
Gamer in RWBY

Disclaimer All copyrighted content is the property of its respective owner(s). You know the cliche someguy gets transmigrated and have to be the hero of their own stories right? Well this guy Albus Goodwitch has the LUCK of being transmigrated into the world of Remnant or RWBY a web series show. Knowing the plot and very much lack of faith of the MC of the show he decided to put himself in harms way to hopefully achieve his goals of peace. Fortunately the unlikely Goodwitch didn't come alone as he has the powers of The Gamer to help me out. --- Also first time doing a Gamer Fic so I do hope you don't mind the mistakes I might make along the way.

Jovami6729 · Anime & Comics
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61 Chs

Chapter 40: Beat the Bully (3)

~Albus POV~

Helping Velvet up who looks a bit stun by my actions as I hand over my hand to her as I asked genuinely honestly for her safety, "Now then my fellow classmate are you fine? I mean those bullies had it coming for even doing this kind of stunt. The name is Albus Goodwitch and you are miss?"

Velvet looked like she got out of her shock as she grabs my hand as raised herself up thanking me for the help, "Uh… thank you very much for the help there Albus. I'm Velvet Scarlatina. But…"

Velvet motions over to her lunch falling down as I made no shame or attempt to offer her my own as I talked to her like I would need to eat anymore, "Oh you talking about your lunch, right? No worries you can have mine. Wasn't hungry anyway."

Like that I next provided for her my lunch as I introduce her to my friends in a calm manner to her, "This here Velvet is my team. Team GRNN with me Albus, Ruby, Pyrrha, and Nora. This right here is team RWBY with Ren, Weiss, Blake, and Yang."

Velvet nervously takes my lunch as she views everyone while everyone greeted her calmly except for Weiss giving her the stink eye. Sigh… I swear that girl needs to wake up soon but for now though we gave her an opening atmosphere.

For that, we talked about other topics of how the second years handle themselves Velvet talked about her friends of her teammates. As that was happening Yang motioned to me with a curious question, "So… Al dusty are you really going to show that bully his place huh? The last time you weren't exactly ready you know?"

Nodding at this I knew my weakness from last time but unlike last time I learned some neat tricks of my own as I replied to Yang smirking at her, "True. But unlike last time though I'm very confident in my skills after grinding during the weekends. Leveled up a few times with some skills to boot."

Yang nods understanding this as she is the only person who knew about my powers of the Gamer and not the rest of her team. There are sometimes I wish to keep my powers hidden but at times glad I don't have to keep it a secret.

Makes me wonder what if I had it a secret for a while or would I be treated differently because of it…

Wait did she call me Al dusty?


Like that time soon passed forward to sparring class again with different students fighting one another as they try to perfect themselves as I get ready for my own. Cardin and I didn't go out in the first place as it seems he needed to be calm.

A warrior that fights blindly loses a lot.

While Cardin does portray himself to be an arrogant bully his not a dumb one as shown in the show. I mean he managed to enter Beacon Academy whether he bought it here or showed real skill doesn't matter in the slightest.

What mattered is that he guarantee himself to be at the elites despite his personality.

As things stood it took us a while viewing the fights before Glynda finally says to any volunteers, "Now then. Would anyone else would like to volunteer to be next to spar against your classmates?"

Raising his hand Cardin glared at me as he scoffs at me as he replied to Glynda, "I would! I would like to fight against Albus' professor. I and he have a score to settle."

Glynda raises her eyebrow as I replied to her with a nod and confirmation in my voice as I spoke, "I agree Professor Goodwitch. I and Cardin have some… issues that need to be worked out."

Sighing at this Glynda began to talk to the both of us giving us the confirmation of the fight as we both walked down, "Sigh… boys will be boys. Very well then Mister Winchester and Goodwitch. And no below under the belts fights. I'm talking about you Albus about the incident nut cracking team CRDL for bullying you."


Some of the class stifle some laughter about that as my team briefly laughed at that with me taking care of that. I guess that was why Cardin is confident now since I can't go for the usual methods of taking down people.

My team gave me a worried expression as I place thumbs up on them as I thanked them for their time helping me, "No worries. I thank you three for your time training me. Have some faith at least."

Nodding at this I began to get down to the middle of the battlefield as Cardin was getting ready as I used <Observe> to see what the difference was.

< [Huntsman-in-Training]

Cardin Winchester Lv.78 (3900/3900 HP) (1950/1950 AP)

Cardin's personality can be compared to the classic stereotype of the "school bully", with some minor exceptions. Such characters are often found in school dramas and teen movies. He and his team enjoy hurting and picking on others.

Reputation with Albus [-40/100]>

Besides I'm not going to let Cardin ever get an attack in attacking from the distance.

I see so nothing changed from the previous time as I took this time to glance at Cardin waiting for Glynda as she began to instruct us, "Very well then. As per the rules once your opponent reaches 10% of their aura you are the winner. And remember nothing dirty or below the belts you two. And now…. BEGIN!"


Hearing the beeping sound of the speakers I began to quickly move ahead first this time to see Cardin begin to slam down his weapon going for a narrow explosion-based attack. Sorry but not this time.


"Ahh! What the hell!"

Not taking any chance I used <Gyro-Telekinesis> to crush the Fire Dust inside the Cardin weapon using gravity to destroy it. I made sure to remember everything from last time.

And I remembered Cardin's weapon The Executioner and a red Dust crystal placed at the center, kept in place by four claws. It also has a button above the hilt, suggesting this activates the Dust function.

But this time though the explosion of relying on Fire Dust I crushed it under the force of gravity to ensure it caused its own explosion. Remember Dust is very dangerous and volatile to aura or semblance making them active.

His weapon though has been damaged but useable as Cardin glances at it as he grits his teeth at the damaged weapon. Not time to spare I began to use <Dark Glyphs> under him making some people gasp at the scene.

Glynda even looked surprised at this as I managed to use Glyphs and already figured out what my effects are as I use <Photo-Telekinesis> effects to summon up small balls of light rays as Cardin gets worried, "What the hell! I can't see! I thought your semblance is telekinesis, not this! Why can't I hear myself."

Replying to Cardin even though he can't hear me I managed to answer his question to let my peers listen in, "Simple. Glyphs can be learned by anyone but the effects range depending on the person. For Glynda, she uses it as barriers or shields. Mine has the benefit of adding debuffs or buffs to my targets."



Shooting off from the <Photo-Telekineis> ball of lights are launched towards Cardin but non-lethal as they hit down on Cardin as he felt the pain in his body of the rays of light damaging his aura in the process.

I made sure to hit on some of the critical points for extra damage on him as I saw that his Aura pool is becoming thinner and thinner on the screen I stopped the effects of <Dark Glyphs> again making Cardin aware again.

(890/1950 AP)

Managed to crack a lot of damage as Cardin managed to get himself together again as he growls at me, "Grr… damn it! No way I'm losing like this – Whoa!"


Using <Telekinetic Pull/Push> pushed Cardin away sending him flying away as he made a large thud hitting the wall and waited for him to get up as he does so slowly while I wait to replenish my AP bar, "Ugh… damn it. I won't be beaten Goodwitch. Better hope I won't be near you when I'm done."


I simply waited as I held up my The List pointing it at him.

Cardin then began to charge up at me as his aura seemed to glow brightly as my eyes widen at the sudden change till I saw some screens pop up.

[Cardin used his Semblance <Full Bash> skill.]

[Super AGI in effect]


Suddenly moving to the side automatically I immediately saw Winchester rush me in his aura light my eyes flashed of surprise as I managed to dodge the attack. Narrowing my eyes at him and my AP bar is up again waiting those few seconds.




A burst of energy released around me as I used the skill <Repulsion Field> to repulse anything in my surroundings pushing Cardin back to the wall again along with some round shots from The List as his aura finally drops down to 10% of his aura pool.

"Enough! The winner is Albus Goodwitch."

Breathing a sigh of relief as Cardin gets back up in surprise as Glynda began to encourage me as she replied, "I have to admit Albus. You have certainly improved and to be able to learn glyphs in two days. I have to say I'm impressed."

Oh well…

+10 Reputation with Team CFVY [20/100]

Taking her thanks I glance back at my team sighing in relief as Team RWBY nodded their heads seeing I won with… Team CFVY glancing at me with Velvet waving her hands in my direction teaching the bully a lesson.

This is only the week and I have been through the wringer I guess I have a lot to catch up soon enough. Still, though I have plenty of time to hurry ahead now then I think dinner should be soon I hope they have something good.

Guess I better get to work on the other skills soon enough.