
Gamer in Naruto: The Devil

Truck-kun found yet another victim, yet another story about reincarnation with some cheats in the naruto world. ----------------------------- Disclaimer: These are purely speculative works of fiction. It is not intended to gain any profit. I do not have any rights to Naruto, The Gamer or any other fictional series mentioned in this work. -----------------------------

Ltdagabriel · Anime & Comics
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11 Chs

Hokage's Office again

Again, I am in front of Hokage office, this time something is wrong, in the path the shinobi are on alert.

"Tetsu dono, Hokage is waiting for you"

Entering the office, the room has a lot more hidden ANBU, visibly are Shikaku Nara, Fugaku Uchiha and Jiraya.

Tetsu was in a lively form, but the air inside the office is heavy.

"Good afternoon, what is all this tension?"

Jiraya Status

---- Analysis ----

Toha Yamaji LV 180

Title: Kage, Jiraya Sannin, Toad Sage, Pervy Sage

HP 2.200/2.200

CP 12.300/12.300

STR 400

DEX 320

VIT 220

INT 300

AGI 200

MND (NA) → CC 99%

LUK 50


Status Abnormality Resistance LV 5

CP automatic recovery speed increase LV 1

Fire techniques Lv 10

Earth techniques Lv 10

Water techniques Lv 10

Wind techniques Lv 10

Sage Lv 3(CP x3)


Fire release, Wind release, Earth release, Water release, Yin Release, Yang release


Among the people inside the Hokage's office, Fugaku was the most cautious.

Among the people inside the Hokage's office, Fagaku was the most cautious. He activated the sharingan and did not take his eyes off Tetsu, his eyes formed from three tomoes followed by three spiral curves in a counterclockwise direction around the pupil, this is Fugaku's Mangekyō Sharingan.

Jiraya, is confused by Tetsu's reaction.

"Tetsu, what's up with that chakra?"

Tetsu made a confused face, he had no idea what Jiraya was talking about, sometime later as if he had made a discovery.

"Ohh, I forgot"

All the observers in the room looked puzzled at the scene, 'He forgot?'

As observers tried to understand what was going on, Tetsu looked at his status card, Tetsu then used [Imagination Magic] to cover his entire chakra and imagined that his chakra would not be visible.

Everyone in the room was jaw-dropping, in seconds of three tails the boy's chakra became smaller than that of a civilian.

"Dad, since I'm here …"

"What you want? is it another girl?"

"Oh, dad you know me .. I brought another girl and would like her on my team with Rin"

"You brought from where?"

"I was exercising,

I went a little far from the edge of the village, there I met bandits attacking a carriage,

I captured them all, and I left them tied

... it reminds me they are tied somewhere outside the village ...

I saved Naza , but her father was already dead. I promised that I would take care of her and train her to be a kunoichi, so I ask you to put her on my team"

Jiraya seemed to think of something, he seemed to understand

"Did you make a promise?"

"(nod) Yes"

"How old is she"


"Did she go to any academy?"


"She is strong?"


"How will she be a ninja if she is weak?"

"I will train her"

"What are you going to do if I refuse?"

"I will left"

"Do you have her documents?"

"No, she is a refugee"

"Okay, but she is your responsibility"

"Hokage sama …" Nara tried to say something, however Jiraiya stopped him.

---- Analysis ----

Shikaku Nara LV 115

Title: Jōnin

HP 1.200/1.200

CP 4.100/4.100

STR 150

DEX 180

VIT 120

INT 350

AGI 180

MND (NA) → CC 90%

LUK 40


CP automatic recovery speed increase LV 1

Shadow techniques Lv 10


Yin Release


"You can leave now"

Tetsu was leaving but he stopped and looked at Fugaku, he thought of something and checked …

---- Analysis ----

Fugaku Uchiha LV 120

Title: Jōnin, Head of the Uchiha Clan, Wicked Eye Fugaku

Status effect: Mind Control(Inactive)

HP 1.500/1.500

CP 1.900/2.250

STR 250

DEX 130

VIT 150

INT 150

AGI 230

MND (NA) → CC 85%

LUK 15


CP automatic recovery speed increase LV 3

Fire techniques Lv 10

Dōjutsu LV 5


Fire release, Yin Release, Sharingan


"Dad, your red-eyed friend is under a Genjutsu!"

He just said that and left


<<Jiraya POV – After Tetsu left>>

Fukaku, immediately spoke

"Hokage-sama, this boy is dangerous, he is Three tail Jinchuuriki?"

"No, Rin Nohara is the three-tailed Jinchuuriki."

"Can we trust this son of yours?"

"I have no choice he is that woman's son"

"That woman, is she back?"

"Apparently it's just the boy, I got a note from that woman, tell me to take care of him or she'll remove my balls."

Fukaku doesn't know about her, because when she appeared in Konoha he was on a mission.

"' That woman', What are you talking about?"

"You don't know, this woman was terrorizing the fire nation 11 years ago, the best known act is about the Kyūbi that destroyed Konoha"

"How did she get involved in this?"

"You know, Minato was fighting alone against Kyuubi and Obito, so she decided to help, you know what she did to help? ... she broke into the Third and Danzo's house and literally kicked them both in the middle of the fight."

"Poor Danzo had to fight Obito, and the third stayed with the Kyuubi, Minato took care of Kushina who was in the middle of the battle, but she was dying so 'that woman' offered a deal, she would save Kushina and in return Minato would have only 10 years of life."

"After that Minato tried to seal the Kyuubi on the baby, but the shinigami refused ... The fucking shinigami was afraid of 'that woman' ... so the Third used the seal."

"Was that how Danzo died?"

"Yes, but he did not die in vain, without his help we would not have identified the culprit in this incident."

Nara was more concerned with something else.

"Hokage-sama, what did he say about Fugaku being in Genjutsu, is it possible?"

The two looked at Fugaku, both were waiting for an answer.

Fugaku seemed to think, he found a possibility, (Only with a stronger Doujutsu, or a better evolution of the Sharingan)

"Just someone who evolved the Sharingan above Mangekyō …"

"Our clan has a secret stone teaching the evolution of the Sharingan, after Mangekyō there is Eternal Mangekyō and with some restraints the Rinnegan"

"Are you saying that there is someone who has one of these two evolutions?"

"If what the boy said is true, it's the only explanation.."

Nara seems to have another idea

"Fugaku can I ask you something?"

"Would it be possible to apply a technique to some object, so that someone who observes the object is influenced?"

"Never tried but yea."

"What if your plaque have a technique active to do it? Whatever read it is seized."

They continued their discussion on the subject.


<< POV Tetsu>>

Tetsu was coming home, on his way he found Rin walking sadly.

Tetsu seeing her sad remembered that every time he felt sad, his mother hugged him and soon he was happy again.

Tetsu wanting to make her happy ran to her and hugged her from behind

"Why are you sad Rin?"

When Rin felt someone hug her from behind, she tensed, but after hearing his voice she melted.

"I ... Hum .. na."

"Okay Rin, I have some good news."

Rin turned to look him in the eye.

"You get in Academy?"

"Yes yes, we will be on the same team"

Rin was happy and jumped into Tetsu's arms. Tetsu hugged her, the pedestrians around looked at the scene and applauded, they thought she agreed to be his girlfriend.

Rin turned red after listening to them.

"Rin, shall we train together?"

"Yes, where we will train?"

"You can come to my house, the pleasure ground (yard) is big, and I will put protection (barrier) so that there is no danger(nothing will be destroyed) and if anything happens(get hurt) i will assume(I will heal / fix)."

"Agreed, I'll be counting on you"

After saying Rin seemed to try to understand what Tetsu said and got redder.

"You ..."

She in his embrace, began to lightly punch Tetsu's chest.



Guys, I'm moving house tomorrow, I won't post for a few days, if everything goes well (Internet) in two days I'll post again.

Guys if you see an error (Language, Inconsistency, ...) warn me that I try to fix it