

The sky was dark and ominous, filled with thousands of ravens cawing and hissing as they gathered in a cloud above.

The prophet, who was in a state of God's Descent, went pale as she sensed the astonishing aura in the distance. She couldn't believe what she was seeing and opened her mouth a few times to ask questions, but ultimately couldn't bring herself to do so. She knew that asking questions would reveal her own strength.

But how did the other person accomplish all of this?

"Moon Realm domain… Black Crow Gaze… But how is this possible…" she muttered to herself, trying to understand.

The palace of Moonlaw City was like a floating island made of chalk, hovering above a turbulent sea. It was impossible for this surreal scene to exist under the rules of Currere. Even the greatest magic spells couldn't create such a dreamlike landscape.

Only in the Moon Realm, a world that reflected the wild thoughts of mortals, could such a thing appear.