
Gamer in RWBY

Disclaimer All copyrighted content is the property of its respective owner(s). You know the cliche someguy gets transmigrated and have to be the hero of their own stories right? Well this guy Albus Goodwitch has the LUCK of being transmigrated into the world of Remnant or RWBY a web series show. Knowing the plot and very much lack of faith of the MC of the show he decided to put himself in harms way to hopefully achieve his goals of peace. Fortunately the unlikely Goodwitch didn't come alone as he has the powers of The Gamer to help me out. --- Also first time doing a Gamer Fic so I do hope you don't mind the mistakes I might make along the way.

Jovami6729 · Anime & Comics
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61 Chs

Chapter 4: Ruby Rose (2)

~Albus POV~

Entering inside the store named the From Dust Till Dawn viewing all of the contents inside as I was honestly impressed about them.

A shop's windows indicate that Dust, crystals, books, tools, cartridges, and scales are sold at the shop. The counter contains a glass display case containing Dust crystals. On the walls are a set of tubes containing different colors of powdered Dust, which can be extracted by attaching a smaller cylindrical container to the bottom of the tube.

A look around the store shows an assortment of glass jars, containers, and boxes likely meant for containing Dust. They also offer magazines and a newspaper called "Vale Times".

Viewing around I began to look around as I saw a very noticeable girl as I made my attempt to make myself known as I went ahead to go towards a magazine about weapons. The best way to know about Ruby is to go after something with the same interest.

Going into the magazine booth I managed to get a copy of Weapons Magazine issue 228 as it says on the cover as I open to see it while I began to read the contents with some actual interest, "Hmm… these weapons aren't bad. Although I could try to find something more good simple since these seems a bit much."

As I was busy reading the magazine I heard a distinct cry near me as I heard a feminine voice heard as she moaned about something, "Ahh… that's the last issue of the Weapons Magazine 228! Your so lucky mister but can I please have it… I mean if it's ok with you but it's totally fine if you have it."

Smirking at her I saw the girl pleading to me was none other than Ruby Rose I nodded my head as I hand over the magazine to her as I replied, "Hm? Sure if you want this much miss Rose then I will happily apply."

At this Ruby smiled happily taking the magazine as I began to check her using my observes skill to see where she stands.

[The Silver Eyed-Warrior]

Ruby Rose Lv.?

Ah, that makes sense even though I expected she was higher level. However, it seems like Ruby finally caught on to how I knew her name as she spoke surprised, "Wait a minute. Mister, how did you know who I am? I never met you before or told you my last name?"

Laughing lightly at this I made some small talk to her as I explained my predicament to her about my 'Semblance' explaining it the best I could, "Hehe. Sorry about surprising you miss Rose but it was my semblance that allowed me to see your name. Although it did leave me pretty much… forgettable about some things. Here let me show you an example."

Taking a random magazine book I began to use my Inventory to take a random book into my inventory Ruby looked immediately impressed by this as she asked the obvious, "Whoa! You have a space-related semblance that's so cool! But wait… that doesn't explain how you knew my name though?"

I see…

People can't see my Inventory window it seems as it pops in and out of existence but Ruby was quick to discern that it was space-related at a mere glance. True I could be overthinking this but at least this tells me that the Protagonist here isn't dumb as they appear to be in the show something I'll take notice of.

Again must be reality working with the actual mental process of a person thinking ahead.

Nodding my head at this I began to properly introduce myself to get better trust with Ruby as I grinned kindly at her, "Yes that is correct miss Rose. Wait I never introduced myself have I yet? My apologies Ruby Rose allow me to properly introduce myself I'm Albus Goodwitch pleasure to make your acquaintance."

She merely blinked at me before finally flustering a bit and speaking about properly introducing yourself to a stranger as she also pointed out wanting to know more about my semblance, "Ah! You're right I never did introduce myself but Dad says I can't talk to strangers but never said that I can befriend one that knows me… Okay then hello mister Goodwitch I'm Ruby Rose and I'm…. uh… interested how you did all of that?"


Since a fight is bound to break out soon it might be best to form a party and for lack of a better term use Ruby to my advantage. As for how friendly she is and this being proof enough she'll believe it enough to be convinced.

Once more I laughed lightning as it was breathtaking to have a nice talk to settle my nerves being transmigrated here in an unknown body as I spoke to her calmly, "Hohoho. It's pleasure to meet you, Ruby Rose. As for your earlier question though my Semblance just recently awakened that left me… restarted of sorts. But to your early question… made myself a video game character. Here let me show you another example. Form Party. Rose Petals. Invite Ruby Rose."


She cutely stutters in surprise seeing the window for the first time as she accepted it quite easily it seems as she has stars on her eyes as she responded, "Whoa! This is a really cool semblance to have powers like a video game! Wait a minute…"

Blinking at this she gave me a perplexed expression on her face as she asked me somewhat worriedly surprising me a bit as she spoke, "Wait you said your semblance restarted you right? What does that mean exactly to you though?"

Placing my hand on my chin and glancing away looking at the ceiling with a hopeless glint in my eyes I replied what I meant it does as I spoke, "It's exactly what it means I was reset. Meaning all my knowledge, memories, and maybe skills I previously had have been reset to nothing back to Lv.1. I can't even remember my past anymore or what I was like I suppose…? Quite the dilemma I'm in."

Ruby then gave me a helpless expression but pity as well but it seems like I'm going to need some more work on befriending the natural trouble magnet seeing she is concerned for my well-being.

Bless this sweet girl and fuck the plot for screwing this world story.

Before our conversation could continue though I noticed someone coming and approaching us as I began to derail our current conversation as I spoke to Ruby with some seriousness inside my voice, "Ruby. You wouldn't happen to know how to fight would you considering that a bunch of goons is coming towards this place to rob this store?"

At this, her earlier expression vanished as he eyes glanced at the thugs with Roman Torchwick coming over to the side as he began to get what he wanted. I can see that Ruby wants to act as I made sure to give her a better idea as I spoke, "I wouldn't recommend attacking now. Sneak attack one of them to get a better advantage thinking they have the advantage before you strike them down."

Ruby heard my plan and waited for now. Good at least Ruby can understand the importance of such a plan.

Shame I didn't have time to train my skills some more but I'll make do with what I have as I observe the levels of Roman Torchwick and his goons he bought from Junior Place.


[Kingpin of Crime]

Roman Torchwick Lv.? (?/? HP)


Thug Lv. 17 (850/850 HP)


Thug Lv.18 (900/900 HP)


Thug Lv.20 (1000/1000 HP)

Some of his men are around the levels of 17-20 gaps. Not a good start for me but with my skills I think I can manage by harming them in vital areas or assisting Ruby in disarming them at the very least. Plus, I recall not all of them have an aura to be much of a threat but their weapons I would need to disarm.

I was observing the henchman that Roman commands as he goes for another tube, he hears the muted This Will Be the Day song from the girl's direction and unsheathes his sword as he spoke to her as his pointing sword at her back, "Alright kids, put your hands where I can see 'em. Hey, I said hands in the air! You got a death wish or something!?"

He goes over to her and turns her around, the hood dropping to reveal a surprised Ruby Rose wearing headphones. He motions for her to lower them as Ruby asked confused as she is doing so while I prepare myself in the process, "Yes? Oh, wait are you robbing me?"

It's showtime.