
Gamer of the Multiverse

Elias Creed was not a spectacular person with extreme talent or amazing accomplishments. He lived his life peacefully, playing games, reading books, watching anime/tv shows/movies. He was a nerd, plain and simple, so when he was chosen to become a reincarnator that can travel through the multiverse, he couldn't say no.

Soul_of_a_Simp · Others
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House Creed

The author here, I wanna just say this from the get-go, each world will not have hundreds of chapters, he will sometimes just die abruptly, there is not a lot of plot armor other than the system and the fact that he's a reincarnator.

So, if he dies suddenly and there wasn't much build-up or dramatic ending, tough shit, that's life.

I'm also adding a new mechanic to his system, he will be given one MAJOR mission by the gods, it isn't mandatory to complete it but the MC will gain a lot of rewards if he does.

Now, onto the story.


As the beam of light that was used to transport him to his new life disappears, the first thing he feels is a cold wind sending shivers across his skin.


Mr. Creed, you have been sent to the world of fire and ice, Game of Thrones.

You have become the Lord of your House, two years before season one.


You are the new Lord of House Creed, your house is in the top ten most powerful houses that serve Lord Stark.

Moat Cailin is the seat of your house, no longer is it a crumbling mess, your father spent his life turning it into a defensive powerhouse.

Your men only number five thousand but they are well-trained and well-equipped.

The House Creed Motto: Fear No Pain, Fear No Challenge, Fear No Death.


Become King of Westeros.

Reward: 100 Stat Points.


Pinching the bridge of his nose, he lets out a sigh of annoyance, 'A world of constant struggle and fighting would not have been my first choice'

'Well, at least they gave me my own house'

Sitting on the ground, he takes several breaths to calm his nerves, 'Okay, first and foremost, I should check my character sheet'

'System, character sheet'


Titles: None

Name: Elias Creed

Age: 18

Race: Human

Level: 1 [0/100xp]

[Base Stats] [The average adult male in his current world had 25 in all stats but every human is different, just like in your original world]

Might: 18

Dexterity: 21

Constitution: 26

Perception: 25

Arcane: 0

Stat Points Available: 3


'Hmm, makes sense since I was never into exercise'

'I should use this world to focus on furthering my stats'

'System, put two points into Might and one into Arcane'

A small tingling feeling washes over his body but vanishes quickly.

'Okay... time to get moving'

Looking around, he finds himself in a large but medieval bedroom.

Getting out of bed, he heads to his wardrobe, immediately covering himself in any warm fur-lined clothes that he can find.

Finding a longsword next to his door with a Griffin decorated on the pommel, he straps it to his waist.

Walking out of his room, the guards, maids, and servants bow to him before continuing their tasks.

Using the knowledge given to him about his new life, he quickly finds his way to the Hall of Creed.

The hall is dimly lit with oil lamps and castles, five guards line each side of the great hall, wearing the armor of the Creed Honor Guards.

Honor guards are the most highly-trained unit that directly protects their lord, similar to the Kingsguard.

As he walks up a few steps, he sits on the throne that is now his.

"Bring me my council", he says to no one in particular, and within a few minutes, three middle-aged gentlemen stand before him.

From left to right, first is his master of arms, and general of his army, Eobard Snow, a traveling mercenary that fought in the rebellion, and was respected for his leadership.

Standing at a solid 6'3ft, he has broad shoulders, athletic muscles, sun-kissed skin, long black hair, and a disheveled beard.

Next in line is his financial advisor, Lyon Gehs, a native from Essos with dark chocolate skin, a bald head, and a portly figure, he has served the house of Creed loyally for a decade.

His intellect and money-making skills are on par with many of the greatest merchants from his native land.

Last in line is the leader of the Honor Guards, Eron Selmy, younger brother to Barristan Selmy, and feared swordsman.

Rumors say he slaughtered hundreds of his enemies in the rebellion without getting hurt a single time, for his untouchability, he earned the name nickname "The Phantom Swordsman".

Standing at 5'10ft with lean muscles, he cuts out an shadowy figure with a mixture of leather and steel armor, sheathed throwing knives cover his chest, as two curves daggers sit on his waist.

With sandy blonde hair, rough goatee, and green eyes, he gives his lord a respectful bow.

As they stand in silence, they feel their lord gazing over them.

Realizing his silence, Elias gives a light cough in embarrassment, "We have a lot to discuss, please sit", he says as he signals te maids to bring three chairs.

"We need to discuss the future of this House, and where we go from here"

Turning fist to his financial advisor, he leans back, "How much do we have in our treasury?"

Lyon takes out a small book from his chest, before speaking with a silky accent, "To spend, you have twenty-two thousand gold dragons"

Twiddling his thumbs, Elias chews on his lip, "Lyon, your from Essos, do you know of something called Cacao Beans?"

A mildly confused expression comes across Lyon, "Yes, but they are quite useless, almost no one farms them"

'I don't know how to make almost any modern or advanced medieval inventions but I can make chocolate if I can get my hands on some Cacao Beans"

Sitting up straighter, Elias nods, "how much would it cost to get a whole ship full of Cacao Seeds and how long would it take for them to arrive?"

Rubbing his bald head, internally going over the figures, Lyon sighs, "it would only take two weeks if the winds are on our side to go there and back, and while the currency is different in Essos, it would only cost a pittance since no one has a use for them... I'd say one one hundred gold for a full ship"

This causes a nice smile to appear on his lord's face, "Good, make the purchase, leave it to me, I have a way to use them"

Lyon takes his leave as he begins to write in his ledger.

Next of the three to receive their lord's attention is Eron Selmy, "I want you to make a separate group, one that is loyal and obedient but doesn't mind breaking the law if ordered to"

"I need a group of assassins and thieves that work directly for me and no one else, otherwise I'd just hire the Faceless Men from Braavos"

Selmy nods, "it will be done, it may take a couple of months to find the right people and train them in stealth but it should only take a year at most"

"Good, then please begin immediately", hearing these words, Selmy walks off at a fast pace, eager to get started.

With Elias left alone with his master of arms, he looks at the larger man, "I want to increase our garrison to ten thousand and I also want to increase their training to encompass all forms of fighting, whether it is on horseback, archery, or with swords... even if we were going up against the Lannisters or a Dothraki Horde, I want to be prepared for anything"

Eobard runs his fingers through his shaggy beard, "It can be done but with your permission, I'd like to hire outside help from Braavos, as well as, some gold to promote more soldiers into leadership roles"

Elias nods again, "Take two thousand gold, if you need more then speak with Lyon"

Left alone after his advisors have left, he sinks into his chair, tired from acting like a leader when that is the last thing he wanted to be.

[Achievement - Planning For The Future: 300xp]

[Level Up]

'System, put all three into Dexterity'

=== Scene Break - Three Weeks Later ===

Life became hectic for the people and soldiers of Moat Cailin these past few weeks, a large shipment of beans arrived for their lord, many young men were recruited to become soldiers, and their lord began a rough exercise schedule, often running around the Moat early in the morning, to practicing with a sword.

As his beans and other ingredients arrived after the second week, he began making Westeros' first chocolate.

It was a lot of trial and error since electric ovens didn't exist, and there was no manual other than his memories but after a week of failing, he finally completed his first batch which he gifted to his advisors who were unsure about the plan of their lord.

To say that they were pleasantly surprised by the taste would be an understatement, (AN: Imagine tasting chocolate for the first time as an adult)

As they began ordering more Cacao Beans, Elias began to show the most loyal of cooks and maids how to make the chocolate properly without cutting corners.

Within another few weeks, the would have twenty loyal chocolate makers that could help him produce chocolate to the masses.

knowing full well that the many nobles, greater house or minor ones would pay generously for his "Delights" as he named.

He sent a free sample to all of the noble houses in Westeros, awaiting the first customer to greedily want more.

[Bit of a rushed chapter but I am a writer that likes to write fast-paced stories]

[Hope it enjoyed you enough that you will leave a comment!]