
Gamer of the Void

After being rescued from the Void by a passing Love Fairy, Axton enters the world of Highschool DxD with the power of the Gamer. His life of adventures and a sexy harem start here! Smut and a morally grey protagonist. View per chapter Character Sheets(starting at Ch.12) at tinyurl.com/axton-cs Please consider supporting me on Patreon at patreon.com/shiftysword

Shifty_Sword · Anime & Comics
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42 Chs

DxD: Recruitment Week 04

Aika bites her lip even as a small moan escapes her. Luckily for her, I use [Sound Domain] to silence it before it reaches the ears of our classmates.

It's the middle of Japanese class and I currently have two fingers up Aika's pussy. Our desks are pushed together under the pretense of me having forgotten the materials for this class. I've taken advantage of that to put my hand up her skirt, down her panties, and inside of her.

Aika was a bit surprised when I started but didn't protest. And watching her squirm and try to remain quiet was delightful. Especially the way she tightened every time she made a noise someone would've heard if it weren't for my efforts.

Somehow we've gone unnoticed so far. Well, except for Atsuko, who keeps glancing back at us, a pout on her face. I mouth an apology at her and try to imply I'll make it up to her later, and this seems to mollify her a little.

Believe it or not, I wasn't doing this just to fool around with Aika. Ms. Nakano hasn't looked in my direction at all today, clearly avoiding the sight of me and the arousal I would induce in her. But I have an idea on how to change that.

[Sound Domain] is a nifty little skill. While it lost some of the versatility of [Audiokinesis], it made it very easy to create new sounds, especially ones I've just heard.

While Ms. Nakano was facing the class discussing some aspect of the Japanese language I wasn't paying attention to, I mimic one of Aika's moans using [Sound Domain] just softly enough for her, and her alone, to barely hear coming from our direction.

She falters in what she's talking about briefly and I can see the confusion on her face. She finally looks over at me. Her eyes move to Aika before widening in shock and looking at me, and our eyes lock together. I smirk while I hit Ms. Nakano with [Erotic Pierrot] and dig harder into Aika, causing her to visibly react, though she manages to remain silent.

<+7 Affection with Mio Nakano>

Ms. Nakano blushes and quickly turns around to write something on the board, and my smirk only grows bigger. Finally some progress with her.

I increase the strength of [Touch of Pleasure] and [Increase Sensitivity] that I've been using lightly on Aika and quickly bring her to a climax that definitely would've drawn attention if it weren't for me dampening the sounds. I remove my hand from up her skirt and wink at her. She just smiles at me with a post-orgasm bliss, and Atsuko looks on in jealousy.

School is so much fun.


I walk into the Student Council room about ten minutes after classes get out. "Sorry I'm late," I say as I enter. "There was something I had to take care of really quick." Namely Atsuko and her arousal. With Aika's help, it was easy to get bring her to climax very quickly. Doing it just barely out of sight of the students heading home probably helped too.

"You're just in time actually," Sona says and I realize that there's a girl with curled blonde hair that I don't recognize in the room. "I think you're just the person to consult about this issue."

Uh oh, she sounds annoyed. "Anything I can do to help, sure," I say. "What's the issue?"

"Abe here was just telling me about something she saw on school grounds the other day and has been trying to chase it down to capture it. When she failed to do so, she decided to bring it to my attention."

"Is it something dangerous?" I ask. I glance at the girl I don't know. "And uhh. Is it something that we should handle or should we call professionals or something?"

Sona sighs. "Sorry, I forgot that you're still new. Let me introduce you to Abe Kiyome. She's human but comes from a family of beast tamers who specialize in the care and training of various kinds of magical creatures."

"Oh, so she's in the know, got it." I turn to her. "Nice to meet you, Abe. I'm Axton Smith, but please just call me Axton."

Instead of greeting me she just narrows her eyes at me. "You don't have any magic," she says. She turns to Sona. "Is this why you think he can help? Because he is the same as the cat I keep seeing?"

"Cat?" I ask. "With no magic?" Do animals even normally have mana? I guess they do, Yua had a little MP when I found her. "Oh," I say, realizing. "Has Yua been messing with you?"

"More like taunting me," Kiyome grumbles. "So she's your cat then?"

"My familiar technically, but yeah."

"And you've been bringing her to school with you," Sona says, disapproval clear in her voice.

I shrug. "She gets bored alone at home. And is it really so strange to keep my familiar nearby?"

"Not in and of itself," Sona accedes, "but if she's going around and being noticed and standing out, that is an issue."

"In fairness," Kiyome chimes in. "I doubt anyone else would notice. She moves fast and she's practically silent. I only noticed her because I'm used to animals that fast." She turns to me. "Speaking of, what kind of cat is she? I've never heard of a magical cat race that can move so fast without looking different from a normal cat. And I even saw her climbing on the ceiling today."

"Oh yeah, I taught her that trick last night," I say. "As for what kind of cat she is. Well, she's a completely normal house cat."

"I don't believe you," she immediately shoots back.

I sigh. "Let me prove it then." I mentally reach out to Yua. "Yua? I'm going to summon you here to me, okay?"

"Got it Papa!" she responds back immediately. She's not that far away, but I might as well save some time. I reach along our bond and sort of pull on it mentally. One moment she's somewhere else, and then the next she pops into existence on the couch next to Sona.

"So Yua," I ask her. "Have you been teasing Ms. Abe over there?"

Yua looks at Kiyome and swishes her tail. "Oh her! Yua was surprised when that girl noticed Yua because no one else had. So Yua started playing with her." She tilts her head. "Should Yua not have done that?"

I scratch her behind her ears. "No Yua, you're fine. Though if someone notices you that isn't one of the people here and isn't one of Koneko's friends, you should tell me, okay?"

"Okay, Papa. Yua will do that from now on."

"She can talk?" Kiyome asks.

"Only telepathically to me, through our familiar bond," I say. "She's smart, but I don't think human language is something her vocal cords can do."

"There's a simple spell for that," she says. "I can use it on her if you want."

I hesitate. Yua being able to talk would make her so happy. But Kiyome is still a stranger to me and I'm not sure I trust her putting spells on Yua. I look at Sona, the question of 'Can I trust her?' clear on my face. Sona nods reassuringly. I give Momo the same look, and she gives me an excited nod, also wanting to keep Yua happy.

I turn to Kiyome. "Please. She would really appreciate it." I speak to Yua. "Abe is going to cast a spell on you, okay? And it's not like one of mine, so you'll have to sit still until she's done, okay?"

"Okay!" There's excitement in her tone. I nod at Kiyome. She extends a finger out towards Yua and a small magic circle appears in front of her fingertip. That same magic circle appears beneath Yua but sized up enough to completely cover her. It then rises up through her, and Yua glows briefly. Both magic circles blink out of existence.

"There," Kiyome says, putting her hand down. "That should have done it."

"Yua?" I prompt.

"Papa?" She jumps to her feet. "Yua can talk! Like a human! Like Mama and Papa!"

<+6 Affection with Yua>

"Mama and Papa?" Kiyome asks and Yua bounces around jabbering away.

"Momo and I found her abandoned in a park," I explain. "I ended up adopting her but she also views Momo as a mother." Yua bounces over to Momo and leaps into her arms, still chattering. "She was a completely normal kitten then, but after I made her my familiar she started getting a lot smarter and a lot faster."

<+12 Affection with Kiyome Abe>

Only one modifier applies to her? Based on the drill-like appearance of her hair, most likely the Ojou-sama one. So she's not a pervert then. That's sad. But considering how closely she works with animals, also a little bit of a relief.

"Hmm," Kiyome thinks about that. "Could I possibly examine her?"

I narrow my eyes. "Examine her how?"

She raises her hands placatingly. "Just a normal health checkup. It's a simple spell, she won't feel a thing."

I hesitate and then nod. "Yua," I call out. "I need you to come back over here for a moment and sit still again."

"Hold on Mama," she says to Momo. "Coming!" She leaps out of Momo's arms and dashes to the table, where she sits down.

Kiyome once again does her magic and a similar magic circle appears. This one is slower though and goes up and down Yua multiple times.

When the magic circles disappear Kiyome frowns in contemplation. Yua looks at me, and I nod at her and she zooms off back to Momo.

"So?" I ask Kiyome.

"Besides the lack of magic and her being abnormally, but not dangerously, fit for her age, she's a completely normal 4-month old house cat."

I blink. "Four months? Are you sure?"

Kiyome tilts her head. "Somewhere between four and five months yes, based on her growth. Why?"

"Because when Momo and I found her roughly ten days ago, the vet put her at maybe 10 weeks old, max."

Kiyome shakes her head. "No, I'm sure she's older than that. So either that vet you visited is incompetent, or her being your familiar has sped up her growth somehow."

I frown. "I don't know that I like that. As a normal cat her lifespan isn't all that long anyway, I don't like that it's being sped up." I look at Kiyome. "Actually, this is something I've been looking into. Do you know of a way to maybe, I don't know, evolve her? Turn her into something that lives a comparable life to a human?"

<+6 Affection with Kiyome Abe>

Kiyome thinks about it for a moment. "For a normal cat? I don't know of anything like that, no. Magical animals usually have longer lifespans naturally. And Yua is unique as far as I know."

I slump slightly. "Alright, I'll keep working on it then. I can probably figure something out."

She hesitates for a moment but then speaks. "You know who might know though? The Youkai. I remember some old stories about them turning normal animals into more of their kind or something like that."

"Youkai?" I ask, feigning ignorance.

"A group of supernatural beings," she explains. "They are a bunch of different kinds but they band together. They all have human-level or greater intelligence, and many of them are part human and part animal or at least have traits of both to some degree."

"I see," I say. "And they might know of something that might help?"

Kiyome shrugs. "If anyone does, it'll be Yasaka. She's the leader of the Youkai in Kyoto."

"I guess I'll go see them then when I have the time. Maybe this weekend."

She frowns. "They probably won't just meet with you like that, especially not Yasaka. They're distrustful of humans in general." She hesitates. "Tell you what, I'll write you a letter of introduction. My family is on good terms with them, and that should be enough to get you an audience with Yasaka."

"You'd do that?" I ask. "I would certainly appreciate it."

"Sure. In exchange for one little favor," she replies with a grin.

Ah. That sounds about right. "What's the favor?"

"You made Yua into your familiar, right? And that's what caused her to grow so much?"

"More or less, yeah," I say.

"Could you do it again? Get another familiar?"

I think about it. Unfortunately, I don't know if there's a limit to how many familiars I can get, and Kyu isn't here to tell me. Plus, I need another Familiar Stone. "Maybe," I answer. I come up with a suitable sounding reason. "You've noticed the no magic thing already, and as you might guess that messes with some things. I can do most magic fine, but to turn something into a familiar requires a certain catalyst I have to prepare, which will take me some time to track down the ingredients for and prepare."

"Then that's what I want," she says. "I want you to make a creature of my choice into your familiar. And I want to watch how you do it and do frequent checkups on it."

I frown. "I don't know how I feel about you choosing a familiar for me. I don't think a familiar bond should be so casual."

"That's fair I suppose," she grudgingly accedes. "How about if I provide a list of possible animals and you can choose from them? And I'll even let you spend time with them first. I don't care about the specific type of animal, I just want to make sure it's one I'm very familiar with first, so I can see how it grows."

Hmm. Getting to choose a familiar from a selection of most likely magical creatures? That does sound nice. "Alright. I'll work on getting that catalyst and let you know when I have it. Not sure how long it'll take, could be a couple of days, could be a couple of months."

"That's fine," she says. "I'll get that letter of recommendation to you tomorrow then. I trust that you'll keep up your end of the bargain."

"Thank you," I say, nodding my head.

With that, she stands up. "Well now that I know there's nothing to worry about I'll get out of your hair. I'm sure you have things to get to."

"Yua, say goodbye and thank you to miss Abe," I say.

"Bye-bye!" Yua says from Momo's arms. "Thanks for making Yua able to talk!"

Kiyome smiles and scratches Yua on the head. "You're very welcome you little cutie pie. Come say hi anytime you want, okay?"

"Okay!" Yua replies, purring.

Kiyome finishes saying her goodbyes and then leaves. Sona stands up. "Alright, we're a bit behind schedule so wrap up any work you may have left to do and get ready to teleport." She looks at me. "Are you ready?"

"Yeah, I'm good to go," I say.

She nods. "Good." The rest of the girls gather around us. I see Ruruko come back from the door, just having locked it. When Sona sees that everyone is ready she nods and then makes a gesture. A hidden magic circle lights up beneath our feet and I feel that pulling sensation in my gut and we're suddenly somewhere else.

I look around. We're in some sort of gymnasium or something. The floor is smooth concrete except for certain areas that have a padded covering and there are all sorts of equipment in various places, most of it I don't recognize.

"What is this place?" I ask.

"Our personal training hall," Sona answers. "Human equipment isn't enough for the training we need. Too fragile and limited to human maximums and there doesn't exist anything for training magic. So I had this place made so we could train efficiently."

"Impressive," I say, still looking around. I turn back around to see them headed for a door nearby.

"You wait out here, we're going to get changed in the locker room," Sona calls out to me. I nod and they all shuffle into a door near to where we teleported in.

Hmm. I could wait out here like a good boy. Or I could put some of my new skills to use and do something I've wanted to do since I picked Rogue as my starting class.

The first thing I do is use [Void Detect]. It might be my new favorite skill. [Detect] would point out traps and secret entrances and hidden things like that. [Void Detect] notices everything, including magic. There were magic circles all over the school that I picked up on, though I couldn't discern their purpose. It also picks up on active cameras as I found out when some of my classmates took a video of each other to send to another friend.

Magic and cameras are mostly what I'm looking for when I use it now. I don't find any cameras, but I find a lot of magic. Most of it is on various pieces of equipment though, which I ignore. The important piece of magic is the hidden magic circle inscribed on the door.

I nod. Okay, don't go near the door. Thankfully that's not an issue. I'm not sure what the magic circle on the door does, but I'm going to work under the assumption that it's a camera. Realistically, it's most likely a lock or security measure, or maybe even just something that logs who goes through, but it's better to be safe than sorry.

Acting casual, I go to the wall a few feet away from the door and lean against it. This puts my back to the locker room. If the magic circle on the door is a camera, it shouldn't be able to see me here, and I don't see any other magic circles like it that would have an angle on me.

I confirm with [Void Detect] that none of them have reacted to me moving before I make my next move. I pull my Peephole out of my inventory and attach it to the wall, giving me a clear view into the locker room.

The scene within was exactly what I expected, the beautiful girls of the Student Council undressing. By this time most of them were down to their underwear and in the process of taking it off to reveal themselves fully.

But I can't bring myself to enjoy the display. When I became a Rogue, I'll admit that using it for voyeurism was definitely on my mind. And maybe if I had done so earlier, I would have enjoyed it. But now? I look at Momo as she steps out of her panties. She is gorgeous. And I've already had sex with her and seen her naked multiple times. It's nice seeing her naked now, but not as satisfying.

I look at the other girls. They're all very beautiful, and seeing them naked is nice, but it's not arousing. I'm too used to being able to have sex pretty much any time I want. Peeping on girls just isn't enough for me anymore.

With a sigh, I pull the peephole off the wall and stash it back into my inventory. The context is important too, I think. Getting changed is just not sexy enough when it's not a strip show.

A few minutes later the girls file out of the locker room and I take a moment to appreciate their outfits. Rather than the cliche bloomers and t-shirts, they are wearing proper exercise gear. Tops that are basically sports bras that cover just a bit more skin and compression tights and shorts that hug their legs.

"Alright Axton, you can go get changed now," Sona says.

"No need," I say. I snap my fingers for dramatic effect and in the same instant, I swap my school uniform for my own workout gear, which was a compression t-shirt and basketball shorts.

Sona blinks in surprise. "So your Sacred Gear can be used like that? Useful."

"Just have to be touching it," I say as I approach the group. "I can decide the orientation and position when I pull things back out. Can't do anything with velocity though, everything comes out with none."

"Can you use it to catch projectiles then?" She asks. I can see how she's thinking of hypothetical situations and analyzing them, it's the same expression she wears when we play chess.

"A good question," I answer casually. "I haven't really tried. It definitely won't work on energy-based projectiles, I can only store solid things. Even liquids need to be in a container before I can store them."

"I see," she says before shaking her head. "No, we can experiment later. First, warmups!"


Training with the Student Council is more mundane than I expected. The majority of the first part of the training is fairly standard exercise, though everyone used much heavier weights.

The sparring afterward is more interesting. I decided to limit myself to just my physical stats, my Rogue skills, and [Void Detect]. Though with [Void Detect] was vague about how good it is, mostly just clueing them in that I had a large degree of awareness at all angles of me at all times. I wanted to appear competent, but not too strong. If they knew how powerful I really am, they might give up on thinking they can recruit me, since I'm pretty sure they can't actually reincarnate me.

That proves more than enough to impress them though, and it even gains me 8 Affection with Tsubasa, something I'm very grateful for. Tsubasa and Reya are the girls with the lowest Affections scores in the Student council, with them both being at a measly 16 before Tsubasa's went up. Now if only I can get Reya's up as well.

After sparring we cool down with some non-strenuous practice. For the magic casters, this means practicing their spells on self-repairing target dummies and thrown targets. For the more physically focused people, like myself, it's mostly activities to help our reactions and hand-eye coordination. Things like juggling, reflex tests in a game that I'm told it's forbidden to call whack-a-mole despite its appearances, and dodging softballs coming out from multiple launchers from different angles and at random times. The magic casters had to do that last one as well.

The really interesting part is afterward when we finish training. Apparently, they normally finish training by bathing together in a large bath attached to the training hall. And Sona forgot to account for me being there, and the fact that there was only one changing room and one bath.

"I can just go after you guys," I offer as I watch Sona internally debate with herself. "Or just shower at home."

She shakes her head. "Unacceptable. Bathing together is about more than just cleanliness, it's an important social activity to help bring us together. And it wouldn't be fair of me to exclude you from social activities like this when I promised I would show you what it's like to be part of my peerage."

She thinks for a moment longer before sighing. "I suppose we'll just have to do it this way then. Axton, you go in first, do your quick getting changed thing, and enter the bath with a towel around your waist at all times. Everyone else, I'm sorry, but you'll have to wear a towel if you want to cover up."

I put on an overly innocent expression. "Oh you don't have to mind me, I don't mind a little casual nudity between friends."

Sona shoots me a look letting me know she's not buying my act. I just grin and she rolls her eyes. "I suppose I won't stop if you're comfortable going nude with Axton here. I'll leave it up to all of you to choose for yourself." She directs her gaze back to me. "Except you Axton. That towel better remain around your waist at all times."

"Sure sure," I say casually. "Keep myself covered, I can do that." I glance at the other girls, gauging their reactions. None of them seems upset or annoyed, and in fact, a couple of them are grinning. Momo looks totally unfazed but happy, and Ruruko is blushing slightly but she also looks excited.

I do as Sona says and head in first. Once in the changing room I grab a towel, stash my clothes into my inventory, and wrap the towel around my waist. When I do, I get a notification.

<[Ticket Scratcher] Perk Activated!>

<A lucky event has occurred!>

I freeze and immediately cast out [Void Detect] and [Sound Domain], searching for anything out of place, but nothing seems different. The only thing of note is that the towels have faint traces of magic in them. But without knowledge of how Devil magic works, I have no way of knowing what kind. It could be anything from self-drying to magical GPS to something that sets it on fire. Whatever it is though, it's weak, and I conclude that it's either a good thing related to the perk activating, or it's completely unrelated and not worth worry about.

Either way, I deactivate my skills and put it out of my mind. I can investigate it more later if it doesn't become obvious before then. For all I know the timing is a coincidence and something lucky happened halfway across the world.

Seeing the door labeled 'Bath', I leave the changing room so the girls can use it. The bath itself is nice. Not hot springs nice, but it's far better than the sort of utilitarian vibe the rest of the training hall has. On one side of the room, there's a row of mirrors with showerheads hanging below them, a stool placed in front of each one. The rest of the room is taken up by a large single bath set into the floor with only a small lip. Steam gently rises from the still bathwater.

I pick a random stool to sit down at and start rinsing myself off and washing my hair. A minute passes and then the door opens again and I see the girls file in.

Most of them have towels wrapped around them. Momo is the only one without a towel at all, though Ruruko, Tsubasa, and Tomoe are only wearing towels around their waist, leaving their chests bare.

I take them in with a glance, one that they notice since they're all looking at me, but I don't let my gaze linger, as much as I would like to. It's too bad I need to keep them in sight to use [Erotic Pierrot] on them.

I hear footsteps behind me, and Momo speaks up. "Do you want me to wash your back?"

"I certainly won't turn down the offer," I say. I hear the sound of a washbasin being filled with water and then the feeling of a soapy sponge on my back. There's a moment of disappointment when I realize she's not going the erotic route, but I ignore it. We're surrounded by people, and Momo isn't one for that sort of public display. As she washes my back I work on the rest of me.

The other girls settle in to start rinsing off as well, though they give the two of us a little room. I did pick the mirror closest to the far wall, so perhaps it was accidental.

"I'm surprised Ruruko isn't over here wanting to help as well," I remark after a few moments.

"She said that since the two of you are going on a date after this, she would give us some time alone beforehand," Momo explains.

"That's rather considerate of her," I say. "And not to spit in the face of that consideration, but speaking of that date, I was wondering if you have any ideas about what she might like to do for it."

"Oh? The great charming Axton is coming to little old me for advice?" she asks with a laugh. "You don't already have an amazing date night planned?"

I roll my eyes good-naturedly. "Well it is sorta last minute, and I have a few ideas, but you know her a lot better than I do, so I thought I'd get another perspective."

Momo hums but doesn't say anything for a moment while she scrubs my back. "Ruruko is a very active girl. She's also not one for formal activities. She's gotten used to some since joining Sona's peerage, but she would still prefer to eat a burger than a steak. She has trouble sitting still for extended periods of time, but that's also something she's gotten more used to. A date with her should be engaging, and casual."

"No movies and no fancy restaurants, got it," I nod. I think for a moment. "Are there any teen clubs in Kuoh? Or any sort of dance place we could get into?"

"That's a good idea," Momo comments. "Ruruko's talented enough with mental magic to get you into any place that has to check ID's I'm sure, even if she's not supposed to. But there are a few places for the underage crowd. I'll text you where they are when we get out of the bath." She rinses off my back with the showerhead. "Speaking of, you're done."

"That means it's my turn to wash your back," I say. I turn my head around to look at her and see that she's smiling.

"If you would, I would very much appreciate it," she says before sitting on her own stool, her back facing me.

I pick up the same sponge and give it a quick rinse, apply more body wash to it, and start lightly scrubbing her pale back. It's a little hard not to get distracted. Her naked form is right there in front of me, and I want to take her right here and now.

To distract myself, I start talking again. "It feels like I have so much going on these days. We haven't gotten to spend much time together lately. Not privately at least."

"Axton I just spent the night at your place last Saturday," she reminds me. "That was less than four days ago."

"But it feels like so much longer," I complain dramatically. She giggles and I laugh as well.

"How about this then?" she says. "I might be able to come over tomorrow night. I'll have to check some things first."

"I don't have anything planned for then," I say. "I would love to have you over again. Last time I didn't get to show off my wonderful massage skills."

"You most certainly didn't," she says, her tone slightly surprised and teasingly angry. "I can't believe you've hidden such a thing from me."

I chuckle. "I know, and I'm sorry. I'm such a jerk. Let me make it up to you by giving you the best massage you've ever had."

"Mmm, that does sound nice," she replies. "I'll let you know tomorrow if I can do it. You'll have to survive until then."

"It'll be a struggle, but I'll fight until the very end," I reply, and she laughs again. "Speaking of sad things, I'm done with your back." I rinse off the remaining suds.

"Let's get in the bath then," she says as she stands up, suddenly putting her perfect butt at my eye level. It really is shaped perfectly, with the-

"Axton," Momo calls out to me, snapping me out of it. I look at her and she has an eyebrow raised. "Get a little distracted?"

I stand up. "Can you blame me? Such a beautiful sight suddenly shows up in front of me, it's only natural I get a little mesmerized."

She smiles at the compliment even as she tries to look serious. "Now Axton, we're not alone right now. Behave."

I stand up straighter and cross my heart with a finger, my expression serious for a moment before I grin. She rolls her eyes but smiles, and the two of us step into the bath near some of the other girls, most of whom are already in there.

"So the lovebirds decide to join us?" Tsubasa teases as Momo and I settle in. Ruruko is on my other side.

"It wouldn't be much of a social gathering if I hogged Axton all to myself the entire time," Momo says. "Besides, he already knows me plenty well."

"Would you say he knows you inside and out?" Tomoe asks, and there are blushes all around as the other girls process the implication.

I laugh, but Momo is just completely unfazed. "That is not entirely inaccurate I suppose," she says. Tomoe grins, though there's a hint of surprise on her face like she didn't expect Momo to respond so easily.

I quickly glance around. Ruruko, Tomoe, and Tsubasa are all in the bath and all within an easy line of sight. Perfect. I use [Erotic Pierrot] on all of them simultaneously to slightly raise their arousal. They chose to be topless, and I don't want to pass that opportunity up.

Sona and Tsubaki are the last two to get into the bath, both stepping in carefully with their towels secured tightly around them.

"So Axton," Sona asks as she settles in. "What do you think about our training?"

"It's pretty impressive," I say. "The equipment is good and your regimen is solid. I'm guessing that each of you have slowly but steadily been growing in strength since starting to train like this."

"Is that how you grew? Slow at steady?" Saji asks, and as I look at her I realize I've paid remarkably little attention to her for being one of two people I gender-bent before coming to this world. Then again, it's not like I gave much thought to her male counterpart either.

Saji is cute, and not in the tomboy way like I expected. Her hair is short, but everything else about her is very feminine. She's also a little on the short side, but her curves and her bust make it obvious that she's not a child.

"Not really," I admit. "I've grown in fits and bursts. I'll jump up as I figure out something new, increase as I improve it, and then taper off."

Tsubaki nods. "That isn't unusual for Sacred Gear wielders, especially when they possess Sacred Gears whose functions are not simple."

"Though I'm not convinced your abilities are derived from a Sacred Gear," Sona says. "Or at least, not a Sacred Gear alone. You do too much, and some of them don't fit any sort of theme. You must be using magic, but I've never heard of an instinctual magician. Magic requires equations and calculations, things you have to be very aware of when you're doing them."

I shrug. "I don't know what to tell you Sona. Maybe I've just got a really kick-ass Sacred Gear then?"

She rolls her eyes. "It's not important. A better understanding of why you can do the things you can do could help in training them more efficiently, but ultimately it is the results that matter, and since you are able to continue improving yourself, the question of 'how' can wait for later."

Sorry Sona, things will only get more confusing as I gain new abilities.

We spend some time like that, just relaxing in the bath and chatting about various things. The girls all seem relaxed, no longer caring that they're in the bath with a boy. Even the topless girls that I've been nudging with [Erotic Pierrot] are relaxed, despite their slowly increasing arousal. Or maybe because of it?

My own arousal is rising, for sure. Not much, but with the sight of so many beautiful girls, it's hard not to get aroused. This situation is so different than the peeping I attempted earlier. Duration helps a lot, but that half of the girls here were willing to go topless near me was big as well. Even those more covered were sexier because it allowed my imagination to run wild. Who needs peeping when you have one naked girl pressed up against you on the left and a half-naked girl scooting every closer to you on the right?

Thankfully my towel is tied tightly and I wasn't heavily aroused, so my erection isn't noticeable to anyone else.

It's as I'm thinking that when something changes. I feel the towel loosen around my waist. Surprised, I look down, and notice that it's glowing lightly.

Looking around, I notice all the other towels are glowing, and that the others are noticing it as well. They look as confused as I do. We all stand up in shock as the glow increases in intensity, clearly showing the magic circles hidden in them.

"What is this?!" Sona cries out.

Before anyone can answer her, there's a slight ripping sound, and at once, everyone's towels dissolve completely, exposing all of us.

For a moment, the room goes dead silent as everyone freezes. My eyes travel around the room, taking in the nude forms of the eight girls around me. From height to bust size to hair color, each girl was different and together they covered a wide spectrum of tastes.

I notice several of them looking at the same place, that place being my erection, which is now clear for all to see.

<+8 Affection with Sona Sitri>

<+6 Affection with Tsubaki Shinra>

<+6 Affection with Reya Kusuka>

<+7 Affection with Tomoe Meguri>

<+16 Affection with Tsubasa Yura>

<+7 Affection with Kagetsu Saji>

<+16 Affection with Ruruko Nimura>

<A lewd skill gem has been rewarded for Ruruko Nimura reaching exactly 69 Affection>

Nice, I guess Kyu made some tweaks to my system. I'll choose that skill later, right now I have to pay attention to the scene unfolding in front of me.

Sona, Tsubaki, and Ruruko all start blushing furiously. Reya actually seems relatively unfazed, both by her sudden nakedness and my own. Saji has her eyes shut and is crouched down, covering herself, a blush clear on her face as well. Tomoe and Tsubasa are staring at me with no hint of shame on their face, and Momo is...smiling? I didn't expect her to have a strong reaction, but something about that doesn't fit.

Before I can think on it more though, Sona seems to gather herself enough to start taking action. "Axton," she says, anger in her voice. "Turn around, right now."

I nod as I do as she says. "I understand. You need to see what the cheeks look like too." I stand with my hands on my hips.

"That's not- no nevermind," she says. "Now. What happened?"

"The towels were booby-trapped!" Ruruko offers.

"By a member of the Sitri clan," Momo adds.

"What makes you say that Momo?" Sona asks, confused.

"The magic circles that appeared didn't last long, but they clearly had the Sitri crest in them," Momo explains.

"She's right," Tsubaki confirms. "Thinking back on it, they definitely did."

Sona sighs. "In that case, there's an obvious culprit. Sorry girls, it looks like we're a victim of another of my sister's pranks."

"Your sister the magical girl?" I ask. I pause and look for the notification of increased Affection with Serafall, but it doesn't come. Weird, I thought that would work.

"My sister the pervert," Sona grumbles. "Nevermind. Axton, please go dry off and get changed. We'll follow you in a few minutes. And don't you dare turn around."

I raise my hands in surrender. "Got it got it. You girls definitely have nothing to be ashamed of though. Each of you has a body to die for."

I can practically see her expression in my imagination, an adorable and amusing mixture of embarrassment and anger. "Go. Now." She bites out and I laugh as I walk out, making no attempt to cover myself. I do as she says though, and make no attempts to peek further. I saw everything already, and I won't forget it anytime soon.

I was probably pushing her a little too much, but when her reactions were so good it was hard to resist. I understand now why Serafall acts as she does. Speaking of the overprotective siscon, I'm surprised neither my teasing nor me calling Serafall a magical girl got me any Affection gains with her. She had to be spying on us, right? Maybe she didn't have sound or something. [Void Detect] doesn't pick up anything that might be spying, but with so many magic circles it's hard to tell.

I guess that solves the question of what the [Ticket Scratcher] perk was referring to because I certainly feel pretty lucky.

I dry off quickly and leave the changing room after throwing on a casual outfit suitable for going to a club. Which meant just jeans, a plain t-shirt, and a light zip-up jacket.

While I wait for the girls I look over my skill list again. The amount of level 1 skills there annoy me, but they're level 1 because I barely use them or they're just too situational. I didn't try every combination of skills last time I used my Skill Combiner perk, just the ones that seemed like they may work, and a couple of random ones. But maybe there are more I can combine? Noting some similar ones, I give it a try.

<Skills [Lockpicking], [Decode], and [Hacking] successfully combined!>

<New Skill added>

<[Cracking] - Level 31(41%)>

<Attempt to access something that has been secured. Some applications require specific tools.>

That makes sense. A more general skill, which is what I was looking for, so I can level it up easier. Though the thought of getting better at hacking by picking the locks on old fantasy-style chests is amusing.

<Skills [Track] and [Cold Reading] successfully combined!>

<New Skill added>

<[Gut Feeling] - Level 33(41%)>

<Passively increases your intuition based on minute details you don't consciously pick up on, and extends that almost supernaturally.>

Again, a more general skill, though I half expected it not to work. I suppose tracking and reading someone's face are pretty similar in terms of paying attention to small details and extrapolating from there.

Hmm. Those two new skills seem pretty different, but for the hell of it, I try combining them.

<Skills [Cracking] and [Gut Feeling] successfully combined!>

<New Skill added>

<[Pericognition] - Level 35(72%)>

<Passively increases your ability to gather and analyze information to a supernatural level>

Jackpot. Not only is the skill broad enough to level up from a wide array of activities, but it is also useful enough to be applied to all sorts of things. And on top of that all it's a powerful skill for sure.

I browse over my skill list some more but nothing strikes me as being compatible, and I'm wary of combining skills recklessly. Especially my most used skills. It would be endlessly annoying if I had to redesign my whole style of combat because I mixed a skill with one I shouldn't have.

I'm pulled from going over my skill list by a text message. I open it up and it's from Momo. The message is just a link, and following it brings me to the website for a teen club in town. Looking at the map they provide, I memorize where it is.

I put my phone away as the girls come out of the changing room. Most are in their school uniforms again, though Ruruko is dressed more casually. She's still wearing her iconic green striped thigh high socks, but she's wearing a tight-fitting t-shirt and a ruffled skirt instead of her uniform.

Ruruko splits off from the group and heads for me. "You look cute," I comment.

She beams and twirls, her skirt flaring outward with the motion. "Thanks!" she says. She turns and waves goodbye to the other student council members, who are heading for the teleportation circle. They wave back before disappearing in a flash of light. She turns back to me. "So where are we headed?"

"Can you teleport us to the Plaza?" I ask and she nods. "In that case, there's a place called Titty Typhoon where we can grab some food and do some dancing." Titty Typhoon is a ridiculous name for a club, but it also sounds vaguely familiar.

"Ooh, I love that place," she says as we step onto the magic circle. "That sounds great." The magic circle flares to life and the now-familiar sensation of teleportation whisks us to an alleyway. I look out of the alleyway to try to figure out where we are to orient myself. An action that turns out to be unnecessary when Ruruko grabs my hand and starts dragging me in the right direction.

"Do you know why it's called that?" I ask her, making conversation as we walk.

"No, and that's the best part about it!" she says excitedly. "See, a ton of people wanted to know when the owner first opened it up, but he refused to say. There was actually a huge fuss about it, with a lot of adults complaining about how a place for teens has 'a vulgar and inappropriate name'. But the owner refused to change it or explain it, and in fact, all the talk about it and the fact that their parents disapproved made it an instant hit with all the teens of Kuoh. Most people think that was his goal in the first place, but I don't know about that. I think there's something else going on there."

"I'd buy that it's just a brilliant marketing move," I say. "Mostly because I can't think of any other possible reason. Unless he's some odd kind of pervert."

"Nah he's not, I've talked to him a couple of times," she says. "Or if he is, he's really good at hiding it." We turn a corner and see the entrance to the place. "Ooh good, there's no line to get in. I guess it is a weeknight after all. Come on, let's go!"

I let her drag me along. Ruruko is certainly much more energetic than Momo but in an adorable way. Like she's a puppy that is just bursting with energy.

We get into the club with no fuss. There's not really a bouncer, just a man sitting behind a booth who we pay and he lets us into the rest of the club. The club itself is simple. Directly across from us is a bar-like area, and I see kids sitting there eating fried foods and drinking soda. To our left is a stage with a DJ playing some electronic music. Everything else is just one flat area where teens are bouncing and dancing, most in groups of two or more.

I've never been much of a dancer, but I have fun. After loading up on fried chicken and soda, Ruruko and I spend a couple of hours just dancing together. At one point her dancing was just her grinding on me and grinning at the feeling of my erection pushing up against her ass as she teases me. She doesn't keep it up for long, but I do get another 8 Affection out of it.

Eventually, she tires though, and we leave the club in high spirits and low energy. We start walking with no destination in mind, just wandering the streets. We chat about various things, most of them school-related, and it brings to mind a question I had earlier.

"You said you accidentally found out about Sona when you went to go ask to join the Student Council, right?" I ask.

"Yep. Why?"

"Well, I was wondering, why did you want to join the Student Council? No offense but, you don't strike me as the type that wants to get involved in bureaucracy. Or the type to join so it looks good on a college application."

She smiles. "That's what my friends said too when I said I was going to join. But honestly? It wasn't about the position of the Student Council. I didn't care about making the school a better place, or being involved in my education, or whatever other reasons people usually give for joining. I wanted to join because of the other members of the Student Council."

"What do you mean?" I prompt.

"I'm the most recent member of the Student Council," she glances at me. "Well, except for you, but you haven't fully joined so I'm still pretty much the newest. Now, think about all the other people on the Student Council."

I do so. "They're all girls?"

"More than that," she says. "They're all beautiful and confident girls, and they all have an aura around them that makes them feel bigger than life. And I wanted to be like that too, so I decided to join them and hopefully become like them." She giggles. "Well, it turned out they're like that not because they're part of the Student Council but because they're actual Devils, but it all worked out in the end."

"Very true," I say, nodding. "You are very beautiful, though I would guess you were pretty beautiful before you became a Devil too."

She stops, and I do as well. I realize that we're in front of the fountain in the center of the plaza. I look at her and notice her expression is contemplative.

"You know," she starts. "I don't think I've ever been called beautiful before. I've been called cute, and there's been a few times I've been called pretty or sexy, but never beautiful."

I step in close to her and place my hands on her waist. She looks up at me questioningly but also expectantly. "In that case, let me say it again. Ruruko, you are very beautiful. You are cute and pretty and sexy too, but you are one of the most beautiful girls I know." If you rank them in a top 20 list. Stupid sexy Devils. They all look so good.

<+8 Affection with Ruruko Nimura>

"Yeah?" she asks, her tone distracted as our faces draw closer.

"Very much so," I confirm. I lean down further and connect our lips. I activate [Touch of Pleasure] to make it feel just a little better.

Her lips are hesitant but soft and warm. She relaxes in my arms as I kiss her and presses herself up against me. I feel her modest boobs press into my chest. I gently probe with my tongue to see if she's willing to deepen the kiss, and she does, opening her mouth more as our kiss turns into a slow and sensuous make-out session.

Much too soon though, she pulls back, breathing slightly heavy. "Wow," she comments. "I had no idea kissing was so good. I mean, I thought it would be because everyone always seems to really like it, but I wasn't expecting that much."

"It's pretty great," I agree. "Especially with a girl as beautiful as you." I lean in and whisper. "And there's all sorts of things that feel even better."

She blushes and looks down. "I've heard that too. But I don't think I'm ready for that." She looks up, conviction in her eyes. "Soon for sure. Momo keeps bragging about how good you are and how good it feels and I definitely want to experience that. But not tonight. I need more time to prepare."

Momo's been bragging about me? "Okay. That's one hundred percent fine," I reassure her. "There's no rush, so we can definitely take this at whatever speed you're most comfortable with." I'll have her soon either way, I can delay it a little while longer.

"Thank you," she says. Then she looks up at me shyly. "Can we keep kissing though? I do want more of that."

I laugh before I lean down and start kissing her again. Our date was simple, but it was nice. It was exactly the sort of thing I live for.


I wake up to the sound of the alarm on my phone going off and immediately notice that something feels off. Without moving much I turn off my alarm and open my eyes. As expected, the strange feeling is once again at my dick, though it was in a new fun way today.

My underwear was pulled down again, leaving my morning wood to stand at attention. And Kyu was there in her smaller form, laying over it with her limbs dangling like a sloth sleeping on a tree branch. My dick twitches involuntarily at the sight, and the sudden movement seems to be enough to awaken her fully.

She pushes herself up and sleepily looks around while yawning. There's a beat where I just stare at her, waiting for her to notice. She notices me staring, blinks sleepily at me with a confused look on her face, and then looks down to see what she's straddling.

"Oh," she says when she realizes. She shifts her weight, causing my dick to bounce slightly. "Hehehe, that's fun."

"That seems to be the general consensus of the girls who have bounced on my dick," I say. "Though I admit, you do it very differently than them."

She rolls her eyes and flies up before transforming to her full size and standing next to the bed. "Come on, join me in the shower. I wanna hear about your date. I half expected the two of you to come back here last night."

I'm surprised by Kyu inviting me to the shower herself after the events of yesterday morning, but I don't comment, simply getting up and following her to the bathroom.

"Not much to tell," I say. "Though I should start with what happened with Sona."

I explain the bath incident to her as we get into the shower and start lathering up. We're close, close enough to bump into each other frequently, but we're back to back so it's not too sexy.

Kyu cackles at my story. "Oh man, that must have been great. I noticed when you gained Affection with seven girls at once and was wondering how that happened, but I thought you were just showing off your fighting skills or something, not your dick. Speaking of, that new thing I set up triggered then too. Have you gotten a new skill yet?"

"Oh, right," I say. "No, I forgot about it. Here, let me do it now." I pull out the skill gem and crush it. A menu appears in front of me.

--<Lewd Skill Gem Used!>--

Pick a Lewd Skill!

[Refraction Reduction]

[Alter Size]

[Imbue Elasticity]

[Imbue Tightness]

[Alter Flavor]

[Summon Appendages]

[Alter Fertility]

[X-Ray Vision]


[Clean Body]

[Seal Orgasm]

[Link Sensations]


"Hmm," I muse, pretending to think about it. "Which one should I choose?" I feel Kyu tense slightly behind me.

"Uhh, I don't know," she says, trying and failing to sound casual. "There are a lot of good ones on there. Some of them allow you to have a lot of fun."

"There is a specific one I have my eye on," I continue. "I have a pretty specific use in mind for it that I'm just dying to try out."

"Oh yeah?" she asks, clearly very interested. "Which one?"

I turn around and allow my erection to push into her back, the base of it resting between her butt cheeks as the tip reaches past the small of her back. She shivers.

"This one," I say softly directly into her ear as I choose [Imbue Elasticity].

<[Imbue Elasticity] - Level 1(0%)>

<Allows an orifice to comfortably stretch beyond its normal limits. Lasts for the duration of the sexual encounter. Maximum stretching increases with level.>

<+8 Affection with Kyu Sugardust>

Kyu tenses up. "Axton," she says. "I need you to rinse off, get out of this shower, and go to school. Right now."

"Are you sure?" I ask, smirking. "I mean I can lend you a hand if you want-"

"Nope!" She cuts me off. "Nope, nope. Not gonna picture that until you are out of this room. Which you better be within the next thirty seconds or I'm going to get a lot stingier with rewards."

Ah, she's pretty serious now. "Alright alright," I say, pulling away from her. I quickly rinse off, step out of the shower, and grab a towel. "Have fun~" I call out to her as I leave.

As I finish getting ready for school and as I wake up and feed Yua, I remember something I have in my inventory. Right before Yua and I leave, I leave behind my Polymorph Phallus in plain view on my bed. She'll see it when she finishes in the shower. And I'm curious what she'll do then.

On the way to school I pull open my inventory to go over the loot I got last night. When I got home, everyone else was asleep, so I headed into the dungeon for a few hours of grinding. I almost have the Hard mode zombie dungeon cleared. One more session and all that will be let is the boss room.

Still, it had been pretty productive. I got Void Mage to level 71, unlocking some goodies in the process.

<Perk rewarded for 500 WIS>

<Prophetic Dreams - Sometimes catch glimpses of the future in your dreams>

Another perk that would activate randomly, and weirdly one that encourages me to sleep. I haven't dreamed since coming to this world, so I'm curious if I'll start now. I hadn't had any last night, but I had only slept for a few hours.

<[Void Collapse] - Level 21(34%)>

<Create a small orb of Void that instantly collapses reality around it and draws things in. Consumes beings and attacks it draws in to sustain itself. Costs 12980MP>

<[Void Sight] - Level 1(0%)>

<Peer through the void to see a distant location. Range is 58km.>

My two new Void Mage skills. First was another powerful offensive skill, though it also seems like it could be used defensively. I experimented with it a little in the dungeon. The orb created was a little smaller than a basketball, and it only seemed to pull things in from a couple of meters around it. But it absolutely chewed through anything caught in it, including the Tank I tried it on. And so long as something within its range was being consumed, it stayed up. All in all, it's a very powerful addition to my arsenal.

The second one is a nice utility, though I haven't tried it yet. I use it now to look into the bathroom back in my apartment and nearly stumble. Walking while viewing a stationary point like that really throws off my balance. I decide to save more experimentation with it for later. During class would be a good time.

And not only did I get two new Void Skills, but [Void Drain] leveled up enough to add another thing to the list of things I could drain.

<[Void Drain] - Level 33(49%)>

<Tap into the all-consuming properties of the Void. Coat one or both hands in the hungry Void. Currently can drain: Magic, Stamina, Health>

So now I could refill my MP, SP, and HP directly from enemies. But the skill is only level 33, and it's been adding something new every 10 levels. I wonder what sorts of things I'll be able to drain next?

And of course, in addition to levels and skills, I got all sorts of loot.

<Major Sterility Potion>

<Causes the imbiber to be sterile for 1 month>

Probably the least interesting item, but one of the more important ones. I drank it immediately of course. I haven't figured out how to make them myself yet, and while I love creampies, I don't love the idea of having children. I've gotten lucky so far, mostly sleeping with girls with either extremely low fertility or who were on the pill. The only exception was Atsuko, and I made sure to finish outside of her every time.

<Scroll of Greater Dispel Magic>

<Use to dispel all magical effects within a 50-foot radius. Does not affect magic items or passive effects.>

Like most of the scrolls I have, this could prove to be exactly the right thing I need to get me out of a tight spot.

I also got a Heart Crystal of each size, from smallest to largest. I use the +5 on Koneko and the +10 on Reya. I have another +5 I didn't use yesterday that I go ahead and use on Kiyome. Now nobody is under 20 Affection, and in fact, everyone but Kiyome is in the thirties or higher. Except for Raynare, but I'm not counting her. I save the Large and the Super Heart Crystals though. You never know when a +15 or +20 Affection will be needed.

I also got something quite strange.

<Unique Class Unlocked>

<See Class Selection screen to see it>

Unfortunately, the Class Selection screen is only available when I max out a class, and while my Void Mage class level is fairly high, I'm pretty sure I have a good bit left to go until I max it out. Still, my curiosity is burning at me to find out what unique class I unlocked.

The last thing I unlocked was a single gacha token. Since the gacha item goes straight into my inventory anyway, there's no real reason I can't roll it now, while walking to school. With a shrug, I go ahead and use it.

<Cauldron Vial>

<A vial of strange liquid. Drinking it will give you a random superpower. Carries the risk of mutation, or worse.>

Again I nearly stumble. That was not what I expected to get from the Gacha. And that is definitely staying in my inventory for the foreseeable future. Those risks are far too high. Normally I would trust [Gamer's Body] to prevent any mutations, but this is something I pulled from the Gacha with the warning attached, and I have a feeling that the Game won't protect me here.

I'm pulled from my thoughts by a strange feeling on my dick, as if a hand has wrapped around it. Ah, so Kyu must have found the present I left her.

It's only as I'm sitting down in class that I realize the flaw in my plan. I feel a warm tightness on my tip that slowly travels down along my length until it feels like my entire shaft is being squeezed. Since I share sensations with it, I'm going to have to sit through class while feeling the sensation of fucking Kyu.

As I rearrange my lap and move my desk so it hides my obvious erection, I settle in to try to get through this without drawing attention to myself from my classmates. I just hope Kyu finishes quickly.


I grunt as I thrust into Atsuko from behind in a storage closet during lunch, one of my hands reaching around to grope her chest, which has been partially exposed after her shirt was unbuttoned. My other hand was firmly on her waist as I roughly slammed myself into her. [Imbue Elasticity] made it so I could finally hilt myself entirely in her, though that took a lot of foreplay, leveling of the skill, and more than a few reapplications of the skill.

It was worth it though. I groan as I slam myself fully into Atsuko again and cum deep inside her, filling her up for the third time. Atsuko's moans are muffled by Aika, who is on the other side of her, their lips locked as they kiss. My seed runs down her legs as well, with me having pumped an equal amount of cum into both of them.

I pull out of Atsuko, still hard. The girls break their kiss and look down at my erection breathing heavily.

"Still?" Atsuko comments, her voice shaky from fatigue.

"One more should be it," I answer.

"I got it," Aika volunteers. She gets on her knees in front of me and slowly swallows my cock whole. It's been a while since Aika has deep throated me, and I make sure all my lewd skills are active.

Atsuko, tired but not done, clings to me and starts making out with me as Aika blows me, and I think about what led to this.

Despite my wishes, Kyu did not finish quickly this morning. In fact, she somehow knew exactly how aroused I was, because she spent the entire morning edging me. She'd get me right to the cusp of orgasm, where I would excuse myself to the bathroom, and then she'd back off long enough for me to calm down a little before she did it again.

By the time lunch came around, both Aika and Atsuko could tell something was up, and Aika had noticed my boner.

When it was lunch time I dragged them both out of the classroom, heading for the same storage closet that Aika took me to on my first day of school. The door had barely closed before I had my skills activated and I was getting Aika wet enough for me to insert myself.

What followed was thirty minutes of frantic and hungry sex as I focused entirely on cumming enough times to tire me out, not bothering to try to hold back. This holds true for my seventh load, as the swirling of Aika's tongue and the tightness of her throat bring me to orgasm.

She swallows it all like a pro and pulls herself off of my dick, which is finally softening. I breathe a sigh of relief as I feel my head finally clear, and I slump down to the ground, tired. Aika turns herself around so she can sit between my legs, her back resting on me and Atsuko follows us both down and clings to my side.

"Sorry about that girls," I apologize. "For some reason, I was just super fucking horny this morning." I can't exactly tell them why.

"It's fine," Atsuko reassures me.

"In fact," Aika continues. "If you could get like that more often, we wouldn't mind at all." Atsuko makes a noise of agreement.

I laugh and hug them both close to me. "And I thought I was the insatiable one here." My tone turns more serious. "I'm sorry I haven't gotten to spend much time with you these past few days. I've been busy with the Student Council and the ORC. But it's nice to spend some quality time with you two. Even if it's cuddling in a supply closet with disheveled clothes and covered in bodily fluids." They both laugh.

"Don't worry too much about it," Atsuko says. "We understand that you have a lot on your plate. We have things we do too, though not as much. I have no idea how you keep up with schoolwork with how much you do."

"Careful time management," I say, not mentioning that I've done the homework for the next several months of classes already and I studied all the course material. My INT score was basically cheating.

"You're right though," Aika says. "Even if it's a little unconventional, this is nice."

"How about we do something this Saturday?" I ask. "Something casual. Maybe just go out on the town and look around. Maybe hang out in my apartment all day. Either one."

"That sounds nice," Atsuko says, and Aika agrees.

"It's settled then," I say. I glance at the time. "But for now, we probably need to start getting cleaned up if we want to get back to class without smelling like sex."

Atsuko hesitates, looking tempted. I give her a look, and she pouts but starts to get up. The sight of both of them in front of me, their clothes half hanging off of them and cum leaking down their legs, is nearly enough to arouse me again. I force my eyes away.

We get ourselves somewhat presentable and I peek my head out, confirming beforehand with [Void Detect] that the way is clear. The three of us dash for an unoccupied set of bathrooms to wash up.

As I'm wiping myself down, I spy Kyu in her full size behind me in the mirror. "Did you have fun?" I ask, half annoyed, half amused.

"I should be asking you that," she says, her voice smug. "You certainly look like you did."

"Your little payback got me quite riled up," I say. "Thankfully Atsuko and Aika were there to help me deal with it."

"Oh, I know. I got here just in time to see you slip into the closet. You put on quite the show."

"Glad I could entertain," I joke.

"Oh don't be such a crybaby," Kyu says. "You're the one that left the dildo that mirrors feelings directly to your own dick."

"Admittedly not my most well thought out plan," I say. "But that does bring up a question." I turn around, coming face to face with her. "How was it for you? Because it was pretty incredible for me."

She grins. "It wasn't bad, not bad at all. I think I'm going to hold on to that dildo, it's my new favorite one."

"That's fine by me, so long as you do me one little favor," I say.

She narrows her eyes at me, obviously surprised by how easily I agreed. "And what sort of favor would that be?"

"Hold still," I say. Before she can react I step close to her, wrap my arms around her, and kiss her deeply, capturing her lips with mine.

Her lips taste like sweets and are the most inviting thing I've ever felt. She's stiff at first, but almost immediately she relaxes and her hands are in my hair and our mouths open and we're making out desperately, hungry for each other.

After just a few short and sweet moments, we break apart, both breathing heavily.

<+2 Affection with Kyu Sugardust>

<Perk rewarded for reaching 100 Affection with Kyu Sugardust>

<[First Impressions] - Gain a random amount of Affection with a person the first time you meet them>

"Oh," I comment, surprised. I just wanted to kiss her, I didn't expect that to be what pushed her to max Affection. That perk is pretty good too.

Kyu looks away, a little embarrassed. "Yeah well. It's been a long time coming. It's not too hard for me to fall in love. As a Love Fairy, that's sort of my whole deal. I usually try not to fall in love with my clients, but it never works. That's why I included those objectives for the quest, I knew there was a good chance of it happening. The only question really was when. And you've been nice and fun and so fucking sexy. So yeah. You deserve it, pal."

I'm a little caught off guard. "I uh. Wow. I mean I sorta kinda knew you felt that way, and I very much care for you as well. I guess it's just a little weird when we both have a little number we can look at that says it, huh?"

She shrugs. "Not for me, but maybe I'm just used to it." Her expression becomes stern. "Don't think that this means you can have sex with me now though. You still have the quest to complete. And you better complete it really damn soon."

"Of course," I say. "I wouldn't expect anything less. And I'll stop teasing you. On purpose anyway. It's not fair when I have a way to vent my sexual frustration and you don't."

"Oh sure, you say that now that I've literally got you by the dick," she says, a smile on her face. "I see how it is." She shakes her head. "Come on, you've gotta get back to class. The girls are already headed back." She shrinks down and lands on my head. "Now onward my steed!"

I roll my eyes at her antics, but as I leave the bathroom and head to class, I'm unable to stop smiling.