
Gamer in the fantasy world

Niam Borne, an ordinary college student who spends most of his time playing games dies on earth in order to save his lover. Due to his kindness and good nature he is given a chance to get reincarnated in the fantasy world of magic and sword. Not only does he get reincarnated but also ends with a special superpower called the Gamer, which allows him to turn his reality into a game. Now Niam's adventure begins in the world of fantasy as a gamer.

Hadi_Abdul_Hadi · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
7 Chs

Chapter 2

I can't believe what I was hearing, I started asking questions.

"So you're saying I'm dead?" I asked him.

"Yes," he answered.

"And this is the afterlife?"


" And you're the grim reaper?"

"No the angel of death, the grim reaper is my subordinate who wears a cloak with a robe"

"This is a little hard for me to take in"

"You want me to show you some proof?" he asked.

"Yes please" if he really is an angel that would be cool.

He showed me his wings, his black-colored beautiful feathered wings that popped on his back like in that TV series Lucifer. He really was looking like an angel.

"So cool," I said.

"Normally a random reaper takes care of this souls business, but consider yourself lucky"

"Why's that?" I asked.

"Cause the king of all reapers is standing in front of you taking care of your pure soul and your fate all at the same time."

"Okay," I said.

"Now let's get straight to business shall we" he clapped his hands.

One moment I was standing the next moment I am sitting on a seat next to the table with a glass of soda in my hand.

"Now let's decide where you want to go since your a good soul you have two choices?" he said to me as he was drinking tea.

"I'm a good soul? Are you kidding me?" I said that as I lost my emotion.

"I know everything about you there is to know, what you love, what you hate, how many meals you ate in your lifetime, what places you visited, what food you like and hate, everything even your sins"

"I have sinned so why am I not going to hell or purgatory?"

"The sins you committed was violence and murder"

"And should that be forgiven?"

" The people no the scum you crippled were horrible people who were fond of tormenting others and the people you killed committed murder themselves and weren't even punished by the law, seriously what with those humans first they create laws to keep everything in order then they trample on them with their power and money"

"Yeah that's how they roll," I said while sipping on my drink.

"Even though you committed violence you still helped a lot of people and they are grateful to you and they prayed for your well-being they genuinely loved and supported you. Your sins are nothing compares to the number of good deeds you have done throughout your life."

"I see so what choices do I have?"

"One you can either go to heaven or get reincarnated"

"Get reincarnated?"

"Reborn if you had lived a complete life we would have sent you directly to heaven but you didn't get to live a proper life so you are given a chance to be reincarnated and live your life to the fullest"

"Just send me to heaven, what's the point in living the same boring life back on earth"

"Earth isn't the only place you'll get reincarnated to"

"Huh? what do you mean?"

"There is another world called Enchantia, a world of mystical and magical power where all sorts of mythical creatures roam the earth and different raced humanoids such as elves, dwarfs, fairies, of different races created civilizations, also humans and all sorts of beings having the power to control mana and perform magic."

"Awesome," I said.

"But if you wish to go to heaven then that's fine"

"No, wait reincarnate me to Enchantia"

"Are you sure?"


I spend most of my time playing video games and my types of games were fighting, shooting, and creative games. My most favorite type of game was fantasy medieval games like Skyrim, dark souls, final fantasy, etc. I loved those games and sometimes I wish I was in a fantasy world adventuring, learning magic, slaying beasts, and exploring the world.

"Reincarnation it is then"

"Wait can you please do me a favor?"

"What's that?"

"I want to see how Talia is doing and what kind of future will she have please"

"Fine give me a minute" he suddenly disappeared.

After a while, he comes back with someone. A man, tall, buff, black, and handsome wearing a grey robe.

"This is Amenadial the angel of time he can fulfill your request if you convince him"

I came in front of him and said

"Sir I wish to see Talia Rosary and her future of what kind of life she would live please"

"Okay, "he said.

"What?" said Azrael as he was surprised.

"What?"I was also surprised, wasn't I supposed to convince him.

"When I asked you for the favor you said no and argued with me for an hour, why would you just simply say yes to him?"

"You didn't mention that he was a pure soul, I don't mind granting a minor request for someone like him"

"Thank you"

"Off we go then" he grabbed my shoulder and we teleported.

We were on earth outside my apartment. We went inside and saw Talia lying on the couch.

"Talia," I said that and touched her my hand went through her.

"She can't hear you or touch you, your only a spirit or simply a wandering soul basically a ghost"

"What happened to her?"I asked Amenadial.

"It's been 8 months since your death I thought I should let you see her in the appropriate time, she survived cause of you and when she heard about you she was devastated, traumatized, sad and angry at you for doing something like this for her"

I heard a baby crying. She wakes up and went inside the room and picked it up to calm it down.

"Whose baby is that? Where did she get a baby?"

"That's your child, your son"

"What?"I said in shock.

"I have a kid? Why didn't I know this?" I asked Amenadial.

"She was going to die and founding out that she was pregnant devastated her, the fact that she was going to die and also kill your son made her feel guilty and she didn't want you to hate her"

"I would never do that"

"She hated herself for this but you saved her life and gave her a gift before dying at first she was sad and broken, wanted to kill herself but that baby, your son gave her a reason to live and helped her move on"

"I see I can't believe it," I said while crying.

"She named him Mito after your father of course"

"I always used to say that I would name my kid Mito if I had one"

" Now let's move forward," he said that and we teleported again.

We appeared back in my apartment it looked different, I saw a boy running around, he was adorable blue eyes, pale skin, black hair, and full of energy around 9, 10 years old.

"Now we are 10 years into the future."

"10 years old so that boy is Mito"


"Wow he's adorable"

"Talia is a single mother and an extraordinary artist, she made a living with her artwork, her painting was worth millions of dollars"

"Really wow, well I knew she was talented but wow, wait if she has millions of dollars in her pocket why would she still live in this apartment? shouldn't she buy and move to a big house?"

"Well she was attached to this apartment cause of you"

"Mom, grandpa's package arrived," said Mito to Talia.

"Put it on the table we'll open it later," said Talia.

"Your grandfather and brother helped her get back on her feet, they supported her, and they even play with Mito, taking him to the amusement parks, buying him toys and games, even spending time with him on their free schedule."

"Wow that's unexpecting"

"Your death did change them a lot"

"okay and finally" we teleported again.

We arrived at a funeral with lots of people dressed in black and an old lady in a coffin.

"Now we're 70 years into the future "

"70 so that woman is Talia"

"Yes she dies at age 96, she did got married at the age of 35 and found a decent man named Nito and had two more kids a boy and a girl. Also, your son grew out to be a decent and strong man something you would have been if you got to live more years. A lot of people loved Talia and she dies a happy woman having everything she could ask for"

"I am glad really I am wow"

"Is that enough?" said Amenadial

"Yeah," I said while wiping out my tears.

We teleported back to the afterlife.

"Amenadial," I said.

"What is it?" he said.

"Your a darn good guy, you know that? Thank you"

He actually blushed and said, "Good bye" then disappeared.

"Now then that's over your ready"


"Until we meet again"

I was excited to enter the fantasy world. I didn't know what kind of life I would live but I was excited. Azrael comes in front of me and touches my forehead, I pass out.

I didn't know what happened everything was dark, now wake up. I saw some vivid memories of myself. Then suddenly I woke up everything, lying under the tree on the soft grass.

"What the?" I looked around I was inside a forest. Then a hologram screen popped up in front of me saying

"Welcome to Enchantia, Niam"

I was astonished and said, "What the heck?"