a little as well. "Yes. I know I'm in the minority, but I love Riser, even with his faults. He makes me happy."

"Well, I can't promise anything soon, but it's not impossible that you'll eventually make your way back to him." Her gaze sharpens, and her eyes lock with mine. "I've told this to Lord and Lady Phenex already, but this arrangement isn't permanent, and in a few years, once I feel I've prepared you a decent amount, I will be renegotiating this arrangement. For now? You're mine. But at that time, trading you and anyone who still wants to go back to Riser to him wouldn't be off the table. I'd leave that final decision to Ravel since it's her Peerage, but by that point, that would be fine with me."

"A few years," she repeats doubtfully.

"Maybe less, it depends on how quickly you guys start participating in actual Rating Games," I reply. "Either way, it's a drop in the bucket compared to the lifespan of a Devil."

"I would be willing to trade you back to my brother," Ravel adds. "Replacing you will be difficult, but if you are unhappy in my Peerage, I wouldn't want to force you to stay."

Yubelluna's expression softens. "Sorry Ravel," she apologizes. "It's not about you. I think you'll make a great King. But you're not the King I left home for."

Ravel shakes her head. "It's fine, I understand. But for now, this is the situation we're in, and I think it would be best to take advantage of it while we can and figure out the rest in the future."

"I'm not going to half-ass it," I say. "I said I'd train you girls up, and that's what I'm going to do. And I can't do that if I trade half of you back."

"Fine, fine," Yubelluna says with a sigh. "I get it. I'll cooperate. Just don't expect me to be happy about it."

"That's good enough for me," I say with a shrug. "Now, let's get back on track. Mostly what I'd like to know is your life before you were reincarnated and your role in the Peerage."

She gives me a strange look like she doesn't know why I'm asking her this, but she answers me anyway. "I grew up in Italy, and there was a local bar there that I would sing in. It was a pretty nice bar, and the man who ran it was a friend of my father. I would sing there on weekends sometimes. I even earned some money doing it from the patrons who would give me tips. Then one day, I noticed Riser in the crowd, staring at me. After my performance, he came up and talked to me. And then he came the next time I sang, and we talked more. We really hit it off. After a few months of this, he explained everything and asked me to join his Peerage."

She shrugs. "I didn't have a reason to say no. I was almost old enough to move out anyway, but I couldn't afford college, even with the money I'd saved up. And Riser was kind and handsome. And I knew it was rushing into it. But my favorite story growing up was how my mother and father met, and they eloped within a month of knowing each other. You won't find a happier couple than the two of them."

"That was a few years ago though. I've enjoyed living life as a Devil, and I go see my parents every now and then. As for my role in the Peerage, well, you've probably heard of my nickname." She grimaces. "They call me the 'Bomb Queen'. I don't like the name, but it's not inaccurate. I've focused on hitting hard and fast, and I'm good at it. My role has always been to catch opponents off guard and thin their ranks wherever I can."

"I see," I reply. "Thank you for that." She shrugs. "I'd also ask how you feel about being transferred to me, but we've already gone over that. One last thing then. In addition to training, I'm going to give each of you a choice. I still go to school, and during that time, I want you girls to either be in school or working as well. But I'll let you choose. Go to school, or work around the mansion. This place is new, and I have yet to hire the people needed to support a house this large, so there's plenty of work to be done."

She sighs. "I was looking forward to lazing about all day, but fine. I've finished high school though, is there a college around here?"

"Kuoh does indeed have a college," I answer her, having looked into it already. "It's small, but it's considered a good school. Rias and Sona both plan on attending it next year."

"I would like to study music," she mutters. "It's what I fantasized about before I joined Riser."

"Kuoh College does have a music program," I confirm. "I can definitely get you into that."

She pauses, thinking over it for a moment before nodding. "Alright, I'd like to do that then."

"I'll get it arranged then. In the meantime, we'll have our first training session Sunday morning. If you could send in Mihae, I would appreciate it."

<+7 Affection with Yubelluna>

She nods and stands up to leave. As she does so I use [Lewd Scouter] and The Heart on her.



Arousal: Very Low

Perversion: Moderately High

Affection: 17

Orientation: Straight

Fetishes: Submission, Oral


"She claims to hate her title, but secretly she revels in being recognized as excellent at what she practices so hard at."

Interesting. Maybe I'll be able to use that in the future. But for now, I sit back and sigh. One down, thirteen to go.


<First Impressions Perk Activated>

<+10 Affection with Mihae>

"I was just a normal high school girl in Tokyo when Riser recruited me," Mihae explains. "I didn't have any big aspirations, I just wanted to find a good husband and have a lot of kids. Riser said he found me by coincidence and noticed my large potential for magic, and he said I was so pretty that he had to recruit me. When he told me that I'd live a long life and could have as many kids as I wanted in that time, I was ecstatic, so I agreed."

"And he didn't mention the conception rates of Devils," I guess.

She frowns, and there's some anger in her expression. "No," she replies cooly. "He left that part out. Finding that out...soured things between us if I'm being honest. I don't regret it in the end, because even if it's harder, I'll have more time in which I can have kids."

"My role in the Peerage is to play support. Not just in battle, but I try to take care of everyone all the time. The older ones get annoyed sometimes, but the younger ones appreciate it, even if they're only a couple years younger than me."

"I'm okay with this change. Maybe this way I can meet someone who will give me a bunch of kids. Riser never would let that happen, despite me not having any interest in him after he lied by omission."

Ravel looks at me, and I can tell what she's thinking. I've already told her about my fertility potions after all, so she knows I can solve that issue. But I don't plan on bringing that up right now. As much as I would like to use them as an excuse to jump straight to having sex with Mihae, who is very cute, I'm not sure I'm ready to have kids yet. And when I do, it feels wrong to give Mihae my first child when there are other girls I've been with longer.

That being said, I'm also not an idiot, and I know how to play the long game. Hopefully, by the time it comes to pass, I'll have a big enough harem that I won't have to do much to take care of the kids myself.

"It's possible," I say. "I'm not ready for kids yet, but hell, if you haven't found a father by the time I am ready, I wouldn't mind making babies with a cute girl like you." I give her a flirtatious smile and a wink.

<+21 Affection with Mihae>

She blushes and looks down, but I can tell she doesn't hate the thought from the way she's smiling. "We'll see," she replies coyly.

"As for school or work, I'm not sure. I'd like to take care of kids, but since you don't have any, I can't do that," she continues.

"I have a garden, if that's close enough," I offer. "And I'll be keeping animals, some mundane, some magical, soon. I know that's not really the same as taking care of a kid, but it's taking care of living beings."

"Hmm," she thinks on it. "That does sound kind of nice. Yeah, I'd like that more than going back to school."

"Great! Asia is the one in charge of Garden right now. You can help her for now, and once I get those animals in you can start taking care of them. And if I need someone to babysit or take care of kids in the future, your name will be at the top of my list."

She bows her head at me. "Thank you, Axton, that sounds fantastic."



Arousal: Moderately Low

Perversion: Moderately Low

Affection: 31

Orientation: Straight

Fetishes: Impregnation


"The thought of carrying and birthing a child brings her more pleasure than the act of making one ever could."


<First Impressions Perk Activated>

<+10 Affection with Karlamine>

"My entire life I've trained to be a knight," Karlamine explains. "Back home in Germany I took up the sword as a child and I've fought in many competitions. Siris and I were international rivals. At one of those competitions, Lord Riser scouted me and I immediately said yes, excited to finally find a Lord to serve."

Ah. She takes the knight roleplay very seriously. Well, I can play along if it means getting her loyalty.

"I suppose I don't need to ask what your role is then," I say. "It's very obvious that you're a Knight, in more than just the Evil Piece that was used on you." She preens at my words, sitting up straighter. "But how do you feel about being taken from your previous Lord?"

She grimaces, and her emotions turn confused. "If I may speak honestly milord, I'm still unsure," she admits. "Lord Riser was my first Lord, but serving Lady Ravel is an honorable cause. And what you said is true, as much as it pains me to admit. I haven't improved as much as I could have under his command, and I've been worried about stagnating. If you can help us improve, then as a Knight, I can't ignore this opportunity."

"I see," I say. "Well, I'll make sure neither I nor Lady Ravel disappoint you. We'll make sure to improve your abilities as a Knight as much as we can."

<+7 Affection with Karlamine>

"Thank you Lord Axton!" she replies enthusiastically, sitting up straight and holding her fist over her chest. "I won't let you or Lady Ravel down!"

She's an odd one, but she's cute. "Now, work or school?" I ask her.

"I'd like to focus on defending your estate if at all possible," she replies. "I can't think of a higher honor than defending your home."

A guard, hmm? I'm not sure I really need one, considering Sakuya has already said she'd protect my home. But having a more visible guard might not be a bad idea, and if I need a bodyguard for some social reason, having someone always available for that on hand would be convenient.

"Very well," I accept. "Starting Monday, you'll be charged with defending my home and my guests." She smiles at the news, genuinely pleased.



Arousal: Low

Perversion: Moderately Low

Affection: 17

Orientation: Straight

Fetishes: Submission, Roleplay


"She lives in constant fear of rejection, but hides it behind a cheerful mask."


<First Impressions Perk Activated>

<+10 Affection with Siris>

"I started sword fighting when I was young," Siris explains in a quiet voice. "My dad encouraged me to try it once, and I discovered I had a knack for it, so I kept doing it. I've gone to a lot of competitions, and I met Karlamine there. We fought several times during those. Sometimes I won, sometimes she did. Riser recruited both of us at a competition, though we didn't face off in that one. I'd started using a heavier sword, so we weren't in the same category anymore."

My first impression of Siris is that she's a pretty reserved girl. The total opposite of Karlamine, despite their apparent similarities.

"Karlamine and I both usually handle the other sword wielders in battle," she continues. "If the other side doesn't have any, we usually go after whoever has the most dangerous weapons. This is fine with me, as my sword is well suited for it. Better us than someone like Xuelan."

"And how do you feel about the change of leadership?" I ask her.

She shrugs. "It's whatever. I'm glad to get away from Riser. He was fine at first, but lately, he's been asking to do stuff that I'm not into, and that hasn't been fun."

Rookie mistake Riser, always play to the girls' kinks and find girls that like what you do. "Don't worry, that won't happen with me," I tell her. "I might order you to train or work, but I'm flexible in the bedroom."

She nods, and her face is impassive, but [Empathy] tells me a different story. There's a bit of embarrassment and arousal mixed with a nervousness that's been present the entire time. You'd never guess it by looking at her though.

"As for work or school, I'd rather work," she continues. "I've done most of high school already, and college doesn't interest me. I'm good with paperwork if that helps."

"Paperwork, huh?" I muse, turning to Ravel. "What do you think? Do you want an assistant?"

Ravel thinks it over. "Having an assistant would streamline some of my work. She would have access to sensitive information though."

"Do you trust her in that position?" I ask. "I'll trust your judgment of her since you know her better."

"Absolutely," Ravel agrees immediately. "Siris has always been kind and professional and followed orders."

Siris was watching our conversation with sharp and interested eyes, but she relaxes a bit at Ravel's answer.

<+9 Affection with Siris>

"Very well, starting Monday you'll be Ravel's assistant then," I tell her. "She'll explain everything to you later. The short of it is that I have a business I'm getting started and Ravel is in charge of helping me with the paperwork and management side."

"I see," she says. "I look forward to it. Thank you for trusting me."



Arousal: Low

Perversion: Moderate

Affection: 19

Orientation: Bisexual

Fetishes: Cunnilingus, Doggy style


"In front of others she is quiet and polite. But her most treasured possessions are the erotic books she has hidden and disguised among her things. She reads them every night."


<First Impressions Perk Activated>

<+10 Affection with Isabela>

"I was the lead guitarist for an indie glam metal band in America," Isabela explains in a bored tone. "We never got big, only ever played local shows and we mostly did covers, but it was fun. Until it wasn't. Pro-tip, don't date a drummer, they're cheating scumbags. Anyways, tensions were a little high, but we kept doing shows. Riser was at one of the shows, we hooked up afterward, and then he invited me to his Peerage. I felt like the band was going to fall apart anyway, so I said sure, and now I'm a Devil."

"In a fight, I'm a brawler," she explains. "I dish out the hurt, and I can take a beating. Simple as that."

"As for how I feel?" She comments, anger rising in her voice. "Pretty fucking pissed. Riser and I had a good thing going, and sure I had to share him, but I knew that going in, so it's whatever. Now I've been taken away from him, and it sucks."

I sigh. Another one that is loyal to Riser. I guess it shouldn't be that surprising. "I'll tell you what I told Yubullena," I say, and I give Isabela the same offer I gave Yubelluna.

"And Yubelluna accepted that?" Isabela said. "Fine, whatever. I'll cooperate or whatever. Gimme a simple job that isn't being a fucking maid. I'm not interested in school."

"How about guard duty alongside Siris?" I suggest.

She sighs. "Yeah, whatever. Guarding is easy. Not crazy about working with the LARPer, but I'm used to her by now."

She gets up and storms out of the room. I can tell that changing her tune is gonna be pretty hard.



Arousal: Low

Perversion: Moderately Low

Affection: 10

Orientation: Straight

Fetishes: Rough Sex, Masochism


"She loved him, the drummer. She fantasized about spending her entire life with him. She never truly recovered from his betrayal."


<First Impressions Perk Activated>

<+5 Affection with Xuelan>

"My father owns a dojo back home in China," Xuelan explains. "It's very prestigious. Unfortunately, my brother is set to inherit it and has made it clear that he doesn't want me to be involved at all. Thankfully, Riser came and recruited me, giving me a way to make use of my skills through the Rating Games."

Xuelan is polite and proper, and she speaks clearly. And she's certainly a looker.

"And your feelings on now being in Ravel's Peerage rather than his?" I ask.

"Undecided," she says. "This will take us from the Rating Games for a time due to Ravel being young, but it's a chance to improve my skills even further if you can really help us as much as you helped the Gremory Peerage." She pauses, and I feel her emotions shift. She smiles flirtatiously. "Also, how do you feel about secretly having sex in public locations? Riser would never indulge me, and I'm starting to get pretty pent up."

Maybe she isn't so proper after all. But this is even better. I grin at her. "I'm a big fan," I tell her. "I'm sure you and I can have a lot of fun if you're interested."

<+21 Affection with Xuelan>

She winks flirtatiously at me. "Impress me during our training and I'll consider it," she says.

"I look forward to it," I respond. "In the meantime, school, or work?"

"School," she says. "The Kuoh uniforms are cute, and I miss going to school."

"You'd be a third year, right?" I ask, and she nods. "I'll make the arrangements, we should be able to get you started on Monday."

"Fantastic," she says. "I look forward to working with you."



Arousal: Moderately Low

Perversion: Moderate

Affection: 26

Orientation: Straight

Fetishes: Oral, Public Sex, Submission


"She is used to never matching the expectations set on her. First those of her parents, then the ones of her older brothers, and now the ones she sets on herself. Those are the harshest expectations of all."


<First Impressions Perk Activated>

<+10 Affection with Ile>

<+10 Affection with Nel>

"We were gymnasts in Spain," Ile starts off.

"Really good ones too," Nel continues.

Ile nods. "We won a bunch of competitions, and our coach and parents said if we kept working hard, we could go to the Olympics when we grew up."

Nel grimaces. "But we didn't want to do that. Gymnastics stopped being fun. Our parents and coach kept pushing us harder and harder."

"So when Riser tracked us down and recruited us, we ended up accepting," Ile says.

"We talked about it for a few days, because it was a pretty big decision, but we just really wanted to get away from all the pressure," Nel adds.

"Wait," I interrupt. "How old are you? Did Riser kidnap you?"

The two of them look at each other, confusion on their face. "Kind of?" "I guess?" they both say at the same time.

"I mean, we agreed to go with him, but he did use his mind magic to make our parents and coach okay with it," Ile explains.

"And we're 15!" Nel answers.

I blink. "Oh, I thought you were a lot younger than that."

They both sigh. "No, we're just small," Ile says.

"Our coach said it was a good thing, but getting mistaken for being elementary school students sucks," Nel continues.

"And Riser was getting really creepy about it too," Ile says, Nel nodding in agreement. "We never went past first base with him, but he kept making us dress up in children's clothes."

Well, that's something I didn't really want to know about Riser. I understand the desire for variety, but to go as far as making them act younger than they are is a step or two too far.

Now that I look at them closer though, and now that they're dressed in clothes of their own choosing rather than the bloomers they wore in the rating game, I guess they do look roughly as developed as Koneko, who is 15 as well.

"Well, under me, you can wear whatever you want," I tell them. "I assume that means you're okay with working for me and Ravel instead of Riser now?"

""Yep!"" They say in unison.

"How about what you do when fighting?" I ask. "If I remember, the two of you use chainsaws?"

"That was one nice thing about Riser," Nel says. "He let us choose whatever weapons we want, even when we said chainsaws. They're a lot of fun to use. We turned into Devils, we may as well make use of that super strength."

Ah. "I can understand the appeal," I say. "I'll see about potentially getting you upgrades if you're interested in that." Hopefully, the Tenno who used to own the Orbiter I scavenged had some of the chainsaw-like weapons I know the Warframe universe has.

<+14 Affection with Ile>

<+14 Affection with Nel>

""Yay!"" they say together.

"Now, would you like to go to school, or work for me?" I ask.

"School please," Ile says.

"We miss having school friends," Nel clarifies. "And now that we're not doing gymnastics all the time, we would actually have time to hang out with them."

"In that case, I'll get that set up," I tell them. "I hope you have a good time at school."



Arousal: Low

Perversion: Low

Affection: 24

Orientation: Bisexual

Fetishes: None




Arousal: Low

Perversion: Low

Affection: 24

Orientation: Bisexual

Fetishes: None


"These two sweet girls were pushed to the brink by the adults around them. Every moment of their lives were written down on a schedule, and even suggesting a deviation from that led to a harsh scolding. Sometimes a Devil can do a good thing."


<First Impressions Perk Activated>

<+25 Affection with Ni>

<+10 Affection with Li>

"We're from a Youkai settlement in east China," Ni explains. "But that was boring, so we set out to explore the world, just the two of us."

"But that turned out to be boring too," Li complains. "Other places are pretty much the same. Smelly humans and tall buildings and you get in trouble if you try to go into any of the cool places."

I guess all twins speak in turns because these two do it too. "So how did that lead to you meeting Riser?" I asked.

"We met by chance," Li explains.

"More like we were lounging around bored and Riser came up to us, told us we were cute and asked if we wanted to join his Peerage," Ni corrects.

"Right," Li agrees. "Anyways, Rating Games sounded like fun, and being a Devil didn't sound so bad, so we agreed."

"And it's been pretty fun so far," Ni says. "But Riser is old news now, we're much more interested in you mister Axton."

"Yeah yeah!" Li agrees. "Stop hiding them and show us!"

I tilt my head at them, confused. "Stop hiding what?" I ask.

"Your ears!" "Your tail!" they say.

Ah, my Nekoshou features. As Nekomatas, I guess they're interested. With a thought, my cat ears pop out of my hair on top of my head, and a tail sprouts out of my lower back, pushing its way out of my shirt and into view.

<+10 Affection with Ni>

<+10 Affection with Li>

"Oh wow, they're so pretty," Li comments in delight.

"That's really hot," Ni says in a much different tone.

"I thought Nekomata preferred non-Nekomata mates?" I asked.

"Psh, that's just what the elders say to do," Li scoffs. "Something about strengthening Nekomata as a whole or whatever."

"Besides, you're not actually a Nekomata right?" Ni asks. "You're a human that somehow got Nekomata features?"

"Nekoshou actually, but yeah," I confirm.

"Then that's even better," Ni replies. "Besides, male Nekomata aren't very common."

"And we prefer catboys above all," Li says. "So you can think of us as your two little kittens."

"We'd love to curl up in your lap as you pet us all over," Ni says with a wink.

"That sounds pretty appealing," I say, amused. "I'll definitely take you up on that at some point."

<+10 Affection with Ni>

<+10 Affection with Li>

"Good," Li purrs. "We look forward to it."

"For now though, there are two more questions I need you to answer," I say, steering the conversation back on track.

"Oh right," Ni says. "In fights we usually team up to hit enemies hard and fast. We know a bit of senjutsu, but we're still major novices at it."

"And we wanna be maids!" Li says. "But only if we can dress in super skimpy uniforms."

Ni nods. "We picked these outfits out ourselves you know?" She says, indicating her outfit, which was just a high school girls sailor uniform, but the top only reached far enough down to barely cover their nipples, leaving their underboobs and entire stomach exposed.

"I'm sure we can arrange that," I say with a grin. "Find some designs you like and we'll take care of it."

"Yes!" Ni says while Li fist pumps. They then turn to each other and give each other a high-five. "Operation: Slutty Cat Maid is a go!"

These two are a lot of fun.



Arousal: Moderately Low

Perversion: Moderate

Affection: 45

Orientation: Bisexual

Fetishes: Pet Play, Exhibitionism




Arousal: Moderately Low

Perversion: Moderate

Affection: 30

Orientation: Bisexual

Fetishes: Pet Play, Exhibitionism


"Since early childhood, the only thing they've been good at is following their own desires, something that has caused those responsible for them no end of frustration."


<First Impressions Perk Activated>

<+5 Affection with Marion>

<+10 Affection with Burent>

"We worked as maids for a family in France," Marion says. "We hadn't been working for them long, but our mothers had worked for them, and we practically grew up in that house. But it turns out, the family is close to the Phenex's, and Riser saw us while visiting one day. Deciding he needed maids, he poached the two of us."

"I'm guessing from your wording that you weren't too pleased about this?" I ask.

She shrugs. "It was sad to leave our home and family, but we became Devils, and that's been pretty nice. We did the same thing for the Phenex family as we did before. We served as maids. And now, I suppose we'll serve as your maids now."

"You can do something else if you want, or even go to school," I tell them. But they both shake their heads.

"Maids are what we are," Burent says, speaking up for the first time. "We wouldn't want to be anything else."

"I see," I reply, a little weirded out. But well, if they want to be maids, I'm not gonna fight that. Maids are great. And with the two of them, Ni and Li, the two Fallen Angels, and Sakuya to lead them, I probably have the Maid team I need. "That's fine with me. You'll work under Sakuya then." They nod.

"As far as combat goes, it's not our strong suit," Marion admits. "I'm decent at ranged magic, and Burent is good at fighting in close quarters, but most of the other members of the Peerage outshine us in terms of combat ability."

"That won't do," I say, slightly teasingly. "Don't you know, the best maids are the ones that can fight as well? But don't worry, we'll get you trained up. You'll be just as good at fighting as the rest of them soon enough."

They don't seem very enthused, but they nod obediently.



Arousal: Low

Perversion: Moderate

Affection: 5

Orientation: Bisexual

Fetishes: Domination, Teasing




Arousal: Low

Perversion: Moderate

Affection: 10

Orientation: Straight

Fetishes: Submission, Bukkake, Spanking


"These two have been taught since childhood that they aren't in control of their lives, that more powerful men and women will control them. It's difficult for them to consider that things could be any other way."


<First Impressions Perk Activated>

<+10 Affection with Shuriya>

"I used to dance in Egypt," Shuriya explains. "It was something I had a lot of fun doing, and it put food on the table and a roof over my head. Most of my fans were foreign tourists and businessmen, but they always tipped really well. Riser tipped the best, and I admit, he struck my fancy. When he asked me to join his Peerage, I didn't hesitate. I had no family or friends, no connections I'd be leaving behind, and it would be a more comfortable life."

"But truth be told, life with Riser has gotten boring. He never asks me to dance for him, he was only interested in fucking. Whenever I tried to dance on my own, he would jump on me after just a few minutes." She shakes her head. "Sex is good, but I like to dance as well."

"I'll definitely keep that in mind," I tell her. "I'm interested in seeing you dance myself. When I get some time, I'll definitely ask you to do that."

<+8 Affection with Shuriya>

She winks at me. "I'd love to," she replies happily. "And for the rest, I'm good at fire magic and I usually support the others with it wherever I'm needed, and I'd actually like to go to school. I never finished high school, and I'd like that chance to do so."

"Very well," I reply. "You'll start Monday."



Arousal: Moderate

Perversion: Moderate

Affection: 18

Orientation: Bisexual

Fetishes: Stripping, Teasing, Exhibitionism


"She claims to have no family, but that is only partially true. Her family is scum, and she ran from them at a young age, cutting ties. She has made her own path since then."


<First Impressions Perk Activated>

<+5 Affection with Mira>

"I'm uhh. I was a first-year high school student," Mira says nervously. "Last year I won a competition. A bo staff one. There weren't really a lot of competitors, it's not that popular. And the high school I went to didn't have a club for it, just a Kendo one. But I still practiced outside of school. Riser tracked me down, he said he was impressed by my skill and he wanted me on his Peerage. I wasn't sure at first, but he also talked to my parents, and they seemed to think it was a good idea, so I ended up joining."

I frown. "He didn't magically convince your parents, did he?"

She shakes her head. "I don't think so," she replies. "They've always kind of been like that. We didn't have that much money, and my mom would often tell me to find a rich boy to marry. I was never sure how much of that was a joke and how much of it was serious. I think they saw Riser as a chance for me to live a more comfortable life. Even if it meant I wasn't human anymore. They didn't even mind that I'd keep fighting, saying that I do that anyway. They've never been a big fan of me competing using my bo staff, but they did allow it and support me."

"So that's what I did while in Riser's Peerage. Mostly in training. The only Rating Games I've done are the two that happened last weekend. And you know how those went. Riser only recruited me a few months ago. I've been learning fire magic, and it's been neat figuring out how to add that to my normal fighting style, but I still need a lot of practice."

"Don't worry, I can provide that," I say. "And also some tips as well."

She nods. "In terms of how I feel about switching...I'm not sure," she says. "I didn't really know Riser very well yet, and now I guess I won't get to know him. I guess it doesn't really matter, since Ravel is my King now and I'm still being trained while living in a fancy mansion so I can fight against other Devils in games."

"That's completely understandable," I tell her. I wasn't aware she was so freshly turned. A bit of whiplash makes a lot of sense. "Hopefully things will stay pretty stable for at least a few years, so you can get settled in."

She nods in appreciation. "And I'd like to go to school please. I've heard good things about Kuoh. They don't have a bo staff club, but I kind of wanted to try a different club anyways."

"Great," I reply. "I look forward to working with you."



Arousal: Low

Perversion: Low

Affection: 5

Orientation: Straight

Fetishes: None


"She struggles to connect to others. To her, it feels like no one understands what she means, and they think her strange. So she shies away from personal connections. It has made her lonely.'


I lean back, relaxing with my eyes closed. I miss not having to do any work. Sure, this whole situation gave me a pretty good feel for each of Ravel's Peerage members, and which ones I could easily convince to sleep with me, so it'll be worth it in the long run. But this week has been filled with a lot of boring work. I'd rather be grinding in the dungeon than doing this. But this is important work. Mostly because it means more girls in my harem, but for other aspects of my life as well.

"What are your thoughts, Ravel?" I ask without opening my eyes or moving.

"Well, I knew most of the girls already, so it went more or less how I thought it would," she confesses. "I wasn't sure how a few of them would act in front of you, but there wasn't really anything surprising." She pauses, and I can feel her nervousness bump up a little. "Umm. If you'd like, you could rest on my lap instead. I wouldn't mind."

Ooh, that does sound nice. "Don't mind if I do," I say, repositioning myself so I'm splayed out on the couch, my head on her soft thighs. They really do make an excellent pillow. I should do this more often.

"I think the way you mollified Yubelluna and Isabela was a good idea," Ravel continues once I settle onto her lap. I can feel her nervousness, but there's also joy and satisfaction there. "Isabella will be easy to replace, most of her ability comes from her mindset and her Evil Piece. But Yubullena will be more difficult."

"I can always help you find someone," I comment offhandedly. "I'm good at that. Besides, I also bought myself a few years to change their minds. By the time they have the chance to leave, they may no longer want to."

"I suppose that's true," Ravel agrees. "Speaking of which, I still have an empty Bishop slot. If you have any candidates in mind, please let me know."

"Sure, will do," I respond. "I don't have anyone in mind right now. Asia would make a good Bishop, but she doesn't want to be a Devil. But I'm sure I'll meet someone who's interested." I do still have some companion gems I haven't used after all, and I might get more in the future.

"Training will start bright and early Sunday morning," I continue. "I'll explain the details then, but it will be as a group, and there will be combat. Make sure everyone is rested, stretched, and dressed in some simple exercise gear. I'll make everyone custom armor and outfits once I see them in action myself."

"Understood," Ravel says. "Is there anything else you want to be done before then?"

"Not really," I reply. "Most of them can relax until Monday comes around. I'd like you to keep working on setting up my potions store, which I'll come up with a name for soon. We should actually get more of that done tonight. But if you want to get Siris involved before Monday, that's fine with me. I'll leave that up to you."

"Very well," she accepts. "Is there anything in particular you want to focus on tonight?"

"Anything you can't get done by yourself," I say. "I'll be busy all day tomorrow. I have more guests arriving, members of the Church."

"Ah," she says, nervousness bumping up a little bit. "Is that going to be a...problem?"

"Hopefully not," I say with a tired sigh. "I'll make sure they behave. Just make sure your girls don't antagonize them. I don't mind if they interact, so long as they get along."

"Yes sir, I'll let them know," she replies. We're both quiet for a couple moments. "Umm, are we going to start working?"

"In a few minutes," I say. "This is really comfortable, I don't wanna get up yet."

"I- I see," Ravel says, that mixture of nervousness, happiness, and satisfaction rising even higher. "You are of course welcome to rest on my lap for as long as you please."

"Thank you, Ravel," I tell her. Yeah, I have a lot more work now, but it's worth it for moments like this.


"I have to say, you did a great job back there," Momo comments as we walk through the school halls the next day, heading back to the Student Council room together. We just finished talking to two sports clubs who both wanted to use the same field. I stepped in and helped negotiate and convince both sides to reach a compromise.

I shrug. "The main issue was that they weren't really empathizing with each other, and didn't realize that they were in the same exact situation," I say. "Once I got them to realize that, getting them to agree to share was much easier."

"Getting them to realize that is no small feat with tempers as high as they were," Momo points out. "I think Sona probably would have just barred either of them from using the field if they didn't reach a compromise."

"Oh," I say in realization. "That would have been a lot faster, huh?"

Momo giggles. "It's fine, I prefer the way you handled it. This way they're less likely to cause problems in the future." She sighs. "Though those two girls are hot-headed, and they've been rivals for ages. So maybe it won't help all that much."

"Ah well, we did our best," I respond. "They're getting along for now at least."

"Speaking of which," Momo says, and her tone makes me pause and look at her. She's smiling at me, and I can feel her arousal suddenly rising. "We finished that faster than expected. We have enough time to make a quick detour and still be back before we are expected."

Corrupting Momo to make her more perverted is one of the best things I've ever done. "Oh?" I ask with a grin on my face, playing along. "A quick detour where?"

She takes me by the hand and leads me to the girls' bathroom we were near. [Void Detect] already told me it's empty, so I'm not worried about getting caught. There aren't many clubs in this section of the school.

We're barely out of the hallway before Momo turns around and has her arms wrapped around me and her lips on mine. Not that I mind. I enthusiastically reply in kind, meeting her tongue with my own. My hands reach down beneath her skirt to squeeze her luscious butt cheeks.

We keep walking even as we make out, and soon we reach the sinks. I lift her up and sit her down on the rim of one, and she responds by immediately wrapping her legs around me.

My hands then go to her clothes, and in a few moments I have her shirt unbuttoned and her bra pulled down and out of the way, leaving me free to play with her tits. Her own hand reaches down to my belt, undoing my pants and pulling out my quickly hardening dick, which she strokes a bit to encourage it to grow faster.

When it's fully hardened she lifts her skirt and pushes aside her panties. I line myself up and thrust into her, never breaking the kiss. She's already wet and ready to go, so I don't hesitate to start pumping in and out of her.

Momo moans into my mouth, the muffled noise echoing slightly through the bathroom. But it's mostly drowned out by the wet slapping sound caused by me pounding into her.

Our lips finally separate, and her moans echo freely through the room as my own mouth latches onto her nipple, playing with the hardened nub with my tongue. Her arms wrap around my head, holding me tight against her chest.

It only takes a few minutes of me thrusting into her for my climax to arrive. When it does, I don't hesitate to slam my hips forward to reach her deepest part and cum inside of her. I deposit shot after shot of thick semen deep inside of her.

She reaches her own climax as I flood her insides with my cum, crying out loud enough that anyone walking by outside would have heard her for sure. Her legs tighten around my waist, and I can feel her body shuddering against mine.

Our lips meet again as we both come down from our orgasms. My dick throbs, still lodged inside of her, but I know we don't have time for another round.

Momo pulls back and smiles lovingly at me. "I love it when you cum inside me," she breathes. "It just feels so satisfying to be filled like that."

"I'm a pretty big fan of it myself," I say. "It's nice not really having to worry about accidentally knocking you up too."

She pauses. "Do you not want kids?" she asks, a little hesitant.

"In the future? Sure, absolutely I'd love some kids," I answer. "We're still in high school though, and there's no need to rush. Thanks to my potions, we don't really have to worry about it either, we can guarantee a kid whenever we want."

"I suppose that's true," she says, calmer now. I guess she was afraid I wouldn't ever want kids. "We have a long time to figure that out."

"That's right," I tell her, kissing her again. "We can have kids whenever you want."

She nods and pulls me into a hug. We stay there silently for a bit, just enjoying the moment, before Momo sighs. "We should probably get going now."

"If we have to," I jokingly complain. "But you know, today is a Friday. And we're meeting up in the morning anyway. What do you say to you and the other girls coming over for another sleepover tonight?" I ask her. "We could spend some more quality time together. I have to welcome the representatives of the Church, but otherwise, I'm free all evening."

"Mmm, that does sound fun," Momo agrees with a flirtatious smile. "Would Kyu join us this time?"

"I think we can definitely convince her too," I say. "If you promise her a good time, she'll never say no."

"I'll be there," Momo promises. "You talk to Atsuko and Aika, and I'll tell Ruruko. But for now…" she trails off and unwraps her legs and arms from around me.

"Right, right," I say and I finally pull out of her, dick twitching at the sensations. Momo bites her lip as well, enjoying the feeling. All I wanted to do was to plunge straight back into her, but instead, I sigh and pull up my pants. Honestly, the chances of us being walked in on aren't that low, and that would be a pain in the ass.

Once we're presentable, we make our way back to the Student Council room, this time holding hands.

We enter the room to see the others hard at work. The two of us walk up to Sona, who is sitting at her desk, and Momo starts giving a report about how it went. I'm distracted by Asia though, who I spot in a corner with Tsubaki. Tsubaki is leaning over Asia's shoulder, pointing at a piece of paper the two of them are looking at and explaining something. The sight causes me to smile. I'm glad Asia is fitting in and learning.

"Thank you Momo, you did well," Sona says. "You can go ahead and get back to your other work. Axton, I'd like to talk to you for a second."

"Sure thing boss," I cheerfully reply as Momo heads back to her desk. She narrows her eyes at me a little but doesn't comment on me using the wrong title.

"First, good job with the sports club. Expect to be sent on more errands like that, with or without others. You apparently have a talent for it, so I'll make use of it while I can."

"That's fine with me," I reply. "Talking to people is easy."

"Second, I wanted to finalize some details about tomorrow," she continues.

"About our date?" I ask. "Don't worry, I've got it planned out."

She blushes, even as she keeps her face still. "I was more referring to the training. I was wondering what the details of your training plan are, in terms of where and when we should meet up."

I shrug. "We can meet up anywhere, whether that's at my place or your training hall area or any other place that's semi-private from the public eye. I'll pull us into the dungeon, we'll kick some ass, and then we pop back where we went in. I'll leave the location we enter from up to you. As it's easier for me to get somewhere than to get your entire group somewhere."

"We'll meet at the training hall then," Sona decides. "We have a change of clothes, a bath, training equipment, first aid, and a slew of other useful facilities there. I doubt we'll need more than the clothes and the bath, but it's still the more convenient location. What time were you thinking?"

"8am?" I offer. "That way we finish around noon, just in time for lunch."

Sona nods. "That is fine with me," she responds. "Thirdly, those representatives from the Church are arriving today, correct?"

"Their plane lands in about ninety minutes," I confirm. "My Head Maid will be picking them up and driving them to my place." I still find it funny that Sakuya knows how to drive a car, but Wilhelm doesn't. It makes sense, Wilhelm comes from a land of carriages drawn by dragon-like creatures, not automated machines powered by gas. Sakuya comes from…well, that's not entirely clear. Gensokyo, which I believe had a mix of technology and magic, but she also had a life before that.

"Did they happen to mention who they would be sending?" she asks.

I shake my head. "They didn't. From the way Michael was talking though, at least one of them will be an Excalibur wielder."

She sighs. "Right, because of the issue with that stray exorcist. He hasn't been seen since then. Aren't you worried about him arriving at the airport again? They say lightning never strikes twice, but this is a man we're talking about, not a force of nature."

"I hope he does," I say with a laugh. "If he tries anything at all, Sakuya will beat him within an inch of his life and tie him up like a pig before he can blink."

Sona raises an eyebrow in surprise. "Is your maid so capable? I haven't met her yet, but I seem to recall him getting away from you."

"Firstly, he only got away from me because he had a sword that made him invisible, another one that made him fast, and he threw his lackeys at Asia and forced me to focus on them rather than him," I defend myself. "All of which won't work on me again. Second, yes, absolutely she's that capable. I hate to admit it, but in a fight between the two of us, I wouldn't stand a chance."

I actually had asked Sakuya for a spar after that deal with Gasper. And no, I'm not immune to time stop. Not hers at least. She had no idea why I'd be partially immune to Gasper's either, not without her seeing it in action. Something I'll need to arrange soon.

"I'm surprised you have someone so powerful as a maid," Sona says, curiosity clear in her voice.

"As far as I know, she's always been a maid, and it's what she likes to do," I say. "And I got lucky that she was looking for a new employer when I contacted her."

"Hmm," is her only response to that. "Well, either way. Please do what you can to keep them out of trouble. If that exorcist or anyone else wielding the stolen Excalibur fragments appears, then they can take whatever action they see fit. But for everything else, I need them to let us handle it. Stray Devils, stray exorcists, whatever. Unless one of us explicitly asks them to help, I want them to stay out of it."

"I'm sure I can get them to agree to that," I agree. "Though, to clarify, when you say 'one of us'..."

"I mean me or Rias," Sona clarifies. "You're free to handle any situation that pops up, I trust your judgment and ability to handle those sorts of situations. But I'd ask that you confirm with one of us before you authorize them to do anything."

"Can do boss," I reply. "I don't think that'll be necessary though, not unless something dire pops up." Like Kokabiel.

She sighs. "That's my hope. Now, did you have anything for me?"

"Just two things," I say. "First, I talked with them, and I have the list of girls from Ravel's Peerage who wish to go to school, and what grades they would enter." I pull out a piece of paper with said information written on it and hand it over to her.

"Ah good," she says as she looks over the list. "Not as many of them as I feared. This many should be doable, though the one who wants to enter the College might be trickier. I'll have to contact some people. We're a little far into the semester for a normal entrance, she might have to wait."

I grimace. "We'll figure it out. I'll put her to work temporarily if need be."

Sona nods in agreement before pausing. "Ile and Nel are first-year high schoolers?"

"When not dressed up as children, you can tell that they're about Koneko's age," I say. "Still a little young looking for their age, but not overly so. And their wardrobe was something Riser was in control of, not them."

Sona closes her eyes. "I did not need to know that about Riser," she grouses.

"That was my reaction as well," I comment, amused. "But Ravel confirmed it, and they were good students before joining Riser."

"Very well, I'll make the necessary arrangements," Sona says. "And the other thing?"

"Our date," I say with a grin, causing her to grow still again as she controls her reactions. "If it's okay with you, the plan is to pick you up at 5:45 pm tomorrow, and I'll teleport us to what we'll be doing. The appropriate level of dress is nice, but not formal."

"I see," she says carefully. "That works fine with me. I look forward to seeing what you have in mind."

I grin. Her response taken at face value is very formal and not exactly romantic. But I can tell how she really feels, and how hard she's working to not be too embarrassed or excited. "It'll be a blast," I promise.

Sona turns away and looks at the clock. "Oh, would you look at the time," she says, changing the subject and speaking loud enough to address the whole room. "That's all we have time for today. Good work everyone, it's time to go home."

I hold back a laugh. Teasing Sona is a lot of fun. I'm going to miss it when she stops getting embarrassed. Then again, by that point, we should hopefully be doing things that are much more fun, so it'll be worth it.

I help Asia finish putting everything away, tell everyone else goodbye, and then teleport the two of us home. Momo and Ruruko will come by later, and I'll call Atsuko and Aika now to invite them over as well.

But before I can enjoy my time with them, I have one last piece of business to take care of. "Asia," I catch her attention. "Do you want to be there when I greet the people from the Church?"

She frowns, brow furrowing as she thinks. [Empathy] paints a clear picture of how conflicted she is. "Do you want me to be?" she asks.

"I'm fine with either option, it doesn't make a difference to me," I tell her. "It's you I'm concerned about. Because I know, either way, it matters to you."

She thinks on it more, biting her lip. But eventually, she shakes her head. "No, I don't want to. I'm- I'm not sure what they would say. I don't want to be the first thing they focus on. I'll talk to them later maybe, after they've settled in."

"Okay, that's fine," I say as I pull her into a hug. It's no surprise she's so nervous about meeting members from the Church after being so rudely excommunicated. "The other girls are coming over later. Why don't you go relax in the greenhouse a bit, get it set up and figure out how Mihae will be helping you, then afterward all of us can spend some time together, okay?"

She nods. "Okay," she says. She stands up on her tiptoes and kisses me before running off towards the greenhouse.

I watch her go and then sigh. I have just under two hours until they get here. I've been slacking on my training lately, so I may as well take this time to catch up on that. With a thought, I [Void Travel] down to the training room.

One quick phone call, and then it's time to finally figure out how Arc-Light works.


Arc-Light is a lot of fun to play with. Using only [Conjure Arc-Light] I can't really do much more than do a bad Sith Lord impression by firing streams of lightning in random directions. It's powerful stuff though, and it makes a high-pitched screech whenever I throw it around.

But it's when I add [Shape Arc-Light] that things get interesting. My control is still pretty rough, but I could feel it improving quickly as I leveled the skill. But I could will the Arc-Light to follow certain paths, and I could even make solid objects made of it. The first thing I tried making was a knife, but my control isn't fine enough to make something like that yet. Instead, I settled for lances of various sizes that I could summon and control. Similar to the ones I made with [Hemomancy] when fighting the Ender Dragon, but of a totally different elemental bend. And they had a tendency to break apart on contact with a solid object, the energy traveling along the surface until it dissipated.

I mostly focus on making different shapes for use in different scenarios. My current goal is to level it up enough so I could recreate the Bladedancer Hunter subclass from Destiny. A blade made of Arc-Light as I zip through enemies is exactly what I was aiming for when I chose this class.

I can't wait to hop in a dungeon and do some grinding to level up my class and unlock the next skill. My gut is telling me it'll upgrade my ability to use Arc-Light even further.

As for the resource pool...it's complicated. The skills seemed to mostly draw on my Mana, but they also drew a bit on my Soul. Or it felt like they did, but my Soul never really depleted. Figuring out exactly what's happening is going to take more time, and hopefully leveling up will help answer my questions.

Two hours pass quickly though, and [Void Detect] picks up Sakuya arriving with my new guests. I'm pleased to see that my guess on who they sent was right, though I didn't expect the third one.

I use [Clean Body] to wipe off the sweat and get rid of the smell of burnt clothes while I switch out the exercise clothes I was wearing for something casual. I'm not looking to impress the church so I don't need to dress up nice, but I'm not gonna greet some pretty girls in electricity burnt clothes.

I'm waiting for them in a small entrance hall near the garage. Sakuya is the first person through the door, but the person immediately after her is the surprise guest that I don't recognize. She's tall and looks to be somewhere in her late twenties or early thirties. She's also dressed up in a nun habit, and looks like your stereotypical nun, though a rather curvy one. [Observe] gives me a good clue about who she is though.


Griselda Quarta

Level: 529

Race: Human

HP: 14,000

MP: 13,660

SP: 13,800

CON: 700

STR: 690

DEX: 684

INT: 683

WIS: 691

CHA: 203

LUK: 122


She's one of the most powerful humans I've seen, stronger than even Wilhelm. Wilhelm is faster than her, but he specializes in DEX, whereas Griselda is amazingly balanced. The last name and the level are the biggest clues about why she's here, especially as the other two enter the room and I'm able to use [Observe] on them as well.


Xenovia Quarta

Level: 112

Race: Human

HP: 1,540

MP: 1,010

SP: 3,760

CON: 154

STR: 188

DEX: 125

INT: 101

WIS: 98

CHA: 107

LUK: 122



Irina Shidou

Level: 106

Race: Human

HP: 1,320

MP: 880

SP: 2,360

CON: 132

STR: 118

DEX: 178

INT: 88

WIS: 105

CHA: 104

LUK: 87


Xenovia and Irina I know. Xenovia looks roughly my age and has short blue hair with a single streak of green in her bangs. She's on the taller side, and she has an athletic build. Irina has two long twintails of orange hair and is on the smaller side. Both are wearing white cloaks that hide what they're wearing beneath them

I know them both as the teenage wielders of the Excalibur Fragments Destruction and Mimic respectively. Of course, Xenovia also wields Durandal, but that's not why she's here.

The two Excalibur Wielders I expected, or maybe more accurately I hoped for. They're both extremely cute, and if I can play my cards right, I can bag them both. It won't be easy though.

Judging from her last name and her level of strength, I guess Griselda is here as the chaperone and actual liaison from the church. She's likely the one with actual authority. Unless she also uses an Excalibur Fragment. I don't remember what the fate of Excalibur Blessing was.

"You must be the representatives from the Church sent by Michael," I greet them. "I am Axton. Welcome to my home."

<First Impressions Perk Activated>

<+5 Affection with Griselda Quarta>

<+25 Affection with Xenovia Quarta>

<+10 Affection with Irina Shidou>

"It's a pleasure to meet you," Griselda says with a polite smile. "I am Griselda Quarta, and these are my charges, Xenovia Quartet and Irina Shidou." Xenovia nods her head in greeting, face blank. Irina smiles and waves, but doesn't speak up.

"I'm sure you girls are pretty jet-lagged after your flight, so I won't keep you too long right now, But I'll be fairly busy over the weekend and I might not get a good chance to talk to you, and there are a couple important notes I need to go over with you sooner rather than later."

"By all means," she says. "We've had plenty of time to rest on the plane and in the car ride over, we're not in a rush to get to bed." Irina and Xenovia look like they're not totally in agreement with her, but they don't say anything.

"First, the potions that Michael ordered," I start. "They are ready for you at any time. Whenever it's convenient for you, simply ask Sakuya here, my Head Maid, or Wilhelm, who is my Head Butler, for them. Or ask any of the maids to ask one of them. You can also give the payment to them."

"We will take care of that first thing tomorrow morning," Griselda says. "Thank you for your punctuality and for making the process convenient."

Irina has a look on her face like she wants to say something, but her eyes dart to Griselda and she keeps her mouth shut. I feel like this would be going very differently if Griselda weren't here.

"It's the least I can do. Additionally, while you are staying here, feel free to ask any of the maids for anything at all that you need. If they can't accommodate you, they'll let me know, and I'll see what I can do." They nod.

"The last thing I need to go over are some rules," I say. "The most important of which is that I ask you to please not take any action against anyone that isn't the stray exorcist Freed Sellzen or is in some way connected to the stolen Excalibur Fragments. Those are fine, but anything else? Please let us handle it. The Sitri Heiress, the Gremory Heiress, and I are all able to handle whatever issues crop up."

"Don't underestimate us, we can handle ourselves as well," Irina speaks up.

"Irina," Griselda warns. "That is not why he is asking us to not get involved."

"Right," I confirm. "Michael implied he would be sending Excalibur Fragment wielders, so I know you girls are skilled. But it could get...messy, politically speaking, if you were to get involved in something that, speaking bluntly, isn't your business or responsibility."

"We understand," Griselda says, a warning hand on Irina's shoulders. "Is that all?"

"One last rule," I say. "You're likely aware of this already, but my goal is to maintain friendly relationships with all of the major factions," I explain. "This means I'm going to have a lot of guests, and among those guests might be people who you might not like very much. Do not antagonize them. My home is a neutral zone, and I expect all my guests to be treated politely at the very least. If you have any issues with someone, take them to me, and we will figure out a solution. Do not fight, antagonize, berate, or bother them. If someone does any of that to you, do not take action against them, instead, bring it to my attention, and I will handle it. If I am unavailable, I trust both Sakuya and Wilhelm to handle the situation in my absence, so they can be approached as well. This is something I insist on for all my guests." Though they're the only ones I've spelled it out for.

No, I don't trust the Church, what gave it away? Though in all seriousness, they're the group most likely to act out of a sense of righteousness and passion without thinking about the larger picture, seeking a misguided justice at the risk of a revival of the Great War.

Or at least, Xenovia and Irina are hotheaded enough to do something like that. Griselda seems to have a cooler head on her shoulders though, for which I'm grateful. Then again, my gut is telling me that she's going to be a barrier when it comes to seducing the younger girls. You win some, you lose some I suppose.

Irina opens her mouth to speak again, but Griselda tightens her grip on her shoulder and Irina's mouth snaps shut before she says anything. "That is perfectly acceptable," Griselda agrees. "We promise to not make any trouble and abide by those rules."

Xenovia is eyeing Griselda nervously, but she nods as well. "That's all I have for you," I say. "Sorry for taking your time, I'll let you rest now. Sakuya will lead you to the bedrooms, feel free to choose any of the empty ones. You can share a room, or each have your own room, it doesn't matter to me. I have plenty."

"Thank you very much for your hospitality," Griselda says. "Come on girls, let's go put down our luggage."

I watch them leave as Sakuya leads them towards the living quarters. I'm glad Xenovia and Irina are here, but Griselda is an unforeseen obstacle. Xenovia and Irina were never going to be easy to seduce, they're too devoted to the Church and God for that. But just learning that God is dead would be enough to get Xenovia to cut ties. Irina not so much, but she's also a pervert deep down, and I could have approached her by exploiting that angle.

Griselda is an unknown though, and my impression of her is that she's too smart and too cautious. And more annoyingly, she's too responsible. Altogether, she's going to realize what kind of guy I am. With a mansion full of my harem, one that will only grow, it's impossible to hide. There's a good chance that she's going to recognize that and interfere with any chances to make moves on the two girls.

Which is a problem, but at the end of the day, it's just that, a problem. Problems can be solved. The difficulty has increased, but that's fine. Nothing worth having comes easy, and it will be all the more satisfying when I do.

Besides, one possible solution is to just seduce Griselda first. Corrupt the nun, and the doors to the other two will be opened.

Speaking of which. I didn't notice it while training, but [Void Detect] reaches my bedroom from here, and there are a lot of people in there. I grin and [Void Travel] there, and I'm greeted by the smiling faces of six girls all dressed in sexy lingerie.

"I hope I didn't keep you girls waiting," I say as I strip off my shirt and approach them.

"You did, but it's fine," Aika teases. "You'll just have to make it up to us."

"Very well, if that's what I must do, then I will spend all night doing so if I must," I promise dramatically.

I join the girls on my bed, which is starting to feel a little crowded with this many people on it, and I'm instantly surrounded by eager and horny girls. I pull the closest one, Ruruko, into a kiss. I think it's time to break out [Link Sensations] and see how it does.


Irina Shidou sighed as she placed her bag down next to a wooden dresser. "Why do planes have to be so uncomfortable?" she complained as she took off her large white cloak, revealing the skin-tight black combat suit she wore underneath it, and the katana strapped to her hip. "We spent so long in those little seats, only to get off and get onto an even tinier plane and spend even longer on it."

"At least you could make Excalibur Mimic smaller," Xenovia pointed out as Irina unsheathed the katana at her hip. The blade rapidly shrunk down until it looked like a knife rather than a katana, which Irina placed on the bedside table. "I had to lug this around as a carry-on to make sure I had Destruction with me at all times," she continued, putting down a large guitar case on the bed across the room from Irina.

"I still can't believe they couldn't get you a better way to transport that," Irina commented as Xenovia popped open the case. "I mean, I know the Holy power of Excalibur Fragments doesn't play well with spatial warping, but what about Durandal? Couldn't they do the same thing for that?"

"I asked, and apparently they can't," Xenovia replied as she pulled a massive six-foot-long sword out of the too-small guitar case. She propped the simple iron blade up next to her bed and put the guitar case away. "That's a property of Durandal, not something the Church did."

"Ah," Irina replied. "That makes sense I guess. Too bad you can't just use that one."

"Yet," Xenovia said. "I'm still working on it."

"I know, I know," Irina replied. "So hey, what do you think of that Axton guy?"

Xenovia shrugged. "He seems fine, I guess. It's a little creepy that I can't tell how strong he is, but don't you think that means he's probably really strong? I mean, that maid was, so he should be pretty strong too, right? I wonder if he's any good with a sword…" Xenovia trailed off, lost in thought.

Irina sighed. "That's not what I meant," she said. "I mean, did you hear the way he spoke? No honorifics or titles for either Sister Griselda or Lord Michael. And he has the gall to demand payment for his little potions, instead of just donating them to Heaven like he should."

"I guess," Xenovia replied, unsure. "It's not like he's hurting for money. I mean, just look at this place." Xenovia ran a hand over the sheets of the bed. "I don't think I've ever been to a place this nice."

"Neither have I," Irina admitted as she picked up a pillow and squeezed it. "I think this pillow is filled with feathers."

"Maybe this won't be so bad after all," Xenovia commented.

Irina turned to look at the other girl. "Don't get tempted by the material wealth," Irina warned her. But then her expression softened. "Though it is nice to be back home. I wonder how my old friend is doing. I should try to find her."

"You know where she used to live, right?" Xenovia asked. "We can stop by during a patrol or something."

Irina nodded and opened her mouth to reply when both girls heard something faint that caught their attention. They both stopped moving and fell quiet, trying to figure out what the sound was.

After a few moments, and as the sound grew more clear, it was Irina who figured it out first, causing her face to turn red. "No way…" she breathed.

"What? What is it?" Xenovia asked, still trying to figure the sound.

"That's- those- those are girls!" Irina stammered. "Girls are making that sort of noise!"

It took a moment for it to click with Xenovia, but her eyes widened as she realized that the sound they were hearing were the voices of multiple girls crying out loudly in pleasure.

"Oh," Xenovia said, unsure of how to handle this sort of situation. "Do- do you think that it's Axton causing them to make that noise?"

"It has to be, right?" Irina replied, hands over her ears. "No wonder he demands payment, he's a sinner of the highest order." She then launched into a prayer, asking the Lord to forgive her for entering a den of debauchery.

Xenovia simply reached into her bag and pulled out a pair of earplugs. She had originally packed them to block Irina's snoring, but they'd work for this as well.


"You've barely even talked to him," Ravel said to Yubelluna. "Don't you think you should give him a chance before judging him?"

"No, I don't," Yubelluna shot back. "I've seen enough of him. And it doesn't matter. I became a Devil because Riser asked me, and that's all I care about."

"I understand that you liked my brother, but I feel like, if you gave Axton a shot-" Ravel started, but Yubelluna cut her off.

"Just because you want to get in his pants doesn't mean we all do."

Ravel frowned. "That's not-"

"Isn't it?" Yubelluna pressed.

"I do," Ni added.

"Same," Li agreed.

Ravel and Yubelluan looked over to where the two Nekomata were sitting across from each other playing a card game with each other. Ni and Li looked up as the other two girls stared at them. ""What?"" they asked in unison.

"I thought you two liked Riser," Yubelluna said as she glared at them. "But you've switched sides already it seems."

Ni shrugged as she turned her attention back to the card game. "Sure, Riser was fun. But Axton is better."

"He's a catboy for one, and that's pretty hot," Li said as she placed a card on the pile between the two of them.

"You'd move on just like that?" Yubelluna replied, anger in her voice. "Just because he has cat ears?"

"Not just that, no," Ni replied casually. She placed another card onto the pile and immediately both girls put down their decks and started playing Rock Paper Scissors. Ni groaned in defeat as her sister beat her, and the two girls switched their cards.

"So what else is so great about him?" Yubelluna asked, annoyed.

Li opened her mouth to answer, but then stopped. Both her and her sister's ears twitched, and they both glanced at the door. A grin grew on their faces. "What perfect timing," Li comments.

"What do you-" Yubelluna starts, but both Nekomata held a finger to their lips and shushed her.

In the silence that followed, all four of them heard it. The muffled sound of what was obviously girls moaning in delight. It sounded like someone in the next room had multiple porn videos playing at the same time, but they all realized what was really happening. Yubelluna's eyes widened slightly as she realized what she was hearing, but Ravel just nodded.

"When was the last time Riser made any of us moan like that?" Ni said as if that settled the argument.

"Much less...what, five? Six? All at the same time?" Li said as she turned her attention back to the game she was playing with her sister.

"That's- that's beside the point!" Yubelluna argued, but there was less confidence in her tone than before. "What does that have to do with anything?"

The Nekomatas shrugged. "We know what we like," Ni said.

"And we like Axton more than Riser," Li followed up.

"Look Yubelluna," Ravel said, jumping back into the conversation. "No one's saying you have to suddenly like Axton. I'm just asking you to give him a shot, and not hate him just because he's not Riser. If you never grow to like him, I'll eventually trade you back to Axton. I'd hate to see someone as talented as you leave, but I won't keep you here."

"I- I'll think about it," Yubelluna replied, off-balance. "Now, I'm going to my room, where hopefully I can't hear that." She quickly stood up and strode out of the room.

"I wouldn't mind if I could hear it from our room," Li commented.

"I think her room is closer to his than ours is though," Ni pointed out. The two girls giggled to themselves. Ravel smiled at them, glad that at least some of her Peerage members were happy with the change.


Siris sat on her bed, curled up with a book. The room was dark except for a single bedside lamp that provided the light she needed to read. Her long blue hair was down, and she was dressed in a thin and loose top and small athletic shorts as sleepwear.

She bit her lip as she turned a page, and one of her hands made its way down to between her legs. She gently touched herself as she read her book. This book in particular was a favorite of hers, and the pages were worn from how many times she had read it. It was also the one she put the most effort into hiding, not wanting anyone to know the kind of literature she preferred.

Just as she was approaching the steamiest part of the book, she realized she could hear a noise. She looked up from her book, brow furrowing as she concentrated on figuring out what the noise was.

It doesn't take her long to identify what can only be described as a chorus of ecstasy. The moans of several girls overlapping as they echoed through the halls and through her door. And figuring out the source of it was even quicker, as there was only one person who could possibly be responsible for that.

For her new employer to openly act with such debauchery...Her breathing grew heavier, and her hand slipped underneath the elastic band of her shorts and panties as she started touching herself directly.

This was the man in charge of her. She'd basically be his secretary. Book forgotten and discarded to the side, she bit the knuckle of her other hand to keep herself from making any noise as she masturbated. The two of them would be alone, and she could only imagine the lewd things he'd make her do.

And imagine them she did as she listened to the sound of Axton's handiwork.

<+18 Affection with Siris>


-Bonus Scene-

Hibiki grumbled as she glared at her phone as if it had betrayed her. It had, in fact, done exactly that. She knew she had taken pictures of the UFO in her neighbor's backyard. She did it explicitly so she knew she wasn't crazy.

But her phone disagreed. When she had gone to put them on her computer so she could try to discreetly ask around if anyone knew what it was, she noticed that the pictures were empty. Not completely empty, it still showed the grounds of the mansion. But no spaceship, no boy, no naked flying fairy-looking girl. Just the walls and some grass.

They were the same on her phone. But Hibiki was still sure she wasn't crazy. Because while at some point the UFO disappeared without her noticing, there was still a visible mark on the grass where it was torn up from where it was. But when she took pictures of that, it didn't show up either.

She could see it clearly. She could even point her phone at it and clearly see it through the phone's camera. Hell, she could record a video and see it.

But as soon as she took a photo or stopped recording, there was no sign of it. She had even gone so far as to try streaming it to an online friend of hers, but they said they couldn't see anything on their end. The breaking point had been when she had taken out an old polaroid camera, the kind that printed out a physical picture right after you took it, it hadn't appeared in that either.

She was sure she wasn't crazy...but maybe not 100% sure. She had tried searching online for technology and ways to automatically filter out that sort of stuff, but all the information she found was either about extremely specialized software that had to be used very precisely, or nutso conspiracy theory sites. Aliens, devils, leprechauns- these sites had all sorts of explanations for secret hidden worlds and plots. They were easy to dismiss at first, but she didn't like how much sense they were starting to make. At least, compared to all the other possible answers.

She wasn't going to give up that easily though. Whenever she wasn't drawing or otherwise busy, she was on her balcony, spy- watching him for anything suspicious.

On the grounds, she rarely saw anything happen. There was a butler and a maid that would sometimes walk across the grounds, either heading to one of the other buildings on the property or walking around and inspecting the walls surrounding the estate. And she had seen a blonde girl wearing the uniform of the local high school go into the greenhouse once. But there wasn't much traffic on the grounds.

That doesn't mean she had nothing to watch though. At the back of the mansion was a balcony and a massive set of windows. They were the same windows where she had seen the girl fly out of that one time. And, as she quickly discovered, they were the windows to the Master Bedroom.

With a zoom on her camera, or with a pair of binoculars, she had an extremely good view of the interior of the Master Bedroom. And she was able to confirm that it was definitely her old neighbor who had moved in, because he had at least two girls in his bed every night, and they would exhaust themselves before sleeping each night, naked and covered in bodily fluids.

She'd actually drawn quite a few pieces inspired by what she saw. She wished she could hear it, but seeing it wasn't bad either, and using their naked sleeping forms as a reference was convenient.

One of the girls that were there every night was the blonde one she had seen going into the greenhouse, and the other was the fairy she had seen before. And she was definitely something, because she could fly, had fairy wings, and she could change size, shrinking to more of a pixie size or any size in between. Hibiki had been introduced to a few new fetishes just by watching her.

None of that was particularly helpful in finding information on him, even if it was entertaining and excellent material for her art. She glanced outside at them now, but it was a Friday afternoon and school was still in session.

She sighed and turned back to her computer. Displayed was the landing page for a local pet shelter. She had been trying to find a kitten to adopt since that was the entire motivation behind her moving here in the first place, but weirdly, none of the local shelters had kittens.

It was as she was scrolling through a list of local pet shelters that she heard a knock at her door, causing her to tense. She slowly and silently crept up to her front door and peeked through the eyehole...but nothing was there.

She put her ear up against the door, listening to the other side of it. She could hear her other neighbors because of how the sound traveled through the walls, but she couldn't hear anything on the other side of the door.

She was tempted to dismiss it as her mishearing, but it was also possible that someone had dropped off a package without sticking around to get her to sign for it. She hadn't ordered anything, but it wasn't unusual for her parents to send her little care packages.

Making sure the deadbolt was still on her door, she opened it slightly and peeked outside. Sure enough, there was a box in front of her door. But not at all the kind she expected. For one, the box was open, and inside was a blanket. And inside that blanket, barely visible, was a clump of ginger fur.

The clump moved, revealing itself to be a small kitten that let out a high-pitched squeak. Eyes wide, Hibiki quickly closed the door, undid the deadbolt, opened the door again, grabbed the box, and brought it inside before closing and locking the door behind her again.

Fully awake now, the kitten started moving around in the box, squeaking repeatedly, though its lungs weren't developed enough to make much noise yet.

Hibiki, mind reeling and trying to figure what was going on, noticed that there were other things in the box as well. She gently lifted the kitten out of the box and placed it on her kitchen table. It immediately started walking around and exploring, sniffing at everything. While it did, Hibiki turned her attention back to the box.

The first thing she found was a scrap of paper. She pulled it out and discovered that there was writing on it. The handwriting wasn't very good and looked like a young child had written it, but it was still legible. "Please take care of her," it said.

"So you're a 'her', huh?" Hibiki muttered, looking at the kitten, who ignored her and kept sniffing around, nervously looking over the edge of the table. Hibiki gently pushed her away from the edge, causing the kitten to squeak in protest.

Pulling out the blanket revealed a few things hidden under it. A stack of money, about fifty thousand yen, a bottle of milk that was still warm, a simple black leather collar, and a few pamphlets for local vets.

"Is this all to take care of you?" Hibiki wondered out loud. "This is a lot of work just to leave you on my doorstep. Even included a lot of money. I guess for the vet? But what if I just took the money and left you?"

The kitten, of course, didn't respond, and just continued to slowly plod around the table.

Hibiki sighed. Well, she did want a kitten. And having one dropped literally at her doorstep was convenient, even if it was weird and suspicious. But that was just her life recently, and she didn't have the energy to care.

She picked up the kitten and held it to her chest, causing it to squeak again. "What am I going to name you, huh?" she asked the kitten.

Unseen by her, a small gray form peeked in from her window. Seeing that she had made a good choice, Yua left, satisfied that another kitten had found a good home.

Patreon Plug: If you want to support me, I’m on Patreon! I’d very much appreciate it.


Axton’s Character Sheet: https://www.tinyurl.com/axton-cs

If you have a suggestion for what to name Hibiki’s new kitten, drop them in a comment! If someone suggests one I like, I’ll use it.

Shifty_Swordcreators' thoughts