

In early century 22,there are 3 best friends 1:(James),2:(allen),3:(marzia) who are addicted like into gaming world . One of them Marzia is games developer so Allen and James told her to Build a game where we can be virtually present into that game . Both allen and james are a huge fan of call of duty so they suggest her to create shooting game for them . Marzia at first found that little hard to work on it because allen and james also suggest her on more thing to create a neuro active device to their brain to experience game bit more in real life , but marzia said to them that i can do that but need some little time like (4 to 5 months).

( After 4 months and 12 days).

Allen and james got invited in her game developing section , allen and james are shocked to see that marzia was onto that activity for sure and fulfill their wish in a short.

Marzia developed two brain sensory neuron device which attach to the head of both and two virtual reality glasses in which they can see their selves in game .

They both are so warmed up by that moment and feels so much excitement in them.

Marzia named the game very similar call of duty , (call for lives).First allen got in suit himself up and is ready to be in it, then james also locked himself up by device and glasses.

"It is time to be in our first experience game "

said james then first mission starts with a simple intro on which they both are sergeant master and their commanding dropping them location of their mission .

(13th july 2256)

The date for their mission.

Allen and james were already hyped up by intro and there was 3 parts of missions in game.

The commander is NPC (NON Playable character) in game but superior to allen and james in game sense ,but marzia had a little secret of her too .

In first mission accordingly allen and james were heli and are landed in (no man's land ), In No man's land there are only two officers left and that are allen and james . Meanwhile they only backed up by pocket knife and no guns , so first of they sneak in found the guns of dead ones and they move on , then they saw 3 guys talking to each others like the war is ended ,but it is their regret .allen and james sneak on side of their site without leaving signals to any of them and then allen and james co operates and first kill the 2 on left and right and rush in the center one ...

After that they succeeded in ghosting all 3 of them moving forward to clear another wave but as they move there is red flare shoots in clear sky, allen and james knew that they were compromised by 4th one of 1st wave as he,d been in open ground smoking before . They were 2 and he is 1 so they killed him by instant. But the problem is ahead that there are all forces of enemy in no mans land were alert and finding intruders as i said before there was open ground but beneath that there was bunker ways all over spreading in whole ground so they jump in and move slowly without any sound there was 2 enemy coming up from front allen was looking 6 o,clock(back) for safety as there in front james watching so james saw the 2 of them and killed one of their front enemies but as james was busy shooting him the second one found allen vulnerable and shot in shoulder .As he groans and screamed james looked at his enemy and killed him in one bullet on his head , after that he looked at allen and grab him up but james didnt knew allen was hurt in real life too .

Marzia Had a little secret of her is that in this game there is no (non playable characters).Means all characters are real and she slaves them all in virtual reality but there is no virtaul in it because if any of them shot dead or be dead they are dead in real life and as for neuron transfer device there is also a similar feeling or injury caught in real life .. So thats why marzia keep allen and james away from each other like 15 M away in sound proof glass room so no one can hear each of their voices in real .

And on to that game, allen was really injured in real life too .