
gamer's world online

this is a rewrite of my novel am not really all that good at my writing i will be improving my work as i good forward. give it a try and tell me what you think about it

meliodaswrath · Fantasy
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4 Chs

chapter 2

Narrator P.O.V

Time passed as the day turned to night Seth groaned in pain, his eyes fluttering open to the night sky adorned with the stars and moons. he let out a tired sigh thinking back about the last attack at the end of the battle he couldn't help sighing once more at how close he almost got killed by it. 

Turning his gaze to his side, he observed the unconscious dark wolf, The burnt patches on its fur slowly healed he also noticed the sword mark he had left on it, along with scars from battles past—claw marks, bite wounds, and what appeared to be burn marks. Sighing once more, Seth contemplated the close call he had faced and closed his eyes, succumbing to much-needed sleep.

As the sun ascended, casting vibrant rays upon the forest as the leaves glowed a beautiful emerald green…walking up Seth placed his hands over his eyes to block off the sun's rays rubbing his eyes to get them adjusted to the morning ray he sat up and looked around him confused about his surrounding till he remembers the battle he had, looking around he sees nothing out of the ordinary he looks behind him and sees the wolf he fought which he decided to call kuro.

Getting up he stretches a bit to get the blood in his body flowing he picks up his weapon which had started to turn a little dull putting it back in its sheet he looks at Kuro and takes cautious steps toward him without making too much noise he reaches out his hands and places it gently on his fur which hasn't been burnt and rubbed it gently he couldn't help but notice how smooth his fur is. Lost in the feeling of his smooth fur he didn't notice when Kuro woke up and was staring at him but he did nothing and was just staring at him.

When he noticed that Kuro was awake and was staring at him instead of jumping back in fear or shock he just looked at him calmly.

Seth p.o.v

Seth: so do you want to be my friend? It looks like I will be in the forest for quite a while and I could use the company. Seth asked while still rubbing Kuro's dark soft fur.

Kuro: *looking at him for a couple of seconds* bark *nods head*

Seth: great in that case for now on your name will be Kuro

Kuro: bark bark (happy at the name given to him)

Several hours passed, and Seth and Kuro, fully healed, hunted for their meal. Spotting a deer with a dim green glow to its antlers, Kuro utilized shadowwalk to surprise and swiftly kill it. Seth, emerging from the bushes, patted Kuro's head and gathered the deer for their meal. he lifts the deer and they both make their way back to the clearing where they once fought.

Placing the deer down he began skinning it first cutting out the antlers and putting them aside for later use, he began cutting the flesh and placing it under the sun to have it dry, then removing the organs and throwing them away and kuro jumping into the air to eat them seeing this seth couldn't help but laugh once everything was done he gathered woods together and lit it on fire before place it on a roast. A few hours pass with Seth and Kuro having their fill of their meal, they set off to find water and shelter before the night comes.

After hours of searching for a place to call a temporary home…after walking for a few hours they find a tree with the base of the tree and part of the ground dug out and a hollow going in he sees that the underground space is huge enough for both he and Kuro, coming out of the space he looks around for a bush or bark he could use as a makeshift door once that was done he and Kuro left to go find a water source.

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