


Gaming_Gladiator · Anime & Comics
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chapter 2

"ID create" "Oh custom or Zombie let's go with Zombie"

And as I said that everything went quite non of that loud Gotham gun shots and screaming peace and quiet and then I heard moaning and it smelled nasty.

After setting up the ID I went into the kitchen and got a knife


A knife mass produced by lexcorp for cooking effects: 10%cooking speed increase, 10% increase In strength]

"OK now that I have my weapon time to kill some Zombies." I said as I walked out the door and the smell was something else.

"OK now to get the observe skill" I said as I started focusing on the Zombie hard and it happened"

[You have gained the skill observe

Observe: this skill allows you to find the target's information]

[Zombie: Lv: 6

Hp: 600


A walking corpse no matter how it died. It hates the living attacking and eating it flesh.

Although it is dead it it has twice the strength as it was living but is slow]

"OK this should be easy" I said as I staped the Zombie in the head. (And it's still alive) I said as i ran back in the house and grabbed a bat and started bashing it in the head after the 4th hit it finally died and even left something.

[You've obtained the item (soul stone)]

"OK now it's time to grind some levels" I said running up to another as I started bashing it in the head.

After a couple minutes later l was lvl 10 and it was time to leave the ID and Distribute the points. Just as I was about to leave I felt a hole bunch of energy going to converging in a single spot.

"What the hell was that... should i go see what that was." And just as i was about to go and investigate I felt a force pushing me out the dungeon the I blacked out.

After what I assume was a couple of minutes I saw a message.

[You have been forced out of the dungeon by ???]

"What someone or something can kick me out of my dungeon that should be impossible " after a while I realized that being mad was doing nothing so I stopped worrying about it and so I went out.

"I need to make those mana attacks They are the first to magic but first let me Distribute my points i gained 6 levels so thats 30 point i will put 10 in int 5 int vit 4 in str and dex 4 in wis and the last 3 in luk"

[Name: Jaden Jones

Class: gamer

Level: 6









Points: 0

Money: 270$]

"Now time to start working on the energy bolt and the spinning mana arrow." After making the plan I made a empty ID and set up some cans.

"OK time to do this if Han Jee could do this I can." After a while of trying to focus the mana it happened I felt a strange feeling in my plam and some blue energy flew out and when it hit the can it exploded.

"Finally the first start to magic now time to work on the power strick and spinning mana arrow but we can save that for tomorrow."

After leaving the empty ID I started walking around the city exploring at night Gotham was a hell hole buy at day it was still bad but not as bad as night.

And after walking for a couple of minutes I went to the library and as I went in I checked my phone. "By now speedy should have stormed out after getting called a sidekick for like that hundredth time."

(Wait if I have gamers mind doesn't that mean my mind can't get read so that means I don't have to worry about mind readers)

(Now time to find some skills books)

After a while of looking around and picking up some books I was left with a skill books on hand-to-hand combat and one on cooking.

After finding a Secludes space i used them

[User has gained skill cooking

Cooking:Allows user to cook with effectiveness and Efficiency effects:

10% increase in cooking speed

10% increase in cooking efficiency

30% increase in food taste]

[User has gained skill hand-to-hand combat

Hand-to-hand combat: Allows the use to fight whit their hands more Is effectively


10% increase In strength

10% increase In endurance]

"Now my dex should be 20 and str should be 16" OK now it's time to go home and go to sleep. After walking out to an alley I created an empty ID and walked home.

After getting homed I started thinking (I wonder what forced me out of the Zombie dungeon by that force I felt it must have been strong) after laying in bed I started drifting to sleep.

After walking up I did a routine I made get up work on hand to hand combat, cooking, spinning mana arrow, and power strick and after a week these where the skill lvls

[Cooking lvl 47


47% increase in cooking speed

47% increase in cooking efficiency

77% increase in food taste]

[Hand-to-hand combat lvl 25


25% increase In strength

25% increase In endurance]

[Spinning mana arrow lvl 28

A long distance attack skill with increased piercing power by adding a strong spin to a mana arrow. Only possible for those talented in manipulating mana


Another extra arrow is created every 3 lvls(10 arrows)

Cost MP:3]

[Power strick lvl 56

Effects: 300% increase in attack damage per 10 mp]

Ok now it's time to make another id to level up and as I said that I got a messag.

[Quest created]

[Stop the rise of a nascent world

Description: due to the buildi up of a large amount of negative mental energy the Zombie ID you where forced out of has gained a will. It is now trying to expand and grow if it grows to a certain point and absorbs enough mental energy and negative emotions the will can break out of the ID and effects the real world you must destroy the will of the nascent world before that happens.

Rewards: 10 lvls, skill books life drain, magic

Failure: death, absorbed by nascent world consciousness

Time limit: 24 hours]

"So thats what happened ok so the energy convergence was all the mana and mental energy and that's what's probably forced me out as the ID no longer belongs to me... wow im going to have to handle this."

(Ok so I have to make a plan how will I get to the world consciousness... well I guess I'm going in blind)

After grabbing my bat and knife I entered the old Zombie ID but I didn't fill the pushing force this time after walking for a while I felt the way the energy form last time is coming for.

"OK so I'm going that way now" after walking to the energy source I saw a couple of Zombies and i used observe

[Zombie: Lv: 12

Hp: 800


Status effects: empowered by the will of a nascent world

walking corpse no matter how it died. It hates the living attacking and eating it flesh.

Although it is dead it it has four the strength as it was living due to being empowered by the will of a world. It is slow]

"They are not that stronger compared to last time" I said as I started smashing and slashing at the Zombies and that's when what I was waiting for happened.

[Legion Zombie lvl: 34

Hp: 17000 mp: 2000

combination of many zombies that fused do to felling Threatened. Is powered by resentment and enchanted by the will of a nascent world]

"OK now time to solo a boss" I said as I ran up with my bat and knife after getting close to the leg i charged my power strick and hit him in the leg and a bunch of blood flew out and after that I changed the knife and slashed the leg which came clean of.

[Hp: 15300]

Next thing I knew I was slamming Into a wall.

"Ought what the" after laying for a few seconds I got up "bitch" after getting back up I used my skill

Spring mana arrow: critical hit

Zombie Hp: 9800

Jayden Hp: 96

Ok now I need to kill it quick I only have 9 hours left. "I should use that one skill"

After holding up my palm I started gathering my mana and when I got the big ball I wanted I started spinning in it after spinning it for a few seconds I let it go in its face

You have slayed the Legion Zombie empowered by the will of a nascent world

[You have gained 1 level

You have gained 1 level

You have gained 1 level

You have gained 1 level





After going to where it died I looked at what u dropped

[ Currency: 50,000 us dollars]

[Lowest grade healing potion:

instantly recovers 200HP.

"Wow 10 lvls that means 50 points" (so how am I suppose to get to the will of the nascent world) after a few seconds I felt something pulling me and I was in a all black space and when I turned behind me I saw a floating ball the size of a large boulder of what I assumed was the will of the world

" Devour, death, hunger, undead, hunger, hate"

That's what it keep saying over and over again and the I smelled the most Is disgusting, rancid, vile smell ever

"Time to die I guess" I said as I threw a couple spinning mana arrows but before they hit it they Dissolved ok so my magics not strong enough" I said as I started changing my knife with power strick and started running at it.

As I was running at it I saw little glimmers next to it and and blast of death magic flew just pass me.

(If that hits me I will definitely die) I thought as I was running and as wi was infrornt of it it blasted but I Dodged it and Stabed it right in the center and everything went white and I woke up in a empty is and all the notification

[You have gained 1 lvl

You have gained 1 lvl

You have gained 1 lvl

You have gained 1 lvl

You have gained 1 lvl

You have gained 1 lvl

You have gained 1 lvl

You have gained 1 lvl




Ok 30 lvl if I add the lvls form the reward so all together thats ..200 POINTS!!!

Before using the points I will use the skill book and look at the items form the will.

[You have gained the skill life drain]

[You have gained the skill magic

Ok so for the nascent world will I got oh wow

[Fragment core of a lesser nascent world

rank: Special

Fragmented piece of the will of a nascent Zombie world that never got to form.

Can be used to do several things such as doing spells, rituals, crafting, Alchemy, and other things]

[Currency: 100,000 us dollars]

[Dager of worldly resentment

Rank: special

A dager made by the resentment of a world that never got to form

Effects: whoever is slashed by this dager will decay and turn into a zombie

+200% strength

Skill create undead]

"Wow that's a lot I'm going to finish this in the morning" I said putting all the stuff into my inventory leaving the ID and laying down.

"Wow that was a long day" I said drifting off to sleep.

hey guys hope you like the chapter

Gaming_Gladiatorcreators' thoughts