
Gamer of the multiverse

Janemba_The_Demon · Others
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11 Chs

I'm gonna die

[ New Passives added Gamer Body and Gamer Mind ]

' Ow system where am I?'

[ Welll I dropped you near Konoha and it seems your screams of death attracted the attention of the patrol unit around Konoha soooooo you are currently in a hospital in Konoha btw you might be put in T&I ehhehe ]


[ Well I mean you can't tell the truth about where you're from and they are ninja so if they see you lie they will integrate you but good news Gamer Mind will prevent every sign of lying except documents. ]

' Thank god for the brokenness of the Gamer ability. Ok now that I know where I am I can focus on the other things I need to know like exactly when am I and do i have a starter pack? '

[ Timeline wise you're right before Naruto and team 7 go on the mission to the wave where they meet Trapmaster3000 Haku. And to your second question yes you do have a starter pack. ]

[ Opening starter pack ]

• Ito-Ito no mi

• Armament Haki

• Observation Haki

• Conqueror Haki

[ Would you like me to just insert the Ito-Ito no mi into your body or would you rather actually eat the fruit that tastes like the worse thing you have ever had time times 100³⁴? ]

' Yes please just give it to me.'

[ Got you ... it's done ]

[ Skill gained Ito-Ito no mi ]

Jumping up Aizen tosses the bed sheet of his body and walks away from the bed he doesn't however notice he is naked as they had to check his body for wounds and his clothes were already in tatters anyway.

" Ahhhhh " A random Nurse yells as our wonderful idiot protagonist walks infront of her . As an otaku in his past life he knows troupes so he immediately looks down to realize not only is he bigger which as a man is the first thing he notice but then he noticed he was naked.

" OH SHIT SORRY" Aizen yells while he covers his penis with the nearest object which just so happens to be a towel. The Anbu which to be honest are kinda shit at their job show up and take Aizen back to his room to give him clothes and question him.

After getting clothes and two achievements [ Pervert ( No explanation needed) ] [ FUCKING IDIOT ( Really) ] he was brought to the third Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen.

" Hello young man how are you? " Sarutobi

" I'm good Hokage-sama. " Aizen says while thinking 'Why in the hell would they bring me infront of the hokage I could be an assassin or something.'

[ Several reasons 1. You have no chakra and yes you still can use the sharingan I just forgot to give you the notification you got the skill however it is even more dangerous as now it takes stamina and not chakra so be careful anyway reason 2. They are all incompetent at their jobs except of course the main cast so you know keep that in mind. Reason 3. Is pretty simple they are arrogant because of both reason 1 and 2. ]

' Ah thanks '

[ Yea no problem also you can't use chakra because you chose the One piece system 😁 ]

' Wait WHAT!?!?'

[ Yeeeeaaa should have asked about the consequences of each system. ]

' Hate you '

[ Ok and ]

" Young man can you hear me?" Hiruzen asks while snapping his fingers infront of Aizen's face.

" Yes yes sir I'm sorry what did you ask me? " Aizen asked quickly trying not to anger the Anbu or Hiruzen himself.

" Where are you from?" Hiruzen asked as he sat back in his chair smoking his pipe.

" I don't remember I only remember waking up in that field in extreme pain." Aizen says calmly thanking Gamer mind for his calmness in face of all this danger. Hiruzen and the Anbu study his face and body including listen to his heartbeat by enhancing their ears with chakra.

Cuting through the tension and pushing his boundaries a little Aizen asks " Hokage-sama I am sorry If I am overstepping my boundaries and I understand if you don't allow me to but can I please stay in this village until my memories return?" Hiruzen's face goes into deep thought as he thinks about my question while he does that he fails to notice the face that the Anbu are glaring through him and releasing a little bit of killing intent.[ New skill gained Killing intent sensing] ' Not now asshole'

[ Killing intent sensing level up by 4 ]

[ Killing intent sensing Lvl.5/100 ]

' Oh really I would have never noticed asshole'

" Yes and we will provide you with an apartment and we will also send you a small sum of money until you get on your feet. What is the profession you are good at maybe we can get you a job now so you can start work soon?" Hiruzen asks after telling him about his new apartment.

" I don't remember much but of what little I do remember I was a Shinobi by trade however I will need a little bit to train my body seems to be out of practice and my senses aren't nearly as sharp." Aizen states while looking Hiruzen directly in the eyes. Immediately seeing the problem with his statement Hiruzen asks

" What kind of Shinobi are you, you have very little If no chakra?" Aizen keeping eye contact responses with " I focused on Taijutsu exclusively which is precisely why it is important I get my body and senses back into shape. After training for a little I would like to do weak lower missions for money until I get my full strength and memories back." Hiruzen nods slowly and says " Understandable that can be arranged we will put you with a genin team for a while until you can fight at full strength." Aizen quickly nods his thanks for everything that Hiruzen had just given him and after discussing the terms he is brought to his apartment by the Anbu.

A few hours later after everyone's gone Aizen thinks to him self ' Time to train. I.D. CREATE '

[ You don't need to yell in your head idiot ]