
Chapter 9

[System has been updated!]

This made me confused and excited. 'So there are updates too huh?'

[You want to timeskip to where you go to Junior's?]


I tapped yes with a smile. I'm someone who can't stand being in a tiny space for long.

[Timeskip is underway.]

I closed my eyes and saw myself standing to Junior's I smiled and entered.

A few hours later in a certain Bullhead.

"Zzzzzzz." Sam was sleeping. Surprisingly he slept while standing. "Hey Sam wake uuuuup!" Thankfully Ruby woke him up. By shaking him. HARD. "Okay Ruby I'm up I'm up." Said Sam with a tired and bored expression. "You're totally right you know." Said a voice behind him revealing it to be Yang. "Like literally you were sleeping while standing up." "Huh. Never thought that was possible." I said as I looked at my screen saying I have a PM "Excuse me ladies but business calls." I said with a grin


I checked Connor's PM to see the status for now that is. "Sam, I've arrived and now waiting in Beacons grounds for ya. What's your ETA? I'm trying to be discrete and I'm getting a little bored here." I nodded and began typing.

"Hey man sorry I'm bored too ya know? In fact its so boring I was bored to sleep, and I'm probably too lazy to help Jaune right now. XD." I PM to Connor as I heard a certain blond groaning.

I was doing nothing for a while until Connor PM me again.

"Well how long until you get here? I'm currently running an active camo armour mod I swiped in an event from the HALO universe. And I dunno about you but the individual running it knows it doesn't last forever. I've got 5-10 minutes at most with this before it needs to recharge. If you've played HALO like I have, I need to drop the cloak in order to do that." I nodded in agreement since cooldowns can be a pain.

I then double checked his PM. I looked at his PM and smiled "Halo? Duuuuude how many did u kill? Nevermind that. If I have to guess it would only take 2 minutes since we're pretty close. Also are you with a girl? I sense a cute one...Just kidding but to be honest I'm really stressed out ya know? With some OC from some anime and games coming out. I'm really scared of some antagonists. Add in the fact that if its Gasai Yuno. T_T." I typed with a shiver.

I closed my eyes for a brief moment and got another PM. "Characters from different universes? Games and anime? OK look, just keep your head low and try not to draw their attention to you. You'd want to be the one to destroy Salem and Cinder's plans. Also...how did you know there's someone with me? Are you breaking the 4th wall again? Never mind...the thing is yes a HALO event was awesome and a lot of Covies died. Somewhere in the triple digits, Actually I can see your airship coming into view now I've marked a waypoint for us to meet at, It's in some bushes in the campus. As much as I hate to say it, I need you to come alone on this one. We need to assess the situation to Ozpin. My universe's Oz s smarter than you think, he caught me out on the airpads just as I was leaving." I nodded at the last part and looked at my mini-map and saw the waypoint.

I then got a bit of a sweatdrop for that and I nodded in agreement. Ozpin is very smart and hard to catch off guard.

I then PM Connor to keep the boredom out. "Yaaay hundreds of bodies are counted yaaaay...Okay I think my title is influencing me TOO much like I just learned a new skill called Machinegun Blows from hitting balls of thugs a few days ago. Oh and also Machinegun Blows is not an original skill its from One Punch Man. Also Really? Did I just guess that you have a girl nearby? Duuude am I breaking the 4th wall again? Also I'm afraid staying low can do much especially if an antagonist of an anime or game will be here in Biueacon...Now that I think about it I'm scared shitless and also I sent Happy along the way so he can scout you, he didn't want to earlier but did it anyway. Besides I bribed him some tuna." I typed with a shit-eating grin. "I also have a music fitting when we go see Oz. XD." I chuckled a bit from the last part while preparing some tiny little balls that plays some songs. I use them a lot and they have a LOT of space to be able to play a lot.

I then received another PM from Connor.

"OK I'm not surprised that the title you have is influencing you too much. But do take it off when every now and then Ok? On a side note, you need to control your 4th wall breaking habits. As for the other characters coming into your world I think they are exclusive to you and you only. Because I haven't had any issue with that, if you're in trouble or see something suspicious outside of anything RWBY related PM the details and we'll go from there. We need to keep these characters under control and on lockdown." As I read Connor's PM I nodded since there are many other titles that provide many other ups and downs. I then received another PM.

"Mate I dunno if other people can see Happy but let him know I'm using active camouflage and he won't be able to see me." I nodded and made some goggles. The goggles is colored green, actually all of it is green aside from the glass which is clear.

As I was reading Connor's PM I felt the familiar feeling of touching down making me smile. I then reached into my ear and whispered "Happy go accompany Ruby so she won't be alone." As I said that I heard the squeaky "Aye!" I then left the airship and began walking towards Ruby and Yang, who is talking about Ruby's weapon. I then saw Happy fly to me surprising a lot of people "Okay Happy accompany Ruby for a while okay? After that you get some tuna." I said making Happy's eyes shine "Aye! I'll keep her safe!" He said making me chuckle. "I know you will." I replied then went to the waypoint where Connor is waiting.

I was walking towards the waypoint where Sam is and then I heard the voice of the Con-dor.

"Sammy, over here man." I was a whisper but I managed to hear it, making me smile and head over to some bushes where I heard Connor.

"Good to see ya again mate, here's what were going to do. You contact Ozpin and arrange a private meeting in his office, I'll follow you now that my camo is recharged and he'll be none the wiser." He explained making me nod with a smile.

After hearing Connor out I followed his instructions and called Ozpin. "Hey Connor wear this." I said giving him a tiny ball "Don't know how but I found this little guys when I woke up a few days ago, and let me say these sure stores a lot of songs for something tiny." I said as I gave him one and just when he put it in his ear I quickly played a song which is 'We're off to see the wizard.' I began laughing my ass off as the song began to play. "Good fit huh?" I said with a stupid grin while trying to hold my laughter.

Then just as the song played I heard a high pitched noise. And it was right in my ear making me take it out quickly. I then noticed Connor smiling making me look at him. He then explained why. "If you're wondering what happened to that ,my friend hacked into it and made that high pitched sound. She wanted to show you how much you're dicking around can annoy people." After his explanation I gained a dark look.

I looked at him then looked at some random bushes, got an alcohol bottle, took a piece of cloth from a cloth in my inventory, put the cloth inside the bottle, and took a lighter lighting it up. "Wherever you are come out or its BBQ time and I'm in the mood for some barbequed girl for a while." I said with a deadpan voice. "Huehuehuehue." I then laughed darkly with some of my bangs covering my black eye and making my yellow eye glow.

"As much as I love doing this even I know I have limits, I'd put that little Molotov away before you set the entire school on fire." A female voice said making me stop what I was doing. I then looked at Connor with a smile but I am really confused.

"He still hasn't figured it out, okay can come on out now, you've had your fun." Connor exhaled, then a small blue orb appeared next to him then started to take shape into a woman. But not just any woman but its Cortana! My evil face turned into one of shock with my mouth agape.

"Shocked? I would be" she smiled. "Also, if you ever think of BBQ me." She said flickering red showing that she wasn't up for my bullshit. "I'll personally end you myself". She warned making me nod furiously.

Connor then began to introduce Cortana to me while making me a bit uneasy. "And she'll do it, Sam as you may already know this is Cortana. Cortana, this my man Sam."

But I just registered something! Cortana is here! I looked at Cortana then to Connor. I saluted both of them then fell back with a nosebleed. "Why are all fiction women so hot in person?" I said with a shit-eating grin. "Also why are women so scary?" I continued still in my nosebleeding state.

As I was too busy imagining stuff I didn't hear Connor until the last part. "Anyway shall we get going Sam? I'd rather like to Catch Ozpin before everyone is in the amphitheater for his quote "motivational speech" unquote. The faster we get that done the better."

After trying to re-hear what Connor said, I gave up, O then got up and nodded. "Okay let's go! *click*" I exclaimed as I played another song. "Turu tun turu tun tun." I hummed lightly with a smile.

We began walking towards Ozpin's office while I listen to Super Mario's theme. "We'd better find Ozpin as soon as we can, the sooner the better. Also do you think you need my help in the Initiations or what?" Asked Connor. 'Well maybe when an evolve monster is in it.' I thought with a worried face. I looked at Connor with a smile. "Nope I want to see how far have I gone with some tough shit. I mean for some reason the system won't let me heal my scars." I said with a thinking pose. "Don't tell me the system wants to dis me again." I said with a frown. Man why does the system hate me?

"Eh always a possibility at this point when it come to you, can you contact Ozpin? Because if we walk around all day looking for him we'll miss him for sure." He said while I stopped. 'Is he being forgetful?' I thought with a frown.

I looked at Connor then lightly bopped his forehead. "Dude are you forgetful? I already called Oz a few minutes ago." I said with a confused face.

"Right, guess I'm not in the right state of mind at the moment." He sighed while scratching his head. 'Did I gave him brain damage?...Nope.' I though while grinning inside.

Elevator to Ozpin's Office.

As we approached the elevator I pressed the button to the highest floor AKA as Ozpin's office. The elevator door then opened and I walked inside then towards Ozpin's desk where Ozpin was sitting.

Ozpin turned to look at me and smiled. "Mr. Sam good to see you have arrived. Now then what seems to be the problem for you to come here in my office?" He asked while taking a sip. "Problem? Nope no problems here. Just here to introduce a friend of mine." I said with a grin while going to the side. 'Well Connor do your thang.' I smiled with that thought.

Ozpin raised a brow while I simply smiled and got my scroll out in case anything happens. Connor then suddenly appeared making Ozpin go surprised. I then grinned and got my scroll ready to flash.

"Good to see you Professor Ozpin, 'for the second time' as Sammy boy said I'm a friend of his. My name is Connor Camerone and right now there is a number of things to discuss with the time the three of us have." He said while I raised my scroll. I took aim and took a picture of Ozpin's surprised face. "Got em!" I exclaimed with glee, I then put my scroll in my pocket and turned to Ozpin with a serious face. "Headmaster Oz, whatever we say or talk about cannot leave the room, as it is for the sake of mine and Connor's survival." I said making Ozpin nod. "Now then let's get to business shall we?" I said doing a 180 of being happy go lucky with my famous grin.

"You've waited for that to happen didn't you?" Connor asked me and in return I simply gave him my grin. Connor then continued. "Your aware of Sam's semblance yes?" In which Ozpin nodded while I simply chuckle at Ozpin's surprised face. "Well I have it too. Consider me another player just like Sam but I'm up on the higher levels. You see I have come from a very different Remnant from this one. In which our gamer abilities multiplayer system allows invitation to another players world. And yes I've met you and several students here along with Glynda and staff." He explained before turning to me. "As for where I come from…not in the alternate Remnant but my true origins, I'll let Sam tell ya." He said to Ozpin before giving me a PM.

"Tell him I'm from earth like you did before I got here."

I nodded, still having my grin and began. "Okay Oz like I explained when we first met Connor, like me, is from earth where the RWBY series are. Basically earth is one place and one universe no second earth or any of that. Just 1 earth. This universe however is like mine not in a God way but just like made for me...I think?" I said with a confused face. "Anyways like Connor said he came from Remnant but a different Remnant. One where he does things I don't know!" I shouted out with my eyes going full repeated circles making me drop my head at Ozpin's desk. HARD. Ouch that kinda hurt.

As my head was still facing Ozpin's desk I could hear them talk but I have other plans other than staying here. I then got my head out of Ozpin's desk and smirked. 'Hehe Connor since you dicked me out earlier I will too.' Yep payback is a bitch.

"Okay Connor I'm going out for a while meet me later. Aaaand the explosion should happen soon. *BOOM!* Huh what perfect coincidence. Bye Connor see ya later." I said as I quickly walked to the elevators. "Also Oz tell Ironwood about this and I'll make sure to test if he really is an Iron-Wood cuz I'll cut it off." I said while making scissor movement with my fingers. "Huehuehuehue."

As I got back to the elevator I was laughing my ass off when I made that joke. Well…I'll do it though, Ironwood is one of my least favorite characters in the anime…Don't know why though.


I was walking towards the explosion and was just in time to see Weiss, Ruby, Blake, and Happy. I walked towards Weiss to stop her ranting. "Okay ice princess break it up." I said with a kind tone making Weiss look at me and blush. "Sam! Where were you? I thought you left me too!" Exclaimed Ruby making a pouty face. I chuckled to try and avoid hugging her. "Well sorry but I had to talk to a friend and Ozpin. Besides I had Happy follow you around." I said in a matter of fact tone.

"So you're the owner of that-that cat! Look at what he did to me!" I looked at Happy making a sorry gesture while scratching his head cutely I then looked down at Weiss. Weiss' hair is messed up. Nothing harmful but girls are very sensitive about hair especially Yang. "Well sorry bout that. Happy apologize to her." I said with a carefree tone. "Aye. Sorry I messed up your hair." I then looked at Weiss to see her still irritated. "Happy go and fly around and find this guy." I said giving him a picture of Connor. "Oh and wear these too glad I made one earlier." I continued giving him a pair of goggles that can detect invisible people. "Okay so Weiss it is nice to meet you but isn't time ticking?" I asked with a smile making Weiss' eyes widen and run to where everyone is going. Same with Blake but without surprise or running. "She's just walking." I muttered with a sweatdrop. "Welcome to Beacon." I heard a Ruby behind me say sadly. Making me frown and was about to help her up. But a certain blond took my thunder and a certain guy that I dicked out a while ago arrived behind me if the shadow behind was any indication.

"You know, this can end up biting you in the ass if you keep this up." I simply nodded with a grin. "You need anything else while I'm here or what?" He asked making me think. I turned to Connor with a carefree smile. "Yep I know this will bite me in the ass later or any time. But! Life would be boring without it!" I exclaimed still having my carefree smile. "Hmm I really don't know do you have to do anything...important? I mean I ain't gonna force ya to stay here for like hours but its no-Oh look Ruby is going this way." I said while looking towards Ruby walking towards us with Jaune following. "Hey Rubes! Guess who's behind me. Guess it right and I give you a treat!" I said with a mischievous grin.

You love pulling the piss outta people don't ya?-actually don't answer I just answered my own question". Said Connor aloud for us to hear. "And to answer your question...I was going to train Jaune and help him get better back in my world. You wanna stop by my world? And have the chance to say Hi? Also just don't do anything that'll start a ruckus, there that's my job". He explained to me. Sure man I ain't gonna do shit. "Oh and to let you know there's another Event Coming soon, it has 48 hours until it starts. Since I did the Halo Event straight away I was able to get notifications on incoming Events before they start". He explained to me while I was surprised. Man if somebody can read minds my mind is having a warzone right now.

I then thought of something stupid. 'Happy scout around carefully to look for people or faunus eavesdropping us. Use the goggles to look for invisible ones.' I said in my mind while sending the message to Happy. 'Aye! Wait but why did you give me the tiny microphone to communicate?!' He asked loudly making me cringe. 'Cuz it looks and feels cool.' I replied with a deadpan tone.

I then looked at Connor then suddenly I gave him a one hand hug and began dancing silly. "Yeaaaah! We get along so well! Let's get some drinks later and bond as brothers!" I shouted out with glee. "Connor? Oh it is you!" Said a certain little red riding hood. "Ummm...Hey names Jaune. Jaune Arc." Said Jaune. Then he smikes and continues. "Short, sweet rolls of the tongue ladies love it." He said with confidence. I looked at him with a deadpan look same with Happy and Ruby. "Do they?" All three of us asked. "T-They will. I-I hope they will." I cut him off before he could say anything else. "Okay Jaune 1 don't take advice from others just be you. Heck I got along well with a pair of twins with just going to the bar and drinking. And 2 don't take advice from any book, the internet, or any tv shows it just shows you can't do independence or anything original." I said with a deadpan look and tone but got cheery at the end. I then continued. "Hey Jaune keep this a secret kay? That we're not from this world but somehow we are and there are two Remnants and maybe more but I don't care I just live and die. Actually I dare say only want to live and not die cuz I don't know what death means. And if you say thiscto anyone especially an orange haired asshole and general Ironwood. And if you do. Hope to God that your children will still live." I said in a very fast pace until I run out of breath and fell face first to the ground. I then took a paper and a crayon from my inventory and wrote. "Connor ur turn do da talkin. Drag me back if ya want." As I finished I quickly took a nap.

I know what I did was stupid but! I trust Jaune. I then suddenly felt Connor grab my ear and began dragging me around which hurts. Now I regret writing that to the paper. I then felt some bushes slapping my body meaning this might be the place where Connor and I met up. Connor then dropped my ear making me fall face to dirt.

"Dude I want answers, why did you tell Jaune straight up?! I mean you didn't even give it a second thought! We busted our assess trying to keep this info hidden. I mean I get you want to tell the gang but at least wait until the teams are formed. Not just out in the open! What if the characters from different games and anime etc are watching you. Did the thought ever come to you!?" He said. Wait if he was so angry why didn't he shout? Nevermind.

"Chill Connor chill look I know that was stupid. But before I told Jaune straight up of who we are I had Happy scout around to know if there is anyone out there trying to listen to us. And besides even if they are invisible, Happy can easily find them thanks to the goggles I gave him and the reason I straight up told Jaune was because you and I know he is VERY trustworthy. Just give him time and he won't rat us out like in Jaunedice." I said with a calm voice while holding my ear. " Also even if there is anyone out there listening, male or female I will capture them and torture them until they either die or promise not to tell anybody." I said with a sadistic smile. "Well I won't do it to some characters I like. Like for example Velvet. Reason cuz I like her a lot and I don't want to turn to swiss cheese." I continued with a smile. "Also don't judge a book by its cover. I maybe stupid but I'm smart enough to know what to do. I just mostly do it in a carefree way." I said while looking to the clouds with a smile.

"*Sigh* Right, Just ever since I turned the Gamer's mind off I haven't been myself lately. Yeah I actually had the balls to turn that off. I felt like I haven't had the time to grieve or anything like that". He said turning to his side and began explaining. "Please be honest with me, this is a serious question..." He said before stopping a moment before continuing. "Have you ever, thought about turning off the gamer's mind, and give yourself time to grieve that you may never be able to go back home? please be honest with me, I get homesick easier than others." He finished while I got deep in my thoughts. Dark past and dark memories.

I snapped out of my thoughts andlooked at him then laid back and began. "Trust me. I get homesick too. I just...don't want to. If I do I'll just cry. I don't want to cry...it just shows me that I still couldn't let go of my past." I stated while opening my skills and looking at Gamer's Mind. "I've lost so many. Too many maybe. All I did was lock everything up. Start a new life, to move on. I hid everything with a stupid smile and a grin. I just thought that maybe I'll get over it if I do this. To get away from everything." I said with a sigh while closing the screen. "The Gamer ability is something that helped me this past few weeks. Back in my world after I wake up, I always wondered that what does heaven look like? How are my friends? Many times I wanted to go there myself." I said with a sad smile. "But I couldn't do it. I promised everybody that I would change. I did but...I still blame myself for what happened back then." I then sat back up and opened my hand and looked at my palm. "Everything that happened was my fault. Trust me when I say that I wanted to die. So many times. But everytime I do I always see everyone. Smiling and laughing. I just...drop out everytime I see them. I always have a cousin of mine to cook for me. I can't handle cooking because I have to hold a knife to do it. Before, I used to have PTSD just holding a knife is enough to throw me off." I said as I closed my palm. "Just one night. One night was enough to take it all away from me. That's why I drink a lot back in earth. Heck I even tried to drink so many that could possibly kill me." I said with a light chuckle. "Anyway I guess its time to go the speech." I groaned. I looked at Connor with a smile. "Thanks for listening Connor. Maybe I will turn off Gamer's mind and face everything. Also time to go!" I said as I ran off to where everybody is right now while laughing all the way and leaving dust clouds.

Inside the auditorium

As we entered to the auditorium just in time I heard someone calling my name. I looked straight and saw a grinning blond girl. "Yang! Glad to finally be here!" I stated with a smile while I disappeared from most likely where Connor is. I then looked at Ruby then did what I always do. I rubbed her head making her pout cutely and whine. "Okay Yang guess who is behind me." I said playfully. I then looked at Ruby and took a cookie, made by yours truly, from my inventory and gave it to Ruby who squeal and take it and began munching on it while Yang just looked around and shrugged.

"Sam, they won't be able to answer that question with my cloak module. Besides I don't blame em for not being able to. Oh by the way Sup Yang?" Connor said to me then to Yang in the last part making said girl look around confused. "I had to go invisible due to Sam and I's business we have going on, so sorry I can't uncloak and say hi face to face cause I don't want to get spotted by the staff or anyone else." He explained while giving me a PM. "When the speech is finished head back outside one more time so I can give you the rundown on the Event that's coming soon. Also Have you had any notifications on Events yet?"

"Nope sorry probably because the sytem hates me. I wonder why though." I PM to Connor back. I then gained a grin. I put my hand to my pocket as if I was taking something. I then took a goggle similar to Happy's and gave it to Yang. I looked at Yang and nudged my head to the side knowing where Connor is right now. "Connor you won't use that as a way to peep right?" I PM him while grinning.

"Like you wouldn't Sam?" Asked Cortana while she appeared in my HUD making me step back a bit.

"Now you know what happens when you run you're mouth with comments like that. Women will have their killer gaze on you". Connor replied while I nodded in agreement. "Besides This is a Green rarity camo module, I'd use something of either purple or blue rarity." He continued. I smirked then gave them a reply. "Well touché Cortana but like I said to Connor when we first met. I respect women and I ain't an open pervert unlike a brunette named Issei Hyoudou. But maybe that's falls info but you never know." I finished with a grin while holding my hand up to my head. "Also I wonder how would Glynda from your world would feel when she learns you CAN peep the girls?" I said with a mischievous grin. "Like, you I don't do that. Besides why peep, and Cortana, you can tell where I'm going with this since we had the time to talk before we left, why peep when you can earn your way into a relationship that allows a peep or two?" He asked while I nodded sagely. 'It does not matter if you peep. As you can get girls and let them do what you want. As this will happen we are happy to not peep as it is unnecessary.' I thought with a sage-like tone. While thinking sagely Ozpin began his speech while I just heard blah blahs. If you have read or watched the speech then you will be bored to death. After that Glynda began her announcement.

"Now, the Event I had mentioned will start 48 hours time. So be ready for a challenge since both of us are going if you choose to tag along, best if it's just you and me so that your world's cast can bond when team are formed. when they have bonded long enough we'll take turns bringing your cast and my cast with us in the events." He explained while I got my imagination where I began to introduce myself to the teams at Connor's Remnant. Confusing.

I smiled and nodded. "Okay so party with members that I have met and they haven't met me yet. Got it. Man this is so confusing. By the way what's the event. If its a monster hunt from Evolve then count me in!" I exclaimed with a grin then with a huge 180 my face turned sour. "Connor wait for me please." I said and began to walk back to the auditorium. Before I entered I PM Connor. "Nature calls."

Back inside the Auditorium

While walking I stopped to a restroom and walked inside. "Finally. Drinking a lot can take you much comfort but in the end it still hurts to hold it." I muttered as I was holding my crotch. I quickly walked over to a urinal. Before I could release the damn I quickly played 'Ode to Joy without vocals.' When the song started to play I quickly opened the dam and stayed there for about two minutes. After finishing my business I quickly washed my hands and left the restroom. "Hmm that seem to be a lot more than normal...Meh."

Back outside

I went back outside with a very satisfied face.

'Can Gamers get sick? Because I know for a fact that I let out a lot more than normal…That's what she said.' I snickered mentally.

"Finished your business?" I heard Connor making me grin internally to what I'm about to say. I looked at Connor and nodded. "Yep just a two minute break with the urinal nothing more nothing less." I said with a grin. "Man that was a lot more than normal though. Hey Connor! Can we get sick?" I asked him with a thinking pose. Knowing Connor he probably feels sick.

What? Can't a guy get a bit humorous in a dirty way? Anyways onwards to the story!

"Your guess is as good as mine." He shrugged "Anyway you were asking about the event." I nodded in response. "Well pack your shit for it because we're going to mass effect." He finished with a smirk. I stared at him for about a minute, put my hands on his shoulders and began shaking him. "Woooohoooo! More booms! Okay okay okay let's go let's go aaaaaahhhh!" I screamed.

As I was still shaking Connor, I began imagining all the fun shit we could do and the explosions. I then felt Connor slow me down. "Slow down man! I get it you're excited and all but calm down, it's two days from now mate". He chuckled "Now like I said before, the enemies will be stronger if the two of us are going to go in. So use the initiation as your boost in leveling. The Double EXP booster might help with that but that's your choice."

"Yep sorry but I'm just excited. I really am though. One thing for sure is I am excited." I said with a smile. "But one thing for sure is that I'm a bit worried. Cuz since events can be from just about anything I'm worried if its Attack On Titan that's for sure." I said with a worried tone. I remember all the creepy smiles both from the anime AND the movie. The smiles are creepy. As I shuddered I didn't see Connor shudder too. After that we're just cool.

"So tell me, did you have a laptop or something you can use to shop for items back home?" 'Yep now that I think about it another application was in my laptop that I didn't open yet.' I quickly thought. "Because that's where I get most of my equipment. Also check if there is a quest for Beacon's initiation, because if I remember correctly from every RWBY gamer fanfiction I've read there's usually a quest for the initiation, hell even I got one." He finished as I nodded in agreement. "Yep the system being kind for a while sent me a scroll with some personal info, and my laptop which still has all my stuff in it. The system also added something new to it. Which I still didn't check out." I said with a sweatdrop.

"Well check your laptop to find things that can be useful. It helps. Anyway I can provide support if need be for the initiation. without Oz knowing of course." He suggested making me think for a while. If Connor helps me out both of us can have more loot and experience. "Wait a minute...why do you smell like sex-" He cut himself off while I began to get nervous for a bit. Well I did got a little…quickie from the twins. "Alright mate who'd ya end up banging?" He asked with his arms crossed and a brow raised. I may have mentioned it before but Connor can act like an older sibling. No? Well I did now.

I began to sweat a bit with an embarrassed smile. "Umm the twins?" I answered while trying to hide my embarrassment of being discovered. "Okay okay I got a little quickie with the twins before I came to the bullhead." I answered truthfully. "How I got them is because of one title that lets me get along with girls easily." I added with a grin. Well and thanks to the system update.

"Aside from the title which I think puts your ego through the fucking roof." He deadpanned. He then made a face that said 'you know what? I'm not even mad.' Well thanks God for that. "I never would've though you'd go for the twins at Juniors." 'Well they're good girls…kinda while I'm stupid but hot so it works.' I thought while grinning mentally. I smiled and looked at Connor. "Well they ARE hot ya know?" I asked with a shit-eating grin. "They also give good massages. Helps me out when drinking can't help relieve stress." I added. 'Well I can't get drunk like I used to back in earth.' I mentally added.

"Well your world your business. Anyway how do you want to tackle the initiation? You want me on support or what? Actually there might be an Evolve Monster evolution journal down there, so I might tag along just in case if there is one." 'Well the more the merrier…that's what I would say.' I thought as I nodded in understanding. "Oh you know what do come. Perhaps we might find a boss or something." I said with a serious tone. "Even better if we somehow find something that can give us a boost or something. Maybe another monster from evolve? I instantly knew that when you summoned Goliath that you beat that guy before getting him. But let's try not pushing our luck if somehow we find Behemoth just run while I play Ridin by Chamillionare." I stated with a grin and a chuckle, if we somehow got Behemoth I would literally laugh my ass off, screw danger.

"Well, it depends on what Monster you get. Or we get. If it's Behemoth, we're in for a bad day. If it's Kraken your gonna be creeped out, Wraith, I think everyone in the initiation is in danger due to her being so fucking stealthy. And last but not least Gorgon. That bitch will fuck with our heads with all the abilities she has. The fact that she's a spider *shudders* she creeps me out". He explained while I shudder with him. Yep not only Kraken but Gorgon too "Anyway, I'll see if I can use Goliath to give us a fighting edge, and see if we can get the ref of the students out of the fight." He stated while I nod in agreement. "Well we have that option. But if possible I want more options to get the safe route. We need a 100% plan to finish this safely, unfortunately we are not safe." I finished with a chuckle. "We can also tell Ozpin that its possible that there is a monster hidden in Emerald Forest that the others can't take other than us that is." I added with my eyes closed.

"Well, we both know that Monsters need to eat to gain armor and evolve. They can eat Grimm and they need to hunt and the students are the prey. And possibly us. The point is if we go in there with the right equipment we'll have a fighting chance. And fortunately for us Cortana and I can access the store from my world and stock up on ammo and weapons. I only need heavy weapons for my arsenal anyway. Also, with the combined effort of You, Frost my elemental and Myself with Cortana, we're pretty much match for it. The only problem is the monster type, stage and location." Yep if we're against Behemoth, a closed space will be bad, same with Wraith. But if its Kraken or Gorgon we can take them on in a cave as long as we avoid Kraken's Aftershock. But either way I want a clear space, a valley of sorts.

I then shivered as I recalled what Connor said, when he mentioned the stage and type. "Well good point if its stage 3 we run maybe. Stage 2 its okay and stage 1 is easy as pie. You know what? I'll buy something from the store for some REALLY heavy guns. Thanks to Jacques anyways he gave me a lot of money as thanks when I was discharged from the hospital. Also I can have Happy carry some of our items when we need it. Also try to have Caira's healing grenade launcher that way Happy can provide a bit of support. Also if its Wraith I can make some detection goggles to help us out and if its Behemoth I can finally use Da Dab bomb which gives serious damage." I said while doing the dab.

"Ok…that has the weapons and tactics out of the way. But what about the other students in the initiation. They may be able to hold off the monster but they won't last long." He said to me while bringing up the store menu for the both of us.. "Now I don't have access to vehicles yet which is a shame and are expensive as all anything. I'm saving up for one but it can wait a little longer, take your pick the Halo event should have something in stock like a Rocket launcher or spartan laser or something." He said while I mentally laugh in glee. Think of all the destruction and booms!

I nodded while flushing the destructive side away. "Yep well I also wouldn't mind a mini-gun too. Hmmm also since in Evolve the monsters need armor. They should feed on grimm. Only problem is what are the effects?" I ask in worry. If there is one thing that worries me, it's a grimmified monster.

"I swear if we get a fucking Grimm behemoth. We. Are. Fucked. Period. Let not talk about that. I think armor piercing rounds and incendiary almost can wreck its armor. And we need something to trap it." He explained. "Let see. No. No, that won't work. No." He said going through the various items on in the shop making me think of what's in store, until he stopped at something. "Is that, Caira's Launcher and Hide's Mini-gun I see?"

I grinned in excitement. "Wooooohoooo! Yay more boom! Also there's Happy!" I shouted out as Happy appeared. "Happy my laptop please." "Aye!" He exclaimed searching in his tiny bag. "Here ya go!" He exclaimed giving me a silver laptop. "Thanks." I said as I grabbed the laptop and turned it on. "Okay so there's the thing that opens the store." I said tapping the store. "Okay so we're in and what to look for?" I asked myself as I finally have an idea and grinned. "Okay let's search this one. 'Starcraft 2 Machines.'" I said as I pressed the search button. "...OH MY GOD!" I shouted out. "What is it?"

I turned my head to him like a robot. "I just found the goldmine." I stated barely containing my excitement. "These are all the machines in Starcraft 2! Annihilator can definitely help with its rapid fire plasma cannons. The observer can helps us find any invisible unit or can notify us of any students approaching during the initiation. Thor can definitely pack a huge punch with its high impact payload. Stalkers can help us provide range support and they can also blink to avoid getting annihilated. And the sentry can provide forcefields for support." I finished while drooling. I then looked at the price and my jaws drop. "But all of them cost a hundred thousand and more maaan." I said while slumping. "Aye! Sam I found a strange card while flying with Ruby but I forgot to give it to you!" He said giving me a silver card making my eyes widen. "I-If this is what I think it is then...Let's see." I said tapping the card. "FUCK YEAH!"

"What's the card anyway? A coupon? I still have mine just in case I need something."

I then looked at Connor with stars for eyes. "This silver card is from Fire Emblem! It halves any price! ANYTHING!" I shouted out with glee. "NOW I can buy MORE!" I said while laughing. "Hmm let's see if there is more." I muttered with a chuckle. While browsing I found something that shocked me to the core. "FENIX!" I shouted out with joy. "Let's see the description." I said as I tapped the descriptions. "A former protoss warrior that died in battle. But returned as a purifier. A very powerful companion but can only be able to attack for a minute only. While in battle mode he can easily bring a massacre with the right movement and right timing." I said as I read the description out loud. Well in the game he only lasts 30 seconds guess the system gave him an upgrade huh? Thanks system.

"Ok the way I see it we'll need support, firepower and eyes on the battlefield. Have some observers with us and sentries for spotting students and having forcefields. Stalkers for ranged support so the monster is not just attacking us. I think Fenix Might be the best thing we have to a last resort and Goliath as well." Good thinking Con-dor. Yep I'm still not finished with that.

I nodded with a grin. "Okay so 5 stalkers, sentries, and observers should be good and 1 Fenix coming right up. Hmm I'm a bit low for now." I muttered. "Okay Connor we got stuff in a few hours says the timer!" I shouted out with a smile. While Happy is interacting with Cortana I simply turned off my laptop and closed it and sighing in happiness. "When I get those machines all hell will probably break loose if there is a manual control for the machines that is." I said with a grin. 'That's true BTW ladies and gentlemen I'll go nuts with them machines, add Ruby and maybe Nora in the mix…well all hell will break loose.'

"If the emerald forest ends up even more destroyed this ones on you". Connor said to me. He then gestured me to follow him back in the auditorium and call it a day. Which is true. I can see it now 'Warlord Sam. Machines for war master.' I then thought about it for a while. 'Nah the last one is a bit of a turn off.' I then realized what I thought then chuckled that I made a pun without realizing it

Night time Ballroom.

I was brushing my teeth after I finished taking a shower. I then got a stupid and mischievous idea.

A few moments later.

"Hey! Who stole my boxers?!" I shouted out loud to the ballroom while wearing a long towel over my lower half with some water I sprinkled on my torso on purpose. "So? Who took my boxers?!" I asked with a stern look. 'Thank God for Acting.' I thought while grinning inside my head. 'Go on ladies! I am your treat! Well not literally but love me!'

As I continued showing everyone my wet glory. Hehehe wet. I saw Connor sitting near a blushing Ruby and a nosebleeding Yang. I saw Blake in her kimono making me curious if she-No! Bad Sam! I then saw Weiss blushing a storm while trying to hide her face. The guys are staring at me in jealousy and hate but I don't give a fuck about that, while the girls are staring at me with lust or nosebleeding. I grin internally at my stupid but working plan to woo a LOT of girls.

As I was chuckling I have an idea to tease the female students. "Man seriously who steals underwear. Well at least I can make another one." I said in a deadpan voice but in truth I'm happy and satisfied. I quickly took out my boxers, a pair of shorts and a red shirt that is tight, not tight enough to make me suffocate but just tight enough to show some muscles. When I began to head back to the shower room I heard moans of disappointment.

"Rule numero uno to get a girl tease her. Or them in this case." I muttered with a smirk.

1 minute later.

When I walked back to the ballroom I saw Connor and I began walking towards him. "So how does it feel to do initiation again?" I whispered to him just loud enough for him to hear.

"Well aside from you showing of your pecks like Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson, deja'vu might be an understatement." He replied whispering back. True if I'm the wild and crazy then you're the voice of reason. He then saw Ruby and Yang walking over to Blake and introducing themselves. "Is it weird I kinda see a little bit of myself in Ruby and her Team? Well future team given the current situation." Well if you're someone from another Remnant then maybe.

I chuckled a bit. "Nope I don't know." I then looked to my side. "Well things are about to get messy tomorrow Conno-" I suddenly stopped as there is something or rather someone that I see. Make that 3 people actually.

"What, what is-oh." With 'Oh' being said Connor must've noticed.

I then looked at Connor to talk to him. "Okay so I just saw 3 hotties only thing is, it said OC" I said pointing to a blue haired girl leaning on a wall "and 2 OC from fairy tail and Highschool DXD over there." I said pointing at a familiar raven faunus girl and a blonde girl fixing her pajamas. "The 2 of them I know. But the other one is a puzzle. They're names are Raynare Blackfeather and Lucy Heartifilia." I said with a slow tone. "Raynare usually does not have a surname but in here she has." I explained.

"I may have not watched DXD as much, but I know who Raynare is. A fallen Angel. The last thing we need is a fallen angel bitch fucking us over. If she's in cahoots with Cinder we're in trouble. The thing is from what I remember Raynare was a villain, I think. Did you run into her before?"I nodded confirming his question. "Who is the blue one? I can't see from this angle." He said trying to look for the blue haired.

"I don't know any blue haired characters other than Neptune in RWBY from the top of my head." He said while I simply nodded. "Yep same here. But one thing for sure is that I don't know if Raynare is good or bad. Sure in the DXD anime she is a bad bitch but when I met her a few days ago she gave me a good vibe like she's pure. But one thing for sure is that she doesn't have the attitude she had or memories being as Raynare the fallen angel. If she did then 3 thugs would be in the cemetery by now." I said with a serious face and tone. "Also I'm in the same boat with ya I don't know the blue haired girl. 100% sure she is an OC that the author must have added if the message the screen gave me was any indication." I said going back to my grin while breaking the 4th wall again while trying to ignore the screen in front of me.

"Now aside from the 4th wall break, but what if Raynare was doing that just to get to you? I mean she pulled that shit off in the show and had Issei right where she wanted him." He replied while I got deep in thought. "Look all I'm saying is watch out for her, when it comes to Remnant anyone will stab you in the back." He stated lying back down and facing the ceiling. Thanks Connor, you're a real bro. "We should get some sleep Cortana keep a lookout for us just in case ok?"

"I'll be your eyes for the night, if anything happens I'll let you know and wake you two immediately." With that I closed my eyes while ignoring the argument of the future team RWBY.

Next day.

I woke up clearly energized. I stood up and saw Connor still sleeping. "Well guess that training paid off huh?" I muttered. Thanks to Saitama's work out I can wake up earlier. I checked my scroll to see its 6:00 AM. "Maybe I woke up a bit too early?" I asked myself. "Nah." I then went outside after getting lost a few times even with the map. As I got out I felt cold but I just shrugged it off. "Now then! Time for some intense training." I said as I took out a boulder from my inventory. "Heh it helps that being the Gamer defies the law of physics." I chuckled. "Since I'll train maybe about a thousand?" I muttered to myself. "I then looked at a camera behind me and grinned, gave a thumbs up and began lifting the boulder up and down.

Few hours later.

I was minding my own business lifting the boulder with no shirts on but hey its training. I then received a PM letting me know that Connor is awake. "Connor wait for me a bit just 50 more to go." I PM Connor.

"Well I'll be in the forest doing some recon. I'll see if I can find anything that might resemble a Monster home, and which one it belongs to. If there's not monster home then we can have that as the best case scenario. Anyway I'll see ya in the forest." I simply nodded as I continue to lift the boulder. "Hey Connor PM me when u get trouble." I PM to Connor just in case. "997...998...999...1000!" I exclaimed with a tired breath. "Now...to...run...with the boulder!" I shouted out with a tired smile. Yep this is torture. But all worth it. So far no addition to my stats surprisingly making me frown. Well more workout!

Few minutes later.

I was running along with the boulder still being held by my arms until I received a PM from Connor. After reading the PM I paled. "But still he needs my help..." I then looked at some rope and the boulder. "and I just have the way to get there fast." I muttered with a grin.

Tying up sounds and grunts.

I stepped back to look at the make shift flail and transporter. "Okay so I just have to have some he-Oh! Hey Yang! I need some help. Can you spin this around and throw it to that direction?" I asked pointing to where Connor was. "Okay but you owe me." She said with a grin while I just nod with a grin "Ya got it." I then got on position which is riding the boulder. "Okay Yang 3" Yang held the rope "2" I held the boulder tighter "1" Some students began forming around "GO!" Then Yang immediately began spinning me around making me dizzy but I still held on. "Okay don't die hotshot!" Shouted Yang as she let go making me and the boulder go to where Connor was fighting the kraken. "I BELIEVE I CAN FLYYYYYY!" I shouted out with extreme glee.

Few seconds later.

As I saw Connor taking the Elder Kraken on I shivered at its gurgle. But time to go serious! "Cavalry has arrived!" I shouted out as I began crashing towards the Kraken. I then got Merciless out. "Hey ugly! I want some calamari for breakfast!" I shouted out. I then crashed to the Kraken's head that dealt 2358 damage! I then jumped off the boulder and began hacking at its head rapidly dealing 548 damage before it smacked me away. But just at it smacked me away I quickly equipped Black Viper and shot at it at its mouth dealing 142 damage. "Hey Connor sorry for being late. But it was all worth it." I said with a smile. Just then I heard a gurgle and paled. "AAAAAHHHHHH! I DON'T WANT NO TENTACLE PORN!" I shouted out as I hid behind Connor. Yep I'm a pervert but for some odd reason the Kraken from evolve can get really creepy to me.

"OH SHUT UP!" He shouted equipping Hide's mini-gun and spraying into Kraken if the roars of pain were any indication. "Ok aside from the tentacle porn shout and cowering like a little bitch. That entrance...that was pretty fucking sweet." Why thank you Connor. "Ok have your Starcraft Equipment out and ready. As you can see if you observe me. I ain't doing so good." He stated while I did observe him and boy was it not good. Right now his AP was down and he is roughly at half HP. Thank God for reaching on time. "Just keep him occupied while I get my AP back to full. I'm gonna go all Goliath on this motherfucker." He said.

'He could've added literally.' I thought as I nodded with a grin. "Okay ugly! Say hello to my little friends!" I shouted out as 16 beams of light suddenly collapsed down to the ground around us. After a few seconds the beams of light began materialising to 5 stalkers, sentries, observers, and 1 Fenix. "Observers take to the skies! Find the Elder Kraken! Stalkers position yourselves and blink if necessary! Sentries prepare to use guardian shields and forcefields to avoid banshee mines! Fenix go ham!" I shouted out orders. "It is an honor to do so Sam." Said Fenix as he and the other protoss units began to do their respective roles with Fenix charging in with whirlwind dealing 375 damage in total. The stalkers do 15 damage per beams shot not much but it helps. The sentries deal continuous damage with their particle disruptors which cause 6 damage but still continuous damage. "Okay Sam you can do this!" I shouted out as the Kraken flew away from Fenix. I managed to jump and hold on to the Kraken while its still doing gurlge sounds creeping me out. I then looked at Fenix to see him hiding behind a rock in his capsule form. 'Looks like Fenix's cooldown is kicking in huh?' I thought. I then grinned and opened my inventory and getting some sticky bombs. But not just any sticky bombs. These are Da Dab Bombs. These babies deal tons of damage. I grinned and began throwing 10 Da Dab Bombs to seperate areas. 2 are on the head 4 at the back and the rest are at its legs. I then jumped off and landed beside Connor who was still healing. "Hey Connor! The fireworks is on now!" I shouted out while laughing. As I stand beside Connor I then raised my hands up straight and in an instant I did the Dab making the bombs explode! It took away all of its armor! "HOLY SHIT! DIDN'T EXPECT THAT ONE! OKAY I'LL USE THESE AGAINST CARDIN LATER!" I shouted out with glee. 'Hehe Cardin hope you're having a coffin as a present cuz you'll need it.' As I finished that joke of a thought the Kraken managed to use Vortex to push a Stalker which took away half its shield! "Protect the Dark Prelate!" I blinked and got the idea. "Must be because of my clothes." I stated. Then a lightning strike was about to get a Stalker but it blinked before it could do some damage! I then looked at Connor with a grin. "Ya ready?"

"Oh fuckin' oath I am!" He said as his body began shifting into the Monster he had tamed. I expected the Goliath from last time but instead the height was bigger and the spikes on his back were thicker and longer. Meaning he was now at Stage 2. 'Now that I look at it close it looks pretty cool and badass.' I thought. 1 "NOW I"M PISSED!" He roared in his Monster voice scaring me. He unleashed a fire breath on the Kraken which was burning its health away bit by bit. He then used Leap Smash while it was still down but he missed making me groan in disappointment. Meaning no smushed Kraken. He used the rock throw and tossed it at the Kraken in mid-air which sent it tumbling back down to the ground. He walked over and held it down, I simply smiled thanking Connor for taking down the Kraken. The Kraken struggled to be free but due to it being wounded from all the fighting it had difficulty fighting Connor back. He at me and I got the message. Which was kill the Kraken.

I pulled out Black Viper and shot at its eye and shooting it again and again unloading everything I have. As I finished unloading Black Viper I looked up to see Connor looking at me. "What? That guy creeps me out." I stated getting a sweatdrop from Connor. I then heard a gurgle and I turned to see the Kraken still alive albeit barely. It then looked at me and closed its eyes marking its death. Just then the Kraken began rotting. "Ummm Connor is this normal?" I asked very confused. Just then 4500 lien popped out along with some tentacles and a gray book. "Eww the tentacles really?!" I then took the book and "Observe."

Evolution Journal (Kraken)

Gives you the ability to summon or become the Kraken.

I then took a big swig of air and let it all out. "HOLY SHIT REALLY?!" I screamed with very large eyes that you can mistake them for plates.

"Yep that was pretty much my reaction when I found Golath's Evolution journal." He explained while chuckling. "Look about the Elder Kraken, he had time to bring his friend up and make his escape. Besides Monsters like him and Goliath are good at that, he's probably long gone. We'll get em next time. Besides even if we fought this one Elder Kraken would've finished us off. I think he may be part of an Event for Evolve." He theorized. I simply accepted his logic. "Well anyway, call your observers back and save em for when we do go after him Besides Elder Kraken was Level 45 for Christ sake. that's well in the danger zone for both of us."

I nodded in agreement. "Yeah maybe a single lightning strike from that one can easily take us out." I said with a sigh while mentally ordering the observers to go back. "Anyways I wanna eat something wanna go by the cafeteria?" I asked with excitement in my tone.

"Heh, I'll grab a quick bite to eat before I head off, I did promise Jaune that I'd help him out. But I'll have to do that tomorrow." He replied as we go back to the Academy.


When we got back it was 9:10 meaning we only took 30-40 minutes in the forest.

As I was eating my breakfast I turned to Connor. "So Connor what type of help are you giving Jaune?" I whispered silently. "Also when did your Goliath turn to Stage 2? Is it like in the game like do you feed it or something else?" I asked him.

"Well to answer your questions in order. I want to help Jaune on his lacking of ranged attacks. I was thinking of giving him an SMG that I recently got not to long ago. But I then thought of a small crossbow. Y'know to add to his knight themed character. And as for Goliath he actually got an EXP boost when fighting you and the sisters. I then encountered a Gorgon and beat that monster and...well yeah. I ate it." He said while I imagined me eating a Gorgon as Kraken. I shivered at the thought. "But yeah when I fed off that Gorgon Goliath Evolved to Stage 2. But it wasn't a Stage 3 Gorgon so I didn't get the Evolution journal for that monster." Well good work for exterminating a scary motherfucker.

I nodded with a shiver. "Gorgon huh? Good work. I easily get scared of Gorgon whenever I play Evolve." I whispered while shivering at the memories.

"Spiders, I tell ya man. Always freaky as hell. No matter what the size." He replied while finishing his breakfast for the day. "Well, I wish ya luck in the initiation". He said standing up. "If I don't get back soon Pyrrah and Jaune will be wondering where I am. Take care man." He said walking away but stopped "Oh and one other thing. do establish Arkos early if that's what you plan on doing. Anyway ciao!" He said walking out of the cafeteria. I simply ate my breakfast. Until I received his PM.

"Don't get any ideas with Kraken's tentacles."

Well that was that.

A few minutes later.

I was walking around the lockers preparing for the upcoming initiation. Until I spotted Jaune walking towards Pyrrah and Weiss. I quickly saved him from the embarrassment via dragging him away even with him whining.

"Okay Jaune first of all do you know sarasm?" I asked him while he looks at me. "Okay you don't." I said with a deadpan face and tone. "Well let me tell you its meaning…Sarcasm is a way of saying a complement or sentence but doesn't mean it. With what Weiss said yesterday. That. Was. Sarcasm." I said with a deadpan tone. "So she didn't complement me?" I simply nodded while he slumped his shoulders. "Well at least you know now. I mean you were gonna give her a nickname and I quote 'Snow Angel.'" I said while giving an air quote. "Now then" I said as I whispered to Jaune "don't tell what I said to you yesterday okay?" He simply nodded. I smiled and began dragging him by his neck. "Good! Let's go!" I exclaimed in glee with a fist in the air. "Yang! Ruby! Meet ya at the cliff!" I shouted out while I got a squeaky "Okay!" I grinned with a struggling Jaune. "Wait! My gear!" "Oh yeah well let's find your locker then!"

Few minutes later.

I was standing on a platform with Jaune to my left and Raynare to my right.

I wasn't paying attention to anything at all until I heard the platforms go off. I grinned as I waited. I got out Black Viper and Merciless. I put Black Viper to my back and Merciless is just being carried by my right hand. As I looked at Raynare she smiled and nodded to me while I did the same. As her platform turned on she got on a leaning stance and there she goes. I simply put my left le g straight back and my right leg bended, I have Merciless leaning to my right shoulder and my left arm in my pocket. Then I was launched off. "WOOOOHOOOO!"

As I was falling I was laughing as well. I then realized that I was FALLING. I held Merciless tightly and saw a thick tree. Thick enough for me to not chop it in half. I was at a few meters away from the tree but thankfully Merciless' afterburn should help. I quickly turned on the afterburn and flew straight to the tree making me stick to the tree. But as that happened I was circling around the tree until I reached the ground.

"Okay so who am I aiming for? Well its pretty much obvious right everybody?!" I shouted out as a pack of Beowolf surrounded me. "Well this should be fun." I said with a smirk. As I counted each and everyone of them which was 12, they all have decent stats. Also now that I think about it why didn't I level up when Connor and I beat that Kraken? Nevermind I'll just check my stats later.

A Beowolf got behind me but I quickly turned around and slash at its head killing it. Then 4 Beowolves decided to charge right in. Big mistake. I smirked and activated Bloodsong killing 1 of them and making the 3 have half health and bleed. I quickly took Black Viper and shot at them to the head killing them. The leader which has the most bones…hehe bones, suddenly howled and the 6 Beowolves moved for the kill. So they thought. I then jumped and aimed Black Viper to a Beowolf. I used Mana shot and the familiar glow of the barrel of Black Viper suddenly shot towards the Beowolf killing it along with a Beowolf behind it and making a small explosion, making it 4 regular Beowolves and 1 Alpha remaining. As soon as I landed on the ground I quickly dashed towards the nearest Beowolf and punched it dealing a bit of damage and I suddenly swung at its head. I then took out the gun Connor gave me and shot at the 3 remaining Beowolves taking away half their health. I then quickly got in front of the Beowolves and slashed sideways killing all 3. I looked at the Alpha while it howls. Suddenly a shot was heard and a hole was at the head of the now dead Alpha I looked behind me to see the blue haired girl holding a dark blue pistol before transforming it to a short sword. The sword was beautifully crafted with a symbol of a sword in a cloud.

I looked at her to see she was wearing a buttoned up light blue jacket with her symbol on her chest which was also big, she was wearing dark blue shorts that shows her long beautiful legs but still showing modesty. She has dark blue eyes same with her hair which was long and straight, reaching up to her waist. She has a smile on her face. Now that I look at her she is beautiful, I mean look at her!

"Hey the names Connor Anderson. Looks like we're partners starting today." She simply smiled and nodded. "I am Caroline Mistwhisper. It is a pleasure." She stretched her hand for a hand shake. I smiled and took her hand which was very soft and shook it. "Now that introductions are made Happy! Come on!" I shouted out as Happy left the back of my clothes. "Aye! Hello!" He introduce himself to Caroline who look like she could barely hold herself. I grinned. "Go on knock yourself out." I said while pointing to Happy. Getting the message Caroline quickly hugged Happy tightly while Happy was struggling and me? I'm laughing.

I then checked my status.

Sam Anderson

Title: A Fucking Sadist


HP: 475/475




END: 25

DEX: 25


WIS: 23

CHR: 20

LUCK: 32

Stat points:15

As I finished thinking on what to pick I mentally upped my stats. Because tapping it in the air is too stupid and exposing.

Sam Anderson

Title: A Fucking Sadist


HP: 475/475




END: 27

DEX: 29


WIS: 23

CHR: 20

LUCK: 36

I quickly closed my screen. 'System please at the very least inform me everytime I level up.' I thought.

[Do a small quest. Then I will inform you.] I smiled 'Accept.'

[Quest! Do the initiation!]

[You are doing the initiation of Beacon. Pass the initiation. Rewards:Increased relationship with team RWBY, JNPR, and Beacon Staff. Combat Cookbook. Purple Blueprint. Your very own team!]

[Optional quest! Save Weiss from falling! Since Jaune isn't going for Weiss who will pick him up? Rewards:Weiss develops feelings for you.]

'Yep so doing that Optional quest.' I thought with a grin. I looked at Caroline to see her still snuggling with Happy tight. "Okay Caroline let go of Happy." She did it with hesitation but still did so. "Happy scout around for us." Happy didn't reply. "Okay I'll give you some tuna if you will." I said with a twinkle in my eyes while Happy raises his paw with an "Aye!" and flew off. "Find the temple for us Happy!" I quickly shouted out.

I looked at Caroline with a grin. "Well time to do the waiting game." She simply nodded and began to sit down cross legged and closed her eyes while I chuckle and looked up.