
Boris Traitoro

Two days later…

Sky and his crew were on their merry way to clear another portal. All they have done was eat, clear portals, practice, sleep, and repeat.

This routine was nothing new to them but it was making them stronger and richer.

Jericho opened Sky's room abruptly.

"Sky, dinner is… man, it's cold." Jericho dared not to step foot into the Captain's quarters.

Sky was covered in ice from head-to-toe. He was barely shivering and breathed out cold air. The Captain's quarters were no different from a freezer.

{Cryokinesis: lvl 8}

{Freezing resistance: lvl 7: 35% resistant against freezing attacks}

{Cold resistance: lvl 7: 70% resistant to cold temperatures}

Sky knows this kind of training was dangerous as it could potentially stop his heart but his resistance was so strong that he could barely feel it.

It used to hurt at first and it would even chip away at his HP, but not anymore.

"Did you say dinner's ready?" Sky asked.


"Good, I'll be right there."

Soon the cold air around suddenly became warm and steam came out of his body as the ice melted.

{Pyrokinesis: lvl MAX}

{Heat resistance: lvl 6: 60% resistant to hot climates}

{Fire resistance: lvl 6: 30% resistant to fire attacks}

Sky wanted to level up his hot and cold resistance as soon as possible. If one day he were to enter a purple dungeon that was extremely hot or cold he would be prepared.

The problem was if his crewmates would also develop hot and cold resistance as well? As far as he knows they cannot learn that skill, but they can gain resistance from all things if their vigor stat was high, it's how Lucious was able to bear the heat from the magma in the dungeon.

"Wow, this looks good!" Sky stared at the delicious food sitting at the table.

"Thank you, Captain." Jay placed down a plate of food in front of Sky. It was Sky's favorite, tentacles with steamed rice and shrimp.

Jules looked at the side, now she knew Sky's favorite dish. Every day she would try to learn more things about him to make him fall in love with her. Even if it seemed futile Jules was certain she could do it, it would just take time.

"Let's eat…"

Before Sky took a bite he felt something ominous approaching him.

{Bloodlust detected}

Sky took out his naginata and stared at the side of the ship in a battle position.


Jay, Jericho, and even Jules grabbed their weapons and waited.

"From where, Captain?"

"Everywhere! And there's at least thirty of them!"

Jules conjured an ice trident but Sky thought it wasn't enough.

"Jules, take this instead! And protect Jay and Jericho." Sky took out the trident of missile seeker from his inventory that he got from killing that woman in the tournament, and he threw it at Jules.

Jules got a hold of the weapon. She smiled and couldn't help but admire it, the trident in her hands was one of the finest she's ever held.

She saw Sky practicing with it and knew what it was capable of, but she never had a chance to wield it because Sky never let her touch it.

"Lightning eagles!"

Five majestic eagles made of lightning appeared beside Sky. Lightning attacks work very well against both fishermen and mermaids, especially mermaids.

Sky hoped that he could go the entire journey without having to worry about getting attacked, but that was just wishful thinking on his part.

Once the fishmen were close enough Sky used cryokinesis to freeze the surrounding ocean. The fishmen who were about to board the ship were shocked to see the top part of the ocean freeze. With a thick layer of ice above them they were halted in place for a moment.

'Sloth. Sloth. Sloth. Sloth…' Sky froze the ocean knowing that wouldn't stop them, but it would stall them just long enough for him to curse everyone but could only use one curse.

The problem with having too many curses is that he cannot use all of the curses of multiple enemies as that takes too long, such as in this instance.

As soon as the first fishmen broke through the ice he immediately died as he got shot through the eye and most of his head exploded.

{Jay Press killed fishmen}

Jay was glad that his weapon could actually kill fishmen. Betty did not only pack-a-punch but had the ability to shoot fire bullets. It carried so much power which is why the fishman's head exploded.

Another fishmen wearing a metal chain around his neck was stabbed right in the neck. The metal chain broke into hundreds of pieces and stabbed his neck nearly decapitating him.

{Jericho Haydie killed fishmen}

Jericho never stopped practicing her magnetism. And as her mana grew her ability to use her magnetism grew as well.

Two fishmen who jumped to the ship one was impaled by someone who threw an ice trident while the other was shot down by a missile seeker.

{Jules Mayfeather killed 2 fishmen}

'Huh, so that's how it works.' Jules thought. With the curse of sloth on her she cannot use her full speed as she wants, not until Sky is able to dispel it.

Four other fishmen broke through the ice but were electrocuted by the lightning birds. It wasn't enough to kill them in one shot but it was enough to hurt them badly. For now those four retreated back into the ocean and waited for the time to strike.

Six other fishmen broke through the ice but instead of jumping on board they crashed through the boat leaving six giant holes behind on the side

As they broke through the ship they found themselves being electrocuted. Sky appeared between them, activated lightning aura and dealt them continuous lightning damage just by standing near them by the second. It hurt them greatly but it also stunned them.

One of the fishmen who resisted being stunned by the lightning swung his trident at Sky, but Sky disappeared and reappeared behind another fishmen and stabbed his back with his naginata.

Sky was nowhere near as fast as they were, but being hurt by his lightning aura and being slowed down by the sloth skill, Sky could react fast enough to teleport and avoid getting injured. While on his ship Sky could teleport anywhere without wasting mana.

Two fishmen tried their best to kill Sky and save their friends, but Sky kept his distance and continued teleporting as he attacked them.

By the end all the fishmen fell and none were taken as prisoners.

"Man, glad that's over." Jericho sat down in relief.

"Yes, luckily they weren't that strong… but they destroyed the side of the ship." Sky leaned over the ship, if it weren't because the ship was standing on ice they would have sunk by now.

"Oh, damn, can you fix that?" Jay asked.

"Yeah… maybe, I don't know. I never had to fix something that big before. I think we should switch ships since we have money to buy one."

"Wait, Captain, something is wrong here. You said there were thirty, right?"

"Yes, about that much, so what?"

"We only killed fourteen. Did the rest flee or something?"

"Nah, I killed them before they could even touch the boat."

An unknown voice was heard behind them. They all turned to the voice and pointed their weapons at it.

They saw a dirty looking man wearing a red marine coat, with a badge of four tidal waves on his right arm. He was sitting on a chair rocking it back and forward while eating the food prepared by Jay.

If one were to think of the face of a dirty pirate everyone would think of his face.

'Identify.' Sky didn't even sense his presence nor did the system warn him at all.

{Boris Traitoro}

{HP: 4.01m/4.01m}

{Mana: 765k/765k}

{Str: 232k} {Dex: 132k} {Spd: 777k} {Int: 153k} {Mind: 99k} {Vig: 401k}

{Slow time: lvl 9: Slows time by 90%}

Sky was worried. His speed stat was superior than Lucious. And he had a powerful and annoying ability, the power to slow down time just like Xero.

"Man, I cannot actually believe the mermaid is here. And I honestly thought she was dead for sure. You did such a good job tricking everyone, Sky, but my hunch was correct."

Before they realized Boris was standing in front of Jules examining her. No one saw him move, not even Jules.

Jules gritted her teeth but she knew if she attacked him it would be pointless.

Without Sky telling them it was obvious that they were outmatched.

Sky calmed down while signaling the rest to put their weapons down.

'I can't catch a break.' Sky thought.

Then he appeared before Sky towering over him.

"I've heard so much about you, Sky. Actually no, that's a lie but I've heard about you."

"You know me?"

"I only heard about you because you paid off the Haydie family debt. That must be you, right? Jericho Haydie." Boris looked at Jericho.

"You know him?" Sky asked Jericho.

Jericho shook her head.

"We don't know each other, I just happened to know her because I was the one tasked with finding Harvey Haydie and bringing back the scroll he stole, but you already know that right?"

Jericho let out a gasp. She did not think he would mention her dead father.

"Why are you here? I paid off the debt to the Caribbean and did nothing wrong." Sky said. He already had an idea why he was here but pretended not to know.

"I'm not here for that. I'm here for the mermaid." Boris stepped away and sat on the edge of the boat looking down. He was examining the boat.

"I can sense you don't have that much mana therefore your intelligence stat must be low, but it's amazing you were able to freeze the ocean. You must have some talent." Boris said.

Boris had seen and fought many people with higher intelligence stat than Sky and cannot use cryokinesis or even pyrokinesis.

Anyone can unlock those two abilities if their intelligence stat was high enough but some can learn it earlier than others. Of course they can choose not to practice those skills if they want and focus on something else.

"Why are you here for Jules? I won her fair and square." Sky said.

"Oh, I know. But I believe she knows something important, something that should not fall in the wrong hands."

Sky didn't react but the other crew members did. He was talking about the nightmare sword.

"So are you going to take her knowing we can't do anything about it?"

"What? No, I don't roll like that… unless you are a fishmen, mermaid, or a criminal." Boris let out a chuckle. "Before we get into that I am here for a personal reason: Xero didn't say this because he was busy and doesn't quite trust you, because what kind of kid suddenly pays off a five hundred million shell debt? I mean I kinda agree, how can you get that kind of money without pulling off some illegal shit?"

Boris looked at the crew for their reactions but they were confused.

"But we haven't found anything so here it goes: I'm here to invite you all, except the mermaid, to join the Caribbean. With my authority the best I can give you is two tidal waves but with your current power… it is the best I can do for now. What do you say?"

"No." Sky outright rejected his offer..

He had thought of joining the Caribbean but he won't. He knows he would be an outstanding Caribbean officer if he wanted to but that's the reason he did not want to join them. Just like Lucious did, someone is bound to give in to their greed and take advantage of Sky. Who is to say Boris or another powerful being won't do the same?

The best option he believes is to rely only on himself and his crew.

"Hm, oh well, I tried. But the invitation is open if you change your mind."

"I won't, not after you guys destroyed my island, my home."

"Wedidwhatnow?" Boris said that so fast it was almost hard to hear him.

"Less than two months ago, the Fallen God family destroyed my island and killed everyone there and I almost died."

{Eye of truth is being used on the player}

"Is that true?" Boris walked closer to Sky.

"Yes, it's true. Two meteors fell from the sky and destroyed my home. Just before they struck my island there was this Caribbean ship docked on the edge of the island, and someone saw the crest of the Fallen God family."

Sky will never forget that day. But if his parents and Mrs. J and her family had died that day, would he be so angry at the Caribbean to the point where he would want to kill all Caribbean officers on sight?

The answer is yes, and he believes it.

There is a reason he was telling Boris this, because he wants Boris to think that the Fallen God family is the reason he won't join the Caribbean.

Boris took a good look at Sky. He was so sure he wasn't lying at all.

"Sky, first of all, do not say that name too lightly. If someone else were to catch on to that you could face some kind of punishment. Remember, they're gods."

Sky knew that. Mr. Jay said something familiar to him.

"Second, I believe you. But there is nothing we can do about them. I once saw one of them and I could feel so much power and disgust from them, and there are three in total. But you cannot hold that against the Caribbean."

"So you admit you know they killed hundreds?"

"More like tens of thousands, maybe millions of humans, fishmen, and mermaids alike that span over 700,000 years. But there's nothing we can do, that's absolute power and they hold all of it. Anyways, I want you to lend me the mermaid."

"I can't do that. She's under a contract and can only listen to me."

"I know, and I don't want to take someone else's property by force, that would make me a pirate. Instead I want you to lend me her for a few months. And in return I'll give you some stuff."


"Before you say no, let me remind you that the mermaid you hold contains valuable information that everyone wants, at least that's what her brother claims. While I cannot legally and morally take her away from you, I can use the power of the Caribbean to find ways to take her away from you forever. And… I know you know what she knows which is why I am not bringing you and your crew in for questioning. Got it?"

"My brother?" Jules looked at him surprised.

Sky looked at the rest of his crew. Boris won't take Jules away right now because he feels he won't be better than a criminal if he does, but it doesn't mean he wouldn't do it if he thought it would endanger many lives.

With a defeated sigh Sky turned to Boris and asked, "How long did you say she'll be gone for?"

"I said a few months but it could be longer or shorter. Depends."

"What do you have to offer for her?"

"A few more slaves? But they won't be under contract, but their stats will be bound, mermaids are a bit rare so I cannot give you another one"

"I'll take as many of those slaves you have to offer, and the more powerful the better. And a ship."

"A ship as well? Well…" Boris took a good look at Sky's ship. Ignoring the damage and the current state of it, it wasn't that grand of a ship.

"I believe I can give you a slightly better one."

"We'll take it."

"Good. I'll be right back. Stay here, not like you have much of a choice now."

He disappeared from his spot. To others one would think they saw him teleporting but he was slowing down time and using his insane speed to move from one place to another.

Boris could not walk on water. Using his speed he could swim very quickly. And if he gathers enough momentum he could run on top of water.

"Are you really going to give me to him?" Jules walked up to Sky not sure how to feel.

"No, I'm lending you to him. What choice do I have? Fight him? Please. He might look like a criminal but if he wanted to he could snatch you and leave us here."

"I was just wondering because it seems he knows my brother. And this might be a chance for me to find out if he's… alive, I hope." Jules did not want to go with anyone, but this was her only and best chance to see her brother.

She also did not want to go with the Caribbean as she preferred Sky as being with his crew was not that bad. Other than cleaning and crafting potions she was free to do anything she pleased and they gave her the same food they ate. And not to mention she is bound to Sky and the longer she stays with him the more likely she can forge a closer bond with him, and the higher chance she could be set free.

This would be a chance for her to act like a damsel in distress unable to bear the thought of leaving her master, but her love for her brother exceeded her wanting for freedom.

"And also… I cannot let anyone else know the location of the nightmare sword! Especially not the Caribbean!"

Sky walked beside Jules and whispered in her ear.

"I'll figure out a way to stop you from exposing the secret to him. And also do not say anything 'weird' you saw from spending your time here with us. Got it?"

Jules nodded.

"Captain, look." Jay pointed to something far away.

"What is it?"

"It's a Caribbean ship. I think it's that officer's."

"That's right. You have a sharp eye, I can't even see it from here."

Boris appeared beside Jay scaring everyone on board.

"I can't have you all sail away on this broken ship, with the bottom part destroyed you'll sink before you make it to the nearest island. I'll be taking all of you on my ship back to Paradise."

"Paradise? That's an entire day's trip. And we just got back from there." Sky said.

"You want slaves and a better ship? That's the only island where I can get them for you. It's not like I carry those things on me all the time." Boris slapped Sky in the back and chuckled.

Ignoring him, Sky turned to his crew and said, "Everyone, get your stuff, we're changing ships."